$2 Creature Feature
Role-Playing Horror Series
$2 Creature Feature is an actual-play Monster of the Week podcast with Queue Times, bringing you the eerie adventures of the performers and employees of Severus Svarti's Traveling Fun Fair. Together this found family tackles threats both supernatural and mundane as they find their place in the world and fight the monsters.
... I Rolled A Four.
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Five friends.
Four characters.
Twenty-sided dice.
Join Liz, Alex, Carson, Larry, and their Dungeon Master/God-King Brandon as they play DnD together and explore an epic world of high fantasy
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
.ZeroStar is an Actual Play podcast during which we play “Uncharted Worlds” by Sean Gomes.
Our story is set almost 2000 years after Earth's sun meets a catastrophic end...
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2 Die Four
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Table Top RPG podcast of some friends who like to roleplay. Need something to listen to on your commute? How about listening to our RPG shenanigans?
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20 Sided Adventures
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
20 Sided Adventures is an actual-play Dungeons and Dragons podcast flexibly powered by the 5e ruleset. Come laugh with us, cry with us, and experience an incredible universe through immersive gameplay, storytelling and music.
20 Sided Stories
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
This is 20 Sided Stories, an improvised comedy and role-playing podcast. We're a bunch of actor-friends diving into your favorite worlds and genres with a mission to create an immersive, unscripted story in 16 episodes or less.
3 DMs and a Tale
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Hello, my name is Aaron.
This is my Improv Show called “3 DMs and a Tale”
I decided to put 4 Dungeon Masters in one room and make them dance for me. In each episode, a “Head DM” is selected by a d4. The remaining 3 DMs become players and without any prep, they will all have come up with everything on the spot: the world, their characters, and everything else you can imagine.
3d6 Down The Line
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
3d6 DTL is a tabletop roleplaying game actual play series, with a focus on the Old School Revival (OSR) of classic Dungeons & Dragons and its simulacra. We have none of the ego-facing, performative aspects, but all of the easy rapport displayed naturally by a group of old friends. Listen to how D&D is actually played!
5 Torches Deep Actual Play
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
On Fridays my group plays a game called 5 Torches Deep, which is a Old School Renaissance (OSR) style game which is games that play towards the old style of Dungeons and Dragons and focus mainly on actual dungeon delving. It is a much smaller and less complicated ruleset that is tremendous fun.
8bit Saga
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
8bit Saga is a biweekly RPG podcast from the 8bit Geek Network. Listen in as our mighty heroes play D&D, make terrible jokes, and explore the world they're in. First up, Shadow of the Old Republic, a D&D campaign set in the Star Wars Universe.
A Fistful of Treasure
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A failed voice actor, A Dungeon Master with delusions of grandeur, and a professional slacker.
Welcome to Endurail! A savage and unforgiving fantasy world. Join Val and Walker on their crusade against the unknown. They'll have to earn every sunrise in this do or die campaign.
A Fool's Quest
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
What would happen if you put every DND cliché into a bag of holding and then beat it with a humor stick? There's only one way to find out!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleS1 E00: Meet the Fools!
A Game of One's Own
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A Game of One's Own is an actual play podcast hosted by Maddy Searle, which focuses on solo and two-player role-playing games. Expect an eclectic mix of science fiction tales, fantasy fables, and horror stories based on games from the most innovative indie designers.
A Grim Podcast of Perilous Adventure
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Grim Podcast of Perilous Adventure is the Professional Casual Network's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Actual Play Podcast. We'll be playing through The Enemy Within, which is widely considered one of the best campaigns of any RPG. Join Dan the GM as Dani, Tim, Alexander P. Nelson, and JB try to survive the perils of the Old World. We're starting with a soldier, witch, stevedore, and a coachmen, heroes of renown far and wide- ok, …
A Hero Walks into a Bar
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast set in a homebrew world! Dungeon Master Dale Madison leads his party through a world of his own make, focusing on the heroic acts of the adventurers. A world where Warforged are created through necromancy, and wars are waged for nearly any reason. The heroes must find where they fall on the societal food chain and overcome every challenge they face.
A Horror Borealis
Role-Playing Horror Series
It's 1996: cell phones are a fantasy, JNCO jeans are in style, and there are monsters in the American wilds. In the town of Revenant, Alaska—just north of the Arctic circle and just south of the nation's most untamed national park—three women from wildly different walks of life must come together in the face of monstrous beasts, unsavory politicians, and their own dangerous secrets in order to unite their community and discover the truth about a ma…
A Knight of Shreds and Patches
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
An immersive Actual Play Podcast following the adventures of the Patina, a small mercenary company trying to make ends meet in a world set long after the society of today falls. Environments are green and communities and cities come together to support each other, leveraging what wild tech is left to be salvaged. Bullets are scarce and swords are common, which makes wild tech like the titular Knight, a large-scale comb…
A Night in the Basement
Role-Playing Horror Series
Our podcast is about inviting you to join us in the basement and have spooky Lovecraftian adventures! We roleplay mostly in 7th edition Call of Cthulhu by Chaosium, Inc. This podcast is recorded with eldritch microphones that are arcanely attuned for headphone stereo listening; also known as binaural recording. We mostly run short adventures with semi-persistent player characters and also feature an ongoing campaign 'The Masks of Nyarlathotep…
A Pint Of Cthulhu
Role-Playing Horror Series
Come join our players around the bar on what will hopfully be a sanity depriving adventure through the realms of HP Lovecraft using Chaosium inc's Call of Cthulhu game.
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Listen to a SampleThe Haunting 001
A Player's Primer to the Outlands
* Website: <http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20010914a>
A Player's Primer to the Outlands is an audio “tour” of various fantasy worlds located within the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Planescape role-playing game. The setting is not the usual fantasy theme that
A Quest for Magic and Steele
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Join us on our epic DnD.....well, maybe not so epic.....but, pretty cool adventure, as our family takes on the roles of our adventurers.. A Quest for Magic and Steele is our Home grown, Dungeons and Dragons podcast show brought to you by the SteeleEmpire. Amara, Shayna, Elisha, Ilana, Josiah, Brian, Danielle and David play the role playing RPG game of Dungeons and Dragons. We voice act all the characters, making it an enjoyable a…
A Troupe of Players
Role-Playing Steampunk Fantasy Series
An Actual Play RPG podcast! Our first campaign, A Ballad of Truth, takes place in the steampunk setting of Sarenel and is in the style of JRPGs like Final Fantasy! We hope you enjoy the show!
A Wasteland Story
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Combining audio from the table, scripted narration and atmospheric soundscapes, A Wasteland Story follows the travel of a young girl, lost and alone, struggling to survive in the wasteland.
SosKaid finds herself inexplicably rescued from the jagged rusty saw of a security robot by a young Brotherhood of Steel initiate. She had taken refuge in a factory building escaping the horrific events that overran her village and (presumably) wiped…
A Woman With Hollow Eyes
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Darcy Ross leads James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl, and Alan Linic into the actuality with an actual play of Monte Cook Games' Invisible Sun.
In the city of Satyrine, there is cab driven by a woman with hollow eyes. She can take you where you need to go, but she always takes what you can afford to pay.
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
The Advanced Age Roleplaying Gamers Podcast is a bunch of nerds who've been gaming together for over 30 years hoping to capture the fun and comradery of the weekly game we started when the pandemic hit.
Aboard the Opal Star
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
An Esper Genesis 5e actual play podcast.
An unlikely group of friends explores the stars trying to find their place among them, answering questions about themselves and the universe. Because sometimes the biggest mysteries are closer to home than you realize, and the universe is a very strange place.
Abraxas' Precipice
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Ongoing actual play of The Expanse Roleplaying Game based on the books by James S.A. Corey. Follow the crew of the Sin Claire as the future history of humanity unfolds around them in the Solar System and beyond.
Acquisitions Incorporated: The Series
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Acquisitions Incorporated serves up locally-sourced adventure from convenient franchise locations across Faerûn. Their adventures began in 2007 with a podcast of three friends playing D&D, and inexplicably progressed to live games on-stage before thousands of audience members at PAX.
Adequately Advanced Magic
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Adequately Advanced Magic is a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) actual play podcast featuring collaborative storytelling and an investigation into the relationships between technology, heroes, and power. Set in the city of Falcon's Reach, three unlikely strangers — Jack, Hyrkir, and Niklaus — explore an industrialized world in which magic is mass produced and sold for profit.
Admiralty Blues
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Admiralty Blues, an actual-play podcast of Beam Saber (by Austin Ramsay) - a Forged in the Dark sci-fi game with mechs! Many battles waged on the planet Sirvon's supercontinent have been fought with these giant machines, and the ongoing cold war has heated up again as unknown forces have wiped out the Admiralty's communication network: the belligerent Vanguard pirates and the vengeful once-empire of Lorne have found their time to …
Advanced Sagebrush & Shootouts
Role-Playing Comedy Thriller Series
In the DFW, crime is a real tough nut, and the regular police can't crack it. Oh, they've tried, but now their hands are sore from squeezing so hard, and a few real dummies broke some teeth. Honestly, it's just embarrassing, and now it's up to the DFWTF to save everybody's bacon.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A homebrew, actual-play, 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons audio drama focusing on storytelling and character development.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample0.1 | In the Beginning
Darkmore Podcast Network
Adventure (Pranks Paul)
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
ADVENTURE is a bimonthly actual play podcast hosted and created by Pranks Paul. ADVENTURE brings your favorite stories and characters to life, combining fanfiction and tabletop into a delicious, chaotic sandwich.
Adventure Engines
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play, TTRPG podcast where we build the world through play.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleMigration - Season 1 Trailer
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Adventure Incorporated
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A band of adventurers team up to solve the mysteries of the world around them. Also, we laugh. A D&D adventure podcast!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleAdventure Inc - Episode 1 - Gnolls of Quian
Adventure They Wrote
Role-Playing Fantasy Mystery Series
A live-play Dungeons & Dragons mystery podcast with traditional noir themes.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleDeep Trouble Preview
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mystery podcast role-playing series
Adventure! (Dungeons and Dragons Podcast)
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast hosted by Bobby Shortle, Jacqui Turner, Brian Verderosa, Justin Reilly, and Bob Reyer. Each episode of Adventure is fully produced with soundscapes, music, and SFX from our resident druid Justin Reilly. Go on thrilling and ridiculous adventures with first time D & D players.
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A comedy D&D podcast with the passion of Tennessee Williams. Voted [third] best local podcast – recorded in Vancouver, BC!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample#001: THE SILVERCLOUD MONK
Adventurers Anonymous
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Six dangerously codependent dipshits drink cocktails and seek a glorious death in an actual play Dungeons & Dragons podcast.
Along the way they'll discover the true importance of unconditional friendship, companionship and personal hygiene. Each and every one of them will have to dig deep to find the self belief required to stay sober. Follow our brave companions each week as they battle against danger, destiny and diarrhoea. So grab…
Adventures Alcove
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Adventures Alcove is a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) podcast that immerses listeners in a unique, homebrewed world. With a focus on storytelling and creativity, this podcast brings together friends to explore vast and imaginative landscapes. The setting is meticulously crafted, blending monsters from various editions of D&D to enrich the experience. Each season promises a new journey, inviting listeners to delve deep into the hosts' greatest imaginat…
Adventures From The Shed
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Hi, and thanks for joining us for Adventures From The Shed - A Tabletop RPG Podcast! We’re Eli, Jason, Randy, Chris, and Joe - a group of people who wanted to get together and record our gaming sessions.
Adventures in Capital
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A DnD Narrative-Play podcast inspired by the working-class history, culture and politics of the Industrial Revolution. Dark historical fantasy, radical politics, traditional folk music, queer & disabled representation.
Adventures In Erylia
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Adventures in Erylia is a casual actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast that takes place in the homebrew setting of Erylia. Damian is the Dungeon Master, and joining him are some of his friends new to the game, Chris, Christa, Caitlin and Chantalle. Join us, as we play go back and forth between two campaigns. In the Mieveht Story, four prisoners are all broken out of their cells and find themselves wrapped up in dealings with a Thieves' Guild…
Adventures in Questing
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Adventures in Questing, a collaborative, narrative storytelling podcast, told through Dungeons and Dragons! We're a group of eight IRL best friends and actors who are passionate about playing D&D. Follow our party, Raff's Reds, through a tale of humor, heroics and heart in a totally original homebrew world.
Ain't Slayed Nobody
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Ain't Slayed Nobody is a Gold ENnie winning podcast, bringing immersive tabletop roleplaying games to your feed! We feature short campaigns and one-shots using Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu and other systems. We know you'll find something you love amongst our experimental blend of narrative and actual play series with horrifying, humorous, and dramatic stories.
Ale! And Well Met!
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Twenty-Sided Tavern is a live, interactive ttrpg where the audience controls the action, from the Characters' names, to where they go, what they do, and how much success they find. This podcast is
All My Hexes
Role-Playing Horror Series
All My Hexes is a Monster of the Week actual play podcast that follows four amateur paranormal investigators as they thwart the sinister conspiracies and unearthly horrors of a Texas oil boom town.
All Roads Tavern
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
The All Roads Tavern is a Role-Playing Game Actual Play Podcast. We aim to entertain as you follow along with every episode of our games.
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Almost Better Than Dragons
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Join our ragtag group of adventurers for some adventuring and some goofs every two weeks.
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Listen to a SampleS1E1 - Into Canada
anthology comedy fantasy horror mature multigenre podcast role-playing
Almost Heroic
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure filled with action, drama, and inappropriate jokes! Join us every Sunday as we try to thwart an ancient evil from resurrecting in this comedy based D&D adventure!
Android Dreams
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Dave of TGIF Arcade runs a real play session of The Sprawl by Hamish Cameron. Android Dreams features a bunch of fun, creative folks making a ridiculous, Miami Vice-meets-Johnny Mnemonic world of cyborg clones, telepathic cars, and robo-crab monsters, all for your entertainment!
Animam Agere
Role-Playing Horror Series
A group of teenagers find themselves drawn into strange happenings around a small college in the Pacific Northwest.
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Listen to a SampleAnimam Agere Trailer
(M4A File)
horror mature podcast role-playing series
Anywhere But Now
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Time Travel, Sci-Fi Adventures, and Risky Rolls of the Dice lie ahead! Brace yourself for an Actual Play TTRPG podcast in the key of DOCTOR WHO!
Join players Brand Osorio, Cate MacCoyne, Pandora Beatrix, and your GM Casey Jones for a spooky, fun-filled thrill-ride across Time & Space!
Apocalypse Tomorrow
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Climate change is real. Or, it was... Basically everything they said was going to happen did in fact happen; the ice caps melted, fires grew wild and fierce, droughts choked entire nations, and hurricanes with winds unheard of ripped countries apart. And the weather was just the beginning
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Tracy, Beth, Dan, and Colin play some tabletop roleplaying games to create a rich narrative storytelling experience for both the listeners and themselves. Through improvised interactions between best friends, they look to weave a tapestry that leaves a sense of intrigue, mystery, and a hefty hint of spooky.
Apotheosis (Hallowed Haven Studios)
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Step into a whole new world where the mythic and the mundane become one with Scion: Apotheosis! Follow the stories of a group of scions - or demigods - as they find out what they are and face impossible foes and odds. An army of fenris wolves are after scion hearts, giants control former underworlds, and the titans breaking free of their prisons are ever-present threats in The World of Scion.
Applied Materials
Role-Playing Horror Series
The dealings of a global megacorporation whose intent is inscrutable send tremors through corporate and financial highways, requiring the intervention of the secretive and enigmatic ORPHEUS organisation.
Architects of Entropy
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A tabletop role-playing actual play podcast with collaborative world-building elements.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Introductions and altercations
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Arcs 'n' Attics
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Arcs 'n' Attics is a live play Dungeons and Dragons podcast featuring a cast of rotating Dungeon Masters and Players. Each Arc is featuring a different DM and a completely different story and setting, with new characters to boot, but fret not, we will also return to Arcs that are beloved to our listeners and followers.
Are We Dead Yet?
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A group of heroes sets out on adventures of mystery, mischeif, adventure and hijinks!
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Listen to a SampleThe Party Gets Created and Introduced
1up Podcast Network
are_we_dead_yetAre We Dead Yet?beyond_the_furthest_starsBeyond The Furthest Stars!
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Are You Wearing A Helmet?
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The gang is off on one heck of a ride, rolling through a world of fantasy, fun, and failures. With dungeons, dragons, bad guys, and these so called Heroes there is no telling what will happen next. Join us on this actual play D&D podcast as our adventurers seek out fame, fortune, and a clue.
Arms of the Tide
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Arms of the Tide is an actual play about fighting for what's right in an original magitechnological world on the brink of catastrophe, using the Mutants in the Night system. Join Quinn, Jo, Chanel, and Jon and revel in the laughs and gasp at the drama while the only thing standing against the apocalypse are a robot with a fondness for stray cats, a wolf made of living plants with a bad case of depression, and a private eye who's so …
As the Dice Roll
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
As the Dice Roll is a collection of Actual Play campaigns from the Geek to Geek Media Network.
Current Campaigns:
Cautious Optimism - A sci-fi world-building adventure played through the GURPS system. Todd from the Nerdberg Review Podcast has assembled a group of seasoned podcasters and streamers from the Geek to Geek Media Network and beyond to create a world of crazy aliens and space-faring hijinx.
Ashen Snow
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join Vin, Varren, Mia, and Freya on an extraordinary journey through the mysterious Missing Moment in the captivating Pathfinder 2e adventure path “Gatewalkers.” Get ready for thrilling encounters, epic quests, and unimaginable discoveries. Don't miss a single moment of this thrilling show!
Ashes of Athas
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
5th edition [Dark Sun Dungeons & Dragons] actual play podcast bringing you to the ravaged world of Athas! Join our players as they confront new enemies in the City-State of Tyr and beyond. It is a fight for their lives and for the continued existence of the Veiled Alliance.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Have you ever wondered what's beyond the stars? Some would say that it's better not to know what lies in the far reaches. But for the rest of you intrepid adventurers there is Astronautica, an actual play ttrpg podcast featuring a group of performers and friends from all over the midwest and beyond! Join the Game Master Matt, as he adjudicates constant curveballs and surprises from his wily players Alice, Ben, and Ian, as they explore the gruel…
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
In the year 2180, humanity achieved spike drive technology, accessing the vastly strange meta-dimensional pathways to reach the stars. The following centuries were an epoch of discovery and growth. We mastered fundamental forces, confronted our social demons, and seized the reins of our biology.
Atari Twilight
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
In 1954, the United States government ordered the construction of the world's largest particle accelerator. The facility was complete in 1969, located deep below the pastoral countryside of Garrett, Maryland. The local population called this marvel of technology The Loop. The year is now 1987, and we have lived alongside The Loop for almost 20 years, but not all is as it seems in Garrett, Maryland. Strange things are happening in the Atari Tw…
Attack 10
Role-Playing Comedy Thriller Series
Previous City is a town covered in foam. No one gets hurt in previous city. On the outskirts of the city in barren desert a strange box named Attack 10 has appeared. 3 mindless drones with no memories have been brought the Previous City by the Smokelord Realgar Red with one mission: Steal everything Attack 10 demands of them. In this live play, tabletop, RPG podcast, players do a series of heists that they stake out and plan using their ever upgra…
Auditors of the Outer Rim
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A Star Wars roleplaying game featuring storytelling, adventure, chaos, and fun. We're using the Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire with a focus on fun and story before rules. Find us on Twitter @AuditorsPodcast and on all major podcasting platforms.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Respite.
Respite is a magical world inspired heavily by Indian and Ecuadorian culture. [...] Filled with diverse species, terrifying monsters, and devious dungeons, Respite is dangerous enough under normal circumstances. Our young heroes are not in normal circumstances.
Avatar: The Second Age
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We're playing a tabletop RPG specifically designed to emulate the world of Avatar and the awesome abilities of benders: people who literally bend the elements to their will. This podcast is just me and my friends having a good time, goofing off, and doing what we love. What's special here is that we've taken the Genesys RPG produced by EDGE Studios and merged it with the diverse, nostalgic world of Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender and…
Awfully Queer Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We're a group of Queer creatives who love playing TTRPG.
This is where we share everything we play from oneshots to a long campaign
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Listen to a SampleUncaged Anthology - Episode One - Awfully Queer Heroes
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Come listen to the adventures of four miscreants in a galaxy far, far away, taking odd jobs and learning to be friends in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.
B-Roll is named as a pun for the hosts' last names starting with B, and for the fact that it's an actual play RPG podcast.
Back Online: Up Against Time
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Back Online Up Against Time is a loose DND podcast about a few Aussie blokes who end up in Faerũn. There's heaps of naughty words, jokes and violence so tune in and enjoy the ride.
Backwater Bastards
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Join us as Dungeon Master Dick best friend adventurers explore ancient lands and sci-fi worlds. We are a group of artists and illustrators who mess around in our DM Dick Dynamite's made up fantasy lands and laugh while we do.
Ballad of the Seven Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
A Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play podcast set in the Forgotten Realms where an unspeakable horror threatens to unravel existence itself. Four otherworldly heroes have been brought together into a war nearing it's peak as Elder Beings battle for dominance over what we hold dear.
Bard Rock Cafe
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Join Armbar, Brock, Epi, and Rook as they search the city of Waterdeep for answers behind the surge of wild magic throughout Faerun in this Real Play Dungeons and Dragons (DND) comedy Podcast.
Bard To The Bone
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play D&D 5e podcast, set in the world of Asmadan. Cut off from the gods, with a past lost to time, our players are navigating through this world of sky cities, ruins, monsters and loot. Yet, there are secrets still to uncover in this world
Bardic Mystery Tour
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We play D&D as an all-bard party on tour! We record our play sessions and include recordings of our original spell songs, and write full-length songs for our in-game concerts that typically happen at the end of each four-episode story arc.
Bards & Nobles
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Seven drinking buddies with a TTRPG problem. Join us every Monday for actual play tabletop role playing game fun. | Second Campaign: The Dawn Guard Saga: Join the Dawn Guard as they make their way through Dungeons and fight Dragons, as they save the kingdom from the approaching void!
Barely D&D
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A ragtag group of D&D newbies fumbling their way through a homebrew world.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample00. The Story So Far
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Basilisk Hill Breakdown
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An Actual Play podcast, using the Old School Essentials Ruleset, of mid-level hexcrawling and sandbox exploration.
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Listen to a SampleAmbushing the Ambushers -- Basilisk Hill Breakdown Episode 01
Bed of Roses
Role-Playing Fantasy Mystery Series
Witchers, Kings, Troubadours, Smiths, Doctors, Monsters, and More! The world is full of such people and creatures. But when folks go missing some among the larger group must rise to solve the mystery.
Beholder's Eye (Beholder's Eye)
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Beholder's Eye is an actual play Dungeons & Dragons podcast set in the world of the Great Isle.
Follow this bizarre crew of Adventurers as they dive headlong into Action, Intrigue and Hi-Jinks.
Bella's Comet
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Bella's Comet is a sci-fi cyberpunk story being played in the ARC: Doom system. Bella's Comet hit the Earth 500 years ago. The comet contained all the needed components to send the planet into a technological superage. A city was even built in its crater to maximize access to its resources. Now, the comet is set to return and usher in a new age of prosperity. However, one scientist, after discovering an ancient book of prophecy, believes the c…
Best Left Forgotten
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The deliberately unofficial and uncanon D&D Forgotten Realms actual play podcast based in Adelaide, Australia.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSeason 1 Trailer
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Bestow Curse
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join Hideous Laughter Productions for our newest adventure. A tale of intrigue and excitement, wherein every action has a consequence and every moment may hold the key to the fate of Korvosa and its inhabitants. Victory stands on the edge of a knife in this 2e-converted run of Paizo's legendary adventure Curse of the Crimson Throne.
Betrothed & Betrayed
Role-Playing Drama Comedy Series
A story of high society politics, intrigue, and romance, join us for a Regency era story following a pair of sisters from a struggling high society family, a nouveau-riche society up and comer, and a mysterious military man from Scotland. Will greed and duty win the day, or will love conquer all?
Beyond Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
D&D Beyond presents our live play D&D 5e game! The continuing story of old friends, now Heroes, as they set out on missions across the planes.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEye of the Beholder - D&D Beyond Heroes Ep 1
Beyond the Crumbling Veil
Role-Playing Horror Series
Beyond the Crumbling Veil: Shattered Mirror is an actual play Call of Cthulhu 7e podcast that starts at the beginning of World War II, but follows a darker road; a road of mystery and horror.
Beyond The Furthest Stars!
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A Sci-Fi Actual Play TTRPG podcast featuring a cast of characters trying to survive in an unforgiving universe! Journey with us as we blast off Beyond the Furthest Stars!
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Beyond the Map
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
What if we told you everything you know about the world is wrong? What if we told you that all the things you believe to be impossible are in fact very much possible? Reality is not what you think it is. It is so much more complicated, fascinating and, above all, terrifying. Join us in this anthology series of unspeakable horrors set in a world not that different from our own.
Beyond the Mountains of Madness (Kyle Crozier)
Role-Playing Horror Series
A direct sequel to H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness; join the Starkweather-Moore Expedition as they journey to the Antarctic to uncover secrets lost but not forgotten.
Beyond the Mountains of Madness (Michael Heilemann)
Role-Playing Horror Series
They were evil things, whose farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate abyss.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSession 1 — Arrival in New York
Big Campaign Stories
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
An actual play pathfinder 1e podcast about 4 people running a repo company trying to survive in a modern homebrew setting with magic.
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Big Red Button
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Wasteland is Calling...
Jake the Vault Dweller, Gotfree the Mister Handy Robot, and Houston the Ghoul are an unlikely band of scrappers trying their darnedest to survive in the ruins of post-apocalyptic Michigan. Next thing they know, their home town of Dustridge comes under attack and they're sent off into the world to solve the mystery!
Binary Break
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
An actual play podcast set in the world of Digimon. A story about growing up and discovering who you really are.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample01 - The Last Day of School
comedy fan_fiction mature podcast role-playing series urban_fantasy
Black Armada Tales
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An indie TTRPG actual play podcast. We are friends and designers playing the latest indie hotness and our own games.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleApocalypse Keys session zero part 1
Black Flare
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
Black Flare is a Delta Green actual play podcast [that focuses on a small team of agents sent out to uncover and suppress the unknown.]
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTrailer
comedy h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series thriller
Blank City, Nowhere
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
“Blank City, Nowhere” is an actual play anthology series about exploring the dark and storied past of an entire city, one RPG at a time. From paranormal high schoolers to pirate sailing the high seas, from haunted hotels to larger-than-life wrestlers, we'll create and explore a city with rich and engrossing history. Every day is a strange new day in Blank City, and who knows what the citizens will discover next!
Blittle League Blaseball
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Blittle League is a Monster of the Week comedic live play inspired by the online horror game Blaseball. We follow a daring group of 10 year-olds who, as players on the Somerville Sunflowers youth blaseball team, keep their town safe from demons, monsters, hyper-capitalism, and other existential threats
Blood & Syrup
Role-Playing Horror Series
When a high-profile assassination leaves Montreal without a vampiric ruler, British ex-gangster Ridley Beef, detective Everett Fry and inspirational poet Iris Dunn - all recently turned Kindred - are sent to establish order at all costs by two vampire syrup barons. But when one of their own is attacked, things get messy - and blood and syrup will be spilled!
Blood on the Severn
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to the world of Blood on the Severn, an actual-play Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition live stream
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleBlood on the Thames - Episode #1 | The Crossed Hands
Blue Lives Magic
Role-Playing Comedy Thriller Series
A tabletop podcast parodying those dumb cop dramas that cops write acted out by 3 Very Dumb Online Socialists.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleBlue Lives Magic Episode 1: The Cop, The Canary, The Crime Stone
Blunt Force Drama
* Website: <http://actualplay.blogspot.com/>
Blunt Force Drama is a podcast that presents a group of people playing various tabletop role-playing games.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
fan_fiction free horror mature_content role-playing science_fiction
Boarding Party's Pokemon DnD
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
The podcast version of Boarding Party's Pokemon DnD Campaign on YouTube!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SamplePokemon DnD | Session 1 | Leaving Home
comedy fan_fiction mature podcast role-playing series urban_fantasy
Bohemian Galaxy
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
A sci fi actual play podcast using the Savage Worlds rule system. A show about some idiots trying not to kill themselves or each other.
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Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
DFW band Lindby brings you a musical D&D adventure following the exploits of three bards.The first episode “Ep. 1 - Welcome to Strumlotts” is not included in the RSS feed, but can be found on bomBARDed Podbean website.
Boogieman Buddies
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual-play Podcast that doesn't actually play Dungeons and Dragons. I know, crazy, right?
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Telltale Hunt Session 1 - Welcome to Baltimore
Bookshops of Arkham
Role-Playing Horror Series
Join Mark Meer as the Keeper of Arcane Lore as he guides Saige Ryan, Carlos Luna, Lucia Versprille, and Patrick Logan through the Bookshops of Arkham.
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Brakish and Haplo's Fictional Reality
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Stay a while and enjoy a variety of table top gaming fun Including DND 5e, Outbreak Undead and Rupture
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleRiverboat Fantasy (DND 5e Encounter Creation)
Bring Your Own Mech
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
At the outer edges of space, where Union is but a whisper, humanity scrapes together a living amongst the stars. This is the story of four Lancers, talented pilots of mechanized chassis from all corners of the known universe, thrown together by circumstance and destiny
Brits on Bikes
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Strange Things Are Happening...
As you cross the border into this innocuous, sleepy little market town you find yourself wondering what brought you here in the first place. You let your fingers brush the reeds that line the only road directly into Marsh Haven. A chill courses through your spine as the town rises up on the horizon. A concrete cacophony of houses, shops and civic buildings welcomes you with all the warmth of a fireless hearth…
Broken Lords
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Anthology
An eldritch actual play podcast focusing on weird fiction and even weirder hang ups! Laugh along as we struggle to get through one of our many sessions without losing our minds or sinking to on-sight pettiness. Dark fantasy and even darker humor abounds as we trek through places arcane and worlds eldritch and abominable. Home of the famous line
Brute Force
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Brute Force is a real-play comedic RPG podcast blended with in-character narration. We play a campaign of FATE Core (we started with World of Darkness) set in the high fantasy world of Eorith. The adventurers are a party of monsters tasked with saving a world that barely tolerates their existence.
Burn Everything Gaming
* Website: <https://burneverythinggaming.com/>
Burn Everything Gaming is a podcast about tabletop and role-playing games. Among their various content are recordings of people playing several different role-playing games.
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Call of Cthulhu: Mythos Mysteries
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome To Call of Cthulhu: Mythos Mysteries, Join us as we delve into the mystery and madness of the Call Of Cthulhu! So many amazing stories to share.
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Camp Moonmirror
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
A serialized horror comedy podcast mixing actual play Monster of the Week improv with classic audio drama elements.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEp 01: “Welcome, Counselors!
Campaign Casters
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Campaign Casters is a fantasy Tabletop RPG Podcast. We want to tell amazing and compelling stories of the characters we create. We believe that Campaign Casters should be an example of a group of friends that come together to escape and immerse ourselves in adventure, excitement, growth, and relatability.
Campaign Notes Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Five good friends embark on an epic adventure upon the high seas. An actual play podcast in Pathfinder 2nd Edition.Early episodes are not included in the RSS feed, but can be found on the Campaign Notes Podcast Libsyn website.
Campaigns & Concoctions
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A bunch of foolish friends decided to jump on the bandwagon of actual play TTRPG podcasting. Join us as we explore mystery, mayhem, airships, and flying whales, all while imbibing delicious cocktails and snacks. We are Campaigns & Concoctions, roll for inebriation!
Canada by Night
Role-Playing Horror Series
Sent to rescue his best friend's kidnapped mother, detective-turned-vampire Everett Fry accidentally ends up the sheriff of New Haven: an experimental town that's finding out if vampires and humans can co-exist. Stuck leading a ragtag group of officers: the Brujah bounty hunter Val, the Gangrel news reporter Evangeline, and the Tremere blood-witch Doris - can Everett keep New Haven running? Or will the sheriff's department fail and see the town destr…
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
CANADND is a new #1 role playing game podcast, you know the one. Join us, new friend, as our Unforgettable Intrepid and Beloved Heroes fight off evil in the mists of Ravenloft. Can they overcome the trials and tribulations that await them in the mists that shift and shimmer revealing moments from the past, present and future.
Candela Obscura
Role-Playing Horror Series
Candela Obscura follows an esoteric order of investigators as they use centuries of knowledge to fight back a mysterious source of corruption and bleed. The first chapter of Candela Obscura stars veteran voice actors Robbie Daymond, Laura Bailey, Anjali Bhimani, and Ashley Johnson and the story is led by Matthew Mercer.
Role-Playing Superhero Comedy Series
Meet the newest ragtag members of Project Deadbeat. A secret governmental program that tries to turn Costumed Supervillains into black ops soldiers. But when the original team dies prematurely the only ones left to fill the void will be an Bear Man, A Stage Magician, A Religious Robot and A Fossil.
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
CARPE DM is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition podcast based around friendship, found family, and awful off topic tangents. It's a blend of classic fantasy and more modern sci-fi elements. Our three heroes, Vigil, Dee, and Lliana, must triumph over aliens, monsters, plagues, and unfriendly dice with nothing but their space RV and unbridled wits.
Cast Party
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
QUIET ON SET! We're rolling in 3... 2... Welcome to Cast Party: A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast! Thrust into the world of D&D, four cast and crew members from a Hollywood film set find themselves with new powers in VERY new places, on an adventure none of them really know how to process. Follow along as our Director, Colin McManus, leads our Cast & Crew consisting of Ryan McManus (Sebastian), Anna Brisbin (Blueberry), Nigel Deakin (Xander), and Vince…
Catacomb Party
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The technological age of mortals has failed... and their society has fallen into ruin. But what happens when magic returns for the first time in thousands of years? And who will act when it falls into the wrong hands?
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Catastrophic is a collaborative improvisational storytelling podcast where some friends make up a movie using the RPG Fiasco. Each episode is standalone, so jump right in!
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Cauldron Juice
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Portals. Time travel. Destiny.
Find the powerful gems. Stop the gates from opening. Save the planet Eos.
A hopeful D&D Story Podcast.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SamplePrologue - Aziza's Chase
Caverns & Krakens
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D seafaring adventure set in a flooded world.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleWelcome to Caverns & Krakens
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast post-apocalyptic role-playing series
Caverns and Comedians
* Website: <http://kicksandgigglesentertainment.com/cavernsandcomedians/>
Caverns and Comedians is a podcast that features Toronto comedians playing the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
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* iTunes link
comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Chains of Divinity
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Chains of Divinity is a weekly Godkiller actual play podcast where three mortals will rise up against the Gods who hold dominion over their world. Together, our God-Killers and our Pantheon will weave a tapestry of love, loss, and perseverance in the face of uncaring divinity.
Champions of the Earth
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Five disaster teens find themselves the accidental wielders of elemental power suits and mecha steeds while charged with defending the earth... but their own messy lives threaten to be a bigger threat than robot kaiju, desiccated zombies, fae warriors, or a bigger menace from within. A fusion of tabletop RPG and radio drama, CHAMPIONS OF THE EARTH features an original game system and stars veteran streamers, comics pros, and indie gam…
Change the Game
Role-Playing Steampunk Comedy Series
An actual play City of Mist podcast featuring some of Michigan's most existing improvisers.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleStrange Tales: The Prologue
comedy fan_fiction mature podcast role-playing series steampunk urban_fantasy
Changeling the Streaming
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Meet Patches, Braum, and Sophia as they inherit a freehold under questionable circumstances. Join our heroes in the World of Darkness as Sophia, Patches and Braum navigate a fine line between Glamour and Banality. In Changeling: the Dreaming, faerie souls live in human hosts in the modern world.
Channel Stupidity
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Four stupid adventurers and their dumb dumb DM explore a world of fantasy humanoids, spider queens, ice, hot chip, and try not to completely fuck up along the way.
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Chaos Wombats
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Play sessions of Genesys RPG in the Wheel of Time setting, along with other systems and sessions to follow, occasional episode reviews/discussion of the Amazon Prime streaming series, and any other random gaming endeavors we attempt to record.
Chaotic Adequate
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The comedic fantasy roleplay podcast that feels like Tolkien watched Community. Enter a world of orcs, elves, magic and relentless accidental NPC killing with Gregory Akerman, Steve Cross, Amanda DiGioia and Angus Dunican. Actual play of Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition.
Chaotic Goodness
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Friends who enjoy drinking and swearing a lot while playing TTRPGs. We enjoy it so much we decided to record it to share our humor with the world.
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Chapter and Multiverse
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Chapter and Multiverse is a brand-new actual play podcast, using multiple game systems of different genres to explore the city of Chapter. Every new campaign is set in the same city, but in a different alternate universe.
Role-Playing Thriller Series
An Actual Play podcast featuring cinematic roleplaying stories of daring heroics and low intrigue. Featuring the adventures of the Gadget Extraction Team, a 1930's pulp adventure set in the world of Trinity Continuum Adventure! (with an exclamation point).
Charisma Saving Show
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Come aboard our ship as we set sail to explore the world of Ohmvelia in this Dungeon & Dragons actual-play, seafaring campaign. What tales await our chaotic party?
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Role-Playing Fantasy Series
ChasmQuest is a collaborative storytelling experience played through the D&D 5e system. This immersive actual play Dungeons and Dragons narrative follows a small group of adventurers known as the Rowdy Boys as they excursion from the fantasy kingdom of Treland into the New Lands. The team discovers more than glory on their voyage. What they do find creates a bond stronger than family.
Cheaper by the Dungeon
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Cheaper By The Dungeon is unlike any DnD podcast you've ever heard. This podcast is filled with lots of things: heart, bravery, courage, other inspirational stuff, and most of all some sweet sweet roleplay. Please join Adam, Connor, and Jacob as they find their true selves while they journey through an imaginary world ruled by Seth the God of Games.
Check D's Out
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Hello dice chucker's and welcome to Check D's Out, a Dungeon's & Dragons 5th edition homebrew game set in the world of Terra Eluno, run by our dungeon master Macca the DM.
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Chicks with Crits
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We are Chicks with Crits, a group of ladies traversing the wonderful world of Dungeons & Dragons. Join in on the hilarity and shenanigans in our journeys.
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Children of Arcana
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Children of Arcana starts with a tree and an elf entering the small town of Duskwood, where they discover their connections to the six arcanums. Along their journey, they meet the elegant Moon Princess, who heartily joins their cause. Together, they set out to bring the world through the Rejuvenation, a time of magical restoration for the dragons of the world.
Chill: The Office
Role-Playing Horror Series
Ghosts and ghouls beware, you'll be in for a SCARE as 4 office workers set out to discover who in their office is normal, who is supernatural, and uncover bizarre and hidden lore within their not so typical 9 to 5. But what do these employees do when they dig themselves into a situation that seems to be too much to handle?
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeon World actual play podcast where players from the Chimaera roleplaying society rotate gamemaster duties around the table. We explore a shared, emergent mythical world and create stories of savage swords & strange sorceries. Our main series can be enjoyed in any order anthology-style, with threads and occasional characters loosely connecting them together. Sometimes we play other roleplaying games.
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Improvisational stories, using Actual Play Table Top Roleplay Sessions
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample01 Moving back to Moms
anthology mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
Chosen Ones
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Our story takes place in the first few hundred years of the planet Absolem on a continent known as Varune. To combat the hardships of Absolem, people with extraordinary powers began to develop, known as Sparks. And from these Sparks, a Chosen One could form. Our story follows four of these Sparks as they work to discover who the next Chosen One might be.
Chrome Trigger Run
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A Cyberpunk RED actual play by The Dragon Punch Squad
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSession 0: Meet the Edgerunners
comedy mature podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Two gnomes, a tief-elf, and a talking dog walk into a bakery. This is their story.
Chromythica is a Pathfinder 2e actual play campaign about belonging, community, and the process of making meaning out of complex situations. Come for friends having boisterous fun, stay for the journey we go on together!
Chronicles of the Stormborne Company
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A group of unlikely strangers from reddit /lfg become instant superfriends and play various tabletop RPGs!
Their current campaign is 5e D&D, called Chronicles of the Stormborne Company.
Cinnamon & Dice
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Welcome to the Cinnamon and Dice Podcast! A family run and independently owned D&D actual play podcast. Here we enjoy a fun and creative past time of collaborative storytelling through our favorite tabletop role-playing games. This season, immerse yourself in our fantasies as we start on a nautical space themed adventure based off of the Wizards of the Coast's Spelljammer setting and adventure, Light of Xaryxis. So grab a cup of your…
City in Snow
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to City in Snow, a homebrew 5e Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast.
Led by their fearless DM, Lizy, four players work together to build a story as their characters explore the city of Elthana's Stand.
City of Smoke
Role-Playing Horror Series
Kindred have slowly begun to make their way back to London following the great city's fall. A group of thinbloods seek to make the place home, but find themselves caught in the middle of power struggles and a brewing faction war.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in a world with no gender and one horse. Feminist, LGBT+, anti-racist, intersectional. Trying to embrace fantasy and mythology traditions from all over the world with respect and enthusiasm.
Colony of the Damned
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Four colonists with checkered pasts find themselves suddenly embroiled in adventure and intrigue.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleS1E1: Big Ba-Da-Boom!
KnightSmith Games
Comic Strip AP
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Comic Strip AP is a roleplaying game actual play podcast. The games involve two participants. They are recorded and released in sessions that last approximately fifteen minutes. This unique format is meant to be an analogue to old serialized comics, such as Prince Valiant or those found at the back of Dragon Magazine.
Complex Action
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
The official Shadowrun Actual Play hosted by Your Friendly GM Bobby of Complex Action. Join Bobby, Mr. Johnson of the Arcology Podcast, Damian of the Violent Life Podcast, and others as they dive deep into the shadows of Columbia, South Carolina in the CAS circa 2078.
Cookie Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Family friendly actual play TTRPG podcast. Completely improvised and absolutely random!! We few adventurers will entertain you on this journey of mayhem!!! Four weird players, one maniacal GM, and an off-the-rails adventure. It's not D&D (because we don't like following the rules) but it's a similar system. Without further ado, welcome to the homebrew world of Cookie Dice.
Cookie Dice: The Achives
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
What came before Cookie Dice? The archives are the episodes that made Cookie Dice what it is. These are the references, songs, one shots, characters, and original cast that we can't forget.
Coruscant Nights
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Coruscant Nights is an actual play RPG podcast set in the Clone Wars era of the Star Wars universe.
This podcast is based on that old Star Wars idea that every character, from the background aliens in the Mos Eisley Cantina to the Rebel pilot who gets a millisecond of screen time, has an interesting story to tell.
Cosmic Crit
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Cosmic Crit is a weekly Actual Play podcast centered on the new Starfinder RPG from Paizo. Listen to the shenanigans as a seasoned GM, a couple of noobs, and some RPG veterans explore the galaxy and fight monsters on behalf of the Starfinder Society. It's a little roleplay, a lot of natural 20s (we hope), and plenty of fun.
Cosmonaut Tabletop
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to the official Cosmonaut Variety Hour RPG podcast! Enjoy the ongoing adventures in the Star Wars universe and our unique D&D world!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Adventure Begins - Escape From Red Warren
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Actual-Play Homebrew Starfinder Podcast with rotating GMs, based in UK! Join the Laika-7 and her crew of alien mercenaries, living in a retrofuturistic universe inspired by the cartoons we loved in the 80s and 90s.
Could've Been Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Could've Been Heroes is an actual play podcast where six old friends adventure as six total strangers who, after missing their shots at destiny, now get a second chance to make a mess of everything.
Role-Playing Horror Series
COVEN is a horror actual-play podcast set primarily in 1980s Texas. We play multiple roleplaying game systems to tell an ongoing story in a world of magic and demons. In the town of The Livery you'll find jazz, crocodiles, and the occasional hurricane.
Creme Demented Actual Plays
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Enter strange and exciting worlds as Game Master Kaleb Wade and his friends play various RPGs! Each season brings new settings and new adventures, while bringing some fun vibes from the Creme Demented Podcast. There will be thrills. There will be chills. There will be caffeine! Probably! Welcome to Creme Demented Actual Plays!
Crimson Gold Agonies
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The River of Gold: a center of trade, piracy and conflict. The lands it touches belong to no single faction, carved into small holdings by a diverse cast of petty tyrants: vassal families, ronin bands and even minor clans. The bounty of the River of Gold, abundant as it is, must be seized by force and kept by the sword. The region has been neglected for centuries, an unworthy investment for Imperial prospects, its issues dealt through local squ…
Crisis Level: Green
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
A group of federal agents learn that the world isn't quite as black and white as they thought it was. There are definitely some shades of green as well.
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Crit Fail Club
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Four girls play tabletop RPGs, badly.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleFracture #1 | The Missing Noble
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Crit Happens
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
A bunch of friends sitting down, tossing dice and using the greatest tool of all, their imagination. Join Justin Anderson, Heather Winkler, Bryce Barnhill, Lorien Colbert, Trey Steele, and Tanner Savage as they venture forth across countless worlds as they Spelljam their way across the starry expanse of the Astral Sea.
Crit Hit and Save
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome... to Eriand. DM Andrew Redden is joined by Chelsea Gifford, Lonessa Boyd, and Montana Chambers as three adventurers who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe the right place at the right time. Follow along in this Dungeons and Dragons podcast as our adventures try and save Eriand, or assist in its demise. Whatever the case may be.
Crit Juice
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A podcast and video series following professional actors & comedians playing Dungeons & Dragons while under the influence.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleCrit Juice: The Prologue - 01
Crit Nasty
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Welcome to Crit Nasty, where we play D&D any way we want it to be! Join the Johnson siblings - Leea, Carley, Maggie, and Levi - as they go on weekly adventures across fantastical lands. You better believe it's gonna get a little Crit Nasty!
Crit Squad
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
It's probably hard to find sympathy in your hearts for a bunch of career criminals. But c'mon, it's not like you wage slaves are gonna change anything about the world either, right?
In this stylized, action-packed, actual-play RPG show, five career criminals wake up in prison with bags on their heads and bombs in their brains. Will they follow orders and do as their told (probably not) or will they get those bombs out of their noggins and go o…
Critical Bits
Role-Playing Superhero Comedy Series
Critical Bits is an absurd, slapstick comedy with dashes of trauma, body horror, and anti-authoritarian humor.
Critical Bits: The world's only(?) queer teenage superhero body horror actual play podcast.
Critical Ditto
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Four friends with an unending passion for Pokemon want to take you on a journey quite unlike anything you've heard before...or they've heard before...as they are pretty much making it all up from scratch.
Critical Flail (Allen Covert)
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Crit Flail! A Dungeons and Dragons podcast where friends try to fight monsters, attempt to solve puzzles, and successfully drink ale!
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Critical Flail (Critical Flail)
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
It's never easy being green, scaly and menacing but gosh darn it, we try! Join us as we help scout out the lands for our devilishly handsome and just plain devilish master. Join us on our latest and greatest D&D adventure.
Critical Role
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
Welcome to Critical Role, where a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons! Join Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer and an all-star cast of world-class performers each week as they travel through imaginary realms for more adventure than you can shake a magic staff at. Need a deeper dive? Be sure to catch Talks Machina with Brian W. Foster, the official Critical Role companion show, right here on Critical Role.
Critical Successors
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are an actual play 5e dungeons and dragons podcast, where a father plunges his two kids age 15 and 12 into their first ever game of DND.
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Listen to a SampleCritical Successors (Trailer)
Critically Chaotic
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Six adventurers get pulled together into an adventure with mystery and intrigue in this Actual Play Dungeons & Dragons podcast.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEp.1 - FATE: A Fiery Beginning
Crits & Knits
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Our story follows a group of retired adventures having to pick back up their weapons and go forth on one final adventure to save their retirement community of Pennycross. We are a D&D 5e Twitch stream and podcast and also a group of knitters that feature a specific designer each arc.
Crudely Drawn Swords
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual play podcast of high adventure, low dice rolls and intermediate levels of terrible puns in which five old friends imagine ourselves to be dynamic and exciting heroes in a game of Dungeon World.
CSI: Neverwinter
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual play D&D 5e podcast
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode Zero
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdwi_kp_m0pyHBrOtXUdOA/videos>
CthulaWho is a series of four short audio dramas that combine the worlds of Doctor Who and the H.P. Lovecraft-inspired roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu. The audio dramas were created to serve as a prologue to the gaming sessions, as explained by its creator on the
Cthulhu & Friends
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Cthulhu & Friends is a podcast! We play the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game using a modified version of the d20 system. Listen as we fight unimaginable beasties and try to maintain our very sanity! Featuring superior role-playing and high production values, we turn actual play into a radio drama experience.
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A Short-Play TTRPG Podcast focused on showing you the latest and greatest in the world of table top role playing game systems. We test systems, so you don't have to!
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Curse of Carmilla
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
A D&D podcast where we replaced the Brooding Barovian Vampire Lord with a lesbian, and her dumbass brother. Queer AF.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Welcome to Barovia
Curse of Strahd: Twice Bitten
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Six DMs return to the mists to run a completely Rules-As-Written Curse of Strahd campaign. Our core question: what happens when, rather than luring in a party of heroes or adventurers, the mists of Barovia claim a group of cowardly, cynical, selfish, and/or traumatized individuals who fall—not leap—into adventure? Join Jack, Kaiya, Linus, Tsarina, Twi and their DM DragnaCarta (creator of the popular Curse of Strahd: Reloaded gui…
Curse of Strahdanya
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
An epic playthrough of the beloved Dungeons & Dragons module, Curse of Strahd, with heavy homebrewing and a unique twist: Countess Strahdanya von Zarovich played by Dungeon Mistress Nikkie. Join her, as well as Kelsey, Richie, Andy, Maja, and Mikey as they travel through the mist as the doomed Azran Expedition. These five lost souls must discover the bloody secrets of Barovia and face the wrath of the dread domain's Dark Lady in a D&D tal…
Curse, Code & Crown
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Curse, Code, and Crown is an actual-play Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition podcast created by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice. A princess trapped in a suit of armour[...], a disillusioned royal guard [...] and a fungus-worshipping Tortle [
Cursed (ColorTalk)
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Cursed is an actual-play podcast powered by the Fate Core roleplaying system.
The story is told by Samara, the non-binary Game Master, and Larissa, their lovely mom who plays the main character of the campaign.
Cursed Rollers
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Welcome to Cursed Rollers, where the only thing more cursed than our dice is the campaign we're playing.
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Listen to a SampleA World of Stars [Cursed Rollers EP1]
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome To CyberPunk'D, A live-play podcast were we explore Cyber Punk Red TTRPG. Join us as we explore the dystopian future in all its corpo glory. So many amazing stories to share.
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Cyberpunk: Independence
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Cyberpunk Independence is an improvised audio drama set in a dystopian future. Featuring the Cyberpunk Red tabletop RPG ruleset, it follows a group of edgerunners who become an unlikely family as they try to survive a future that's stacked against them.
Cyberpunk: Tales from the Oasis
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
We are a real-play cyberpunk podcast, set in a brand-new futuristic setting: The Oasis. Come join our four edgerunners on their adventures from Night City to this mysterious desert jewel - and discover the secrets of The Oasis.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
An actual play podcast using the indie TTPRG system, Cybertopia, run by its creator with a rolling cast of a variety of members from the tabletop community. Set in a near future sci-fi world, the player characters take the form of corporate agents working on clandestine missions to protect their business's interests and reputation.
D&D is For Nerds
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
Set in the world of Ogg Nott, a place full of mystery and intrigue - if only the players knew it was ending. Listen to this award winning podcast as our heroes delve deep into adventure, with each season bringing a new story, new characters, and new threats to face. New listeners can start at any season, but veteran listeners will find themselves following a greater story, set over centuries.
D&D, but...
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
Welcome to this new show where we play D&D, but... there's a twist. In this series of short stories, the game of Dungeons & Dragons is turned on its head. Some episodes flip the game around and play as iconic monsters like Dragons or Vampires. Other episodes will test the stories told with a party full of only Rogues or Bards. Most of all, join us have fun keeping each other on our toes. This is D&D, but
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A podcast of one-shots and short campaigns using the d12GO ttrpg system by Squadeth Games. From talking mice, to killer robots, to nuclear mutants, this podcast is the perfect showcase for what d12GO can do!
d20 Dames
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
d20 Dames is a tabletop storytelling podcast powered by Dungeons & Dragons. Every other week a group of five daring ladies comes together to explore a fantastic realm, befriend (or behead) monsters, and punch creeps.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
D4 is an actual play live stream D&D game with two DM's based in Atlanta GA.
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Listen to a SampleWaterdeep Session 1 Delicious Drinks and Dangerous Debutantes
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
D8 Night
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
If you like, bad puns, weird worlds, and/or roleplaying games, this is the podcast for you! Will Mayer, Aimee Mayer, Mike Glass, Sam Housman, Ivelisse Housman, and occasional guest players get together and play D&D in a homebrew campaign created just for the podcast.
Da Gerb Skwerd
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
This actual play Dungeons & Dragons game started as a one-shot in support of a kickstarter . . . what it grew into . . . is an adventure worthy of so much more. Join the intrepid group of goblins as they adventure through the world taking on tasks far bigger than they are.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are a Dad & Daughter Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast! Join us on a journey through fantastical worlds, meet silly characters, and embark on epic quests.
Who knows where the story will take us today?
Daemonologie: The Devil's Parlour Game
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, the neither and the marvellously evasive. Here is the smoky parlour, there is the hookah pipe, and this is the cause of all our scandals: Daemonologie. The most delightful, devilish parlour game from Pall Mall to Lambeth, whispered in tearooms and caused blushes at Kew.
Daknkitab: One Thousand and One Coriolis Nights
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A long, long time from now humans have traveled the stars, visited many horizons before isolating themselves. In fear they banded together and worshipped Icons to save themselves from the Dark Between the Stars. They made peace, they made war, they made stories.
Dames & Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dames & Dragons is a comedy Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play podcast with a detailed original setting, lots of stupid jokes, a mystery or two, and some fumbling attempts at heroism.
Dangerous Times at Chillhaven High
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Let James Ketelaar, Bess Lawson, Maegan Stressman, and Phillip Stressman fill that Buffy-sized hole in your heart each week as they use the Monster of the Week tabletop RPG to craft this utterly original and yet comfortingly familiar real-play radiophonic supernatural teen drama.
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We play an original homebrewed 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
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Listen to a SampleEp 001: The Road to Ravenwood
(M4A File)
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Dark Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Dark Dice is a horror actual-play D&D podcast that uses immersive soundscapes to create an added layer of immersion. Six travelers embark on a journey into the ruinous domain of the nameless god. They will never be the same again.
Dark Fortunes
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Batten down the hatches, and prepare to set sail on a journey of grand adventure in this D&D 5e actual-play podcast set in the world of Humblewood. Join our rag-tag crew of would-be pirates [as] they navigate the turbulent water of the Bay of Paluche.
Dark Future Dice
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Cyberpunk 2020 is a pen and paper/ table top role playing game, set in a dark future, as imagined in the 1980's media (Bladerunner, Akira, Ghost In The Shell). Cyberpunk 2020 is also the inspiration for the upcoming video game Cyberpunk 2077.
Dark Nexus
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Four strangers. Drawn together. Robbed of their memories. Trapped in a waking nightmare. Their lives have ended, but their story is just beginning.
Dark Nexus is a Pathfinder actual play podcast and an immersive audio experience. A party of long-time friends will attempt to survive the unspeakable horrors of Paizo's Strange Aeons adventure path. Join us each week for a new chapter in an epic Weird Horror mystery.
Dark Radio Personalities
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWyO8GaQupaLGGZBng4pGA>
Dark Radio Personalities is an improvised role-playing series about survivors in a post-apocalyptic world who produce a radio show. Episodes are available as streaming YouTube videos.
Dark Tides
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Dark Tides is a weekly improvised audio drama series, set in the Hookba Archipelago. The show follows Ernest Marsh, a newly commissioned Park Ranger arriving in the Archipelago. And Allister Stern, a local conspiracy theorist and aspiring cryptozoologist. Together these young investigators unravel a twisted mystery of disappearances and fatal encounters with the uncanny as they search for the truth.
Dark Trek
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Captain Chaka Khan and the crew of the KSS Hoodoo uncover secrets that could reshape the galaxy. Journey into a mirrorverse where the descendants of Khan Noonien Singh's augments defend the stars as the United Socialist Khanate.
Darkened States
Role-Playing Horror Series
An Actual Play podcast using the Kids on Bikes system.
On January 1st, at 1 a.m. an event occurs that leaves all electronic devices to stop working. How will this affect the citizens of the small town of Little Slice o' Heaven (Lish), Nevada? Find out by clicking the Play button!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
“Campaign One, “Gold, Green, and Red”, is primarily a war story. Specifically, it chronicles the burgeoning city of Juramentum's fight to determine its freedom-embracing fate. As the only city in the entire world of Terra not to utilize the institute of slavery, it stands as a shining beacon of hope for what could yet be. Likewise,
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Spell and sword clash in a world where the ancient magic of the Magi await those courageous and resourceful enough to find it. Darkfire is a twisty D&D 5e liveplay fantasy drama full of intrigue and powerlust that follows four adventurers bound together by a mysterious deity.
Death by Horror
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
What you don't know...can kill you. LonelyBob enjoys his horror. iMorpheus knows nothing about the horror genre. LonelyBob crafts horror scenarios. iMorpheus attempts to survive said scenarios.
RSS Feed
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The people of Acrimon have taken to the skies, as the Wildes have overtaken plane and left its citizens sky-bound dwellers of the whole planet. When our heroes are sent BY ROYALTY to reclaim Acrimon, they discover that nothing but divinity itself stands in their way. Our heroes must save the world and save themselves in this fresh take on the Feywild and create an epic no viewer will forget.
Deathless (Tablestory)
Role-Playing Horror Series
Time moves differently when you're trapped beneath the earth. After decades sealed in suffocating darkness, four vampires awaken, hungry, disoriented, and forgotten by time. But the world they've returned to is not the one they left. New Orleans 1995 is colder, crueler, and unfamiliar, twisted in ways they can barely understand.
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
A British DnD actual play podcast set in a homebrew Dieselpunk World. Come join the adventure as a Triton Girl exploring the world, a Drow Hotelier and Chef, a Leonin Night Club Bouncer and a Fire Genasi looking for a friend start a path towards their destinies. Expect Monsters, Mysteries & Machine Guns.
Delta Green SCP Files
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
Welcome to the Delta Green SCP Files live play [...] podcast. Join us in our live play of Delta Green with an SCP twist. So many amazing stories to share.
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Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes with Green Box Gaming
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
Four friends launch into a game of horror, mystery, and conspiracy where regular people fight against the unknown at the expense of their relationships, sanity, and lives. We are playing Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes! Brad, Dace, and Gian join Handler Joe to delve into a world of Carcosa and the King in Yellow!
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Come, innocents, and listen to adventures in the dark world of Demipia, edited, actual-play 5th edition D&D podcasts of mystery and danger. In our inaugural podcast, The Mine Children, a party of 6 strange characters make their way to the village of Goll's Fall. Some seek glory, some seek enlightenment, some seek family, some seek revenge. What they will find will shake them to the very core, if they manage to survive.
Demon: Love and Hellfire
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Demon: The Fallen (sort of) Forged in the Dark Actual Play podcast. A Clever Corvids Production. Three reawakened demons try to navigate human life and fight off despair and deific oppression in the heat of Miami.
Deniable Assets
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
An In-Character Shadowrun Podcast
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Listen to a Sample101-Watch Your back Jack
(M4A File)
mature podcast role-playing series science_fiction urban_fantasy
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Podcast version of the TTRPG Actual Play set in a South Asian mythological universe starring Jasmine Bhullar, Anjali Bhimani, Omar Najam, Sandeep Parikh & Rekha Shankar.
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Desperate Attune
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Desperate Attune is an actual play podcast about characters with their identities in peril, played by an international cast devoted to fiction-first gaming, collaborative worldbuilding and complex character drama.
Devils, Elves and Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
This is an actual play podcast of Paizo Publishing's tabletop RPG, Pathfinder 2nd Edition - we're playing through their recently released adventure path, The Abomination Vaults. Another take on the classic RPG dungeon crawl. We're starting with their first book of 3. I expect a lot of hallways, corridors, and doors
Dial M for Magic
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Dial M for Magic, a darkly comedic noir-inspired Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in a world where magic is outlawed and swanky magical speakeasies abound. We meet our characters: a troubled poet, a budding journalist, a hyper hick, and a giant handyman, as they all go about their lives in the city of New Bastilon. Danger lies around every corner, but just maybe, so does the truth.
Dice & Dungeons
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons & Dragons live play show, set in the unique world of Astraenor. Join our party [...] as they set out on new adventures!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Mystery at Tibolk Manor
Dice and Decepticons
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Dice and Decepticons is an actual play TTRPG podcast set in the Transformers universe, and uses the Mecha Hack.
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Listen to a SampleDice and Decepticons - Episode 0: A quick intro to our setting
Dice and Dreary
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Join us for a frightening experience as we play the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign, Curse of Strahd. Join Sprocket, Crethan, and the DM Jeff as they journey to Strahd von Zarovich's Domain of Dread.
Dice and Pizza
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dice & Pizza is an actual play show that follows three ragtag strangers on a journey to stop an ancient dragon god from destroying their homes. Follow Zaba, Driftwood, and Ernie as they explore ancient cities, help lost spirits, and try not to get eaten by kaiju.
Dice Carnival
Role-Playing Steampunk Fantasy Series
Welcome to Dice Carnival, where we have fun telling stories and rolling dice. Be sure to check out our main campaign: Electrival, set in the electric world of intrigue and adventure.
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Dice Decideth
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to your first year of training at the prestigious Slaythereon University!
Here at Slay U students to be part of a vast workforce of hunters, mercenaries, and protectors that get to see the vast world beyond the protective wall of our city, Onai.
Dice For Brains
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
The Dice For Brains Podcast is an actual play show telling serialized stories through the course of a season with a focus on character and story development. The show is produced by an inclusive group that brings new players to the world of tabletop role playing games. Experience organic narratives by following along with new and veteran players as they explore your favorite story worlds, all with the assistance of tabletop rpgs.
Dice Funk
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
An actual-play podcast about goblins, anarchists, lesbians, and lesbian goblin anarchists. It will make you both laugh and cry. Every season is a self-contained story, so start with the latest campaign!
Dice Guys Crit Last
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Written history was destroyed and the world started over under a new word that told a tale which was far from the truth. Stories of Dragons and Giants became myths and major magic use was rare to see, and mechanical pursuit drove itself forward. Join these four party members as they dive into worlds they did not know exist on this theater of the mind campaign.
Dice Modifiers
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We are a group of friends that love playing Tabletop role playing games and strive to make you feel at home! We have a D&D campaign and a Traveler (MGT2) campaign going as well as occasional one shot sessions!
Dice on the Table
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dice on the Table is an Actual Play Podcast that uses role playing games as the engine of its story telling. Join Tyler, Melissa, Matt and Noah as we journey on Epic adventures with Swift, Divas and Debela. Three out of town adventures looking for something new. For our first season we will be using Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.
Dice Paper Role
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dice Paper Role is a Dungeons and Dragons comedy adventure. Created in Naarm (Melbourne, Australia) in 2017 by five Australian mates who decided their tabletop shenanigans were too good not to share. We made the switch to fifth edition, hit record, found another player, and haven't looked back since.
Dice Populi
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
A tabletop roleplaying anthology series uses rotating dungeon masters and classic games to tell exciting, varied and fantastical stories.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleWelcome To Our Table [Introduction]
Dice Shame
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Comedy, action and a whole lot of shaming come together in Dice Shame, an Actual Play Podcast of Storm King's Thunder by Wizards of the Coast! Join our GM Jo; her partner Harlan, his brother Alex & their best friends Justin and Rob as they tackle the daunting world of Faerun in this legendary adventure module!
Dice Tribe
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A highly produced blend of Dungeons and Dragons, audio drama and improv, following the funny and heartfelt adventures of six friends playing in the Forgotten Realms. Dinosaur-fueled, and family friendly.
Dice Will Roll
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Dice Will Roll, the gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions, like... Is it cannibalism to eat an awakened polymorphed chicken? Or is it morally okay to kiss a Goblin? What's the worst thing that could happen if we split the party?
Dice with Death
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dice with Death is a performative actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast where anyone could die, with a roll of the dice.
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Listen to a SampleC1E0 - Session Zero - Dice with Death
Dicey Encounters
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to the land of Monsmet, a foreign realm filled with magic in which we find three daring adventurers struggling with a difficult situation. Will war ravage the land? Will our heroes see their families again? Join us on this D&D5e actual play podcast for more dicey encounters!
Dicey Stories
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Dicey Stories exists to share the fun of tabletop roleplaying games and to celebrate the collaborative storytelling they can produce. To that end, we provide our stories in two formats: the audio of our actual-play sessions, in which you can hear real people laughing our way through building a story together, and the serialized narrative of the story, in which you can read how events dramatically occurred in the lives of the characters.
Die by the Sword Podcast
Role-Playing Horror Series
“From the whispering shadows of haunted Ustalav an ancient evil rises to grip the world in a new age of horror! Amid the mists of this land of dark superstition and dread secrets stand both those who would defy the return of evil and those who would seek its terrible favor. Can the heroes discern their allies from their enemies in time to save a tortured realm from a tyrant's return?
Die Time
Role-Playing Horror Series
Die Time is a Call of Cthulhu actual play podcast by Scope Networks. This season join four children as they are whisked away to The Orion Academy, a mysterious military school in the early 1900's located somewhere deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Only this school is preparing them for a war far greater than the
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Die Cast Destiny is a live actual play TTRPG series set in the homebrew world of Valanes.
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Listen to a Sample01 - The Split Tower
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Dimension 20
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Dimension 20, where comedians, improvisers, and all assortments of goofs play D&D! Led by Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan, each season of Dimension 20 will bring you to a new world, filled with new characters and new dangers.
Dingles & Dangles
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Proxima, home to mortal races and battlefield of the gods. Join Mendo, Polly, and Leafgem as they carve out a place for themselves and their friends in a world dominated by nations of great power.
Dinosaur Park
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
In the spring of 2016 we unearthed the long forgotten 1986 Tabletop RPG that is Dinosaur Park and decided to have a quick game. This is the result.
In the following months we were able to track down the rare and much beloved sequel, Dinosaur World: The Post-Apocalyptic RPG for Ages 10 and up and once again, have a quick game.
Dire Weasels
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Once described as if D&D and Cards Against Humanity had a baby. That seems fairly close.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: The Eggventure Begins
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Disciples of the Clockwork Mage
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Faux'Terrum!
Disciples of the Clockwork Mage is an actual play Pathfinder 2E podcast that follows 11 independent characters as they explore a custom homebrewed universe. Join us as we unravel mysteries, fight atrocities and win over the affections of the citizens of Faux'Terrum.
Disciples of the Eight
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Darkness. War. Chains leading to a castle in the sky. Falling.
A group of heroes awaken in an alleyway with no memory of who the others are or how they got there. They only have a deep sense of trust and the word of a stranger that they were on a mission to kill the king. They got very close but ultimately failed. Now, thanks to the actions of their strange new friend, they have another chance. The king does not know that they still live, …
Distant Grey Gaming
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Distant Grey Gaming, a place where anyone and everyone is welcome to join us in our adventures in many, many worlds!
Whilst we started out playing only D&D 5e adventures we soon realised there's a lot of gaming systems out there, and we want to reflect that diversity here as well. Distant Grey Gaming is based in Perth, Western Australia.
District of Dreams
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
An author, an archivist, a barista, a criminal, and a fighter. Five people who should have nothing in common, but they are five people who see the dreams of mortals and live among them - they are Changelings.
Dive Cloud
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Jazz music, wacky robots, and a world on the edge of technomagic revolution. But mostly friends just having fun! Join us in our D&D 5e Podcast
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Listen to a SampleWelcome to Dive Cloud
DnD After Dark
Role-Playing Horror Series
What do some semi-professional actors have in common BESIDES weighing the responsibilities of parenthood and dreaded reality? Why, the desire to roll some dice and tell amazing stories! DnD After Dark invites listeners to explore narrative driven games of Dungeons and Dragons and other TTRPGS's with Soren, Emily and Roosevelt for tears, fears and abundant laughs.
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
DnD RAW is a party of friends who mostly follow rules as written (RAW) for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition with unearthed arcana material. We have two diverse parties in our actual play podcast, Serviceable Plots and Rumble Squad, who deliver compelling storytelling with laughs along on the way. On our second show, Rules As Written, we are joined by some of our favorite podcasters as we debate and discuss rules of fifth edition in our endless quest to …
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Two hundred years before our heroes adventure, The world of Humbreah was invaded by an unknown Deity wielding deadly blood magic bringing Humbreah to its knees. Join Drell, Armos and MInnis' as they travel across Humbreah and unravel the mystery of the Blood Shards left behind from that terrible event!
Don't Drink and Dungeons & Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Don't Drink and Dungeons & Dragons: yet another actual play D&D podcast - with a twist! Join Dungeon Master Jasen Miyamoto and player Hannah Tobias in a solo-campaign-turned-drinking-game, replete with high fantasy, low standards, and the inevitable fall into drunken disarray.
Don't Forget Your Towel
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Don't Forget Your Towel: Adventures Through Worlds is an RPG actual-play podcast that takes you through different worlds, tones and play styles, with different cast members and self-contained adventures. We aim to play every RPG in existence, bringing you as much RPG goodness as possible! Wish us luck!!
Don't Tell Me The Odds
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Don't tell me the odds is a dnd actual play podcast set in an original world. One overarching campaign with an original setting, broken up by the occasional one shot or recorded [shenanigans].
Donald's Dungeon
* Website: <https://donaldsdungeon.blogspot.com/>
Donald's Dungeon is a comedic podcast in which presidential candidate Lando D. Trump is transported to a fantasy realm. They story is told as a series of satirical role-playing game sessions.
Doom Clock
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Welcome to Doom Clock, a comedy/horror actual play podcast using the Shiver system. In this sci-fi story we follow four members of W.A.T.C.H as they try to jump through time to divert catastrophes.
Doom, Gloom & Zoom
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Doom, Gloom & Zoom a D&D Podcast by Mine Podcasting.
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Listen to a SampleSeason 1: Doom, Gloom & Zoom
(M4A File)
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Door to the North
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are a table-top role-playing group recording our live-play podcast running Paizo's Pathfinder 1st edition “Carrion Crown” Adventure Path.
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Listen to a Sample1-1 Four Bonks and a Funeral
Double D20s
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Double D20s is a Queer and BIPOC-led TTRPG podcast routed in telling stories of love, identity, and adventure. Led by creative duo Shelina & Tori, each season of Double D20s brings it's own new cast, new characters, and new immersive journey for listeners to delve into.
Down to the Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Down to the Dice is your new fave Dungeons & Dragons podcast! At the heart of the show are twin brothers & charismatic performers Adam and Jacob, accompanied by their hilarious friends Dan, Ryan, and Olek. Prepare for an exhilarating journey through floating islands, divine factions, and high-stakes action set pieces. And with an emphasis on political intrigue and espionage,
Dragon Friends
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We start on a land that is still. Some may say it's not moving. From each of the Four Great nations a champion emerges. This story is not about them.
Join Polly Waddle the Duck, Sunbelt Gongbonger the Minotaur, Dinner Munchabout the very divorced man and Charion Valariant the rich kid for a new saga with a new set of heroes they call The Dragon Friends.
Dragonlance: Echoes of Krynn
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The drums of war have stilled, and the rivers of blood have slowed to a trickle. Takhisis, the evil Queen of Dragons, has been thwarted and her armies scattered to the far corners of Krynn.
Draining the Swamp
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Hunter the Reckoning 5th Edition Actual Play involving four new Hunters who are called out to Morgan City Louisiana to look into a strange murder that unravels a spool of supernatural thread and other bizarre events in the area. Joseph Call, a paranormal investigator, Dr. Martin Dreyfus, a Jungian Psychologist, Jason Augustine, a Hunter's son, and Alex Eckles, a crustpunk
Draw Your Swords
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Actual play D&D podcast played with comic artist and writers
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Listen to a SamplePumpkin Spiced Shiitake | Draw Your Swords | Episode 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Dread and Breakfast
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
Skeletons and spectres and scones–oh my! Welcome to Dread & Breakfast, where we bumble our way through horror RPG's, creating new stories one failure at a time. And be sure to stay for breakfast. How do you like your eggs in the morning? *WINK*
DreadTek Inc.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
A Fantasy Cyberpunk D&D Spin-off series from Microphones & Monsters. Follow the story of Knits with his drone buddy Blip, the notorious activist Sylvia Rivera, and a rather unusually large sized Zoog named Z.OUS! in this action packed dystopian horror. Yogsonik is watching
Dream of the Blue Veil
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons & Dragons podcast featuring a cast of 20-somethings who are all serial tabletop enthusiasts.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Focaccias All The Way Down
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Drek Happens
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Fun, comical Shadowrun tabletop adventures for mature audiences only.Early episodes are not included in the RSS feed, but all episodes are available on the Drek Happens website.
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Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Droughtland is an actual-play podcast set in a barren land roamed by zeppelins and railroads, and populated by raiders, dinosaurs, and voodoo.
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Listen to a SampleWelcome to Droughtland
Drumroll & Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Some guys who play D&D thought it would be fun to turn it into a podcast.
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Listen to a SampleEp0 Introduction
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Drunks and Dragons
* Website: <http://geeklyinc.com/category/drunks-and-dragons/>
Drunks and Dragons is a podcast that presents a group of people playing the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition.
There is also a companion podcast titled The Abridged Drunks and Dragons
Dubious Histories
Role-Playing Multigenre Series
Dubious Histories is a new roleplay podcast. We use a completely homebrew system, with a completely homemade world, and completely homegrown characters. That's right! Everything is made up and the limitations don't matter!
Dubstep & Dragons
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
A D&D 5e actual play podcast with a cyberpunk twist, set in futuristic Earth containing, violence, mutation, wanna be comedians, and more!
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Dueling Dungeon Masters
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
The Dueling Dungeon Masters is a Live Play TTRPG Podcast where not one, but two Dungeon Masters will work together, and sometimes AGAINST one another, to take their players on ONE epic journey of twists, turns, chaos, and mayhem!
Dumb, Scum, and Villainy
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
A long time ago, in a dumb galaxy far, far away...
Join a crew of bumbling criminals - the seductive Brash (Ryan LaPlante), the hapless gambler Vic Dunbar (Tyler Hewitt), and the murderous bounty hunter Wokka Wokka Fonzie (Adam McNamara) and GM Tom McGee - as they try and heist their way out of a debt to a deadly Hutt - only to have things get worse when they realize the cargo they've stolen is a deadly treasure that coul…
Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Improvisers and comedians venture into the world of Dungeons and Dragons and hijinks ensue!
Follow the adventures of Alyn (Laura Elizabeth), Quinny (Tyler Hewitt), Butthole (Ryan LaPlante) and a variety of special guest stars (including Lil' Pim Pim the Orc Warlord, Not-Peter-Baeylish who is definitely not Peter Baeylish, Ranger the Ranger, Doddle the Goblin Princess and more!) as they battle monsters, start unions, and adopt wolves w…
Dumbgeons & Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual play Dungeons and Dragons 5e podcast. 4 friends flirt with danger while adventuring through dark dungeons to fight wicked dragons all to save the day! Join us for some natural 20 laughs as well as some critical fail groans.
Dungeon & Babbins
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A series of “Dungeons and Dragons” campaigns run for various charity efforts.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleAdventurer's League: Haul'iday Haul
anthology multigenre podcast role-playing series
Dungeon Calling
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
A real-play D&D podcast of high fantasy and low humor. It's the 1980s, and four almost friends navigate middle school in a small, strange, low-budget town. Can they survive social minefields and the occasional eldritch horror without being expelled, or possibly sued by the Duffer Brothers? Will there be music? Listen to find out.
Dungeon Delving Delinquents
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The world's hottest new D&D podcast!* Listen as a rag-tag bunch of dragon-blooded orphans tries to overcome the Dungeon of the Mad Mage!
*Please don't fact check this
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Dungeon Drunks
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Every week five friends get together, talk about their drinks, and play Dungeons & Dragons. Join Jack as Travancore the half elf ranger, Jonathan as Jonathan the MagiMuscular the human wizard, John as Quarlton Tanks the half orc barbarian, and Julia as Burnice Q Burns the gnome cleric as they drink their way through adventures lead by Lauren (Oboe) the Dungeon Master!
Dungeon Mastered
* Website: <http://www.dungeonmastered.com/>
Dungeon Mastered is a podcast in which a group of friend play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons with occasional music and sound effects added.
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Dungeon Matrix
* Website: <http://www.skyematrixgaming.com/dungeon-matrix>
Dungeon Matrix is a lighthearted podcast in which a group of friends play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, 4th edition.
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* iTunes link
comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Dungeon Mystery Theater
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Let the Dungeons and the Dragons begin
It's D&D
Fighting' with the legends of yore
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Listen to a SampleWrongful Termination Episode 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Dungeon Wives
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A [...] podcast where two sapphics in love play a one-on-one game of Dungeons and Dragons. Our story follows a young Tiefling Druid named Alkyone as she journeys into a new world, leaving the comfort of her home behind to follow a destiny greater than herself.
Dungeon's Master
* Website: <http://dungeonsmaster.com/>
Dungeon's Master is a website devoted to the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Among its variety of article on the subject, it also offers a podcast featuring audio recordings of role-playing game sessions. The episodes are not grouped together, but are available within the individual articles.
Dungeons & Derek
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition actual play podcast in which four friends perform acts of goofness and gallantry in the original campaign setting of Axys.
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Dungeons & Dimensions
Role-Playing Multigenre Series
Three adventurers from the land of Ooo go on a crazy quest through the different dimensional realms. Join Fern the Human, Jack the Wolf, and Marshel Lee and there crazy quest full of crazy and familiar characters.
Dungeons & Dirtbags
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Four players set out into the world of Arcadia seeking adventure and... well, gold. We want gold too.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleHis Name Was Korg
comedy fantasy podcast role-playing series
Dungeons & Disorder
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dungeons and Disorder is a fun Live Play podcast of the newest version of the Dungeons and Dragons. Join us in laughs and bloodshed as we explore Fifth Edition.
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Dungeons & Distractions
* Website: <https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/id853385352>
Dungeons & Distractions is a lighthearted podcast in which a group of friends play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Dungeons & Dragons & Daughters
Role-Playing Children's Fantasy Series
A podcast of a dad introducing Dungeons & Dragons to his eight-year-old twin daughters, because more kids should play Dungeons & Dragons. And surprisingly it's difficult to find a D&D real play podcast appropriate for all ages.
Dungeons and Daddies
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D real play podcast about four dads from our world transported into a realm of high fantasy and magic, and their quest to rescue their sons. Not a BDSM podcast!
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Dungeons and Daiquiris
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Dungeons and Daiquiris, where our group of 21 year olds and older enjoy a new alcoholic beverage while playing D&D! Join us on adventures into the forgotten realms for some exciting (and most likely very tispy) fun!
Dungeons And Doofuses
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Dungeons And Doofuses is an actual ttrpg playing through the Curse of Strahd campaign using D&D 5e rules. [...] Please join us for laughs and horrors as we stumble through Dungeons and Dragons.
Dungeons and Doritos
* Website: <https://shows.acast.com/dnd>
Dungeons & Doritos is a comedic roleplaying audio drama set in a sword and sorcery setting akin to Dungeons & Dragons. It combines improvised storytelling and performances with audio drama production; including sound effects and an original score.
Dungeons and Improv
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Formed from improv team The Last Minute Replacements, Dungeons and Improv is the bastard COVID lovechild of improv and D&D.
Using improv principles, they force DM Brian and Universe Aaron to tolerate shenanigans as they swing wildly from chaotic good to chaotic evil. Part improv comedy show, part D&D session, and part drunken escapade.
Dungeons and Randomness
* Website: <http://dandrpodcast.com/>
Dungeons and Randomness is a lighthearted podcast that follows the adventures of four groups of people who play a shared campaign in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
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Dungeons and To Be Determined
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
You make the rules, we place with the consequences in this improvised comedy show where a group of improvisers collaboratively build a unique tabletop RPG system with input from the audience. Starting in 2023, D&TBD showcases five talented Boston-based improvisers who work together to craft an original rule set, characters, and campaign. Episodes are broadcast live on Twitch, and on special occasions, they may be performin…
Dungeons Beyond Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play podcast currently running Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
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Listen to a SampleRime of the Frostmaiden - Introduction
Dungeons In Discord
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Whoosh, crackle, splash, thunk! What was that? Could be anything in the land of Deprem. All the stories of the elements living in harmony couldn't possibly be true, could it? Or maybe it is, and something's afoot
Dungeons of Drakkenheim
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
DUNGEONS OF DRAKKENHEIM follows the conflict and comedy-filled adventures of a brash prince, a streetwise survivor, and a meddlesome mage as they confront monsters and mystery in the meteor-blasted ruins of a fantasy city.
Dungeons, Dice & Everything Nice
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Long ago, the material plane was severed.
A lone member of the TRUEGUARD used a PLANESBREAKER to cut off THE MATERIAL PLANE from THE CELESTIAL AND INFERNAL PLANES. Now, hundreds of years later, OUR HEROES are all that stands against the nefarious forces that would use the PLANESBREAKERS to serve their own goals.
Dungeons, Dragons, and Date Nights
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A live play podcast between husband and wife trying to save the world and date each other at the same time.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1
(M4A File)
dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
* Website: <https://dungeonsdeeprpgs.com/>
DungeonsDeepRPGs produces a podcast featuring people playing a number of tabletop role-playing games from a variety of genres but with a focus on horror.
Call of Cthulhu
Horror On The Orient Express
Dunkelzahn - The Musical
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/shane-andersen-2/dunkelzahn-the-musical>
Dunkelzahn - The Musical is a musical fan fiction audio drama based on the the futuristic urban fantasy tabletop role-playing game Shadowrun.
fantasy fan_fiction full_cast original_music role-playing science_fiction sound_effects streaming
Dust and Blood
Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series
Explore the Fantasy West...
As the sizzling sun sets over the wild west and the jackalopes bound through the shadows, join us in an alternate-history fantasy universe where centaur cowboys and zombie sharpshooters roam the plains.
Dust Vale
Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series
The continent of Dust Vale is a boiling hot desert at the centre of Lacrin. Great canyons, mesas and sand dunes ruled over by corrupt chancellors and a mysterious emperor. A ragtag group of adventurers are set a simple task but find themselves caught up in a rebellion that will take them across the desert and beyond.
Dust World
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A post-apocalyptic sci-fi western actual play RPG podcast about a group of flawed individuals, the Boys, that are trying to stop Red Earth a mad dictatorship from taking over what's left of this rock.
Dwarven Moss
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
DWARVEN MOSS began when gaming expert Tom Hodgins decided to ignite an old passion of his by playing some Dungeons & Dragons, so he recruited his friends, comedian Kris Siddiqi, and musician Jay McCarrol to play their very first official campaign. Jay, having a studio already setup in his dungeon suggested that they record their game as a personal keepsake for the group. As they listened back, they started adding more and more effects to enhance…
Dying Order
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Dying Order is a D&D5e homebrew campaign set in the world of Lacrin. Four will be chosen. The fate of the world rests on their shoulders.
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Listen to a SampleDying Order Trailer
Dynamic Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dynamic Dice is a 5th edition D&D actual play podcast set in the mysterious Antris Archipelago. When the defenders protecting the world from the monsters and creatures within the Caldera goes silent, our group of freelancers sets out to discover the reason why. Join us as we embark on a journey filled with mystery, adventure, and danger, as we explore the depths at the heart of the Caldera and uncover the secrets of the Antris Archipelago.
Eberron Renewed
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
A podcast focused on long-form storytelling and character development set in the Eberron D&D game setting.
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Listen to a SampleC1 Ep. 1. Dancing With Shadows: Chapter One
anthology comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Eclipse (Majestic Goose)
Role-Playing Fantasy Science Fiction Series
Eclipse is 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons sci-fi fantasy thriller. Join the crew of the Eclipse as they struggle to keep the galaxy safe in this biweekly actual-play podcast.
Edge of the World
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The first series in the world of Bailehart is the story of four individuals making their way through the Great White Emptiness of the north. Drang of the Short Days, a fae of the proud, stern, and warlike Winter Court, is called back to her homeland to greet the Winter Emperor. Maisel Fiske, a human, an heiress, a nuisance, is fleeing north after a betrayal. Noir Steele, wrapped in a hulking suit of armor, an enforcer for the feared and respected …
Eidolon Playtest
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Eidolon Playtest is two different actual-play RPG campaigns [...] EIDOLON POP is a story of a group of college students uncovering the secret, surreal past of their professor, while EIDOLON ROCK is a story of a gang of low-level Las Vegas criminals who stumble up on a drug that grants you superpowers.
Eldric Journeys
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
In this D&D game turned audio drama we laugh, puzzle, and cry as we discover the secrets of the world, Eldra Gadrid, but more importantly, we discover ourselves.
Join us on a journey through our imaginations as we create a story you'll never forget in a world you'd never believe. With quality sound, professional editing, and beautiful music we turn this podcast into Audio Cinema.
Eldritch Horror Squad
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
EHS is a bunch of queer nerds, a token straight, and a suspiciously troublesome cat in a far-too-small room attempting an actual play podcast focused on Call of Cthulhu and other tabletop roleplaying games.
Emergency Power
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Emergency Power Podcast is a mostly wholesome, always exciting actual-play podcast set in the Starfinder universe. Join Koto, Wiscr, Sol, Pons, Pahhra, and NR-5E as they adventure through a homebrew science-fantasy adventure written by GM Adam Damas.
Empyrean Rising
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In the world of Pendula, magic wanes and magic rises. On the cusp of a new rising, with the shifting and waking powers, so too comes conflict. This is a story about a changing world, and the would-be heroes that discover themselves amid the turmoil and changes around them. This is a story about revolution. A story about magic, and flawed people in flawed circumstances.
EN Live Actual Play
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
TTRPG actual play. 8-week campaigns featuring Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. One Shots of Awfully Cheerful Engine!
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Listen to a SampleIntroducing EN Live!
anthology comedy multigenre podcast role-playing series
Encounter Party!
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Step inside the Magic: the Gathering world of Ravnica in this Fantasy Mystery Audio Adventure governed by the rules of Dungeons & Dragons that Nerdist calls “a critical hit”!
Five Ravnican citizens, each from different guilds, have their lives turn upside down when they find a mysterious artifact; a perfect metal orb. Though its properties are a mystery, it's somehow connected to a strange infection spreading throughout the city. Black te…
End City
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome, chooms, to our Cyberpunk Red mini-series 'End City'.
Things go awry for a group scraping med supplies from the largest corporation in the city...
Join CG (Choom Guide) Justin and some truly wonderful friends as we hit the gritty corporate dystopian streets and try to earn a living under the boot of governing forces.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Shadowrunners. Thriving in the margins, doing the jobs no one else can. While the Corporations run the world, Shadowrunner live on the edge, and for this team of 'runners getting back together after a long hiatus, that edge has never been sharper.
Epic Blunders RPGcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play tabletop RPG podcast currently running DnD in the Critical Role world of Wildemount. [...] Making the best of a digital, separated world by joining together to stay connected, (mostly) sane, and enjoying what we love. You can be a part of that too.
Errant Adventures
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Join writer and game master Steve Morrison as he embarks on a solo roleplaying game adventure. He may be alone with his thoughts, but the dice are sure to keep things interesting.
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Escape Capade
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Host Shannon Lahaie guides two improvisers as they try to find their way out of The Room.
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Listen to a SampleS01E01: The Attic
The Sonar Network
dwarven_mossDwarven Mossescape_capadeEscape CapadekwantumKwantumon_a_dark_cold_nightOn A Dark, Cold Nightpara_normalPara(normal)spooked_the_sonar_networkSpooked! (The Sonar Network)
anthology comedy mature multigen…
Escape From Sonder
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Escape From Sonder is a DnD podcast created by a group of friends who have a strong desire to listen to themselves talks for hours.
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Listen to a SampleEFS Plot: Episode 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Escape This Podcast
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We design escape rooms, complete with their own story, characters, setting, puzzles, and secrets. But these rooms are special: they only exist in the minds of the people playing them, and the listeners at home!
Essential NPCs
* Website: <http://www.essentialnpcs.com/>
Essential NPCs is a podcast the presents a group of people playing various tabletop role-playing games. It also offers discussions on how to run role-playing campaigns.
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Established Property Playhouse
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play anthology series using established properties.
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Listen to a SampleSeason 1 #1 – Matinee! PokeMon - The New Bark Swing!
anthology fan_fiction mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
Ethereal Embrace
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In the year 247 in the Age of Judges, Vartan was summoned home by a letter stating that his father has died under mysterious circumstances. Upon returning home, Vartan opened his mind to the possibility that his father's death and his home town of Eterno was not everything that it appeared to be.
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Inclusive Casts & Stories featuring the European TTRPG community. Featuring content from our main channel.
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Listen to a SampleBlack History Month - Darling You're a Haunted House
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Six storytellers bring to you an epic new D&D actual-play podcast. Set in a homebrew corner of Realmspace built by the cast using a roleplaying system called Microscope.
Based out of Austin, Texas, Evenfell came from the minds and hearts of six friends with a shared love of swords, sorcery, and collaborative storytelling.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A homebrewed DnD podcast set in the vast world of Tyneas: featuring Fae Folk, adventure, and horrors beyond the imagination.
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Listen to a SampleDreams and New Beginnings
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Everrealm Adventures
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An all POC actual play DnD5e podcast, set on a isolated, fabled(and entirely homebrew) continent called the Everrealm.
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Every Which Way
Role-Playing Horror Series
A TTRPG podcast where 4 friends tell stories and fumble through problems. Currently playing Monster of the Week, 3 hunters explore the darker side of Witch Way, Wisconsin and the dangers that come with it.
EveryTenday D&D
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
DnD for families and Young Adventurers. A dad plays Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) 5th Edition with his kids every ten days.
Danae is a female aasimar Fighter and Rogue, Elluen is a male human Diviner and Mystic (psionic).
Everything's A Mimic!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play TTRPG podcast the explores popular adventures and modules within the confines of our homebrew world of Aurora!
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Evil is as Evil Does
* Website: <http://geekspective.com/>
Evil is as Evil Does is a podcast in which a group of people play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons as evil characters.
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* iTunes link
* Stitcher page
comedy fantasy free full_cast mature_content role-playing
Exalted: A History
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/HisMajestyMalfeas/videos>
Exalted: A History is a series of readings based on the fantasy role-playing game Exalted, describing the gods and creations of the world in that setting. They are available as streaming YouTube videos.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to the ExQueeriencePoints Podcast. We are an all queer cast, and I'm the originator and producer, Kelrick.
We play the Starfinder ttrpg, produced by Paizo because they have shown serious work in ttrpg inclusion. Our stories are told by queer casts telling stories with queer themes - which doesn't mean we are only for queer folks, just that we don't shy away from being our authentic selves as we play through our campaigns.
Fabled Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Fabled Dice is a Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual-Play Podcast.
Four misfit adventures Lost in a realm of Magic, must recover what they lost as children.
Based on Wild Beyond The Witchlight.
Role-Playing Horror Series
New York City is the home to 8.6 million souls, and all of them are trying to figure out how to survive. People will do anything just to scrape by, and some push the boundaries of morality to new limits. Corrupt politicians, self-righteous religious zealots, media conglomerates, giant corporations, and industrialized-pharmaceutical healthcare control everything we do. All-the-while, we are distracted by imaginary enemies, violence on TV, acts of terrorism, in…
Facing Fate
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Facing Fate, an anthological audio fiction actual play podcast. What does that mean outside of being amazing alliteration?
It means when you subscribe to Facing Fate, you will find 2 – 10 episode seasons every year in the Facing Fate feed.
Faeforge Academy
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Faeforge Academy is the preeminent school of magic and artisanry in the known world. Bordering the Feywilds and the Material Plane in the world of Evastria, the Faeforge Academy exists to teach those who can hear the echoes of magic that remain in the world to hone their skills to create beautiful, wondrous and powerful objects that can reshape the world. Our journey will follow 5 students, newly accepted to the Academy. What secrets will they …
Failure, Improvised
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A “PG” family friendly podcast where a dad and his two kids play tabletop roleplaying games together. If you've been looking for a Dungeons & Dragons podcast that is fun, safe, and clean to listen to with your kids, we hope you'll enjoy our podcast!
Falling Star
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A West End Games Star Wars D6 RPG podcast. Primary podcasts consist of actual RP sessions, playing out a campaign from inception including discussions of character, plot and theme.
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Fang Gang
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Vampire the Masquerade actual play podcast that started as an excuse to play Vampire the Masquerade and formed into a podcast on a lark. This gameplay still has the dark tones of The World of Darkness with the lighthearted moments of a group of friends playing a game.
Fantastic Worlds Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, a…
Fantastical Escape
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
With a chaotic mix of D&D 5e, amateur players, stupidly funny comedy, and four great friends who love to tell stories, Fantastical Escape is one rollercoaster of an experience! Previously described as
Far Beyond the Stars
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Live life the Edge Corp way – punch the clock, keep your head down, collect your pay. This is the day-to-day reality of working stiffs in a rough galaxy. But when the crew of the cargo freighter Calamity fails to catch break after break, their lives are turned upside down. Bad cargo, spiraling debt, and a woman's life on the line – all with the Golden League crime syndicate breathing down their necks – it's no surprise that these blue-c…
Fate and Fauxtune
Role-Playing Steampunk Fantasy Series
Welcome to our playthrough of Wyrd Games' story-driven Role-Playing Game: Through the Breach.
Set in the early 1900s, 3 fugitives plan to escape the iron grasp of the Guild - leaving the comforts of Earth in favour of another world. Join us for comfort, discomfort, and everything in between as we walk the lines of comedy and dark drama.
Fate and the Fablemaidens
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Fate and the Fablemaidens is an all-women, family-friendly actual-play D&D 5th edition podcast created by four friends who love goofs and games.
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Fate of Isen
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Fate of Isen is a fun and loose actual-play podcast from Aotearoa New Zealand. Join the quest as incredibly unlikely heroes (played by kiwi comedians) fumble their way through saving the world of Isen. There are empires, gods, demons, giant kiwi, and so much more!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
FateBreakers is a bi-weekly Actual Play of Exalted, the classic high-powered fantasy RPG, using the Essence ruleset. Join Atom (Chills), Lythander (Corrack), Gavel (Alatos), and more as they fight everything the Dreaming Sea has to throw at them, and strive to save Creation from the greatest threats the world has ever known!
Fear Initiative
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
FEAR INITIATIVE, [a] horror role-playing game podcast. Join Morgan Peter Brown, Laura Dromerick, Megan Duffy, David Ian McKendry, Daniel Montgomery, Allie Goertz, and Jeff Seidman on their weekly horror inspired RPG adventure. Demons, giant spiders, creepy dolls, and pet racoons.
Fear the Boot
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Fear the Boot is a long-running podcast on tabletop role playing game culture and advice. In this spin-off show, we record ourselves playing various games, both for your entertainment and to demonstrate the concepts we describe in the primary show.
Feddie Scum
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Feddie Scum is an actual-play tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) podcast set in the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam franchise. The podcast follows Dallas, Zach, Matt, Kat, and Furin, as they play characters under the direction of the gamemaster, Adam. The game takes place during the One Year War and beyond, providing listeners with an exciting adventure with plenty of twists and turns. Who will survive?
Fey Earth
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Fey Earth is an indie ttrpg set in an alternate 19th century Earth where all the creatures from folklore and fairy tale are real and have always lived alongside humanity. It is a world where magic and industry are merging. The Fey in Fey Earth are faithful depictions based on folklore so while you will see names you are familiar with you may be surprised to discover the true might and power of these beings.
Final Piece
Role-Playing Mystery Anthology
Join gamemaster Yale and detective Alyssa in a fresh take on murder mysteries. Each episode presents the details on a new crime scene, which they investigate, find clues, and deduce the murderer from three suspects. Tune in to play along, and see if you can find the FINAL PIECE.
Final Word
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
3 friends playing the “Tyrants Grasp” adventure path published by Paizo, Inc. Get ready to learn and have fun as we do!
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Listen to a SampleEp. 1 Explodey Bits
comedy fantasy podcast role-playing series
Finding Ithaca
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Finding Ithaca is a Starfinder Actual Play that is about space pirates. Inspired by Treasure Planet and Titan A.E., the story follows a group of people finding a long lost treasure known as Ithaca that was hidden by the Pirate Queen, Captain Penelope many centuries ago. Starring Christian who will be playing Quinn Garou, a Vesk Envoy. Madeleine will be playing Astro MacCleod, an Ysoki Evolutionist. Ley will be playing Vain Jarkanoak, a Damai …
Firebreathing Kittens
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Every episode is a complete story with a beginning and end. You can listen in any order. Join us as we solve mysteries, attempt comedic banter, and enjoy friendship. The cast rotates. If you're joining us for the first time, try our more recent adventures.
Firefly - All Better Worlds
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A little real-play RPG in the Firefly 'Verse. Set after the Miranda Revelation/The Signal, this is a story about a crew trying to make their way in the 'Verse, and figuring out just how deep the rabbit hole went.
Firefly Podcast
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Firefly Podcast: Balls and Bayonets Brigade is a realplay podcast in the Firefly 'verse using the Margaret Weis Productions Firefly RPG Cortex Plus system.
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Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to FledglingsRPG, a new TTRPG play through podcast! This is the first campaign of 4 adults who are new to the TTRPG world, but excited to get started!
We're called Fledglings because we are brand new to this world and just getting started in it! We will get things wrong, and we're ok with that. We're here to have fun and hope you will join us and learn along with us.
Flight Risk
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Flight Risk is a Star Wars Actual Play Crime Dramedy, using the FFG Star Wars ruleset, set during the Old Republic Era. Join Flight Risk, an eccentric group of mercenaries, as they are thrust into the dark and violent world of organized crime. As agents of an enigmatic Count, they traverse the Outer Rim in an attempt to not only survive but to realize their destiny without losing their souls. Flight Risk is hosted by DeWayne Feenstra with player…
Flintlocks & Fireballs
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Muskets! Spells! Beards! This British 5E D&D podcast has it all! Follow the adventures of four mad voice actors and three would-be privateers across the shores of Calcinea, a Napoleonic world full of dungeons, dragons, flintlocks and fireballs!
Follow the Leader
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Follow the Leader is an actual play podcast with a focus on telling character-driven stories through the use of GMless tabletop games where we can all take the lead. We're an LGBTQ actual play podcast that uses collaborative storytelling and world-building to create satisfying story arcs with a colorful cast of characters across different settings and genres. With stories ranging from fantasy to science-fiction to horror, there's something f…
Fool's Gold: Sands
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Fool's Gold, one of the most hilarious and dramatic D&D tabletop roleplaying shows on the internet! Join our cast of professional chaos goobers as they explore a winding world full of absurd monsters, moral dilemmas, legally-distinct-franchises, and emotional damage.
For Crits and Giggles
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
For Crits and Giggles is a 5E Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Join us week to week as we spin colorful tales, roam the land and (try) to save the day!
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For Light And Dice
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
For Light and Dice is a live tabletop roleplaying podcast that's based on Star Wars: The High Republic. A group of amazing queer content creators come together to tell a story that takes place in a Galaxy Far Far Away!
Force Majeure
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there were still stories waiting to be told...
Force Majeure is an actual play Star Wars podcast, using FFG's Force and Destiny game system. We follow two groups of emergent Force sensitives, trying to survive the worse the Outer RIm and the Empire can throw at them.
Forge Rats
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Forge Rats is an Ironsworn: Starforged solo tabletop roleplaying game actual play podcast following the adventures of a lone protagonist on a journey across a retro sci-fi galaxy. Set in the Forge, the game's inbuilt setting, and kicking off with a world building and character creation
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
A group of friends, forging stories and funny moments together.
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleTales of Lodrienth | Episode 1 | Mystery of Polaria
anthology comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Forgotten Eras
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Forgotten Eras is a collection of podcasts, focusing on telling a variety of different stories in a variety of systems, but with a focus on diversity and inclusion.
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Fortune and Strife
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Fortune and Strife is the new show from Court Games. A 5th Edition L5R Actual Play podcast for the community, from the community. Join us [as] our samurai travel the Empire trying to find their way through mystery, myth, and family.
Four Orbs
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons 5e (fifth edition) actual play podcast with a story written and produced by Dave Cole. Dave has been building and developing his custom Dungeons and Dragons world for over fifteen years. There have been many name changes, map revisions, complex campaigns, and players throughout the decade, but he has finally settled in on the current world layout and wants to share it with you! Strap on your boots, sharpen your blades, and ch…
Freaking Nerds!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Just 6 friends/nerds sitting around playing D&D or really any other table top game!
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleAll Aboard!
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Free Four All
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We've got monsters, mayhem, mysteries, and horrible mistakes. Most of us are very bad at this.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SamplePrologue. Free Four All Season 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Friend & Foe Adventure Co.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Join us in Elaspas for mayhem, adventure, comedy, and more mayhem. Vault Hunters do odd jobs in search of glory, gold, and gore. Meet our 4 Vault Hunters; a Mechromancer that has lost it all, a Siren and her little bird, a Gunner trying to make enough to keep his mech running, and a Psycho looking for magic.
Friends at the Table
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Friends at the Table is an actual play podcast about critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, and fun interaction between good friends.
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Friends of the Bone Chariot
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Light a candle, don your headphones, and close the shades.
The stories that await you are each a game of chance; part scripted, part improvised.
Players are guided by a narrator through an original story that they are experiencing for the very first time.
From Afar
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Hoist the mainsails! Batten the hatches! As we take you to a magical and far away place full of adventure, camaraderie, and laughs! Four friends play D&D 5e from afar and invite you to join along as well! Listen to Kipa, Aereus, and Sieghart as they battle strange creatures, sail the seven seas, and uncover the lost mysteries of Atlantis! So grab a friend, or grab a seat, and listen as we weave a rich tapestry of fantasy and lore from all four corners of …
Frontier (Bad Form Podcast)
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Frontier is a Star Wars actual-play podcast in the Fantasy Flight Games RPG system Edge of the Empire. We also use elements of Fantasy Flight's other Star Wars systems, Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny. Frontier takes place in the High Republic era and revolves jedi and his crew exploring the outer rim in their Longbeam Cruiser.
Fudged Roll
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
A comedy DND podcast by a reunited group of friends.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleRetrograde - Trailer
anthology comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Fumbling 4 and the All Mighty Crit
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome To Dungeons and Dragons, Fumbling 4 & The All Mighty Crit style! Join us in our live play D&D 5E exploration of the Homebrew world of Altaris. So many amazing stories to share.
Fun City
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Fun City is a fully sound-designed and scored, narrative-driven actual play TTRPG podcast set in a futuristic New York City, where magic is real and the rent is still too damn high. The audience accompanies smooth talker Luxe, ork-jock Lash, mysterious retired boxer with a robot arm TK, and everyone's favorite water-witch elf aunt Vivian as they contract with the criminal underground and corporate overlords of NYC in 2101.
Galaxy's Greatest: Driftbound
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A Starfinder RPG Actual-Play podcast of Paizo's “Drift Hackers.”
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleDrift Hackers 1: Behind the Viewscreen
comedy mature podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Gamers Behaving Badly
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1YFznaEtjYWSm_wBj20IsQ8-5xsIHXvD>
Gamers Behaving Badly is a scripted comedic audio drama series about a “dysfunctional group of tabletop gamers” playing a fantasy role-playing game.
comedy fantasy free full_cast role-playing sound_effects
Gaming On The Rocks
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
We are a group of friends meeting around an actual table, enjoying some adult beverages and telling some shared stories.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSignal of Screams: Baselines And Boundaries
Gathering Of The Ages
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Join a loving family on an adventure as they play the Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Carrion Crown. This actual play podcast will have you laughing and crying along with the characters created to tell this epic story. The mission of our show is to show people how fun Table Top RPGs can be, while encouraging others to build community through gaming.
Gays of the Round Podcast
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An Actual Play podcast where queer performers showcase stories in settings and games by queer designers.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample00. Introduction and Trailer for Season 1
Geek the Mage
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
A group of new players delving into the world of Shadowrun as their characters plumb the mega city of Neo-Tokyo.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 001: Neon Cowboys
Generally Unappealing Regular People
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A tabletop roleplaying game actual play podcast.
Five friends who have been playing together for a couple of years have decided to record themselves as they mess around with GURPS and other Roleplaying Systems.
Get in the Trunk
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Anthology
Cosmic and supernatural horrors await the agents of Delta Green, a secret organization committed to protecting an unaware society—whatever the cost. This formerly exclusive anthology series with a rotating cast of players and handlers has quickly become the most sought-after show on the Network.
Ghost Light Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series
Welcome to Ghost Light Dice, where thespians meet TTRPGs! While times may get dark, our light is always on and all are welcome at our table. From 5e to Pathfinder, homebrew to module–there's always something on our virtual stage! So pull up a chair, crack open a cold one, and let's get rollin'!
Ghostbusters: Resurrection
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Bustin' makes us feel good! Ghostbusters: Resurrection is an unofficial RPG audio drama about America's newest Ghostbusting team. It's been over twenty years since the world was last saved by The Ghostbusters of New York. Ghosts are a rare sight these days and people have once again grown skeptical. But now, ghost sightings are on the rise in Central Florida. In a desperate attempt to keep Orlando's image as
Ghostpuncher Corps
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
Ghostpuncher Corps is a tabletop roleplaying podcast in which Dungeon Mistress Lilith takes three adventurers through the comic world of Ghostpuncher. Petua, the neurotic warlock played by Amanda. Elektra, the synth bard played by Sydney. Mikey, the feral, pug-face t-shirt wearing druid played by Cassidy. These three are tasked by Lucifer herself to track down escaped souls and return them to Hell by any means necessary.
Ghosts on a Train
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Take a ride on “The Pride of Duskwall”, an electric train traveling through ghost infested territory! Our gang of Line Bulls will ensure your safe arrival by (lightning) hook or by crook. A bi-weekly tabletop podcast where four friends play Ghost Lines, an RPG by John Harper.
* Website: <http://www.gigaventure.com/category/podcast-3/ap-ggv/>
Gigaventure is a website that, among other content, has a podcast that presents people playing various role-playing games.
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* iTunes link
fantasy free role-playing
Gimme Da Loot
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Gimme Da Loot is a D&D 5e actual play podcast with comedic and satirical overtones featuring a diverse cast whose experience levels range from first time players to 1E veterans.
Gimme Da Loot's story centers around five dysfunctional rando's who meet up at a fantasy truck stop, try to save some lumberjacks, and end up magically stuck together. Now the Party of 5 must find a way to overcome the God of Lawyers, Duc-ee's hyper-capitalistic Merc…
Girls Guts Glory
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The ladies of Girls Guts Glory bring you new characters and a new Dungeons & Dragons campaign in podcast form! Join us for thrilling storytelling by Dungeon Master Kelly D'Angelo, with twists determined by the roll of the dice. Kimberly Daugherty, Erika Fermina, Rachel Seeley, Alice Greczyn, Kelen Coleman and Allie Gonino are back playing new characters with an all new storyline! Don't worry, their livestream will return once they have a studio and…
Girls Who Don't DnD
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
'Girls who don't D&D' is [real play] D&D adventure from three girls (who've never played D&D before), a Dungeon Master (who owns all the books but hasn't read them) and a handful of dice (they're fine)
Goblets and Gays
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A gaggle of gays playing TTRPGS.
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A Very Goblets and Gays Trailer
Goblets and Gays
goblets_and_gaysGoblets and Gayslast_of_edens_vicesLast of Eden's Viceswayward_arcadiumWayward Arcadium
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
God, Dicks & Puns
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
God, Dicks & Puns is an Actual Play podcast covering the adventure published in Paizo's Anniversary Edition of the infamous Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. In us, you will find 5 geeks who enjoy devoting a bit too much of their time in a small and uncomplicated game called Pathfinder. That being said, no good Table Top gaming session is good without its fair share of stupid jokes, bad puns and intense moments. God, Dicks & Puns delive…
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An original, actual play D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) fantasy story following a group of 5th edition players discovering their destiny as newly arisen gods
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe History of Godsfall (Part 1)
Going In Blind
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Going In Blind - a fortnightly podcast where a group of Vision Impaired players sit down at a table, roll a few dice and together play Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, with plans to expand into other Tabletop RPGs.
Golden Squad
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Golden Squad is a superhero themed tabletop RPG using the game set Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Ed. It is hosted by Luke and features some people he likes to call friends. The custom game setting is straight out of Luke's head so it can get bonkers but generally, usually, sometimes, we end up with a fun time. Kept family friendly by a team of highly trained birds.
GONE (Tablestory)
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Who are we but our memories? What if our memories are wrong? GONE is an episodic, surreal thriller using the new Nibiru system about identity, memory, and what makes us who we are.
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Good Content
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Everyone's future favorite DND podcast maybe? Guaranteed to make you laugh probably...
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Listen to a SampleS1E1 - Our Lord and Savior Sal-Mon
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Good Neighbors
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
No one remembers the leeches in the coffee. No one sees the writing on the wall. No one knows that every cold spot, every bump in the night was a sign. Strange things happen every day in Louisiana, but they disappear just as quickly as they come. Everyone jokes about the gators in the sewers, but when the monsters come to Constance, you won't need a professional - just a few Good Neighbors.
Goonie's World
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A wide-ranging actual play tabletop RPG podcast with an emphasis on characters and comedy
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Listen to a SampleFiasco (Flyover) #1: Welcome to Missouri
anthology comedy mature multigenre podcast role-playing
Graveyards of Arkham
Role-Playing Horror Series
Graveyards of Arkham is a Call of Cthulhu Actual Play. Join us as four regular people get lost in the machinations of a nefarious cult in 1920s New England.
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Green Mountain Mysteries
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
Burlington Vermont: 3AM, New Year's Morning.
A ghostly ship crashes on the shore. When magic and mystery engulf the town, can a rag-tag group of monster hunters work together to ensure that this new year isn't humanity's last?
Greetings from Stability
Role-Playing Horror Series
Greetings from Stability is a horror, actual play podcast. Each episode, the cast explores the town of Stability, OR using a variety of RPGs.
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Listen to a SampleGreetings from Stability Promo
Grimm Madness Podcast
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Follow our group as we explore a new world in Dungeons and dragons 5e. Played in the setting of some of your favourite retro games and pop culture scenarios.
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Grizzly Peaks Radio
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
An Actual Play Horror RPG podcast covering Call of Cthulhu, Mythos and Lovecraft adjacent stories.
Join me Andy Goodman from Expedition to the Grizzly Peaks and our rotating cast of gaming luminaries.
Guild of Adventurers
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Three adventurers travel the world of Kalanthus, uncovering hidden mysteries lost to the ravages of time in this story-driven, D&D based podcast.
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Guilded Rose Adventure
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We're a real play DND podcast made up of a bunch of geeks looking to create our own world, have fun while doing it, and to bring joy to others. We hope you enjoy and will stick around for future episodes.
Gunpowder, Treason, No Plot
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Lewis is just your everyday internet, support technician... who can also speak to people in the past, and the future! After making a friend, calling from 1999, Lewis now encounters Dana, a physicist living in the year 2052. How has she managed to make contact? And does she know anything about the mysterious wormhole, that appeared suddenly in Lewis's basement?GTNP is a weekly homebrew actualplay 5th edition D&D podcast written and…
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Nothing's been the same since The Disaster. High strangeness is on the rise, the veil is thin, and the vibes are OFF. After most fled the ruins of the West, others are rushing headlong into the Warped Lands, seeking fortune, truth, or a taste of the infinite. There's something else out there, something ancient. And it's coming.
Halfway to Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual play D&D podcast that follows the story of four recent graduates from the Scrimore Academy.
The world of Modras is at peace after the invading Illithid forces were defeated. Now the Academy is closing down as funding has dried up. We follow four students from the last class.
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
An eldritch fantasy actual play podcast using the Genesys system. Prepare to enter a dark, unforgiving world where magic is cruel, death is near and danger lurks behind every smiling face.
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Hammer of the Gods
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Actual play Dungeons and Dragons 5e podcast set in an alternate Greek history where Alexander the Great made allies with Atlantis to expand his empire beyond Earth.
Follow the Hammpod crew as we explore this world and stay for the shenanigans and b.s. that ensue!
Hapless Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Actual Play D&D 5th edition podcast featuring rotating DMs, an open world built on-the-fly and some rather unlucky and salty players. Leaning heavily on roleplay and improv comedic and dramatic moments, the Hapless Heroes have built their brand on hilarity, rule of cool, and interconnecting story arcs to tell their stories.
Happy Jacks RPG Actual Play
* Website: <http://www.happyjacks.org/category/actual-play-podcast/>
Happy Jacks RPG Actual Play (part of the Happy Jacks RPG Podcast) is a podcast in which a group of people play role-playing games of various genres.
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fantasy free horror mature_content role-playing science_fiction
Harsh Static
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
What was just another day in the Mojave Wasteland gets interrupted by the pounding of metal feet and strange feedback through the radio. Rumors of odd robots and settlements going dark have people outside The Strip on edge, and things only seem to be getting worse when the Brotherhood of Steel is getting involved.
Hashtag Twist It
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A Dungeons & Dragons actual play about four adventurers trying to save the world, and sometimes when things go wrong...you just gotta #twistit. #TwistIt is Evin, Justin, Katelyn, Luke, & Zakk.
Hat Films D&D: Booty
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
High Seas, Low expectations! Join your favourite Hat Films people Smith, Ross, Trott and Craig as they adventure through a hilarious dungeons and dragons role play set in our very own magical pirate world.
Haunted City (The Glass Cannon Network)
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
A thousand years ago, this was a land of beauty and magic. Then came the cataclysm which blotted out the sun and ripped open the gates to the land of the dead. The city of Doskvol is a metropolis of refineries and tenements surrounded by crackling lightning towers. Outside the city is a wasteland of ravening undead. Inside the city is a teeming hive of scum and villainy, intrigue and corruption. Life is cheap in a city…
Haunted House House Hunters
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Paranormal house flippers try to make a living in up state alternate future New York.
RSS Feed
Listen to a Sample001 New Hire
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Heads Must Roll
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Heads Must Roll is an actual play D&D Comedy show (and D&D podcast) set in a homebrew world of oppression, corruption, revenge and vigilante justice.
Immerse yourself in a complete D&D nerd experience full of danger, intrigue and dad puns for days. Follow along as our ragtag group of heroes navigate their new roles as agents in an underground secret society bent on exposing and disrupting tyranny in their native land of Havathax.
Heart Beats
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
Heart Beats Cast is an actual play podcast. We play a heavily homebrewed version of Ryuutama set in the world of 'Runorah' (Rune-Or-Ah), created by The Storyteller and Game Master Xander.
Heart Beats explores the concept of normal people in an extraordinary world. We follow our players living their new lives in the town of Heartbeats, a small town in this wondrous fantasy world. There is no dragon slaying or many dungeons, but not to say…
Heart Points
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A one-on-one actual play podcast co-hosted by a married couple with a focus on lighthearted play. Diana and Zack are just two nerds and teachers who like to spend time in fantasy worlds together. We never squabble over rules, except when we do.
Hearthfire Tales
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Every week, new tales pop up of wicked monstrosities, mutated beasts and twisted creatures, plaguing Lethuan. But where are the Hootsforce, so called protectors of the realm? Why is it up to bands of adventurers to tour the land and save it?
Hearthsinger Tales
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
In Courts of Crystal, a cataclysm threatens the Feywild. The Seelie Queen calls on adventurers to discover who seeks the destruction of the world-spanning fae wood and the dark purpose that drives their cause. Representatives from the Court of Hunger, the Court of Seeds, the Court of Radiance, and the Gloaming band together to save their home and uncover the true reason for the realm's existence amongst the planes of the multiverse.
Hedged In: A Changeling Story
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Follow our story as Kit, Gil, and Crunch, three changelings who somehow found each other in the depths of Arcadia; adventure through the labyrinthine Hedge and discover the secrets about themselves, each other and a world made from 'madness, dreams and guilt'.
Hel Or High Water
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Velkomin to Hel or High Water! The show is a real-play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5E. If you have never played D&D not to worry, some of our players haven't either. We explain things as they happen.
Hell or High Rollers
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
From members of Mischief Theatre, creators of the Olivier award winning 'The Play That Goes Wrong' and the BBC's 'Goes Wrong Show; comes this brand new live action role play podcast.
Loosely following the rules of D&D 5e join our players as they take on the roles of four heroes attempting to escape eternal damnation in DnD Hell!
Here There Be
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Here There Be is an actual-play, podcast that follows two spellcasters as they try to survive in a kingdom where magic will get you burnt at the stake.
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Listen to a SampleHere There Be: Outcasts Ep. 1
Hero Club
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Hero Club is a unique serialized podcast that takes the creators' Dungeons & Dragons sessions and edits them down into fast-paced and entertaining Radio-Plays complete with sound effects and music.
Hero Squad!
* Website: <https://stumpt.podbean.com/>
Hero Squad! is a podcast that presents a group of friends playing the fantasy tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
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* iTunes link
comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Heroes & Halfwits
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Dare ye cross over into a realm of mystery and intrigue? Methinks ye shall. Join Rooster Teeth for this official Heroes & Halfwits adventure.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode One
Heroes Not Included
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Heroes Not Included is a weekly serialized story podcast featuring actual play using D&D 5th Edition.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 01 : Our Story Begins
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Heroes Of Providence Eternal
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Explore the vibrant new world of adventure with the Heroes of Providence Eternal! Meet a community of storytellers, adventurers, and heroes dedicated to bringing you uplifting, engaging, character-driven entertainment in the exciting fantasy world of Terrath! In today's world, we all need H.O.P.E, join us!
Heroes of the Hydian Way
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A Star Wars actual play podcast using Fantasy Flight Games modulesNote: Early episodes are not included in the RSS feed, but all episodes are available on the The Hydian Way website.
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Hex Grid Heroes
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A Starfinder Homebrew Adventure Podcast. Explore the Pact Worlds and beyond with a ship crew of aliens wielding science, magic, and more than a little bit of chaos.
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Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Hiddengrid: The Sixth World Chronicles follows a group of gamers playing through the legends of Shadowrun. Starting with the 2050 adventures and sourcebooks, the players are working their way through the legends that made the shadows so deadly.
Hideous End
Role-Playing Horror Series
Negative 2 Charisma presents A Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition actual play set in 1927 Providence, RI. Join this cast of very ordinary individuals as they are suddenly and violently pulled into a world of crime, intrigue, and supernatural nightmare.
Hideous Laughter
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
The Hideous Laughter Podcast is a Pathfinder actual play show [that] follows the adventures of four unlikely heroes through the Gothic Horror themed campaign Carrion Crown.
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High Anxiety Low Initiative
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
That's right: Another D&D podcast. Tune in to hear a bunch of mentally unstable people make terrible decisions in spite of overthinking the consequences. Stick around for character voices, goof'em-ups, and a bunch of loud idiots who actually love each other—no really, we promise.
High Rollers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore the world of Aerois on Europe's biggest RPG stream!
Episodes go live Mondays and Thursdays!
Highly Suspect
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Highly Suspect [...] is a Star Wars actual-play podcast in the Fantasy Flight Games RPG system Edge of the Empire. We also use elements of Fantasy Flight's other Star Wars systems, Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny. Highly Suspect: Familiar Suns takes place one year after the Battle of Endor and revolves around a crew of smugglers, trying to make a name for them selves.
Hit Dice!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Follow the powerful saga of five (probable) heroes as they navigate through mystery, action, death, and the occasional fart joke. An adventure guided by professional entertainers that will inspire a morbid curiosity in D&D veterans and newcomers alike. A Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast.
Hoof and Sword
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A group of rowdy adults attempt to navigate a children's game set in a universe filled with weaponized rainbows, formidable talking ponies, a never ending supply of sparkles, and magical friendship.
Hope Falls
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Middle Earth. Hope Falls follows a Company of adventurers as they try to keep hope alive in the area around Mirkwood between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
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House of Homebrew
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
House of Homebrew is a Dungeons and Dragons live gameplay series hosted by GM James Logan. In this episodic series, Join six actors [through] a imaginary fantasy adventure. Each season features a different story within Altedia, a fictional continent housing mythical creatures of all kinds.
House Rolls
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A DnD actual play with your family!
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Listen to a SampleHouse Rolls: The Story of Cleave-Introduction
(M4A File)
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
How Friends Roll
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A beginner friendly Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play podcast, featuring a series of micro campaigns and a rotating cast of characters.
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Apple Podcasts
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Hunt of the Primordials: Curse of Strahd
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Three dissimilar heroes venture into the Domain of Dread, and discover a mansion that promises sanctuary, but instead only offers mystery and peril.
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Hyper Rabbit Power Go
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Hyper's Tabletop Role Playing Games are recorded live in Los Angeles and broadcasted to twitch.tv/hyperrpg. Our shows focus on diverse stories with audience engagement, you never know where the story will take you.
I Cast Fireball
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Surrounded by goblins? Fireball. Belligerent shopkeep? Fireball. The king is angry? Fireball.
Too bad none of our characters can learn Fireball.
Join adventurers Jacob, Mickie, and Ned as Thomas leads them through daring adventures of fantasy, fun, and—maybe with some luck—Fireballs!
I Check For Traps
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A family friendly clean Dungeons and Dragons Adventure set in the homebrew world of Barto following the 5e rule set.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Stranded
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
I Know What You Did Last Session
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to “I Know What You Did Last Session,” the podcast where Braxton leads his intrepid band of adventurers---Jimmy, Alex, Ethan, Riley, and Caleb---on epic journeys through the fantastical realms of Dungeons & Dragons.
I Should Roll
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
I Should Roll is an Actual Play podcast set in the Mass Effect universe, featuring eleven voice actors from three continents going on adventures across the galaxy. It's definitely Commander Shepard's favourite podcast on the extranet.
I Speak Giant
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The ongoing misadventure of unlikely underdogs who scrape, scrap, and snark against tyrannical despots, eldritch entities, and nefarious villains.
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Improv Tabletop
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
All tabletop RPGs require some improv, but what if you lean into the improv as much as possible? Join our cast of trained improvisers and tabletop enthusiasts as we switch off between short-form and long-form RPG campaigns using a whole slew of different game systems, all with an emphasis on collaborative discovery and high-quality performance.
Infinite Deer
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Have you ever wanted to go on an adventure? Have you ever wanted to be the hero of your story? Have you ever wanted to rob pretty much everyone you've ever met following beating them to death with the blunt end of a heavy Dachshund? If you answered yes to any of these then you probably want to play Dungeons and Dragons! (If you said yes to the last one you probably want to play D&D and you're a cool person. I like your style.)
Inglorious Bards
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Untold adventures still await you! Listen to the Inglorious Bards battle strange beats, thwart evil plans, solve mysterious mysteries, and do something with vegetables that will make your grandpa cry.
Initiative Syndicate
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dungeons & Dragons Show set in the Magic: The Gathering world of Ravnica. This campaign is a complete homebrew with inspirations and lore from “The Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica”.
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Inspired Incompetence
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Pathfinder live-play podcast featuring the Tyrant's Grasp adventure path.
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Listen to a SampleSAS 1 - Flesh Press Ganging
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Inspired R&R
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast starring members of the Inspired R&R online community.
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Listen to a SampleA Glimpse Ahead at “Always Sunny in CorMeum
Instant Adventurer's
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual-play DnD5e podcast featuring a cast of all dungeon masters and drop-in style adventures set in a homebrew world. Listen as our heroes delve deep into adventure, with each arc bringing a new adventure, new characters, and new threats to face.
INT Tabletop
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
This is infinite nerd theorem and just as there are infinite possibilities for stories we are exploring the infinite possibilities of our geeky minds here in INT tabletop.
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InterDimensional Library
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Isola di Bianpietra is in monsoon season, which means it's the perfect time for the Village of Shed to hold it's annual holiday known as the Festival of Ignition. To make things more special, it's the 100th anniversary of this holiday. Day 1 of the festival features the Contest of Champions, which determines a special participant in the rest of this 3 day festival. Who will compete? Who will win?
Into the Darkness
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
Call of Cthulhu RPG is a horror “role playing game” set in the universe of H. P. Lovecraft. “Into the Darkness” is our online club where we play.
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Into The Mother Lands
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A thousand years ago, African Emperor Mansa Munsa sent an expedition to “the New World” that never arrived. In the mythos of Into the Mother lands, these explorers were instead transported to a strange new world far, far away.
Iron and Tentacles
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
Hitler and the Nazis are only the beginning of the evil that threatens our world, as a secret war rages in the shadows. Our heroes must take on the Nazi occult and the Mythos powers of the deep ones to save us all.
Iron Edda Reforged
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Let the gods quake at the sounds of your whispered plans. Let them lose sleep in their skyscrapers and citadels. Their end looms, a neon Fimbulwinter rising from those they pushed down.
Iron Frontier
Role-Playing Steampunk Series
The gods have fallen. The heavens and the hells are gone. All that remains of that time long before, is man, beast and the world of Æmia. Welcome to the Iron Frontier!
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Isekai D&D
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Isekai'd into another world. Rustage hosts Tekking101, Daniel Greene, Shwabadi & Briggs on a Dungeons & Dragons adventure role-playing as regular people transported into an unknown fantasy world...
Island Demeter
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Island Demeter is an Actual Play podcast where a rotating cast of players explore systems to engage in critical play and queer bonhomie.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleIsland Demeter 0: Trailer
Jace Beleren Must Die
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In Ravnica, one man reigns above all others: Jace Beleren, the living Guildpact. His word is law and none can stand against him. A conspiracy dedicated to freedom from the meddling of absent Planeswalkers will do the impossible. They know the truth: Jace Beleren Must Die!
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
An Actual Play podcast using 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, except we're gutting most of the D&D part and doing a homebrew Spelljammer campaign instead. What's Spelljammer, you ask? Good question! It's Dungeons & Dragons but in space with hippo men and penguin aliens and giant spiders with eels for heads. It's great!
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/jeremykeil>
JeremyKeil (Jeremy Keil) has produced a pair of narrated stories based upon a character in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
Born of the Stars
The Path of Light
fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Jesters & Jerks
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Jesters and Jerks is a Dungeons and Dragons comedy podcast with a rowdy group of friends and re-occurring guests.
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Listen to a SampleAn Unexpected Journey
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Jesters of Ravenloft
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Jesters of Ravenloft is a D&D 5e podcast where a group of improvisers and comedians are thrust into a D&D campaign only to find out that THEY are the characters - and their sketch comedy troupe now has to escape the nightmare that is Ravenloft.
JK, We're Rolling!
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
It's time to enter a world of fantasy, wonder, and mystery as three students attend the most prestigious wizarding school in all of Germany! Three German improv actors will attempt to survive the gauntlet created by one American game master. While the cast explores the obstacles and rewards of being multicultural, their characters will have to explore obstacles and find rewards of their own. Listen as they have to delve deep into the world …
Join the Party
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Join the Party is a collaborative storytelling and roleplaying podcast, powered by the rules of Dungeons and Dragons. That means a group of friends create a story together, chapter by chapter, that takes us beyond the tabletop to parts unknown. In the first campaign, we explored fantasy adventure, intrigue, magic, and drama. In the newest story, we tackle science, superpowers, a better future, and the responsibility to help others.
Jungles And Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Listen to the story of four monkeys transported to the Forgotten Realms, as we play Dungeons and Dragons really badly.
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Listen to a SampleJungles and Dragons Episode 1: Four Monkeys Walk Into a Tavern
Just Roll With It
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Just Roll With It is an Actual Play podcast where we spotlight and play a new TTRPG every month.
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Listen to a SamplePilot Episode
anthology mature multigenre podcast role-playing
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to the continent of Kalus!
This is a DnD Podcast with 5 Players who have little to NO DnD experience!
Let us see how these new players handle the typical and non typical experiences of being a player in a DnD game!
Kitchen Table Adventures
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A group of friends come together on a weekly basis to play a Pathfinder 2e campaign and other table top RPG's.
A casual home game filled with nonsense and bad jokes brought to you straight from the kitchen table.
Knights of the Bantam
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Do you love Dungeons & Dragons but can't find enough body horror and existential dread? Drop into the moon-mad world of Nacht, where DungeonMaker Zach guides a rotating cast of heroes through a world of his own creation. Will our heroes stay sane? Only the moon (and the dice) know for sure!
Knights of the Night
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We attempt to put the best Actual Play Podcast out there! Most Episodes are edited down to be less than an hour in length. All the fun stuff left in, but the interruptions and nonsense taken out.
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Knucklebones is a D&D 5e actual play podcast, focused on storytelling, laughs, and enjoying time spent with your friends! Come explore the world of Arbolea—a land of knights, witches, magic and monsters—with our inept but enthusiastic crew.
KOllOK 1991
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Welcome Passengers to the town of Kollok, Washington. Home to Synchroneity Tech, Shepard's Winery and Crater Lake. Just a small town like any other, except when it's not. Help uncover the mystery, join us in the journey, and pay close attention.
Lads on Tour
Role-Playing Comedy Series
The end is coming. So is Danny’s wedding. A lads’ stag do is disrupted by the untimely onset of the Biblical apocalypse.
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Listen to a SampleTeaser trailer
comedy mature podcast role-playing series
Lakeshore & Limbo
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Lakeshore & Limbo is an improvised occult-noir detective series podcast, told using tabletop roleplaying game rules.
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Listen to a SampleLakeshore & Limbo - Trailer
Lantern Cove
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual-play RPG podcast in which 6 high school students are the only ones who can face down murder, eldritch magic, and the coming end of the world.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleAll That We See or Seem, Episode 1
Last Light City Comics
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Last Light City Comics is a superhero fiction actual play. In this show, hosts Hyper and Danni hop from genre to genre, play in long-term single-player tabletop campaigns, and focus in on individual superheroes to explore the many stories happening inside the world of Last Light City.
Last of Eden's Vices
Role-Playing Horror Series
The fate of Providence hangs in the balance, a new Coterie stumbles across a conspiracy that threatens the establishment. They have unknowingly made themselves key players in the fate of the city.
Laugh When It Sinks In
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Laugh When It Sinks In is a DnD 5e homebrew actual-play adventure in the world of Viogia. Where, among the common and rich folk of the lands, lurks the dastardly people of shadow. Follow along with the Family's Bouquet as they complete tasks for the various crime families and try to keep things at least somewhat civil. Join Marion as DM and Daffodil, Lilith as co-DM and Mums, Mikko as Fresia, Nikola as Coriander, Jo as Hyacinth, and CC as Dah…
Lawful Great Adventures
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An [actual play podcast] about 4 young friends thrust into an adventure bigger than the little farm town they came from. They're a long way from home in a hostile world but at least they have each other.
Lawful Stupid
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism.
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
Telling immersive stories, using table top roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons and Savage Worlds.
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Listen to a SamplePrologue pt. 1 of Fillmore's Crossing | The Adventure Begins
Leave the Quest to Me
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Lands apart from one another, strangers simultaneously befriend odd folk that seemed to emerge from nowhere. A year later they finally meet while attempting to pickpocket a priest of Ozius. In the confusion, they are forced to team up and are later unknowingly bound to each other by the will of the gods.
Role-Playing Horror Series
From where does the blood flow? Læce (Leech) is a dark and gritty Vampire The Masquerade actual play centering around four brooding vampires with a lust for power, status, and blood.
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Legacy of Silvercreek
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to “Legacy of Silvercreek” - A Thrilling Predation Adventure!
Join us for an epic journey through time and a world where humans and dinosaurs collide in the action-packed tabletop RPG, Predation, brought to life in our exciting live stream series!
Legend of the Bones
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Solo Old School Dungeons and Dragons actual play and dark fantasy audio drama.
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Listen to a SampleSeason 1 Episode 0
dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Legends from The Fireside
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Legends from The Fireside is a hybrid storytelling podcast that combines the fantastic qualities of sword and sorcery fantasy with the unpredictable nature of a TTRPG. The show will feature the ongoing tales of adventure created as the show progresses, meaning that no future is predetermined, and anything can happen. The dice will decide the course of our stories, the fate of these heroes and their world, and all we can do now is listen in…
Legends of Aethoria
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Aethoria. A large bounteous land; full of magic and mayhem. Political intrigue and downfalls. Heroes and heroines save the day, and monsters and beasts plunge it back to peril. Hundreds of years of history are lovingly preserved by The Historian. Join us as we relive history and discover perils, pitfalls, and some practical jokes that made Aethoria the legend it is today
Legends of Avantris
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Anthology
Seven chuckleheads goofing off, telling stories, and laughing way too loud, usually while playing D&D. This podcast features our stories that all take place in the interconnected world of Avantris. Even if you know nothing about tabletop games, we think you'll enjoy the improv, comedy, narrative, voice acting, drama, and friendship along the way.
Legends of Chel
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Bell's Run. It's a troubled town cut off from civilization. We follow the adventures of a farmer named Waylon Virur, an apprentice Druid called Day, and a student of the College of Avarn, Ichabod Pike. These unassuming folk find themselves on a quest to save their hometown from destruction and starvation.
Legends of Earthdawn
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An Earthdawn RPG Actual Play Podcast
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 001 - Redeemers of Cynoch
fantasy podcast role-playing series
Legends: A Superhero Story
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Legends: A Superhero Story is an actual play podcast, using the new Legends: Superhero Role Playing Game system, written and created by Jack and Chad Matchette. Set in New Olympus, our story takes place in a world of larger than life heroes and truly terrifying villains - grab your cape and leap into the never ending battle of good vs. evil. It's time to become, Legends!
Let's Be Legendary
Role-Playing Steampunk Fantasy Series
“The Feywild West” is a 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons actual play game, set in a homebrew Wild West steampunk world. The Feywild West follows two people discovering what it means to be in a relationship, all the while seeking revenge and learning the truth of their pasts. Let's Be Legendary Podcast is a LGBTQ+ podcast, with both main and minor characters, as well as the players falling under the queer blanket. An RP heavy game with a…
Let's Break History
Role-Playing Historical Fiction Anthology
Let's Break History is an actual play podcast where the cast members take on the roles of real historical figures and do their best to change the course of history. Game Master Peter Quinn-Jacobs corrals a creative cast into an improvisational story based on important, but often poorly understood, periods of history.
Let's Start Over, Shall We?
Role-Playing Superhero Comedy Series
“Let's Start Over, Shall We?” is an actual-play adventure podcast set against the backdrop of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, starting at the beginning to create an exciting new reality. Using an infamous RPG system FASERIP and a cast of MCU geeks, we have one rule; let the dice fall where they may.
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to LGBT&D, where the D stands for dice, and every voice you hear is from the LGBT community. LGBT&D is a tabletop roleplaying game actual play podcast performed entirely by the LGBT community. We play a variety of TTRPGs and try to mix serious storytelling and fun/jokes.
Life as a Vampire
Role-Playing Horror Series
A 1 on 1 Vampire the Masquerade V5 campaign with myself as Storyteller and my wife as the lone player. Features prep discussion and actual play episodes.This podcast is a mixture of storytelling and discussion segments.
Life's a Battle
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Join the Battle family and their friends as they embark on misadventures and make each other laugh! Always remember: Life's a Battle, but you're not in this alone.
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Little Apocalypses
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Little Apocalypses is a real play BITD podcast about everything from clashing life philosophies to discovering the number of animals that can be kept in a landlady's basement before she evicts you. Think of it as a comedy with a side dish of tragedy.
Little Realms
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A dead acolyte. Her puzzle box. A city festering with secrets. And four hero investigators uncovering it all. Little Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons actual play adventure using DnD 5E.
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Live, Laugh, Lovecraft
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
H.P. Lovecraft meets 'insert funny show here' in this D&D actual play (cookery) podcast
Enter into a world of fantasy-fueled cosmic horror, improv comedy and goblin cookery with Sam McKay, Steve Cross, Lucy Eckersley, Kate Hunter and Zoë McGee.
Long Beach By Night
Role-Playing Horror Series
Long Beach by Night is a actual play live stream of Vampire the Mascaraed V5.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Long, Gone, Forgotten
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Loot and Dagger
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A southern fried Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast recorded in Atlanta, GA.
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Listen to a SampleS1E1 | Introductions and the Inevitable Ambush
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Lost & Forgotten Worlds
* Website: <https://www.lostandforgottenworlds.com/>
Lost & Forgotten Worlds is a podcast that presents a group of people playing a variety of tabletop role-playing games.
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* Apple Podcasts link
* SoundCloud page
fantasy free mature_content role-playing science_fiction superhero star_wars
Lost Koz
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Venture to the realm of Koz, and into the desert sands of Pōaha.
Join our journey, alongside four unlikely heroes as they delve into the enigmatic depths of totalitarian cities, navigate the unpredictable sands of the Pōaha desert, and confront the depths of The Krag.
Love Death and Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D show with improvised adult humor, voice acting, and a lot of laughs. We tell in-depth stories and create OFF-THE-WALL characters that we actually enjoy playing. Join us on the couch rolling dice and ball-busting with your best friends as DM Turk takes our 3 players, Conner, Fishie, and Kate through adventures to remember.
Lowcountry Shadows
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Lowcountry Shadows is a bi-weekly Shadowrun actual play podcast, spanning multiple campaigns.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 001- RC Cola and a Moon Pie
Luck and Chaos
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons created to highlight third party published supplements in support of the game's vibrant community.
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Listen to a Sample“Let me see your Resume
Mage Hand High Five
Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series
Your New Third Favorite RPG Podcast!
Campaign One: Join our trio of wild west gunslingers and magical cutthroats as they descend into the dusty, lawless frontier in “The Badlands.”
Mage Monomyth
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A one-on-one, heart-to-heart D&D podcast between two friends following the story of Nymera Z'lxtrin through friends, family, and magic. Featuring Christopher “Cas” Campbell, Madie Lion, and Lilah the cat.
Magic Folk
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Join us for stories not only full of laughter and heart, but personal growth and pain. Magic Folk is a queer-led Dungeons & Dragons actualplay podcast that puts the characters front and center!
Magic Monsters & Moms
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Four unsuspecting moms are summoned into an alternate universe. Plunged into a land of fantasy, the moms learn that the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, and everything they hold dear is at risk. This Dungeons and Dragons podcast contains a pinch of serious introspection, a dash of self-deprecating levity, and a hefty sprinkle of female badassery.
Magics of the Evergreen
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
In the waters between Mercer Island and the 520 floating bridge – right off the eastern edge of Seattle, in the middle of Lake Washington – is an island. On that island is a school. A university called The Pacific Northwest Academy of Magics. It is a school everybody knows about, even if only a very small number can access it.
Main Character
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dive into the adventure of a lifetime as a group of friends attend RegaliaCon, the ultimate celebration of the world's most popular MMORPG, Regalia. Fresh off the announcement of the game's first expansion, Shattered Alliance, they're ready to experience all the convention has to offer. But when a mysterious event unfolds during a high-stakes raid showcase, their lives are forever changed.
Make-Believe Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Make-Believe Heroes: an actual-play, 5th Edition Dungeon and Dragons Adventure! Join our players every Monday as they set out for adventure in the homebrew world of Manumi.
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Maker's Misfits
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Hello! We are the Maker's Misfits an actual play podcast, playing Paizo's AP The Extinction Curse. We are a PoC TTRPG group that have been friends longer than we like to admit. We have always talked about doing this and what better time than now? Probably 15 years ago when this all really started. But now seems fine too. Come join us for some shenanigans and drama.
Mall Brats
Role-Playing Comedy Thriller Series
Mall Brats is an RPG podcast that's like if Gangs of New York was a Saturday morning cartoon set in a magical 1980s mega mall. Countless kid gangs make their living in the mall pulling off schemes, selling candy, and causing trouble under the watchful eye of the mysterious Food Court. The Cool Treat Kids are the mall's most up-and-coming gang of ne'er do wells, featuring Fenton Beasley, Franklin Stein, and Clover Ivy Fern.
Mammary Alpha
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Mammary Alpha [is] the brain child of DeDe. She wanted to get a group of all women together to play and record a tabletop RPG set in the Star Trek universe. When Mammary Alpha first started, there were only a handful of all-women TTRPG podcasts, a void that DeDe recognized needed filling. And so, DeDe put out the call to her friends, who were all too happy to join in.
Role-Playing Fantasy Thriller Series
Fantasy spy thriller in a homebrew D&D setting. Listen to Bryce run his wife Preethi through crazy series of cold-war-esque adventures.
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comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series thriller
Masks of Nyarlathotep
Role-Playing Horror Series
A play podcast for Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition. Featuring the masks of Nyarlathotep super adventure
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEp. 1: The Creation of Courtney Hathaway Weld
h.p._lovecraft horror podcast role-playing series
Masks of Nyarlathotep (Garblag Games)
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to the Garblag Games actual play of Masks of Nyarlathotep THE grand Cthulhu campaign!
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Listen to a SampleIt All Began in Peru
h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
Masks of Nyarlathotep (Steady Rolling Men)
Role-Playing Horror Series
Steady Rolling Men presents... Masks of Nyarlathotep
An actual play podcast through the epic world spanning Call of Cthulhu adventure by Chaosium.
We'll be playing the 2018 version of this classic, first published in 1984.
Mass Effect: Adventum
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Mass Effect: Adventum is an actual play tabletop podcast set in the world of Bioware's beloved sci-fi universe. Starting shortly after the events of Mass Effect 2, the story is centered around an unlikely group of adventurers caught in a galaxy-wide struggle between the Reapers, Cerberus and the mysterious Janus Collective. Each episode is played by a group of friends looking to have fun while also offering a high-quality listening exp…
Mayday Roleplay
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A TTRPG podcast focused on deep character development and dramatic, thrilling storytelling.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleDoomed to Repeat Arc 1 Trailer
anthology mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
Me, My Spouse, and a Die
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Me, My Spouse, and a Die is a D&D Duet campaign where a wife and husband sit down to play a custom game in a custom world one on one.
Using the Dungeons & Dragons 5e system, Austin, our Dungeon Master, guides Gwenyth, our only player, through a family-friendly adventure in a world of their own creation. With a healthy mix of immersive roleplay, intriguing exploration, and adrenaline-pumping combat, Me, My Spouse, and a Die capture…
Meddling with Monsters
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play podcast using the Monster of the Week system.
Join our four heroes as they the travel across the country, encountering terrifying monsters, strange characters, and poorly named pastries. An exciting mix of action, drama, and comedy perfect for anyone who loves roleplaying games or audio dramas!
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
It is a dnd podcast with a bunch of disappointments trying to figure out dnd but also how to create a story with it. You will get to learn about Melloncollie, a mysterious town full of creatures who dwell there. In the community lives Leon, Dale, Rudy, and Vinny. Listen as the disappointments try to conquer it all!
Memento et Obliviscere
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to the chaotic, crossover fun of Memento et Obliviscere: a Game of Forgetful Heroes!
Join us [on] Oo'arth - an alternate world where fandoms and franchises come to life in medieval times!
Memester Of The Week
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Memester Of The Week, an actual play podcast.
A reluctant cult member, his stoner roommate, a skeptic youtuber and her fae camera-person walk into a diner. They then walk out of the diner and drive off to hunt the things that go bump in the night.
Merely Roleplayers
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Merely Roleplayers is an improvised ensemble audiodrama - emphasis on the drama.
The compere sets the scene. Each player roleplays one of the main characters, improvising their dialogue and action. And at suitably dramatic moments, we roll dice, using tabletop roleplaying game rules to see whether things stay under the players' control - or escalate out of it. That way no one knows where the story's going next: not you, not the players, …
Methodical Studios
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/ecbond>
Methodical Studios produces a number of full cast audio dramas, in a variety of genres.
The Groomsman
An audio drama “about a New York cab driver that gets into a dangerous situation before his wedding day and needs to hire a eccentric bodyguard to keep him safe.
Microphones & Monsters
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Microphones & Monsters is a Cthulhu Mythos 5e D&D actual play podcast. We are combining cosmic horror into a high fantasy setting in the world of Dunzautera. Join us in madness as our heroes solve mysteries, encounter alien technology, and try to survive the dread from eldritch entities.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
MILKRUN is a Shadowrun 5th Edition home game actual play podcast featuring six longtime friends.
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Listen to a SampleMILKRUN S1-E1 “Birds of a Feather”
comedy mature podcast role-playing series science_fiction urban_fantasy
Mimics & Mathrocks
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
DnD 5th edition homebrew podcast featuring Conor the DM, Blue as Ulaad the Aarakocra, Koi as Tasha the fabulous, Rune as Krelque the Ratfolk and Sonia as Lelith the Drow on the beautiful island of Kania and the kind of adventures you expect from adventurer's really. Join us [
* Website: <http://www.maxsminions.com/>
Minionworks produces several series of podcasts featuring people playing different tabletop role-playing games.
Freelance Heroism
The Misadventures of Max's Minions
Misdirected Mark
* Website: <http://misdirectedmark.com/>
Misdirected Mark is a podcast dedicated to discussing gaming and other areas of “geek culture”.
One of its podcasts, Down with D&D, is primarily devoted to discussing the fantasy role-playing game
Misfits & Miscrits
* Website: <https://misfitsandmiscrits.wordpress.com/>
Misfits & Miscrits is a podcast in which a group of people new to tabletop role-playing games play Dungeons & Dragons.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
comedy fantasy mature_content role-playing
Misfits of Space
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Misfits of Space! This is the story of five bad-ass women thrown together by fate a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. After some mishaps, mistaken identities, and misadventures, they've joined forces with the Rebellion to play their part in taking down the Galactic Empire.
Miskatonic University Podcast
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
A Podcast dedicated to Call of Cthulhu and other Horror and Lovecraftian Role Playing Games.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleMUP Live Play- The Ilsley Variant: Part 1. Character generation and play
Missing Annie Lee
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Join us in this [...] horror story that takes place over two arcs as five characters are drawn into the mystery of one missing girl...
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleMissing Annie Lee Trailer | Coming February 5, 2021
Missing Roll Player Found
* Website: <https://missingrollplayerfound.com/>
Missing Roll Player Found is a podcast featuring a group of people playing customized tabletop role-playing games based on the Japanese franchise Sword Art Online.
Sword Art Online: AOD
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Mistconceptions is a RPG podcast featuring super-flawed, super-powered heroes as they investigate crime and conspiracies in a modern-day city filled with forgotten fairy tales and menacing mythological creatures. The City is a place where no one is as they seem. As the heroes reveal more and more of the mystery of the City, so too will they reveal more and more of the mystery in and of themselves. What they discover will both tear apart their …
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Most who enter the mists never return. Those that do are changed in such a way that they are unrecognizable in body and mind. Nothing ever comes out, and yet we're trapped here. It surrounds us. Calls out. Something has changed within
Modern D
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Real Play D&D set in the modern age, aspects of Humor, satire and horror
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1 Re-Upload
comedy mature podcast role-playing series urban_fantasy
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Modular! The podcast where we play the many modules available to us in the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe First Session 0
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Modus Critica
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An audio immersive 5th Edition actual play D&D Podcast where 5 morally ambiguous strangers traverse the treacherous realm of the Shadowfey in order to regain balance in the multiverse... or destroy it.
We're here to Role Play, Roll Dice, and Roll Heads!
Monkeys Took My Jetpack
* Website: <http://mtmjetpack.com/>
Monkeys Took My Jetpack is a podcast that presents audio recordings of people playing role-playing games. The gaming sessions are from several different games and genres.
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Monroe's Chest
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Ahoy there, landlubbers and merfolk alike! Welcome to Monroe's Chest! the podcast that sails the seas of whimsy and dives into the depths of nautical nonsense. Join us as we navigate through a sea of laughter, uncovering the treasures hidden within Monroe's mystical chest, where every episode is a tidal wave of hilarity and unexpected discoveries!
Monster Game Night
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
In an alternate world of dark creatures and monsters, a newly formed coterie of Kindred has been recruited to sabotage a sinister cult in a small collegiate town in the bluegrass region.
Clear Visions, Gordon, Jason, and Tomaso must try to balance their ravenous hunger, declining humanity, and their excessive need to tell dad jokes at every opportunity to hope for any chance of surviving.
Monster Hour
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Anthology
Monster Hour is an narrative-driven actual play podcast that combines equal parts comedy and horror with crisp production value and original scoring.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample
Monster Monster
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Monster Monster! A live play Dungeons and Dragons show brought to you by Comedians!
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleMonster Monster Ep - 1 The first Mission cant even go Smoothly!
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Monsters & Madness
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome everyone! To Monsters and Madness! A dungeons & dragons podcast featuring members and friends of the Hawk & Cleaver Community.
During the dark days of the lockdown, a pleasant chap/dungeon master called Lewis Hay had an idea. An idea so crazy, so breathtakingly wonderful, so ludicrously outrageous, he wasn't sure if it would even be possible.
Monsters University
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
Welcome to Monsters University, a homebrew TTRPG for the monster lovers and roleplay enthusiasts. This is an 18+ live action role playing game set in the premier institute for higher monster education. Murder, intrigue, mystery, and romance abound in this silly fantasy universe!
Moonlight Vigil
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
ThatTrollsomeGuy is the Dungeon Master for Moonlight Vigil. [A] group of chaotic adventurers who wreak havoc when 'trying to make the world a better place.'
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleMoonlight Vigil Episode 1 - A Small Threat
Mortals and Portals
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Mortals and Portals is an original Pathfinder 2e adventure about a party of lovable mortals and a perilous realm of portals!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleMortals and Portals Trailer
Mostly Heroes?
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A group of guys playing 5e Dungeons and Dragons and getting into trouble.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEp. 0 The story till now, part 1
anthology comedy mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
Murder Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Murder Dice is a 5e, actual play, Dungeons & Dragons podcast. Follow the Slayers on their adventure through Kiatum as they dispatch the world of monsters and dead Gods. Murder dice is a 5e podcast with some 2e flair. If you enjoy playing dnd and want to feel like you are at the table with friends this is the show for you. Join us on our ttrpg adventure!
Murder She Rolled
Role-Playing Fantasy Mystery Series
A D&D murder mystery podcast about four people, brought back from the dead, dealing with arcane horrors and personal demons, who have one year to solve their own murders.
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Must Be Dice
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Must be Dice is a story driven table top role playing show featuring a seasonal cast of characters. Each week our group of adventurers face off against the mysteries, puzzles, and traps set for them by the Game Master, cracking jokes the entire time.
My First Dungeon
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
My First Dungeon is the tabletop roleplaying podcast where we help Game Masters learn new games and make each one better than the last.
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Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample[TRAILER] My First Dungeon
Mystery County Monster Hunters Club
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
It's 2006 in Mystery County, Superior, and life in the 51st state is... weird. It'll take a group of under-experienced teenage monster hunters and their well-meaning mentor to set things right in this Monster of the Week actual play improvised comedy podcast.
Mystery Fantasy Dungeon 9000
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
After 20 years, players have convinced a Dungeon Master to start podcasting a world...it mixes the core build of 2nd edition with the class and feat features of 3.5/Pathfinder. This makes for a very interesting Homebrew game.
Mystery Quest
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Mystery Quest! A roleplaying podcast where we play a variety of one-shot roleplaying games with a rolling cast of special guests.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleCall of Cthulhu: The Disintegrator #1
Mystic Misfits
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dungeon Master: Orion Carter leads a group of misfits as they fight their way through the mystic lands of Dungeons and Dragons. Orion has created his own world within the restrictions of the DnD rules and regulations and the group known as Mystic Misfits is ready to see his world.
Myth Takes
Role-Playing Horror Series
A narrative storytelling podcast based around Monster of the Week and a rotating cast of Scavengers Network cast members.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SamplePROLOGUE: World Building 1.1
The Scavengers Network
MythCraft The Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
MythCraft: The Podcast is a tabletop roleplaying Actual Play set in Ancerra, the official MythCraft campaign setting! Join game master Kyle and a host of memorable heroes as they journey through the many wonders of Ancerra and the planes beyond.
Mythic Thunderlute
Role-Playing Musical Fantasy Series
Professional actors and musicians- Jake, Lillian, Michael, Steve, and Leigha- play a tightly-edited Dungeons and Dragons campaign. After they record, they add sound effects, underscoring, and full-fledged musical numbers!
Mythical Misfits
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Step into the shadows of The Mythical Misfits, a Pathfinder 2e actual play conceived by master storyteller and audiodrama producer, Mike Troup. This series, featuring long-time players, weaves together an epic tale of friendship, danger, and discovery, all delivered through high-quality, immersive audio.
Nameless Monsters
Role-Playing Horror Series
Join Brad, Mags, and Morris in their adventures in the fictional town of Triple Springs.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTeaser/Trailer
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Nastygram is an actual play RPG podcast that is all about the game! We might take our RPG nerdage seriously but not ourselves. Our goal is for you to feel like you are at the table with us as we build stories collaboratively across a variety of game worlds and systems while keeping the authentic feel of tabletop roleplaying amongst friends. Join us weekly to listen and let's get Nasty!
Nat Wonderful
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
8 Best friends go on grand adventures through the wonderful worlds of Table Top Role Playing games! Join us as we make this Naturally Wonderful.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleNat One-Shot: Oops! All Crinimals, Part 1
Natural Ones (The Obsessive Geek)
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An unbalanced D&D campaign following a group of alternative “heroes” on their adventures through an original world. This is a relatively unedited play-through podcast that is presented bi-weekly.
Natural Toonie
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast set in a fictionalized Newfoundland- basically, the most Canadian D&D show you'll ever listen to, probably.
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Apple Podcasts
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NCRP Productions
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A Tabletop RPG actual play podcast coming to you from Behind the Redwood Curtain. We intend to offer a variety of tabletop role playing games (ttrpg) actual play podcasts.
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Negative Modifier
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Negative Modifier is the best real play podcast you're not listening to yet. We play a variety of games, often leaning more towards the slightly more adult end of the spectrum. We play a wide array of games including Delta Green, Starfinder, Alien, Call Of Cthulu, Pathfinder, and many many more.
Neo Punk City
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Neo Punk City is an Action Adventure Role Playing Game loosely based on the Cyberpunk 2020 system.
Set in an alternate dystopian version of the year 2020, this podcast takes place in Neo-Sacramento in a world where
Neophytes and Necromancers
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Neophytes and Necromancers is an actual play 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast, set in the dark realms of Ravenloft.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode One - Into the Mists
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
NeoScum is a future-fantasy comedy podcast featuring five Chicago improvisers antagonizing their way through the roleplaying classic, Shadowrun. It follows a group of misfits and outsiders: a chromehead decker, a teenage candy-junky klepto, a kid's show wizard with a petulant thirst for adventure, and the nastiest trucker this side of the robo-Mason-Dixon. Join the irascible NeoScum crew as they make their way across a strange but fami…
Nerd Poker
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Each week, under dark of night, in a dining room in Encino, a group of warriors led by Brian Posehn plays Dungeons & Dragons and you're invited to attend!Only recent episodes are available as a podcast. The remaining episodes are accessible via an app. More information on the website.
NerdBound Podcast
* Website: <http://www.nerdbound.com/>
NerdBound Podcast is a podcast that present audio recordings of people playing a variety of role playing games. The games being played are mostly of the fantasy and science fiction genre, but occasionally extend into other genres. The podcast also features discussions about role playing games and interviews with people in the gaming industry.
Nerds on a Roll
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Welcome to Nerds on a Roll, an actual play podcast focused on imaginative stories and collaborative world building through a diverse array of tabletop roleplaying games. From tales of swords and sorcery to issues of super heroic adventures we seek to bring you new and exciting stories from the depths of our imaginations
Never Tell Me The Odds
* Website: <http://www.starwarsrpgpodcast.com/>
Never Tell Me The Odds is a podcasts in which comedians play a Star Wars-themed role-playing game.
Additional Links
* Audio files on The Internet Archive
* iTunes link
comedy fan_fiction free mature_content role-playing science_fiction star_wars
Next On The Initiative
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Next On The Initiative is a D&D Real Play Podcast.
Hosts Jakes Hernandez and Elijah Jackson made a podcast based on the D&D 5e module Out Of The Abyss that they were playing with their D&D Group members Arun Bharadwaj, David George, Maia Ross, and Jack Phillips.
Nights At The Square Table
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Listen to a group of friends tell stories and laugh a lot through the medium of table-top role-play-games (TTRPG), mainly Dungeons & Dragons. Our first epic campaign, The Kyruen Chronicles, is available now! Follow along with our heroes as they discover lost artifacts, learn more about themselves, and occasionally tell a joke or two.
Nights of Darkness
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to Nights of Darkness! Join us in our live play World of Darkness Podcast. So many amazing stories to share.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleChapter 1: Head of the Ball
Fumbling 4 and the All Mighty Crit
No Initiative
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
No Initiative is a TTRPG actual play group of six streamers who have been playing together live on Twitch since Spring 2020. Our group focuses on stories driven by character connections and dramatic narrative choices, and plays long term campaigns as well as one shots.
No Latency
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Set in the chaos of Night City, the regulars of a bar named No Latency work on a way to get a fixer called 'Domino' safe from the clutches of the Arasaka Corporation.
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Apple Podcasts
No Quarter
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/NoQuarterRecitals>
No Quarter is a YouTube channel that, among other content, presents a comedic adventure audio drama series titled The Daring Action Hour.
It also offers a series titled No Dice in which a group friend play several tabletop role-playing games.
No Quest for the Wicked
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Are you ready to rock? More importantly, are you ready to roll?! Welcome to No Quest for the Wicked, a story driven actual play podcast! Currently in our first campaign using Paizo's sci-fi space opera system, Starfinder, in a homebrew setting.
No Return
Full Cast Fantasy Series
Welcome to Erset La Tari, a world where death is a constant companion and the future is uncertain. The Land of No Return is a full cast audio drama that takes you on a journey through the different regions of this dying world. From the cities teeming with life to the barren wastelands, each series explores a different story that delves into the themes of morality, power, and survival. In Erset La Tari, the line between good and evil is blurred, and the strug…
No Return: The Fate of Daya
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
As some of you may know, Erset La Tari; The Land of No Return, began life as a 'homebrew' Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG) setting.
Thanks to the immense talents of Dylan Smith [we] are able to bring No Return to you in the form of a TTRPG Actual play.
Nocturne (Tablestory)
Role-Playing Horror Series
What if you could no longer determine what in the world around you was real or not real? What would you give to get that certainty back? Nocturne is a mature thriller about what lurks in the darkest places.
Nonverbal Communications
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
A Monster of the Week actual play in three parts. Players North [are] run through a haunting adventure taking place in a small town in 1992. A mysterious fog has engulfed the City of Bernard Maine, and a few mysterious deaths has gotten our hunters into some deep water.
Norfolk Wizard Game
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
A Mage: The Ascension actual-play taking place in the same universe as Hunter: The Parenting, following a group of Mages in Norfolk, Virginia, discovering the truth of reality and their ability to bend it at their whims.
North By North Quest
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
North By North Quest is an Atlanta based storytelling podcast built upon Dungeons and Dragons. The NxNQ cast rotates GMs and showcases players with a genuine passion for story, and fun, who believe good stories make you feel things. With adventures across parallel story lines and memorable characters in vibrant homebrew worlds, it's like a movie for your ears!
Not A Scratch
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Welcome to Not A Scratch, the only podcast that believes Scratch is an overpowered move!
This is the result of a first-time DM (and 0-time player) building a PKMN Mystery Dungeon system. Each week, Anirudh, Mansour, and Muhammad tell the story of Ralph (Machop) & Kyle (Treecko) becoming the greatest heroes in the world!
Not Another Tavern
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
The Not Another Tavern Podcast is an actual play podcast focused on long-form storytelling while exploring Fantasy Tropes and a variety of Roleplaying Games. This show is presented by Dice For Brains and focus on character and story development with an emphasis on bringing new players to the table. The podcast is hosted by David Wright and features actors, artists, storytellers and straight-up nerds coming together to produce an orga…
Not Quite Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A system-agnostic actual play podcast featuring a world created by way of community collaboration!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleIntro One - Landfall
comedy fantasy podcast role-playing series
Nother Realm
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Nother Realm, a dimension of magic and adventure fueled by tabletop RPGs. Join us as we weave tales filled with action, mystery, drama, and plenty of comedy!
In our first season, The Neverthere, we use 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons
NPC Incorporated
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
Come on in and sit for a while, and hear the tale of four brave adventurers of the Mundane Realm in a new campaign from NPC Incorporated, a Dungeons & Dragons 5e podcast set in the real, boring world of jobs. Based on the characters and classes from the classic tabletop role playing game and translated for the modern era, this story takes place in a shipping facility in
Oak's Peak
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Unedited sessions of a Dungeon World campaign set in a region created by the players.
Made for an audio record, so be aware that there will be random pauses and off-topic conversation at times.
RSS Feed
Occultists Anonymous
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Occultists Anonymous is a group of friends playing Onyx Path's Mage the Awakening (2E). Follow the cabal as they investigate arcane mysteries, delve into ancient worlds, and explore the Astral Realms, and far more.
Oddity Roadshow
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
A Comedy Horror Actual Play Podcast using the Monster of the Week system. Follow along as Jamie, Marlin, and Ron take a road trip together in a brand new, totally normal van they just bought. Journey from town to town with these three as they try to figure out what to do after college.
of Black Glass
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Watch is a low-fantasy, PbtA game about women and nonbinary people who are fighting to retake their homeland from the Shadow, a darkly sorcerous threat that has the power to possess men and use them for it's own violent ends. The stories we will tell are structured around the military campaign against the Shadow's forces. We will tell stories of war, love, and sacrifice. We will play to find out what happens. And we will, in the end, defeat the S…
Of Dice and Friends
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to the strange world of Kythar, traveler. If you're looking for magic, mayhem, and misadventure, you've come to the right place! Here, you're more than an idle listener. More than a lost adventurer. More than an indifferent god.
Of Lore & Legend
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Of Lore & Legend is the Christian Influence “actual play” D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) podcast. Eight players, one DM and an endless number of fun memories. A group of friends who have been playing together for years and absolutely love fun and meaningful stories, reunite again for a full length campaign! Listen to a clean, fun and hilarious group of Christians whose focus is pleasing God with their entertainment as they take on the world of Valhumgard…
Of Steam, Steel and Murder
* Website: <https://of-steam-steel-and-murder.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log>
Of Steam, Steel and Murder is a podcast that presents audio recordings of people playing role-playing games. The original game – Of Steam, Steel and Murder – was “set in an alternate history time line of steampunk sensibilities and revolves around the solving of murders and mysteries.
Oh These, Those Stars of Space!
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Far beyond the frontier of civilized space, sails the starship the CSS Cavalier, manned by her strange and daring crew. Their destination? Adventure. Their cargo? Your dang ears. Their mission? Episodic science fiction comedy at the intersection of Star Trek, Douglas Adams, and the Marquis DeSade. From the same people who birthed unto you the blockbuster true-crime podcast Rude Tales of Magic comes a new and improvised…
Ombligo Del Diablo
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to Ombligo Del Diablo! This is an actual play podcast of a home-brewed Mage: The Ascension.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleFound Trouble in the Town I Come From
horror mature podcast role-playing series
Omega Star 7
Full Cast Science Fiction Comedy Series
In a galaxy known as the “Sometime, Somewhere” sits a cluster of wild stars known as Omega Star 7. These are the tales of the crews who dare to call this place home.
Sardonic, self aware, and a little bit silly. Omega Star 7 is what you'd have if a famed science fiction satirist set out to write Dune, and ended up with Star Wars. Inspired by Westerns, Pulpy Science Fiction B-Movies, and Space Operas this show has a little for everyone. W…
OMEN Investigations
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
The official podcast for monitoring the activities of the Global Office of Occult Monitoring, Examination, & Negation.
Follow a group of rather... eclectic individuals as they battle monsters, aliens and paranormal entities trying to take over the Earth.
On the Remembered Slopes
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP885A9CVeoyaB9I_X6YMBg>
On the Remembered Slopes is a YouTube channel that presents streaming videos of a group of people playing various campaigns of the horror-themed role-playing game Call of Cthulhu.
h.p._lovecraft horror role-playing streaming
On The Shoulder
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
On The Shoulder is a [...] podcast in which we play 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. This campaign follows the blusterous underwater adventures of heroes from both sides of the moral compass. Umbra, the triton palace guard, and Lola the sea-elf hexblade bounty hunter.
One Die at a Time
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
IRL couple Sam and Jon make use of the 1-on-1 “duet” style of gaming to deliver a character driven story run using the Dungeons & Dragons 5e ruleset. Season One: Follow as Theo takes on a smuggling job to transport a special package across the homebrew fantasy world of Filgaia.
One More Quest
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play D&D 5e podcast leaning on community story telling, challenging social and story norms. Join our ragtag bunch of criminals as they attempt to make amends for their crimes in the new world.
One Night Stan
* Website: <https://sites.google.com/site/2dalefm/home/shows/one-night-stan>
One Night Stan is a fictional radio talk show by 2Dale FM that takes place in the horror-themed role-playing game World of Darkness.
Additional Links
* Alternate website
* RSS feed
* TuneFM RSS feed
* TuneFM iTunes link
comedy free full_cast horror role-playing sound_effects
One Shot in the Dark
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
One Shot in the Dark is a D&D podcast focused on exploring fun stories through one shot's instead of ongoing long-form storytelling. We explore new mechanics we as DMs and we laugh a lot together. Each season is its own One Shot made up of several episodes so you don't have to worry about joining late and catching up on 150 episodes to know what's going on. The player characters belong to The Sworn Brotherhood, a band of mercenaries taking cont…
One Shot One Kill
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
There are dozens of D&D podcasts out there, but none as stupid as this one. Join Dungeon Master Alex as he forces three other nerds through the fictional world of Zenarea.
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One Shots
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
One Shots is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers tackle “one shot” adventures set in different RPGs. Join us in Eberron, Avernus, an 80's Buddy Cop Film, Star Trek, the grim future of Warhammer 40K and more! Our intrepid heroes and villains are joined by various DMs, GMs, and more as they explore new worlds and new games! [
One Shots and Other Mischief
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Single-serving actual play from the weird and wonderful world of collaborative storytelling.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleFae's Anatomy with Caleb Stokes
Queen's Court Games
One-shot Onslaught
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
We are an actual-play fifth-edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast. The thing that we do different is that we play through popular one-shot modules from dmsguild.com which means that you can drop in and listen to any session without having to be all caught up! We split each one-shot into two separate episodes so that we can release our podcast bi-weekly!
Ope! Legends of Raspia
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Follow the tale of Feaubear Dongodiere as he explores the fantastical desert oasis of Caltaria.
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Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode -1: Employees Only
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Openly Gamer Theatre
* Website: <http://gamerstable.com/openly-gamer-theatre-2/>
Openly Gamer Theatre is a series of audio podcasts that present recorded sessions of people playing role-playing games. Some have casual conversation mixed with it, but the main focus of the role-playing session is devoted to telling a story via the medium of the game. The later ones have been highly edited and produced into something akin to radio-drama. The podcasts are produced by
Order of the D20
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Four gamers take their dice out of storage and dive into the high fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons in this RPG 'actual play' podcast. Join Chris, Jay, Marie and Tito on Order of the D20 and become part of the epic stories, comic adventures and botched dice rolls as they explore the original fantasy world of Saltumort!
Original Box Set
* Website: <https://originalboxset.podbean.com/>
Original Box Set is a podcast featuring a group of friends playing the tabletop “science fantasy” role-playing game Shadowrun.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* Apple Podcasts link
* YouTube channel
fantasy free mature_content role-playing science_fiction streaming
Other Worlds
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A group of friends escape the pressures of real life and disassociate into the world of role playing! Journey across Lavent, a scarred world rebuilding after a cataclysmic event, and experience love, loss, triumph, and memes.
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Six heroes, infinite dimensions.
A Masks: a New Generation actual play podcast about super powered teens traveling through the multiverse being heroes, and trying to find a place they might be able to fit.
Our Quest
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
On the world of Gaiyel lies a continent named Bardane, it is here where heroes must be born again. This is Our Quest!
On this world lies an isolated continent called Bardane. Around 100 years ago, there was a horrible war that almost wiped out all life. Within many of the small kingdoms, dark spiralling towers, known as 'Dark Spires', burst from the ground and poured darkness into the sky. This is when 'The Greater Evil', whose name was lost i…
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Hosted by Sam Sudama, Outerstate is a D&D podcast where four unlucky strangers find themselves transported into a brand new and completely different world. Here, they are forced to save their friends and families amidst the underlying mysteries found within their new environment.
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
The Oxventurers Guild presents a DnD real play podcast! Join Johnny Chiodini, Jane Douglas, Andy Farrant, Mike Channell, Ellen Rose and Luke Westaway for chit-chat and chaotic good times. The Oxventure Podcast brings you new commentary alongside audio versions of classic Oxventure Dungeons and Dragons sessions recorded for live shows, streams and the original video episodes published on YouTube channels Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Pace is an Actual Play podcast set in a theoretical future version of the Otherverse, where three wayward Practitioners get embroiled in something a lot bigger than they can handle.
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Parliament of Owls
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Parliament of Owls is an Actual Play of Paizo's Pathfinder 2nd edition. This unlikely crew of evil-doers has been forced together by fate itself. Find out how this dastardly cast survives an all evil campaign.
Parselings: The Forgotten
Role-Playing Horror Series
Life is simple In the small town of Stonesend, Maine. Here people go about their daily routines with hardly any deviation. But as thick fog settles upon the town, residents have gone missing and those that have vanished are forgotten. These are strange times in Stonesend. Will our protagonists be able to solve the mystery or will they too be forgotten?
Party Advantage!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Party Advantage is a D&D play podcast by DM Cassie, where she takes players through the land of Arias, set in the original world of Io. There, players will travel and explore lost treasures and hidden secrets.
Party Foul
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A [...] dungeons and dragons podcast where we take your favorite animated movies and fairy tales and make a parody of these stories in a dnd setting.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleParty Foul Episode 1 - The Mystery Of The Lost Children
Party of 2
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Hi! Party of 2 RPG is an actual play podcast for Pathfinder 2e, homebrew campaign.
As writers, both Hayley and Weston's main goal is to write incredible storylines, with epic battles and intimate moments, while at the same time having a ton of fun! If you're into actual play, have an interest in tabletop gaming or love a well written story with fun role play, THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!
Party of Four
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Party of Four features four comedians on an RPG adventure into their own imaginations. Game Mastered by David Dineen-Porter, the four guests quest without limits. Surreal nonsense and pure imagination.
Party of One Podcast
* Website: <https://www.partyofonepodcast.com>
Party of One Podcast is an podcast in which the host Jeff Stormer plays role-playing games with a single guest.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
free role-playing
Party of Three
* Website: <http://www.partyofthree.co/>
Party of Three is a podcast that presents a group of friends playing the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, with accompanying sound effects and music. The episodes are initially aired on WARC 90.3 FM
Party Roll
* Website: <http://partyrollpodcast.com/>
Party Roll is a podcast in which a group of friends play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* YouTube channel
comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Passion Fruit Table Troop
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D 5e tabletop trio, all very gay, all very much having a shared hallucination that also involves dice.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleIntroducing Passion Fruit Table Troop
Path of Night
Role-Playing Horror Series
Path of Night is an actual play podcast about a group of roleplayers telling engaging shared stories around the gaming table. Campaign One follows a group of vampires in New Haven, CT, in the year 1999 using the Vampire: The Masquerade system by White Wolf Publishing and Paradox Interactive.
Pax Fortuna!
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Pax Fortuna! is a comedy-fantasy roleplaying podcast from Definitely Human. In the merchant republic of Fortuna, there are no kings and no knights, only the levelling honesty of gold. Our heroes must beat, bluff and blunder their way through an array of sticky situations and shady characters. Each adventure is a high-octane romp across weekly half-hour episodes, and features a cast of Definitely Human regulars.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
A team of rookie shadowrunners get caught in a web of someone else's design as they enter the world of corporate espionage when they are hired to steal a bleeding edge prototype from an up and coming research lab. Can these neophyte runners survive the shadows of 2076 Seattle? Experience a future where magic and technology come together to fuel corporate greed and deniable mercinaries carve out their own meager existence from the scrap…
Penance RPG
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Penance RPG is a homebrew style of RPG podcast created out of the belief that actual play storytelling should allow for not only free player choice for any and every decision but equal consequences to these decisions. We believe this allows for an organic style of storytelling rarely seen anywhere else whilst still retaining a deep love for fantastical tales of castles and characters.
Penault Pest & Protection
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
Penault Pest & Protection is a monthly audio drama created through tabletop roleplay based on the 2d6 system Monster of the Week. Follow Tiffany, Aisling, Clara, and Seilbh as they struggle to gain a footing in the world of Taranis.
Pest Control
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Anthology
Pest Control is an actual-play horror tabletop show from AltHaven. Join Keeper Sam R, and players William, Jonas, and Sam D as they get lost in fantastical worlds featuring compelling characters, engaging story, and thrilling twists!
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Quests and Chaos is proud to present the full playthrough of Phandelver and Below the Shattered Obelisk. This show features a fantastic cast of new and familiar faces. Dungeon Master Tiana Ren Hanson leads our group of adventurers all 12 levels of this campaign.
Piedra Guild
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Thirst for adventure? You have come to the right place! myself and my friends have come together to play [DnD] sessions! Join on us on our adventures and laugh and cry with us along the way!
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Pink Fohawk
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
An actual play podcast set in the Shadowrun universe, following two rad shadowrunners making names for themselves in the streets of Seattle in the year 2053.
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Pink Mohawk Edition
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
We are a Shadowrun Anarchy actual play podcast set in Missoula, Montana, where city meets wilderness. Wild Rill, Sergeant Butch, Deadeye, and Rook are a crew of shadowrunners who are guaranteed to get the job done–and with as much style as possible.
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
PISCES - The Paranormal Intelligence Section for Counterintelligence, Espionage and Sabotage. A secretive branch under the intelligence services of the UK government, PISCES is on the front line of the fight against the inexplicable unnatural and unknowable horrors. Extra terrestrials, ancient cosmic gods, deranged cultists- PISCES mission remains the same: protect the public and stop the unnatural at any cost.
Planet Arcana
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A tightly edited, tarot-flavored, retrofuturistic D&D podcast. Homebrewed cup of 5e, served by 2 DMs. Dungeon Masters J and B are accompanied by good friends Skye, Peter, and Shaun as they work their way through a seedy world of Androids and Humans.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
It is the year 3212, and the fraction of humanity calling “Dawn” its home is still searching for its identity after the wormhole to Earth disappeared for good. In researching their new solar system more closely, humanity quickly realized that they are not at all alone in the universe. PlanetMe was meant to be a science mission. But the discovery of alien hostilities added a military component, overtaking science in levels of importance and …
Platinum Legends
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Hey there fellow trainers. We're a mystery-comedy actual play podcast about a ragtag group of pokemon trainers working together to find out the mysteries surrounding Sinnoh and Cynthia's disappearance, a year after Team Galactic's defeat.
Plausible Deniability
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
This is Plausible Deniability, the second show by Bad Form Podcast. Plausible Deniability Is a Star Wars actual-play podcast in the Fantasy Flight Games RPG system Age of Rebellion. We also use elements of Fantasy Flight's other Star Wars systems, Edge of the Empire and Force and Destiny. Plausible Deniability takes place near the Battle of Endor and revolves around a team of rebel agitators, trying to make the most of the end of the e…
Playing Out of Character
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play podcast that is centered on friends make goofs and a narrative together!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSystem - Ep.0 “Skeleton of the System”
(M4A File)
Playing with Madness
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
A horror comedy actual play podcast using the game Delta Green system and setting. In 1998 in the small mining town of Peskajumba strange events begin to unfold. Enjoy original music, bowling and madness.
Plunders & Blunders
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Plunders & Blunders is a live-play D&D adventure where 6 friends sit around a table drink, laugh, role-play, and tell a story together. Using the Dungeons & Dragons 5e system in a custom campaign, these first time players will take their characters, an outcast tiefling, wandering gnome, pirate aarakocra, schizophrenic goblin, and an exiled dragonborn on a journey of mayhem, mystery, and magic. Sometimes it's epic, sometimes it's silly, bu…
Plus 3 To Friendship
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Wanna listen to a group of friends roll dice and crack jokes during a game of make-believe? Of course you do! CLICK NOW! +3 to Friendship is a Dungeons & Dragons (and maybe other TTRPGs) real play podcast. For immature adult audiences. A radio theater D&D 5e real play dice rolling extravaganza!
Pocket-Sized Play
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Pocket-Sized Play is an RPG actual play podcast. The recordings are taken directly from the games we run over Gauntlet Hangouts and edited down into short episodes of roughly 30 minutes each. The purpose of of Pocket-Sized Play is to not only entertain you, but to demonstrate good gameplay techniques at the table.
Pod Against the Machine
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Pod Against the Machine, the only Actual Play podcast that specifically mentions its opposition to the machine in the title. We're a ragtag group of five creating an epic story while playing through the Iron Gods Pathfinder First Edition adventure path from Paizo publishing. It's like Dungeons and Dragons, complete with wizards, monsters, and skeletons
Pod of Love
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
The RomCom of actual play podcasts, Pod of Love is a two-player, sci-fi romance, actual play & advice podcast. Our stories take place in the fictional town of Charity, Maine, where there is lots of love, but also a dark secret.
Pods of the Multiverse
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
Join four friends as they explore the multiverse through various Dungeons & Dragons (5e) settings.
Each season will take place in a different setting, with a different DM, and a distinctly different flavor.
Pokemon Adventures in the Millennium
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Pokemon Adventures in the Millennium is a Pokemon Tabletop United actual play set in the Sinnoh Region!
DMed by Tanner, who oversees the zany adventures of Belle (Lindsay), Gabriel (Duncan), and Julian (Ryan), along with their group of equally zany pokemon.
Pokéballs of Steelix
* Website: <http://nerdyshow.com/pokemon/>
Pokéballs of Steelix is a comedic roleplaying audio drama set in the world of Pokémon. It combines improvised storytelling and performances with audio drama production; including sound effects and music.
Pokémon Rollout!
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
A real-play Pokemon Tabletop United RPG podcast. Join the trainers as they adventure to catch 'em all and be the very best!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 01 - The Adventure Begins! (or: The Pokemon of Liliana's Dreams)
Pokémon World Tour: United
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Jake and Josh go on an adventure through the world of Pokemon, with the help of game master Alan and numerous special guests, in this actual play RPG podcast using the Pokemon Tabletop United RPG system!
Poor Unfortunate Rolls
Role-Playing Horror Series
Poor Unfortunate Rolls is an episodic, actual-play, Monster of the Week podcast. Follow a rotating cast of Hunters, picked from those of us here at GeekWave, as Aspen the Keeper leads you on various one-shot adventures!
Pork Fried Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Pork Fried Dice is an actual-play Dungeons and Dragons podcast where we try to tell a compelling story, but have fun doing it. That is to say, we take the story seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously.
Power Rangers HyperForce
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Power Rangers HyperForce is set in the year 3016 at Time Force Academy. A team of Time Force Ranger cadets must band together to defeat an ancient evil who is set on unraveling the very fabric of the universe. Under the leadership of their mentor, Jen Scott, and with the show's Game Master, Malika Lim, the newly minted Rangers will cross both time and space to complete their mission while running into many familiar eras (and …
Power Word Fail
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Power Word Fail is a fantasy actual play D&D 5e podcast powered by lush character dynamics, arcane mystery, and the hilarity of the players' table. Take arms and take heed: all actions have consequences in the world of Power Word Fail.
Power Word Roll
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Power Word Roll is a Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast from London. Join us each week on our D&D adventures (and misadventures) throughout the many worlds of the D&D multiverse and beyond!
Practical Heroes
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Practical Heroes! A group of nerdy voice actors enjoying your favourite tabletop roleplaying games - including 5e Dungeons & Dragons
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Pretend Friends
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Pretend Friends is an actual play pen and paper podcast. Currently 'venturin in Space Kings. Starring Nick, Paul, and Josh from Continue?! as well as Kevin Cole!
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Pretend Wizards
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Six friends play D&D (Dungeons and Dragons), and do their best as a mercenary company in the Country-City Atla. Will they become the greatest warriors who ever swung a pointed bit of metal? How long can they last uncursed and with all their limbs? You'll probably have to listen to find out.
Pretending to be People
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Pretending to be People is a mystery/horror role-playing podcast. Join Zach, Thomas, Luke, and Joe as they navigate a terrifying campaign filled with twists, turns, and laughs - all decided on a roll of the dice. Can the officers of the Contention Police Department unravel the mysteries suddenly plaguing their sleepy town? Will they die – or worse – in the attempt? This is an actual play utilizing the game systems of Delta Green and Pu…
Pride & Prejudice & Monsters
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Four unlikely members of high society must navigate rumour, scandal and gossip as they navigate the tumultuous politics of their new home. The City of Sagehollow, a supposed restart for England after the first Crimson Moon appeared, turning our world into a hellscape of monsters and men.
Primary Attribute
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Primary Attribute is a Castles & Crusades actual play podcast where our cast unravels the mysteries of Arx Moltimus, a mountain fortress that contains the last surviving city, as it flies through the sky above a world consumed by a supernatural corruption and attempts to hold out for just a little longer. Battles are fought, romances blossom, secrets are uncovered, and city infrastructure is maintained against all odds.
Prism Pals
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Prism Pals, a family-friendly actual play D&D 5e podcast, features four LGBTQ+ individuals telling a homebrewed story about family, love, and friendship. Can our players survive the damaged world of Tahim'Ka, or will they fall prey to the dangers lurking within the infinite darkness of the void? Join us for the adventure, and may The Pantheon smile upon you!
Prisoners of Garzara
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
5 Prisoners enter a portal into the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons. Will they figure out the mysterious of this realm or be swallowed by chaos?
RSS Feed
Listen to a SamplePrisoners of Garzara Episode 1 America's Finest Part 1
Probability of Demise
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Four storytellers gather around the table and send three adventurers on a mission. Join the awkward beginnings and, hopefully, interesting tales of Trixie, Asher, and Tanzanite.
Setting: We are using D&D Fifth Edition to loosely create the basis for a story of an Earth ravaged by misdeeds both human and otherwise. Earth, post-apocalyptic due to human error and natural shifts in solar bodies, tries to recover and in the proce…
Profanity for Emphasis
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Rragonia! Two asshats and a falcon are trying to prevent a mysterious faction from overthrowing the gods. The faction hopes to create a new pantheon from amongst its ranks to rule the realm. DM Zach Shubert is joined by Jake Richardson and Iain Wallace in the quest to save Rragonia. It's guaranteed to be an absolute clusterfuck.
Proficiency + 6
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An all-queer DnD 5th Edition Actual Play podcast! Join our party as they explore the original world of Alloria!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleFrom the Ground Up
fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Project Icosa
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An Actual-Play D&D Podcast. Cast includes Chloe Price, Michael Savoia, Nick Mustakangus, Dan Robertson and Alex Steele as Dungeon Master.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSeason 1 | Episode 0 | The Prologue
Protean City Comics
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Protean City Comics is an Actual Play podcast that uses the game Masks: A New Generation by Magpie Games to tell stories about teenagers as they struggle through high school and discovering who they are. The format of the show attempts to emulate a comic book reading experience including a description for the cover of every episode, letters to the editor page, and episodes released under different comic titles.
Pseudonym Solo Adventures
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Pseudonym Solo Adventures is an indie ttrpg anthology telling stories across a variety of games and genres. Our goal is to bring you stories you enjoy while highlighting creators big and small across the ttrpg industry. Each season will include a self-contained story in an indie ttrpg with a few D&D adventures written by indie creators, run and played by podcasters, streamers, and creators.
Public Access: Playback Static
Role-Playing Horror Series
Ever since the local public access TV station that began production in the late 1970's, TV Odyssey, quite literally disappeared in the mid 1990's, odd things have been happening in the town of Deep Lake. Our Latchkeys who grew up in Deep Lake and moved away find themselves drawn back to their hometown to solve the mysteries happening in Deep Lake currently, and the get to the bottom of what happened to TV Odyssey, once and for all. The…
Pulp Panic
Role-Playing Thriller Anthology
Pulp Panic is a Fiasco actual play podcast, an anthology of deception, debauchery, and desperation.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleAct 1 - A Bidder's Feud - Issue #1
anthology comedy mature podcast role-playing thriller
Python County
Role-Playing Horror Series
Join five friends, and real live Texans, as they role play in the fictional horror realm of Python County.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleAn Introductory Supercut
comedy h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Qomrades! We're an actual play podcast made by Queer folk telling stories that matter to us!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleWelcome to Haven
anthology comedy mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
Quantum Dungeon
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Quantum Dungeon! Where the rolls are real, but the science is made up. Quantum Dungeon is a homebrew actual play podcast set within DnD 5E rule set that takes inspiration from various genres and quantum multiverse elements seen within pop culture.
Quantum Kickflip
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Quantum Kickflip is a podcast in which six hilarious comedians (The Debutantes) play the tabletop roleplaying game Slugblaster, using it to tell a serialized sci fi adventure story.
Queer Dungeoneers
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual-play Dungeon World podcast about being who you are by being someone different.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleQueer Dungeoneers Trailer
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Quest at the Dinner Table
* Website: <http://questatthedinnertable.podbean.com/>
Quest at the Dinner Table is a podcast in which a group of friends play the fantasy role-playing game Pathfinder, with occasional accompanying music and ambient sound effects.
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Quest Company Junior
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
The Quest Company is a group of storytellers playing through our own original adventures on this actual-play RPG podcast! Join us as we introduce you to new games and explore worlds full of fun and creativity!
Quest Fest
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Quest Fest is a podcast where a group of creative and theatrical friends play Dungeons and Dragons. Join Players Teri Sturdyvin, Cameron Sheets, Justin Klett, and Ryan Fleming as they play in the immaculately immersive world created by Dungeon Master, Bryan Goode. Action, drama, comedy, and chaos ensue as the three collaborate to create a narrative campaign that entertains on so many levels
Quest For Adventure
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The only podcast where four cool guys have tabletop fun times!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Introductions
comedy fantasy podcast role-playing series
Quest Friends!
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Adventure! Suspense! Romance? The sky's the limit as five friends journey across the fantasy landscape of Numenera, solving problems and creating many, many more along the way.
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Quest Laid Plans
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Ten years ago, The Heroes of the Battle of Horizon Fall saved the world from a catastrophic evil. Now, they're returning to their guild to celebrate the anniversary of their victory and memorialize their losses, some of them for the first time in years.
Quest of the Stone & Stars
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
An Epic Tale of Heroism, told in both Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample01: Introductions and Adventures
KnightSmith Games
colony_of_the_damnedColony of the Damnedquest_of_the_stone_and_starsQuest of the Stone & Starstales_from_the_deadlandsTales from the Deadlands
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series…
Radiant Light
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Radiant Light is a mixture between a solo Dungeons & Dragons campaign, a dark fantasy novel and a narrated audio dramatization. The rules of the tabletop and the roll of the dice dictate where the story goes as well as whether a character lives or dies. Nothing is precious and no one is safe from the roll of the dice
* Website: <http://ragnerdrok.com/>
Rag-NERD-rok is a website and podcast that explores various facets of nerdy culture. The podcast, which features discussions about television shows, movies, books, and games, also occasionally features episodes of a serialized murder-mystery audio drama titled
Railsend Mysteries
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
Welcome, monster-fighting Ozarks enthusiasts! We're glad that you're joining us! If you're the completist sort and can endure janky audio, feel free to start at Episode 1. If you just want to get caught up to the action with decent audio, jump in with our Bonus Episode before Season 2 begins with Episode 25, which gives a summary of Season 1. Regardless, welcome to the Ozarks and our little home here in Railsend! Mind the caves.
Rainbow Dice Club
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to The Rainbow Dice Club, a non-binary & women led & run actual play D&D 5E homebrew podcast.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Samplewelcome to The Rainbow Dice Club!
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Random Roles Podcast
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to The Random Roles Podcast where we get together and try to play TTRPGs! One of the crew runs a different TTRPG, a homebrew idea, module or one-shot that's happened to find a hook in our butts. Speaking of butts, this podcast is shamelessly, no holds bar ADULTS only, and very immature. We're all consenting peoples playing make-believe games where anything can happen so this'll be your only warning, so listen on or turn back now!
Real Fantasy Encounters
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play podcast where escapism means having the same dumb problems as every other day of your life, but now your fate is decided by the roll of dice.
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That's Not Canon
Realms of Peril & Glory
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to RPG! Journey through hilarious galaxies, adventure-filled worlds and mysterious continents in this incredible actual play podcast! Experience thrilling tales weaved at the table using systems from D&D 5e, Nibiru, and 13th Age to You Awaken in a Strange Place, Agon, and more! Join a rotating panel of GM's and Players including Zachary Fortais-Gomm, James Barbarossa, Ella Watts, Maddy Searle, Beth Eyre, Sasha Sienna, Felix Tre…
RealmSmith Presents: Into The Mist
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Into the Mist is an interactive live-play Dungeons & Dragons 'Curse of Strahd' campaign! Join Dungeon Master Jason Azevedo and the RealmSmith crew as they find themselves trapped by the mists in the tortured land of Barovia!
Reckless Attack
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Do you love Dungeons and Dragons and other TTRPGs? Then come join us at our table! Reckless Attack is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Real Play podcast, hosted by a group of cheery, diverse, regular folks in Chicago who love their game and want to share it with you.
Reckoning of the Dead Radio
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play recording of the Ryan family playing the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleRyans in Rlyeh Episode 1
comedy h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
Red Desert Role-Play
Role-Playing Steampunk Fantasy Series
Once, the world of Verrilan was lush, with beautiful seas and vast continents peopled with colorful civilizations... And then, came the Fog. No one knew what it was. No one knew where it came from. But in less than a decade it covered the land, killing most it encountered and driving the rest to bloodthirsty madness. Civilization was forced to flee to the Floating Islands, situated high above, and pray to their gods that it would be e…
Red Dirt DnD
Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series
Red Dirt DnD mashes together fantasy with the Wild West. The actual play Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast takes place in the fictional country of Rutoya as four adventurers map the Ka'alban Frontier for the Dwarven train barons. Elves and Orcs collide with saloons and sheriffs in this show featuring local Oklahoma actors and D&D veterans.
Red Moon Roleplaying
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We are an ENnie-award winning podcast that plays roleplaying games set in dark worlds.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Black Madonna 01: Hamburg 1991
anthology fantasy horror mature multigenre podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Redemption is an actual-play podcast telling an ongoing story set in the STAR WARS universe by using the most excellent Star Wars RPG system by Fantasy Flight Games. Redemption tells a story exploring the Star Wars universe just before the Clone Wars and does so through the eyes of the four main characters. R3-A1, Kaio, Karrell and Tazi are voice-acted by a quartet of long-time gamer nerds out of Michigan - and edited into a virtual radio-drama f…
Redgate and Wolf
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
What happens when a sassy thief meets a Scottish werewolf? Supernatural shenanigans ensue in this actual play Monster of the Week podcast. Listen as this shifty duo hunt monsters, roll dice and cause magical mayhem in the fictional American town of Hendrix.
Refugees of Esmerelda
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play RPG show where we create a new world and play games in it using a combination of different systemsThe audio drama series Weeping Cedars is based on a campaign from this podcast.
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Relative Dimension
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An RPG actual play Podcast.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSession 001 Part 01
anthology multigenre podcast role-playing series
Relic of the Past
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Relic of the Past is a real play Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition podcast. The characters lives are turned upside down by a mysterious evil force and must fight to save their world.
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Rescued By Dragons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A Fantasy Fiction Podcast based on a weekly Dungeons and Dragons homebrew campaign played by a group of friends in Portland, Maine. We started this to preserve the story we were creating and to share how inspiring playing DnD with your friends can be.
Respect the Die
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Respect the Die is an actual play narrative podcast with a revolving door of DM's all from the the same family! Welcome to a world of mysterious forces, dastardly villains, and heroic moments. Join the cast of Respect the Die for short season runs of 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.
Response Team Omnicron
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Response Team Omnicron is the story of the titular crew as they respond to a distress call from the Evergreen colony on the planet Hercynia. When the landing goes awry, the ground team must help solve the problems of the blossoming colony on Landmark Colonial's behalf. But with the history of Hercynia, is everything quite as simple as Landmark is making it out to be?
Resting Glitch Face
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Shadowrun actual play podcast of an all women runner team taking on the mean shadows of St. Louis!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Name is Eris [Episode 1]
Rime of the Frostmaiden (Tablestory)
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Rise and Fall of Gods
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Quest actual play following Philomena and Foster as they get called on an unexpected adventure that will show them more truths than they expected, fighting for the future of their home alongside some friends they pick up on their long journey.
Rise of the Demigods
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Rise of the Demigods is a 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast set in the world of Godsfall. Join us as four young demigods face training and trials in the divine halls and magical valleys of the Temple of Udea.
Risk Management
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Anders and Caro are agents at Risk Management, a private intelligence organization set in the near future.
Listen in as they deal with blood cults, killer robots, and their own demons.
RISK MANAGEMENT is a (mostly) improvised, role playing podcast set in a home brew world with home brew rules. Strap in for fun, adventure, a few tugs at your heart strings and a whole lot of dice.
Risky Standard
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Risky Standard is an actual-play podcast featuring a group of rowdy best friends playing a variety of tabletop role-playing games to tell stories set in original worlds.
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Rivals of Waterdeep
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A D&D actual play stream from the official DND twitch channel ... turned into a PODCAST!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample1.01 | The Price of a Soul
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Riverside City Podcast
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Riverside City Podcast is an actual play D&D 5e podcast set in the world of the Riverside City Chronicles, a modern day setting with Superheroes called Capes and Supervillains called Cowls.
Roads Uncharted
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Thousands of children have gone missing during a festival, without a clue as to what happened. Meanwhile, a mysterious order rises to power in the wake of the destruction they cause. Are these events related? Or are they merely two events with unforeseen consequences?
Rocks and Runelords
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Rocks and Runelords! Where we're slingin' rocks and slayin' Runelords. An unofficial weekly actual play podcast of Paizo's adventure path Rise of the Runelords. Join your GM Wes as he runs Adam, Casey, Hannah, and Matt through the most cherished adventure path of all time.
Rogue Runners
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
ROGUE RUNNERS is an actual play podcast which adapts your favorite games and other media to tabletop RPGs: delivering collaborative, improvised narratives blended with gorgeous audio storytelling.
Role 2 Forge
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
This is Role2forge, a channel in which we educate and entertain in the Tabletop Role-playing game space.
We are a group of friends trying to do something that we simply love to do and taking you along for the journey.
Role Radio
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to Role Radio, an actual play, 5th Edition, Dungeons & Dragons Podcast.
We are a group of old friends who get together every week and have fun playing D&D, and fun for us is role playing, rolling dice, and rolling on the floor laughing. We then take that fun time and edit it , fill it with music, sound effects, and surprises to create a fast paced, cinematic and compelling story so that you can have as much fun listening as we do playin…
Role To Cast
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An Australian actual play podcast with trained actors, original music & homebrew campaigns. Each season explores a new TTRPG. Listen to a season of your favourite tabletop rpg or experience a game you haven't tried yet!
Roleplay Radio
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Roleplay Radio is an improvised narrative-based DnD podcast.
Campaign One is set in Strixhaven, a magical university full of mystery, intrigue, and academic mishaps.
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Roleplaying and Rollplaying
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We are a group of college students who play TTRPGs (Tabletop Roleplaying Games). Currently, we are playing Dungeons and Dragons, a classic TTRPG system that most people would associate with nerds playing together with dice in a dimly lit basement (which isn't too far from the truth). What's great about D&D and other TTRPGs is that they provide a framework of rules that allow the players to basically do anything imaginable in those…
RolePlaying Grenade
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
Five friends play Nights Black Agents, a vampire/spy/thriller roleplaying game. Focusing on fun stories, creeping horror, and fighting back against the darkness at the edge of your vision.
Roll & Tell
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
With no game master, two role-players battle random generator suggestions with creativity as their only weapon. What stories will they tell? Only the dice know.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleLlwyd & Diyote 1: The Screaming Spear
Roll Britannia
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An actual play Dungeons and Dragons 5e comedy podcast from 5 British lads, with little to no experience in dungeons or dragons. Join James (the DM), Tom (Keth Frostiron), Chip (Jeff Silverbow), Paul (Malrus Tosscoble), and Alex (Derek Normalbeard) on their adventure, as they explore the world of Dungeons and Dragons (but badly).
Roll Dice And Cry
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play podcast where we roll dice and you cry. (We will also cry)
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleOn The Shoulders Of Giants Episode Zero: Somebody Killed Our Moon!
anthology mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
Roll For A Good Time
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Hello, weary travelers! We are a group of friends playing Tabletop Roleplaying Games! We are primarily playing Dungeons & Dragons 5E but hope to bring many more games to you in the future!
Roll for Equality
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A DnD podcast for female players and all gender allies. We look at women in history for character inspiration, discuss women's issues at the game table, and everything in between about being a woman DnD player.
Roll for Impact
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to Roll For Impact, where narrative takes the forefront, and the roll of the dice is merely the beginning. Dive deep into immersive worlds crafted with love and passion. Our games aren't just about statistics or min-maxing; they're about rich ambient tales, lush aesthetic visuals painted through words, and the soulful threads that weave characters and listeners alike into unforgettable stories.
Roll For Romance
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Roll for Romance is a sexy, silly podcast where romance meets Dungeons & Dragons. This 5e D&D real play podcast takes listeners on a fantastic adventure filled with magic, romance, and all the innuendos you could ever ask for.
Roll for Weird
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play Monster of the Week [series] that follows 5 survivors as they try to save Louisville, Kentucky (and we guess the world) one trip to Chili's at a time.
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Roll For Wenches
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A DnD podcast currently running our motley group of characters through the Rage of Demons storyline.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: The Kids Aren't Alright
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Roll For You
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Roll For You is a TTRPG focused Dungeons and Dragons podcast run by Spruce Juice Studio! Join us in our very first campaign, Arcane Train, as 3 very different adventurers survive living in a world above the clouds, uncovering ancient secrets and seeking revenge on those who have wronged them!
Roll Like a Girl
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join us as a group of girls play D&D 5E- some newer to the game than others - as their ragtag party learns the ins and outs of becoming certified 'adventurers' and how to get along with one another in a not so kind world. Stories, giggles and blood spill shared as they set aside their differences to face an unknown common enemy.
Roll of the Dice
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A bite-sized TTRPG podcast. Instead of listening to a long-run campaign, join a colorful cast of characters and hosts as they run players through a variety of systems. Come along for the ride as we break well-crafted systems and turn everything around us as queer as it can be.
Roll Plus Heart
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play podcast with a focus on queer storytelling. Join Becs, Helen, Jen and Sara for a series of short table-top role-playing games using a variety of game systems, including Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Kids on Bikes, Stone the Crows and Mundane Magic. Featuring fresh new characters for each game, some true chaos role-playing, jokes to make your mum blush, and beautiful LGBTQ+ love. If you like comedy-focused actual play podcasts but you …
Roll Seekers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Roll Seekers and the Legend of Nabell, where a group of normal gamers, just like you, play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) for your enjoyment. The actual play podcast takes place within the unfinished world of Nabell, where the gods are dead, and yet, sometimes, prayers are still answered. Change your roll. Change your fate.
Roll to Breathe
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Roll to Breathe is an actual play podcast focusing on story games. We play various long-form campaigns using the Powered by the Apocalypse engine, sticking to our tagline as best we can.
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Roll to Hit
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Roll to Hit is a 5th ed Dungeons and Dragons podcast starring Alfred the Weird (Tiefling Bard), Ezzir (Drow Elf Monk), Sherlock Gnomes (Gnome Rogue Detective), Talyn (Half-Elf Sorcerer/Monk) and Thaddeus (Half Orc Paladin). Join in on the adventure as our heroes go on epic quests, battle fierce monsters, level up, and find sweet loot.
Roll To Meddle
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Roll To Meddle is an actual play podcast. Based on the Powered By The Apocalypse inspired tabletop roleplaying game Brindlewood Bay by Jason Cordova, Roll To Meddle is a full murder mystery campaign.
Roll Together
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Dungeons & Dragons. Narrative & Nerdery. High Adventure & Hijinks. We are Roll Together.
Join us for exciting adventures with wonderful players taking you off to the worlds of D&D! With multiple storylines and adventure arcs, as well as a huge, diverse cast of players from around the world, listen to our adventures here, or join us on Twitch or Youtube to watch the full streamed videos of our games in action!
Rolling 4 20s
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Adventuring through the Khattygat, Tommund and Anchorage have to face vampires, trolls, and fiends in this epic 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast. They meet many new friends along the way, but realize that things might be more ominous than they initially appear
Rolling Dice With Myself
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
Welcome To Rolling Dice With Myself. A DND podcast centered Around Issac a man of turmoil and pain who awakens in an unknown world. Where earth has become scorched.
The sky has been breached by Lovecraftian horror. And The Old Man approaches
Rolling Through the Realms
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Rolling Through the Realms is an actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
1489 D.R. As the decade comes to a close, The Frost Maiden, Auril has plunged Icewind Dale into a perpetual winter, violence once again finds itself on the streets of Waterdeep, and rumors of war are leaking out from the east. Three adventurers find themselves on the road for the first time in search of fame, fortune …
Rolling with Difficulty
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Throughout the Planescape there are countless wars between good and evil, lawful and chaotic. Forces of great power shift the very nature of reality. These are not their stories...
Join the crew of the Per Aspera as they make a living in the expanse of the scape. No job is too odd, no region too remote for this motley crew of adventurers. From the fiery City of Brass to the winding woods of the Feywild, they'll go wherever the day takes t…
Rolling With Rainbows
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play TTRPG podcast released in limited miniseries in which Sophie [...] and Jess [...] are joined by various guests to try out different tabletop systems old, new, classic, indie and more.
* Website: <http://www.bracketpodcast.com/rolling/>
ROLLING! is a podcast in which a group of people play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
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* iTunes link
comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing
RollPlay: Court of Swords
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
RollPlay Court of Swords is an on-going 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons tabletop podcast[...].
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Listen to a SampleRollplay: Court of Swords - Episode 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
A comedy-horror TTRPG podcast about a group of gay AF ghost hunters in Ohio. 18+. Working in the GUMSHOE Trail of Cthulhu system.
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Listen to a SampleWelcome to Rolltergeist
Romancing the Dungeon
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Looking for group! Looking for love! A softcore DnD podcast about finding that special someone in a world full of peril, monsters and heartbreakers!
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Roomie Roamers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play podcast. The adventure follows the story of three adventurers making waves in the Cilintir Archipelago, an unexplored group of islands found off the southern waters of the Sword Coast.
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Four adventures try to make it big within the decrepit streets of Outset's Pawn Pilaster. Catch this comedic but grim dark Pathfinder Second Edition TTRPG adventure and watch them all suffer!
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RPG Major
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Mystery Series
Tabletop role-playing meets improvised musical theater. Follow a group of private investigators as they solve paranormal mysteries in a world full of cryptids, monsters, and mythical creatures. Dice rolls and improvised songs will determine if our intrepid investigators will crack the case. You can count on a lot of laughs and moments of heartfelt kindness on the journey.
RPG Stress Test
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
RPG Stress Test is an actual play podcast where members of the DSM crew get together and ruin various RPG systems by running one-shot campaigns with idiotic settings and even dumber characters.
rpg | bloc
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
an ap podcast featuring ttrpgs that aren't d&d
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTales from the Loop | Part 1 | Horror Movie Mayhem
anthology comedy mature multigenre podcast role-playing
* Website: <http://www.rpgentlemen.com/>
RPGentlemen is a podcast featuring recordings of various role-playing game campaigns.
It also features a comedic fantasy campaign titled The Kain Campaign.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* SoundCloud page
comedy fantasy free full_cast mature_content role-playing science_fiction superhero
* Website: <http://www.rpgmp3.com/>
RPGMP3 is a website that hosts audio recordings of people playing role playing games. Most of the games played are of the fantasy genre, but there are also sessions of science fiction and horror games.
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Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We are a group of friends dedicated to producing quality actual play RPG action. From dungeons and dragons 5th edition to Starfinder and so much more! We will be rotating what system we use after brief campaigns so tune in wherever you find podcasts and join the Jester's Court!
RPPR Actual Play
* Website: <http://actualplay.roleplayingpublicradio.com/>
RPPR Actual Play is a weekly podcast from Role Playing Public Radio that presents audio recordings of tabletop role playing game sessions. The games range from a variety of genres, including fantasy, horror, and science fiction.
Rude Tales of Magic
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Polaris University, and its hallowed arcane halls, has vanished. Now, the unlikely survivors — a talking crow, a lich in a wig, a bubbly fawn, a Sasquatch punk, and a tiefling hunk — must solve the mystery and return balance and higher education to their world. It's going to be very hard, and very, very rude.
Rusty Quill Gaming
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Rusty Quill Gaming podcast is an actual play podcast following a mixed ability group of comedians, improvisers, gamers, and writers as they play through the extended, tabletop roleplaying campaign
S!de Quest
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
S!de Quest [S!QPOD] is an all-original, actual play, TTRPG podcast based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system. It follows the adventures of Dr. Phineas Cogsbuckle, Din Viesel, and Bolder as they survive the perils of the Warrens through light-hearted robbery, frivolic wanton deception, and a general sense of come-togetherness.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
This is an actual-play podcast for the indie ttrpg Stories of Adventure!
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Listen to a SampleSession 0: Character Creation
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Superhero Comedy Series
Podcasts about Supers and Heroes. Listen as they fight crime, and save the world.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleAmberville Heroes #0
comedy mature podcast role-playing series superhero
Sabers & Sagas
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
In this actual-play podcast, three brothers and their good friend play Star Wars: Saga Edition by Wizards of the Coast. Our three loveable goofballs adventure in the Star Wars Universe many years after the heavily copyrighted movie series (about 42 ABY). Join us and listen as our party charms and charges their way through the trials and tribulations that only a middle-child GM can imagine.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An invitation to the Meeting of the Worthy came to each of them mysteriously, an opportunity to join the Hero's Games, but they were not the intended recipients because they're not heroes. When it all falls apart, what will they do to prove they're also not the villains? Sacrosanct is a narrative-based Dungeons & Dragons 5e Actual Play Podcast set in a Forgotten Realms alternate reality featuring a cast of three elven women and one large, grumpy dragonbo…
Saga of the Change
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
Post-apocalyptic Mage The Ascension campaign
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Listen to a SampleChase- Session 0.5
comedy horror mature podcast post-apocalyptic role-playing science_fiction series urban_fantasy
Sanity Damage
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
The Sanity Damage podcast is a series of TTRPG campaigns set in a multiverse cooked up by Nathan Heard and his peers. Sanity Damage's first campaign, To Whom the Sea Belongs, follows the story of an unlikely team of motley scalawags and genteel nobles as they stumble into a mind-bending conspiracy that reaches far beyond their mortal world. In this campaign, the party wrestles with the moderate good and considerable evil that arises from coloni…
Saratoga By Night
Role-Playing Horror Series
Fleeing an underground war brewing in New York City, two newly sired kindred (vampires) flee to the horse racing town of Saratoga Springs. Unfortunately, Saratoga is far from the haven they expected. Instead of a peaceful countryside retreat, our coterie finds themselves embroiled in the secret affairs of the city's supernatural underbelly, all while coming to terms with their new un-lives and unravelling the many mysteries of the Saratoga Valley.
Savage Tales of Eberron
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Follow our heroes on their adventures in Eberron for Savage Worlds!
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Listen to a SampleMoL Ep.01: Caught Between the Keeper and the Deep Blue Sea
fantasy podcast role-playing series
Sea Of Stars (Andy Lou Media)
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A universe of worlds where anything is possible, and all stories can be told.
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Listen to a SampleRisk and Reputation Teaser Trailer
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Seasons of Skyrend
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Seasons of Skyrend is a custom 5th edition D&D adventure that focuses on the stories of our characters as they try to survive in the world around them.
The year is 164 A.T. The fifth age has been marked by recovery and rebuilding efforts since a great global catastrophe commonly referred to as The Turn. Cities fell, rivers were rerouted, and mountains came crashing down as whole continents were shaken to the bedrock. Our players begin in the c…
Seattle By Night
Role-Playing Horror Series
Night falls on Seattle in our Vampire: The Masquerade playthrough with Jason Carl of White Wolf.
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Listen to a SampleS1E1 - Seattle By Night Episode 1: Immortality
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Second Shot City
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
A looming mystical threat envelopes the fictional city of Boston, Massachusetts as a mysterious organization asks people with a second shot at life to fix the problems that are starting to crack open the city.
Second Star to the Right
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Five unlikely heroes from this world and beyond, are drawn to the mystical island of Neverland in a race against time to recover a fallen star. Join us for this brand new Dungeons & Dragons 5E actual-play campaign set in the fantastic world of Peter Pan's Neverland!
Secret Hearth
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play podcast exploring weird worlds using tabletop games crafted by the players themselves.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleLavenlyn I - 0: Welcome
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Serendipity City
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Serendipity City is an actual-play podcast that takes place in a sprawling, dieselpunk metropolis with a magical underworld (in more ways than one). Anarchists fight corrupt companies, shapeshifters fight for turf, dwarves work in the caves underneath the city, and through it all, our intrepid group of questionable heroes just wants to do the job they were hired for.
Severed Fate
Role-Playing Horror Series
The Dimension Door Podcast is proud to be branching out. Welcome to our second show, Severed Fate! Join Amanda (Marge Gunderson) as she GM's a group of Gestalt Dhamphir Bard Half-Siblings through Paizo's horror adventure path, Carrion Crown. Our players include fan favorite Zac Kreitler (Norm Gunderson/Bolka Folgritson), as well as podcast newcomers Madison Rogers and Nick Thunder.
Severed Studios
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
Welcome to Severed Studios! Under our podcast umbrella, you can find shows such as: –Severed Sons, our Rime of the Frostmaiden Dungeons and Dragons podcast–Severed Side Quests, DnD one shots with appearances by celebrities and special guests–Friday Nite One Shots, where we all began with hour long episodes and short story arcs–and more content to come! You can listen to us anywhere podcasts can be found!
Shadow Plays
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
This is the actual play podcast stream for GMsShadow of Shadow of the GM fame. These actual plays are mostly GURPS and GURPS related games, though it is possible that other may creep in at some point. The main focus of this podcast will be the Nordlond Saga! a Dungeon Fantasy RPG (powered by GURPS) game set in the Nordlond world developed by Gaming Ballistic.
Shadowrun Origins
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
A Shadowrun Actual Play podcast exploring the iconic Shadowrun adventures which contain much of the lore of the Shadowrun world.
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Shadows of Saint Fleur
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Shadows of Saint Fleur is an Urban Shadows actual play podcast. The story takes place in the fictional Great Lakes city of Saint Fleur, which is rife with supernatural activity and all the politics that accompany that. Follow our five characters throughout their misadventures in this climate.
Shattered in Stone
Role-Playing Horror Series
Called together from across the globe, a disparate group of garou are set with the task of helping a small village deep in the heart of the Amazon. Upon their arrival, they discover strange effects happening to the very earth around them. The newly formed pack must stop the ravages to Gaia before it is too late while nature and the spirits around them demonstrate one thing above all others: you try to bite them, and they will bite back with force.
Shattered Sky
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Shattered Sky is a long form actual play podcast using Cypher System, set in a home brew fantasy world. Our story takes place roughly a century after a series of apocalyptic events that unleashed monsters, spread a plague and broke the sky. Join players Nathan Kiss, Steph MHC, Markus Maes, Claudia Jacob and GM Lauren Bond as their characters work against the oppressive forces of the corrupt government and try to change the world.
She's A Super Geek
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
She's a Super Geek is an actual play RPG Podcast highlighting women as GMs. Join your hosts Andi and Senda as they play their way through a plethora of various table top RPGs with wonderful guests from across the web in game design and podcasting. This podcast is a member of Misdirected Mark Productions.
Sheets and Geeks
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Grab your rings of Feather Fall, Because we are on the air! A Tabletop RPG Podcast It's just how we play!
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Listen to a SampleSheets and Geeks: Of Tyrants and Titans - Lore Drop, Episode 1 - Let There be Light
Ship of Fools
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Join 4 friends on a D&D adventure through the magical seas of the Lunluma Ocean, seeking fame, fortune, and French fries. Hijinks? Guaranteed. Good decisions? Not so much.
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Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D show with improvised adult humor, voice acting, and a lot of laughs. We tell in-depth stories and create OFF-THE-WALL characters that we actually enjoy playing. Join us on the couch rolling dice and ball-busting with your best friends as DM Turk takes his 3 players, Nate Brewer, OdyMel and Abstracto through a Comedy Pirate Adventure.
Shitty Cowboys
Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series
Something strange is happening in the town of Westhallow. Clockwork cowboys enforce a strict dress code of cowboy boots, hats and dusters and require everyone to speak in western lingo. Will our heroes liberate the town or will they enjoy the theme?
Shrimp and Crits
Role-Playing Horror Series
In the balmy swamps of the Florida panhandle, monsters and mystery lurk behind every moss-draped tree and stone. Shrimp & Crits is an actual play podcast utilizing the “Powered by the Apocalypse” gaming system. Our story takes place in the small coastal town of Gullacochica. Here, tourists and locals enjoy clean sprawling beaches, fresh-caught fare, and a wide variety of small family owned businesses.
Shuffle Quest
* Website: <http://shufflequest.libsyn.com/>
Shuffle Quest is a comedic podcast in which a group of friends play a role-playing game that spans several genres and uses a variety of game systems. The starting premise is that a band of characters
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to our Monster of the Week actual play series 'Shuttercreek'. Join GM Matt Higdon and the No-Fame crew as we delve into the spooky, unsettling town of Shuttercreek.
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Side Character Quest
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Side Character Quest (SCQ) is a one-on-one improvised fantasy adventure. We use Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition as the framework for the show, with the host as the dungeon master (DM) and the guests as the players.
Role-Playing Horror Series
SidecarStories is all about telling stories, and SIDECANNONS!!! is a chance for us to tell stories together! Grand arcs in the Realms of Racedis or one-shots with friends are all home here.
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Silver and Steel
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
D&D Beyond presents a new liveplay D&D game! With natural disaster looming and the threat of war imminent, can 6 friends trying to be heroes herald a new age of prosperity and peace for the small hamlet of Port Argent?
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Simulacrum is a sci-fi fantasy show in which the players try to survive in “the world's first virtual tabletop rpg” Numenera : The Ninth World. What would you do if you couldn't leave your favorite game?
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Follow a squad of survivors of a dystopian yet colourful version of southern Ontario where they must face a myriad of dangers while protecting a young woman of a very special origin. Featuring the voice talents of Julian Frid as the Handler and Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. The fate of their characters' lives is up to their decisions and the dice
Sinister Shenanigans in Space
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Crits and Company, where a group of friends come together to weave an enthralling tale in our Real-Play Starfinder podcast. Our epic saga, Sinister Shenanigans in Space, starts right here.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
Hoi chummers! SINless is a Shadowrun actual play podcast that follows a group of nobodies as they navigate life in the shadows of the 6th World. Thrown together by chance they'll need to keep each other alive as they gain notoriety in all the wrong places and make a name for themselves with all the wrong people.
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
When ghosts, necromancers, and magical monstrosities raise a ruckus in the land of the living, the Skulltenders will answer! Join a cat-lady rogue, an owl with human legs, and their inflexible Gooman chaperone in a hilarious and horrifying tabletop adventure that mixes the thrilling pacing of monster-of-the-week play with the addictive intrigue of a long-term campaign.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
“Skyfire” is an epic tale set in a world where the skies hold both danger and untamed power. Led by Captain Serenity, a courageous and determined leader, a crew of sky pirates defies oppressive forces to fight for freedom and challenge the status quo. As they navigate lightning-laden storms, engage in breathtaking aerial battles, and uncover treacherous secrets, their audacious acts of rebellion set in motion a chain of events that will reshape the destiny …
Skype of Cthulhu
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Call of Cthulhu, and perhaps other systems on occasion, played via Skype.This podcast contains only some episodes, but all episodes are available on the Skype of Cthulhu website.
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Slay the Stars
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In a world where magic is rare and those with talent are in high demand, there are doors to a place where the supernatural is common and nightmares are reality. Two friends will travel in their own world and the next to uncover the truth of their pasts and to set the cosmos on a path where there may be no coming back.
Slings and Arrows
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Canadian actual play podcast of DND, yes another one! Have some fun with a few Canadians as we work our way through the Lost Mine of Phandelver module, heavily modified with homebrew and influenced by the video game Battletech.
Small Town D&D
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Small Town D&D is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast if, instead of slaying dragons and saving the world, the heroes decided to stay home and deal with small town problems like election fraud and overdevelopment. Listen in as the quiet town of Chester's Chair is radically reshaped by the (foolish) actions of the players. The smaller the stakes, the bigger the consequences!
Snake Eyes
Role-Playing Thriller Series
An RPG actual-play, semi-improvised detective noir mystery that follows Tabitha “Bitty” Jones, Private Investigator. The wife of a famous film producer steps into Bitty's office suspecting her husband of having an affair. What she uncovers sends her down a twisting rabbit hole of money, broken promises and life-threatening danger.
Sneak Attack!
* Website: <http://www.sneakpodcast.com/>
Sneak Attack! is a weekly podcast in which a group of people play the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* Libsyn website
fantasy free role-playing
Snyder's Return
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
UK based Tabletop Roleplaying Game Podcast featuring D&D 5e Actual Play (where a misfit band of 'Heroes' take on adventures across the D&D Multiverse), Interviews and DM/Player Guides.
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Solve This Murder
Role-Playing Mystery Anthology
In Solve This Murder, we present new murder mystery stories in a unique way. Dani is your crimescene, criminal and witnesses as she runs Bill through a whodunit of her own devising. Can you solve the murder before Bill does?
Sometimes Heroes
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/user-140940580>
Sometimes Heroes is a podcast that presents a group of friends playing the fantasy tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (5th edition).
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* iTunes link
fantasy free mature_content role-playing
Son of a Bard
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An original liveplay 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons podcast. Four heroes are assembled to pay off the debt of a person they have never met and learn more about themselves and who the mystery person is along the way.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are a small but mighty group of three playing 5e D&D! Join Claude and Cecilia as they journey together along the Road of Twines in our first campaign: The Lanya Expedition.
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Sonic Realms
Role-Playing Multigenre Series
Sonic Realms honors and enhances the stories that emerge organically from pen and paper role playing games. Sessions are recorded on the spot, then later edited and enhanced with sound effects, a cinematic score, and a full cast. The end result is an adventure unlike any other!
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
Femme driven role playing games with a horror twist, hosted by Becca Scott.
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Listen to a SampleWelcome to Sorority RPG!
(M4A File)
anthology comedy h.p._lovecraft horror podcast role-playing series
Sorry, Honey, I Have to Take This
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Delta Green actual play podcast featuring a bunch of chuckleheads laughing nervously in the face of uncaring cosmic horror.
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comedy h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Steampunk Horror Series
Soulstory is an actual play role playing game podcast (RPG) set in the world of Malifaux. Join us as our Fatemaster guides her four players into a story where steam power and magic meet horror cliché's and fairy tales. If you want to know more about Malifaux, be sure to stick around. Each episode is followed by a cast member sharing some tidbits and lore about the universe. Come for the story but be careful. Bad things happen.
Sounds Like Adventure
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play podcast all about short runtimes, fun role play and great sound design.
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Listen to a SampleWhat happened to the Runai?
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Sounds Like Crowes
Role-Playing Horror Series
Sounds Like Crowes is an actual play podcast where a posse of nerds pretend to be cowboys.
Above all else, we strive for production values. We want the sound that hits your ears to be crisp, and interesting. That means starting with good equipment and recording conditions, and editing all the boring bits out of the gameplay.
Southern Tomfoolery
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Southern Tomfoolery, a network of TTRPG based podcasts.
Our main feature is Apollo Protection Agency, a weekly Starfinder real play podcast following our gaming table as we make our way through various adventures in the Starfinder universe.
Space Poddity
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Space Poddity! It's an actual play D&D podcast in the fantasy outer space Spelljammer setting.
In Space Poddity, four adventurers visit the worlds of other actual play shows, under the possibly-horrified supervision of the show's GM. The tone is light, the characters are compelling, and on a cold, clear night you can hear the parody and the meditation on what it means to control the gates to the stars in a dangerous and teeming crea…
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Venturing the cosmos is hard work. For Lorell, Klip-Tik, Flinch and Grek, it's also a thanksless job. If the pirates, monsters, supernovas, universe ending paradox's, ancient gods, robots, poisons or homicidal maniacs don't end them, then Grek's flying surely will
Spawn of Chaos
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Welcome to Spawn of Chaos: A dark fantasy Dungeons and Dragons story set in the world of Gregoor-Sheav. Spawn of Chaos offers a first-of-its-kind narrative that sends chills down your spine and keeps you on the edge of your seat each and every episode.
Spell Check
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A DnD 5e podcast run and played by six Young Adult authors who are all trying their best.
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Listen to a SampleChapter 1: Prison Meet-Cute, Part 1
dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
Spelljammer: Light of Xaryxis
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Quests and Chaos plays through Spelljammer: Light of Xaryxis in a 12 episode arc.
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Listen to a SampleS1E1 - Spelljammer: Seeds of Destruction - Dungeons and Dragons
Spells and Whistles
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Spells and Whistles is a thrilling Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast in a homebrew world filled with shenanigans and all of the spells and whistles! In this campaign, the Inked Expanse marries high fantasy and steampunk with action and hilarity. Follow our group of adventurers as they uncover secrets about this world and each other.
Spirits and Monsters of Old Seattle
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
The year is 1888, and in the Pacific Northwest, a group of investigators with the ability to see creatures no one else can attempt to resolve conflicts with supernatural beings called vaesen. Join us [for an] Actual Play podcast using the Vaesen tabletop role-playing game set in early Seattle and Ballard.
Spout Lore
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A series of comedy bits, loosely connected by dice rolls. Join a well-meaning barbarian, a mysterious druid, and an orphaned halfling child as they try to figure out the world they're in.
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Stabby Time Adventure Buddies
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual-play podcast where buddies get together, make jokes and play games. Listen along as we stumble our way through stories and try not to kill each other.
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Standard Aerei
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In a world of flourishing technology, absent gods, and some temporal instability, our heroes will rise (or fail forward) to the occasion!
Standard Aerei is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition podcast that aims to bring our tabletop to yours. We supplement the show's jokes and adventures with quality foley work to emphasize every hit, spell, and disaster the players are involved in.
Star Cast
* Website: <http://www.starfinderpodcast.com/>
Star Cast (also referred to as Star Cast: a Starfinder Podcast) is a podcast featuring a group of actors from Toronto, Canada playing the science fiction tabletop role-playing game Starfinder, with accompanying music and sound effects.
Star Wars Legacies
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Star Wars Legacies starts in the Clone Wars and is a separate time line where Anakin was never born. We will continue the story and see how the players reshape the timeline.
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Star Wars: Beta Squad
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
A table top role playing game following the adventures of Beta Squad, a stormtrooper unit fighting against the enemies of the Empire.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 0: Beta Squad (Welcome To Hell)
Star Wars: Knightfall
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Clone Wars have ended, and the Jedi Purge has just begun. Star Wars: Knightfall is a fan-made, Saga Edition actual-play podcast set in the Star Wars universe. Set three years after Revenge of the Sith, Knightfall follows Jedi Padawan Syu Zee (Paden Castle), Clone Trooper Photon (Rich Caposell), and mercenary Nelos Kath (BFM) as they navigate a tyrannical galaxy in search of a lost artifact while in turn being hunted by the Empire's…
Star Wars: Showdown On Iceball Station
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
An original Star Wars RPG adventure set during the Legends/EU timeline.
In the midst of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the Galaxy, the Jedi Praxeum has sent two Knights to a remote, frozen world where they must work with the local detective to unlock an ancient secret
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
RPG roleplaying in the world of Star-Fall. Written and gamemastered by Kevin C Mason. The story is told with the use of short stories, audio dramas, and actual Roleplaying sessions. Starfall is one thousand years in the future where faster than light travel is commonplace, however, freedom is not.
Stardust and Dragons
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Stardust and Dragons is a HomeBrew Space DND Campaign set in the Hailey Galaxy! Follow our four adventurers: Brenden Dionheart (Christian Hatcher), Flip Odonell (Dan Wood), Constance (Rayna Mcguire) and Lyrax Proudmane (Max Morin) as Brandon Hatcher takes them on a wild adventure!
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A highly edited D&D 5E actual play in which a three peculiar spacers traverse the many perils of the Antiminous Galaxy, and forever etch their names among the stars. We break the bounds of traditional epic fantasy, and reach for the starlit enterprises of the universe beyond.
Starlight Outerworlds
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Starlight Outerworlds, a collaborative storytelling experience using the sci-fi role playing system Starlight. Join Elta the Ace, Landon the Hunter and C@-nrd the Construct aboard the starship Meadowlark as they traverse the margins of civilized space in search of freedom, answers, and what it means to be alive.
Stars & Sidearms
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
How long can you survive out in space? In the far flung future, Mega corps have a stranglehold on the known universe. One cant make a living without living under their thumb. In this story 4 strangers find themselves caught in deadly pursuit after a happenstance bank robbery leaves them with far too much to handle. A Private Lawman, A asteroid Miner, A Disgruntled Employee, and A Farm Boy must band together and try to survive. Because out t…
Stars Are Right
Role-Playing Horror Series
Join our talented cast of role-players as they investigate mysteries humankind was never meant to comprehend.
Featuring a mix of published campaigns and original one-shot adventures. You don't need knowledge of the rules of the Call of Cthulhu table-top RPG to enjoy the stories, just a love of other-worldly horror and a sense of humour!
Stars in the Stone
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
It started with a City. A City above, and a City below. One bleached by the sun, weathered, and decayed, the other held wonders and artifacts of life before the Fractured Void. These two cities were the same, alike in kinship, and bound together via the 8th Tunnel Feed. The City Above and the City Below, connected by this vital vein. The City of Averfell in the liminal space above and below. Your adventure is called forward with a…
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Starshot [focuses] on the lives of several characters and the hardships they face on a world with its own soul.
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comedy mature podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Stations & Starships
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Just a crew of misfits getting by in the wild galaxy of Stellacor. Enjoy fun stories and learn new game mechanics as we explore Dungeons & Dragons in space!
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Stellar Arcanum
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
A Sci-Fi D&D 5e Actual Play Podcast
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comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Stitch of Fate
Role-Playing Horror Series
Stitch of Fate is a Vampire: The Masquerade TTRPG actual play.
In this podcast, a coterie of vampires, known as the Drac Pack, navigate the politics of Kindred society and underground crime in modern-day New York City. Their dark pasts shadow the present as they try to solve a murder that happened in their domain.
Stories & Lies
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
A Conspiracy Era Delta Green Actual Play Podcast. Mystery, investigation, horror and strong character development.
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Listen to a SampleSeason 1 Teaser (Episode 0)
Stories from the First Watch
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Stories from the First Watch. This is both a solo roleplaying game and an experiment in audio storytelling. The story, and the characters' actions, will unfold upon the roll of the dice. Once the game starts, nothing is predetermined. The dice are in control.
Stories of The Salt Knights
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A group of mercenary adventurers have been sent out on a mission to investigate strange creatures on another continent, harassing some of the local villages. Their main objective is to find their way to the mine in the mountains to check up on them and ensure the company is still up and running and safe.
Stormwood & Associates
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Thriller Series
An Actual Play RPG Podcast based in a modern fantasy world using the Super Awesome Action Heroes system. Set in San Ricardo, Calisorta, the show follows the titular Stormwood & Associates, a private investigator and licensed magic user agency as they take jobs, fight off surfer ninjas, run from dragons, and maybe (if they're lucky) save the world.
Strange Gods
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Pathfinder actual play podcast. Join us as we play through Paizo's Jade Regent Adventure Path. We tell the tale of an unexpected epic journey of a young adventurer's reclaiming the throne that is her birthright. It's a story for RPG veterans and people just curious about RPG tabletop games.
Strangers in a Stranger Land
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
You find yourself in the world of Rune ath Kesha, a world of magic and mystery, a world where Gods and Monsters roam amongst mortals attempting to force their will on the writing of history. On its surface five continents are populated by diverse races and cultures, some just wanting to live peaceful lives, others seeking riches and adventure while the power hungry vie for domination and control.
Strangers in the Pines
Role-Playing Horror Series
Strangers in the Pines is an actual play roleplaying podcast using the monster of the week rules, inspired by things like Gravity Falls, Stranger Things, and Fringe.
There is a town called Pineforge nestled in the Blackwood national park in Northeast Oregon, USA. It seems small and quaint at first but if you spend enough time there and keep your eyes open you'll realize something strange is brewing under the surface and in the pines that's …
Strangers Rolling Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Strangers Rolling Dice (SRD) is a cooperative story telling podcast based in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, inspired by an adventure called Wreck Ashore.
The tale highlights a group comprised of a Dwarf cavalier, Gobling druid, Human rogue, and Tabaxi bard and their journey to investigate a strange happening at the local lighthouse. The ensuing adventure takes them to their limits as they unravel the mystery and learn about the fantasti…
Stream of Blood
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Stream of Blood is the brainchild of writer, comedian, and professional Dungeon Master Jared Logan. On our streaming channel and podcast, we host a variety of tabletop roleplaying actual-play games with comedians, writers, and actors.
Strixhaven: Orphan Society
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Strixhaven, presented by The Block Party, where Harry Potter meets Dungeons and Dragons. Follow along our perspective students as they interact with peers and faculty members, study, pass and possibly fail exams, and uncover hidden secrets left alone for a reason!
Strumpets and Flagons
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Pirates, lesbians, swords, boats. Welcome to Strumpets and Flagons, with Laser (the Doubleclicks), Riley Silverman (Star Wars author), Josh Closs (The Hartvane Chronicles), Ben Paddon (Jump Leads) and Rebecca McGlynn (Asexuality! the solo musical), playing Thirsty Sword Lesbians from Evil Hat Games!
Subterranean Suites & Suspect Serpents with Steph
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Anthology
Your host Steph brings two friends together for each episode to take them on an adventure. Following a very popular tabletop dice rolling, role playing game, each installment will be a stand-alone mission. There will be standard world building aspects and many recurring characters with background stories. There will not be 100% rule following and by-the-book game play. Many aspects are improvised and liste…
Suns of the Fathers
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
Suns of the Fathers is a real-play, Sci-Fi, Horror, Roleplay Podcast. Four survivors work against increasing odds as their sanity ebbs away with each passing moment. Alone, afraid, and hunted by unimaginable horrors - how long can they make it?
Role-Playing Superhero Series
SuperIdols! RPG is a narrative play tabletop roleplaying podcast about aspiring teen idols with superpowers. Join GM ErynCerise and a table of queer, gender-diverse players for improvised stories with elements of high school comedy, magical girl anime, showbiz drama, and superhero action!
Superquest Saga
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Superquest Saga, the show where the cast and crew of The Dungeoncast sit around the table and play some Dungeons and Dragons! Join the Superquest Heroes as they are ripped away from their medieval fantasy setting and taken on a galactic adventure far in their universe's future!
Swallows of the South
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Swallows of the South is an actual play podcast featuring trained performers and improvisors playing the Exalted 3rd edition roleplaying game with a focus on character interaction, story development, and a spot of humor. We follow a small group of the Sun's Chosen in the city of Djao Wei, their choices, consequences, and the things that will always catch up to them.
Swords Against Madness
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
A weird Sword & Sorcery solo campaign played using an Old-School TTRPG, mixed with weird fiction style storytelling.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: The Sorceress and the Squid
Swords and Sweethearts
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Siblings in law Rick Zalava, Janet Spears, and Will Spears are going on a group date with their significant others, but when they are magically transported to the fantasy world of Ayinore they must embark on a quest to rescue their significant others and find a way home.
System Splicers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
System Splicers is a dungeons and dragons actual play podcast. As we play, we try rules and mechanics from other systems and hold a vote to decide if we should keep them.
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System Switch
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An improvised TTRPG actual play podcast about a group of unlikely heroes helping fight evil throughout the multiverse. Every season we will be exploring a new universe in the form of a new tabletop roleplaying game.
Table It!
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A Micro RPG is a TTRPG with rules no longer than a few pages. Listen to find out if this crew of theatre nerds and role-playing vets will table it or shelve it!
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Tables & Fables
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The day of the pink sun has allowed a one-time passage to an inaccessible continent. The landing site revealed ruins, artifacts, and remnants of Sign Language using Cyclopses. An outpost is established with no way home, and will be named
Tablestory Specials
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
One Shots, Mini-Series, and other short actual play campaigns produced by Tablestory, featuring D&D 5e, Stars Without Number, Unknown Armies and more.
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Tabletop Baseball with Friends
Role-Playing Drama Series
An actual play podcast of Strat-O-Matic baseball between friends.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 0 - Introduction
drama podcast role-playing series
Tabletop Champions
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A real play Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition podcast that doesn't take itself so seriously.
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Listen to a Sample00 - Getting to know the Gang
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Tabletop Escapades
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Podcast by Easy Allies
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Listen to a SampleTabletop Escapades - Episode 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Tabletop Gold
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Five friends come together to play the greatest RPGs ever created – delivering deep characters, nail-biting combats, and uproarious table talk. [...] Come for the game play, stay for the personal nuggets of gold that every episode delivers!
Tabletop Potluck
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Tabletop Potluck, an actual play podcast showcasing and discussing the wide world of pen and paper roleplaying games. Whether you're an experienced player or a newbie, you're welcome to sit at our table and see what we've brought to the potluck!
Tabletops and Travelers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join us on our quest to survive as we try to defeat dragons, delve into dungeons, and dodge death in this actual play DnD podcast, where it's 70% comedy, 30% seriousness, and 100% fun for everyone.
Tacos and Dice
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Tacos and Dice
By Tacos and Dice
Tacos and Dice is an trpg Actual Play podcast. Our first season utilizes the diesel punk, roleplaying game Gilded Age. Join us for adventure, heroics, and poorly made decisions.
Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Tails from The Dark Dragons Inn is a long-form, serialised, high-fantasy, improv fiction podcast driven at its core by tabletop role-play.
It tells the tale of a band of heroes called
Taking Initiative
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Taking Initiative is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual-play podcast. The game is primarily centered around the storytelling and role-playing, but it certainly doesn't shy away from the humor, both in and out of game. The DM and players range from beginners to veterans, giving it a wide spectrum for both the group and the audience.
Tales End Inn
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Howdy Y'all! Welcome to the Tales End here we like to serve up a nice hot meal and share the stories of our Patrons. Come and join us as we spin tales. The Tales End Inn is a TTRPG actual play podcast, where all stories end in the Inn. Join us in the adventures and stories, some told classically others with a twist.
Tales From Another Realm
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An actual play Podcast were we get together monthly to tell tales and spin stories through the use of role playing games.
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Listen to a SampleChaos In Iyor 00: Character & World Building
Tales from Ka'Tar
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Tales from Ka'Tar, a homebrew actual play TTRPG, set on the Continent of Div'Ark. After having escaped the Clutches of the Drow and finding their way out of the Underdark, with the help of a Drider, Edit a Gnome Rogue (Matt), Erin Woodsbane an Elven Druid(Sam) and Sinara Steelskull a Minitor Paladin (Kyle) being their first Adventure.
Tales From Terra
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
An actual-play podcast that uses the ttrpg Terra Magia as both system and setting. Playing through pre-built campaigns that you can acquire and play yourself. Our first campaign is Monarchs and Murderers! A murder mystery in the city state of Ascensions Keep.
Tales from the Deadlands
Role-Playing Horror Western Series
The year is 1879, but the history is not our own. Everything changed on July 3rd, 1863, during the Battle of Gettysburg. The dead rose up, the shadows darkened, and a Reckoning had begun. Humanity's worst nightmares now walked the waking world. Everything seemed to be heading to Hell in a Handbasket.
Tales from the Glass-Guarded World
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We're an actual-play D&D podcast, based on a homebrew campaign setting. Join us to follow the adventures of Tara, Finn, Paxton, Aethelflaed, and Aster Fortuna in a strange world sealed inside glass.
Tales from the Mists
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Dungeon Master TK Johnson leads four Ravenloft natives through the Domains of Dread. Mysterious guests, dark secrets, and tragic destinies await our heroes: where will they stand when the fire of revolution burns a path through Ravenloft? Tales from the Mists' narrative play style, intricately woven stories, and thoughtful reimagining of a classic setting brings you a Dungeons & Dragons experience unlike any other.
Tales From The Oasis
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Weekly episodes following the exploits of four Night City residents exploring, discovering, and changing the world around them.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Prologue
Tales from the Orne Library
Role-Playing Horror Series
Do you enjoy dark, twisted, and occasionally comical stories? Do you like the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG? Then this is the show for you. We are an actual play Call of Cthulhu RPG podcast mixed with readings of the complete twisted works of Lovecraft himself. So gather around an Elder Sign and remember, the Library is always open.
Tales from the Rusty Speeder
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
An interactive Actual Play podcast using Fantasy Flight Game's Star Wars: Edge of the Empire rule set.
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Listen to a SampleWelcome to the Rusty Speeder
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D podcast from Rooster Teeth! Our brave adventurers have answered the call...to be interns for the super hero group, the Infinights! Little do they know that the Infinights are in danger and our hapless interns may be their only hope for salvation. Can the interns save the Infinights AND master a triple shot vanilla almond latte with extra foam?
Tales from the Stuffer Shack
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
They're not even supposed to be here today! Tales from the Stuffer Shack is [a] Shadowrun actual play podcast that follows two Stuffer Shack employees as they get drawn into a sinister plot that could only exist in the Sixth World.
Tales From Tomorrow
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Tales from Tomorrow, where the echoes of nuclear war meet the stories of those who survived! In this thrilling Fallout actual play [series], our gang of wasteland wanderers brave the irradiated ruins of post-apocalyptic Appalachia. From battling mutated horrors to uncovering pre-war secrets, every episode brings new dangers and discoveries in this radical adventure.
Tales From Trantor
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Come listen to a few Australians play role-playing games in an actual play format.
First up is exploring Cyberpunk Red in: Brace the Badlands!
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Tales of Adventure: Agents of B.O.O.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Agents of B.O.O. is a Homebrew Dungeons and Dragons actual play Podcast. Set in the Magitech World of Omiriah, the players work for the Bureau of Occultic Observations, a department of super powered secret agents that Hunt Monsters, Kill Wizards, and Get Loot.
Tales Of Aneria
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Tales of Aneria podcast tells the story of five adventurers exploring a homebrew campaign setting using D&D fifth edition rules.
Join Cory, the DM, as he guides players Torrey (Eve), Colby (Seredan), Preston (Victor), Dallin (Ezra), and Scott (Bolt) through a magical world of danger, wonder, and adventure!
Tales of Midiri
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Amateur Dungeons and Dragons gameplay in the world of Midiri, with a world two years in the making its time to finally start releasing episodes as the latest arc begins.
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Listen to a SampleTales from Midiri 001- A Friend In Need
Tales of Morterra
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Morterra. A flat world spinning through space like a giant coin. It's said by some that this is its purpose, broken off from great pillars in the world of gods and spirits, and flipped off into the endless night, that one day it will land, and its position will determine the fate of gods, the result of the final battle between good and evil.
Tales of Myth & Mayhem
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
Telling tales of horror and chaos via TTRPGs.
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Listen to a SampleThe Laraine Estate | A Kult: Divinity Lost Actual Play
anthology comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Tales of Nowhere
* Website: <https://www.talesofnowhere.com/>
Tales of Nowhere is a podcast in which a group of people play a variety of tabletop role-playing games, but keep their same characters throughout the various campaigns.
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Tales of Swordfall
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Tales of Swordfall is an LGBTQIA+ Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Actual Play Podcast where groups of players get together and love, learn, and play TTRPGs! We offer character driven storytelling in our Dark, Epic, Romantic Dramedy. Come join many diverse adventurers as they traverse the homebrew world of Swordfall, where one decision by one group and impact the quest of another. Fortune, Romance, Fame, Failure, Folly, and Disasters is always …
Tales of the Crossroads
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We're just a bunch of friends, sitting around a table, playing The Crossroads Interdimensional Tabletop RPG. We decided to start recording these because we have a lot of fun and to give others a chance to learn about The Crossroads ITRPG.
Tales of the Dead Eyes
Role-Playing Western Series
Set up camp and polish your six shooter while you join our outlaws on a quest to redeem themselves in - Tales of the Dead Eyes; a GUN TRRPG campaign.
Join us in Fairizona —a climate overtaken with bandits, outlaws, and other monstrosities.
Tales Over Tea
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Tales Over Tea, your one stop shop for all sorts of whimsical, sweet, silly, and straight up chaotic Table Top RPG stories! You'll find anything from conversations over a cup of tea, to bears heisting honey, to wild adventures across the galaxy! So grab a cup of tea (or coffee! or hot cocoa!!) and a blanket, and enjoy the stories!
Tales Yet Told
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Tales Yet Told is an actual play podcast, dedicated to telling weird and fun stories full of imagination, thoughtful characterization, and inclusivity.
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Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are five LGBTQIA+ artists who play TTRPGs once per month!
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Listen to a SampleTaleTop - Episode 1 “The Ruins Meeting” - Campaign 1
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Tall Grass
Narrated Multigenre Anthology
Join me as I adventure into the world of TTRPG content creation!
Tall Grass is an umbrella show of all my passions, which includes but not limited too:
Abby and Friends! -A wholesome adventure following Abby the Abra and her Pokemon friends as they go on wild adventures!
Tall Tall Tower
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Swanscrest. The last Great War against evil ended a decade ago and all people within the land of the Lustrous Dominion have been invited to the capital city of Swanscrest for a joyous celebration. Of course, the 4 great heroes of the war find themselves in attendance when their celebrations are abruptly ruined
Team Bromance Adventures
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Survivors wake up in a room after being knocked out, going about their daily lives... After waking up, these survivors find out quickly that they are not alone, and their lives may be at stake! Come along the adventure as we see if these survivors make it through the night
Team-Up Moves
Role-Playing Superhero Anthology
Team-Up Moves is an AP / discussion podcast about any and all superhero tabletop RPGs. Each of our 2–4 episode runs is dedicated to exploring a different game.
First, we gather some of our friends from the worlds of roleplaying games and comic books and do a 1-shot length actual play. These episodes show off the game in action around our table, with all of the joy, drama, and math that it takes.
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
An Actual Play podcast using the Orbital Blues system. Join the crew of the Telluride on their interstellar journey through a capitalist hellscape that spans the galaxy! One part laughs, one part heart, and one part crispy action.
Tempus Multae
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
A Southern-gothic, reality-twisting mystery Powered by the Apocalypse.
Strange things happen when man messes with things they do not understand. Mixing ancient mysteries with little-understood science has led to some very interesting circumstances in the small town of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It was always an odd place, but there may be more to the mystery than anyone realizes. A lot more.
Ten Cent Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Can't afford the normal heroes? Get these ones! In this biweekly D&D podcast, Yoza, Reyseria, Canon, and Marcy struggle to overcome their lone-wolf tendencies and work together against the evils of Faerûn. As our heroes stumble through saving towns, toppling tyrants, and delivering dicey one-liners, they may yet uncover the skills they need to confront their demons — both within and without.
Terrible Warriors
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Terrible Warriorsis an actual-play podcast all about the enjoyment of playing Tabletop RPGs. No matter if you have played them all your life, or have never picked up a d20, we're here to show that anyone and everyone can play.
TGB One Shots
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
The Garlic Boys are proud to present: TGB One Shot. The show were Matt and Connor team up their friends and travel from universe to universe, becoming new heroes in each world, completing mission and helping those in need.
That DnD Podcast
* Website: <http://www.thatdndpodcast.com/episodes/>
That DnD Podcast is a comedic podcast that present a group of people who play a variety of role-playing games.
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comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing science_fiction star_wars streaming
That One Questing Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
That One Questing Podcast is an actual-play TTRPG show with a stunning host and their fabulous questing companions embark on perilous journeys through story itself.
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That's Dicey Podcast
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Twice a month, we get together and play tabletop role-playing games. In addition, we will have reviews and discussion style episodes covering a broad variety of topics.This podcast is a mixture of role-playing recordings and storytelling episodes.
The Adventure Zone
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of
The Adventures of Lilly and Oxe
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
One dad who is brand new to D&D and podcasting, attempts to make a DND podcast with his two kids.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleChapter 1 - Bigs Birthday
(M4A File)
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy podcast role-playing series
The All Night Society
Role-Playing Horror Series
The All Night Society is a Vampire the Masquerade Camarilla chronicle following four neonate Kindred as they navigate the murky waters of Chicago politics.
Prince Kevin Jackson has big plans for the Windy City, but Anarch agitators, rogue Lycans, and Sabbat terrorists threaten to undermine him at every step. Can the coterie help the young Prince build an empire to rival those of the Old World? Or will they join his broken regime in the ashes…
The Amber Clave
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
The Amber Clave is [an] actual play podcast featuring Monte Cook Games's award-winning tabletop role-playing game Numenera. Join GM Megan and players Shaunna, Landan, and Aser as they explore the wonders to be found across the Ninth World, in a science fantasy setting full of sword-swinging action, nanotech-powered innovation and more psionic powers than you can shake a slug spitter at.
The Apocalypse Players
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
An RPG actual play podcast, specialising in Call of Cthulhu and other horror games.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleIntroducing The Apocalypse Players
anthology horror h.p._lovecraft mature podcast role-playing series
The Arcology Shadowrun Community Podcast
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
The Arcology Podcast - A Shadowrun Community Podcast
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 001: Into the Shadows
comedy mature podcast role-playing series science_fiction urban_fantasy
The Arkham Files
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Follow along as the Arkham Boys explore the world of the H.P. Lovecraft mythos. There's never a dull moment with our intrepid investigators as they face danger, horror, action and comedy— all while striving to keep their sanity. With top-notch production quality, original music, and situational sound effects, you'll be at the edge of your seat one moment and rolling on the floor with laughter the next.
The Atomic Broadcasting Variety Hour
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
The Atomic Broadcasting Network presents to you a different type of podcast. Channeling the Golden Age of variety radio the 1920's, we bring you a variety of shows ranging from Comedy to Horror. Be ready for just about anything during the Atomic Variety Hour!
The Atomless
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
The Atomless is a Starfinder Podcast following the rag-tag crew of The Patchwork traveling through the homebrew Aesir system and beyond. Join Ayg, the meek smuggler Ysoki Technomancer; Azhaam, the stony ex-rebel Ifrit Envoy; Theriac, the neurotic xenoecologist Raxilite Biohacker; and Skye, the bold teenage Human Mechanic as they chart their way across the Atomless Sea in this ongoing campaign. What strange encounters await this daring b…
The Beholders Eye (The Beholder's Eye)
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We are a 5e, D&D, actual play, narrative focused, sometimes funny podcast. You know, like 95% of all the other podcasts, but we've got eldritch horror.
Welcome brave traveler to Sylandrian, a city steeped in murder, mystery, and madness. Stagnation and complacency have run rampant, and something monstrous churns behind the dark. A group of private investigators are the only thing that stands in the way of injustice an…
The Big Guns
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Savage Worlds Rifts! Join the Big Guns! An up-and-coming mercenary company that's recently found a home in Marl, a diverse city built within the mysterious ruins of a crashed alien spacecraft. Now a cybernetically enhanced dwarf, a psychic corgi, and a mech pilot samurai must carve out a living amidst a post-apocalyptic earth where anything can walk through tears in our reality from anywhere. Join us for some drama, some laughs, and …
The Blade's Edge
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Come join The Blade's Edge for their inaugural adventure across one of Dungeons and Dragons most beloved modules, Curse of Strahd.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleCurse of Strahd Ep. 1: Daggerford
The Broadswords
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Rashemen is a land steeped in superstition, ruled by witches and entrenched in snow. Berserkers reign and spirits roam the frozen wastes. Yllairies, Keilah, and Mépris all have their own reasons for journeying north, but they soon find they have something in common—they are pawns in a divine plot. Join the broads as they unravel the mysteries of Rashemen.
The Call
Role-Playing Horror Series
Dispatched to report on strange occurrences happening around the globe, our investigators get much more than they bargained for when delving into these extraordinary events. Dangerous conspiracies and powerful cults are nothing next to these ancient and unfathomable horrors.
The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
What dark deeds unfold on the streets of Arkham? And which unwitting souls will succumb to the maddening call... OF CTHULHU? Cinematic audio drama and live tabletop roleplaying coalesce into an occult radio play of unknowable horror and black comedy. Each season is a standalone tale, boldly exploring Lovecraftian lore in new and uncanny ways.
The Chaos Casters
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to The Chaos Casters, the podcast where five friends gather together to tell stories, using tabletop roleplaying games as our medium! Follow hosts Torin (GM), Aubee, Aphid, Cas, and Zack as they weave a chaotic tapestry the likes of which you've never seen! We've got laughing, crying, screaming, and apparently a lot of salmon. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to incite chaos!!!
The Chaos Module
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Chaos Module is a chaotic Tabletop RPG podcast for adults. The campaign follows a small group of oddballs as they fumble through some very mysterious and perilous affairs surrounding the city of Neverwinter.
The Chicago Chronicles
Role-Playing Horror Series
In 1990s Chicago, a group of young kindred have been invited to party with the illustrious Annabelle Triabell, will this be an evening of kindred politics or is something more sinister at play? Join us for a story of intrigue and horror as the city of Chicago begins its decent into chaos.
The Children of Ash
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Nearly two hundred and fifty years after the storms of The Tide receded, humanity is still struggling to contend with the strange, deadly wilderness that arose in the spaces between villages. Now, whispers have begun to spread of individuals emerging from the wilds changed, stripped of their humanity, and given great power.
The Chronicles of Stiripos
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
The Chronicles of Stiripos is a DnD actual play Podcast which features Dungeon Master, Hannah, desperately trying to herd players Simon, Serena and Alex through a series of short stories all set at different times and different locations on the continent of Stiripos while an epic tale plays out in the background, linking the stories together.
The City That Never Dies
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
It is the year 882 of the Imperium. The Empire holds sway over every land that survived the long-ago cataclysm, fueled by Duskwall's leviathan hunting ports and led by Imperial City's brilliance. The Immortal Emperor, may he reign a thousand lifetimes, guides his citizens into a new era of technology, culture, and prosperity.
The Computer is Your Redacted
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Welcome to The Computer is Your Redacted, where you can listen as four experts in artificial intelligence, technology, and culture play the classic role-playing game Paranoia! and navigate a horrible and occasionally hilarious dystopia. Remember, everything is improvised
The Critical Fools
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We play D&D. Sometimes our campaigns turn out okay.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleReturn of Athan - Part 1
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
The Critshow
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
A group of friends have their lives turned upside down when they find themselves placed as the last line of defense between the everyday world and the things that go bump in the night.
This actual play podcast uses Monster of the Week and other Powered by the Apocalypse games, all within the same dimension hopping narrative, to follow the Indiana Paranormal Task-force (IPT) as they are thrust into the front lines of a battle they didn't know e…
The Cromwell Chronicles
Role-Playing Horror Series
Enter The Cromwell Chronicles: a world of rain, pine trees, and magic. It is a story where a rejection from your crush is just as important as a power-hungry demon. This is a show born from a love of the Pacific Northwest and melodramatic teen dramas, and the desire to tell the stories that don't often get told in popular media. Through the messy metaphor of monsterhood, our young adults explore themes of identity and community. Maybe along t…
The CypherCast Chronicles
* Website: <https://cyphercastchronicles.wordpress.com/>
The CypherCast Chronicles is a podcast that presents a group of friends play the science fiction tabletop role-playing game Strange which utilizes the Cypher System of rules.
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The Dark Dominion Chronicles
Role-Playing Fantasy Thriller Series
Step into a realm echoing 1800s Gothic ambiance, where literary legends birthed terror. 'Dark Dominion Chronicles' unveils murder mysteries, cold cases, and dark humor. Join our adventurers as they navigate Nodlon's shadowy streets, where secrets lurk behind every corner, and darkness dances with suspense.
The Deep
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
THE DEEP is an immersive actual play tabletop role-playing game about a team of scientists who descend to Deepwater Plymouth, a science lab at the bottom of the ocean.
The scientists learn that the previous team at the deep sea lab, had uncovered an anomalous black sphere. One of their submarines had been damaged near the Mariana Trench, and one of the construction workers was killed inside.
The Deimos Paradox
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
What is a god, but the dreams of the human consciousness brought to life? And what if that god, made in our image, is made as vengeful and terrible as we are? The Deimos Paradox is a Lancer RPG actual play podcast featuring a rotating cast of players, an epic, philosophical science fiction narrative, and, most importantly, lots of mechs!
The Department of Mysteries
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
In 1895 London, a prophecy has been spoken, a new unknown evil must be stopped. A green group of Unspeakables have come face to face with their destiny. Will they be able to survive what comes next?
The Devil's Antlers
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
A Homebrewed TTRPG Actual Play Cryptid Campaign, with voice acting, sound FX, and original music. Set in the mid 1950s, this story follows four citizens around Pembine and Marinette, Wisconsin, as they begin to unveil some strange occurrences in the area.
The Dice Bar Gaming Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Hey Friends! The Dice Bar Gaming Podcast is an actual play, tabletop roleplaying game that uses the Pathfinder 1E ruleset. The epic story follows the brave players through a unique dark fantasy world. The Heroes trials and tribulations will have them brought face to face with demons, devils, angry spirits, the occult, and more.
The Dice Girls
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
We are 4 goofball women getting together to play D&D for the first time ever — so there's bound to be some misadventure!
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Listen to a Sample1. Excitement at The Rusty Spoon
The Dice Unkind
* Website: <http://www.diceunkind.com/>
The Dice Unkind is a podcast in which a group of people play the Star Wars-themed tabletop role-playing game Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.
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free mature_content role-playing science_fiction sound_effects star_wars
The Die As Cast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Wasteland. Long after the War.
Welcome to a [...] Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual-play Podcast. Join Diego Stredel, Madeline Hunter Smith and Griffin Cork as they are led through the post-apocalyptic Wasted West, found in Midgard from Kobold Press. Missing parents, kissing wizards, and hissing vampires - our cast of characters dive into DM Kevin Cork's twisted mind as he tries to pretend like one of the player characters isn't his son.
The Dimension Door Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Dimension Door Podcast is a Pathfinder TTRPG actual-play of Paizo's Reign of Winter adventure path. The Game Master (James Schwarz) guides a marvelous group of adventurers as they investigate a mysterious pocket of winter that has cropped up in the nearby forest during the middle of summer. Joining in the storytelling are David Miller, Elizabeth Wilcox, and Amanda and Zac Kreitler. Using dice and rules, their characters will wo…
The DMs Treehouse
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
What happens when 4 DMs who never get a chance to be players become friends? Well, they all take turns DMing for each other in their own campaigns. DMs Treehouse is a weekly actual-play, audio drama featuring 4 friends telling 4 unique stories.
The Dragon Fisters
* Website: <http://thedragonfisters.blogspot.com/>
The Dragon Fisters is a podcast in which a group of friends play various role-playing games.
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comedy fantasy free mature_content role-playing science_fiction
The Dread Dome
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
The Dread Dome is a Table Top RPG playthrough game using the Dread system. Employing a Jenga tower to build the tension, the game is founded around horror movie principles and tropes. Listen as a gaggle of friends encounter a new terror-filled challenge every other week and work together to evade
The Drunk and The Ugly
* Website: <http://drunkandugly.com/>
The Drunk and The Ugly is a podcast that presents audio recordings of role playing sessions from a variety of games, ranging from adventure, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The focus of most gaming sessions is on independent and homebrew games.
The Dungeon Boiz
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
The Dungeon Boiz is an exciting, creative, and fun(ny) podcast that uses the framework of the classic tabletop role-playing game 'Dungeons and Dragons' (5th edition) to tell stories of adventurers setting out to save their towns, cities, worlds, and galaxies. Join us on these journeys as we explore new adventures, encounter dangerous new worlds, and hopefully make new friends along the way.
The Dungeon Chronicles
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to the deepest, darkest archives, wherein lies The Dungeon Chronicles. An actual-play Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition podcast where four moderately qualified humans crawl their way through official Dungeons and Dragons content, and various
The Dungeon Dome
Role-Playing Comedy Anthology
Looming over the edge of New Celia's Adventurer's District, walls of stone, wood, and steel house the birthplace of champions: The Dungeon Dome. On her hallowed earth heroes and villains battle for fortune and glory. Join us for the intersection of competition and adventure, the ultimate in fantasy sports entertainment!
The Elder Ones
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to Willoughby Falls! A sprawling little mid western town, home to the Willoughby Wallobys and the famous chocolate spider cake. Yes, here in the Falls, everything stays quiet and crime is at all all time low. Sure there are the random fires, unearthed graves and suddenly missing middle aged balding men. But what small town doesn't have constant UFO sightings, Bigfoot hunting boy scout adventures and a seance club every Wednesday. Just average …
The Eldritch Hour
Role-Playing Horror Series
A ttrpg actual play podcast focusing on Call of Cthulhu 7e and other horror games.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample001 - The Star On The Shore - Prelude pt.1 - The Astronomer
h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
The Electric State: The Path To Dawn
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Electric State is a narrative play podcast set in a dark, alternate version of the late 1990s where society has crumbled and advanced neurotechnology blurs the lines between reality and virtual escape. Join our Travelers as they navigate a desolate world, forging deep character interactions and relationships amidst the chaos. With a strong focus on immersive role-play, this podcast brings to life the emotional and ex…
The Encounter Table
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D real play podcast about four unfortunate individuals, taken from our world by an evil game shop owning wizard and thrown into his own sick and twisted game of Dungeons & Dragons. They will use their newfound power to achieve their only goal, and that is to get back home.
The End of Time and Other Bothers
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
An improvised fantasy roleplaying game set in the world of Alba Salix, Royal Physician. We use the Dungeon World roleplaying system and improv to weave a tale of flightless fairies, half-demons and cafeteria line workers, dystopian empires, magical waterfalls and mysterious books. Oh, and the end of time—that's in there somewhere too.
The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
We are a group of tabletop RPG gamers and these are the games we play.
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Listen to a Sample[The Veil of Isis] Session One: The Room Beyond
anthology comedy fantasy horror mature multigenre podcast role-playing urban_fantasy
The Eternity Archives
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Join us as we venture between realms to protect the fabric of reality by exploring everything the tabletop world has to offer!
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anthology mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
The Facades Of Gods
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
It's that sweet haze that fills your nostrils, the way the dim lighting plays on the water particulate, the piercing smooth sounds of the trumpet being softly blown that beckon you in. A dark place calls to you, welcomes you into its embrace. You toss out the warnings floating round in your head. Your logic fights the grey, primal side of you but it's losing. A whisper bounces around in your cranium:
The Familiars
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In the darkest days of 2020, two friends were visited by an idea: get a bunch of unemployed actors together and play DnD. And so The Familiars were born.
The Familiars is for DnD pros and newbs alike. Join us [for] this one-of-a-kind, fully improvised, utterly spectacular long-form adventure.
The Family Dragon Slayer
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Family Dragon Slayer is an actual play Roleplaying podcast where the main crew are all family living under one household. We use our “family day” together to roleplay and have fun, and upload it all for your enjoyment.
The Flying Bison Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to The Flying Bison Podcast! We are the first weekly Actual Play podcast using Avatar Legends. As a cast mostly comprised of Asian-Americans we look for ways to respect our individual cultures and include a character for everyone in the Avatarverse. Come explore every corner of the four nations with us as we tell rich stories with complex characters; and maybe get into a goof or two.
The Forbidden Lands
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A story set in the Horizon Zero Dawn universe using the Cypher system.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEp. 1 - The Path to Bravery
darkfireDarkfiredeathless_tablestoryDeathless (Tablestory)dust_valeDust Valedying_orderDying OrderfacadeFacadeforbidden_landsThe Forbidden Landsgone_tablestoryGONE (Tablestory)leechLeechmain_characterMain CharactermistlightMistlightno…
The Formal Gamer
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Formal Gamer is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast from 3 old friends in merry ol' England. We play 4th Editions Dungeons and Dragons, we laugh at each other, we laugh at our characters misfortune, and we roll dice.
The Four Corners Games Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Our intrepid Game Master Alex does his best to corral five brave (if not strange) adventurers through a game of Pathfinder 1E that is maxed out as much as possible in our actual-play podcast The Final Crusade. This adventure is a culmination of the years of work Paizo has put into the 1E system! Level 1-20 campaign? Got it. Mythic Rules? Hell yeah! Ultimate Campaign Mass Combat? You better believe it. The list goes on
The Frost Walkers
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to The Frost Walkers An Actual Play 5e Podcast Run By Fans of other actual play podcasts! Join a host of players as they adventure in the kingdoms of Timshul and Cetopolis and go on several crazy, funny and emotional adventures
The Fumbled Anthology
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
The Fumbled Anthology is a collection of dice driven, improvised audio dramas utilising RPG actual play recordings to tell stories of the horrors of Call of Cthulhu.
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The Game is Afoot!
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
They're just your average four high school kids...except they became friends over an unexpected trip to Oz. They thought the one trip was the end of it, but now where are they? A Dungeons and Dragons podcast played by four queer people and zero men.
The Game of Rassilon
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Game of Rassilon is one of those “actual-play” podcasts, except instead of playing D&D or Pathfinder we're playing the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game by Cubicle 7. Telling stories with a unique Doctor exploring time and space with a crew of unlikely companions, with an emphasis on great stories and, we hope, big laughs.
The Gaming Grunts
* Website: <http://thegaminggrunts.com/>
The Gaming Grunts is a website that presents audio recordings of role playing sessions. The campaigns are from a variety of role playing games, such as Call of Cthulhu, HeroQuest 2, Serenity, and
The General Adventuring Company
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The General Adventuring Company is a weekly actual-play tabletop rpg podcast and video production. This season, join GM-Adam Sowards in his D&D 5e homebrewed setting of “The Three Kingdoms
The Genesys Archives
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to the Genesys Archives! A place where a bunch of nerds, artists, writers, and musicians collaboratively create stories through a tabletop role-playing game called Genesys from Fantasy Flight Games. This podcast will serve as an archive of these stories as we adventure through fan-favorite settings from pop culture and video games and unearth the unexplored in original settings like our first project: The Unseen World.
The Glass Cannon
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
In the spirit of old-school tabletop role-playing games, a collection of five super-nerds engage in an Actual Play podcast of Paizo's Giantslayer Adventure Path. Using the rules of the Pathfinder RPG system, the Glass Cannon interweaves immersive storytelling with irreverent, improvised humor to deliver the experience of what it's really like to sit around a table rolling dice and ball-busting with your best buds.
The Grand Campaign
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
D&D Actual Play Podcast of a bunch of friends just having some fun
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Listen to a SampleThe Grand Campaign - Session 14
dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
The Grand Line
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Poverty. Obscurity. Weakness. These are the three things that drive desperate people to the sea. Behind the waves of mystery rests an undiscovered treasure. Legend tells of the Sea Devil, a spirit so evil and vile that the seas spit him out and cursed him to dry land. As a gift to those who would defy the oceans, the Sea Devil planted a tree that bore strange and mysterious fruit.
The Great Collapse
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
This is a fun / funny D&D campaign with 2 players that are new to D&D and 2 players that are pretty good at it. We have Falben the Half-Elf Warlock, Oli the Half-Orc Fighter, Kenichi the Demihuman Rogue, and, finally me, as Grumomash the Goliath Fighter / Barbarian. (AKA: Dave). There may also be another later on (Sethos the Mummy Cleric),
The Great Dane Society Call of Cthulhu
Role-Playing Horror Series
The Great Dane Society is an actual play Call of Cthulhu podcast, featuring an almost all female cast, minus the GM.
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Listen to a SampleEp.1 | Masks of Nyarlothotep
The Gutter Skypes
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
When there's a game to play and the tables are all over the continent, the next move is to grab headphones and set up a Skype connection! Podcasting actual play role playing games since 2008.
The HappyGoLukky Podcast
* Website: <https://happygolukky.com/>
The HappyGoLukky Podcast is a podcast in which a group of friends act out a stories, suitable for all ages, using the rules of tabletop role-playing games. Episodes are accompanied by occasional sound effects and music.
The Harvestmen
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
The Harvestmen follows a crew of steampunk smugglers on their harrowing journey to the top of the Duskwall criminal food chain. In a haunted city of perpetual night, a lot can go wrong. And usually does.
The Highway Horrors Podcast
Role-Playing Horror Series
Step into the world of the Highway Horrors Podcast, where the asphalt stretches out like a dark ribbon beneath the wheels of their trusty vehicle, and every mile holds the promise of a new, spine-tingling adventure. In this solo actual-play extravaganza, you'll follow the gripping escapades of a fearless band of traveling monster hunters. Armed with nothing but their wits, their weapons, and an unyielding determination, they brave the dar…
The Homebrew
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Homebrew is a massive space opera epic actual play with intricate lore, a deep story, and wild and whacky shenanigans. Join our ensemble cast as they discover alien ruins, combat intergalactic doomsday cults, explore intergalactic dinosaur zoos, get hunted by space vampires, and do battle with intergalactic frog empires.
The House Of Troubles
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
The House of Troubles is the home of four friends with a passion for storytelling and tabletop RPGs, together they craft stories in a variety of settings and systems, bringing a unique lens on established worlds and bringing original worlds into the light.
The Infinite Bad
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
The Infinite Bad is a comedy-horror roleplaying podcast from Definitely Human. In the aftermath of World War I, four strangers find themselves caught in a web of evil beyond their reckoning. To survive, they must band together despite their differences and unravel the grisly mysteries that entangle them. Written and games mastered by veteran roleplayer Giorgio Mariani, The Infinite Bad is a weekly descent into horror and silliness. The nightm…
The Inn at the Edge of Greenwood
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In the north of the kingdom of Alçon there is an inn that sits at the edge of the elven forest of Greenwood. Many mysterious travels come through this inn, and share their stories with the innkeeper. These are their tales.
The Junket Podcast
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
The Junket Podcast is an actual play Dungeons & Dragons adventure show featuring queer storytellers and queer stories in a world that fuses science and magic with a hearty dose of the funnies. Follow the interstellar antics of the Space Squad as they try to solve basic puzzles, navigate pirate-infested jump lanes and maybe save the universe or something along the way.
The Keys To The Kingdom
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
An original, family-friendly, Disney inspired, D&D homebrew podcast.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleOrigins: Episode 1 - The Escape From History Island
comedy fan_fiction fantasy podcast role-playing series
The Knight Light Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
This comedy focused actual play podcast stars a diverse group of nerds who tell a story together through shitty improv and the rolling of dice.
The Knight Light Podcast delves into the world of Nirvangard where yetis can be 5 star chefs,
The Kona Lodge
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
We are a Tabletop Roleplaying Game Actual Play podcast that focuses on Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Pendragon, Traveller, D&D and more.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleGod's Teeth-Delta Green: Episode 1 - The Folder
The Lady Afterwards
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
Within the Secret Histories and the Glory of the Sun, there are events that the Hours of The Mansus cannot abide easily. These alien gods thus warp and weave events to bring a quintet of disparate souls from safety in London to the mystical Alexandria, called upon by a mutual acquaintance. Nothing is as it seems in the city of ancient power, however, and soon enough the socialites find themselves trapped in a struggle of the esoteric. Wil…
The Last Excelsior
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Join The StreamPunks as they boldly go where no one has gone before in their thrilling live stream of Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition! In “The Last Excelsior: A Clear Skies Adventure,” our intrepid crew embarks on a high-stakes mission aboard the starship Excelsior, navigating through uncharted territories and facing unforeseen challenges.
The Last Tapestry
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Thriller Series
Fate is dead. They're the replacements.
The shining city of Astoria Heights is imperiled by a powerful and unknowable force. The city's saviors take the form of an angelic mobster, a fire-dancing mermaid musician, and a bookworm Eladrin who can't control her seasons. How many passes will they have to take in order to save the city? Only time can tell.
The Legion of Renob
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A group of misfits and weirdos, go out and explore the continent of Renob, running into kobolds, medusas, and the occasional deity. The Legion of Renob, a tabletop gaming podcast revolving around Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, is a comical and confusing romp into the homebrew world of Renob. Dragonface, Mizetto, Lenny Swifthands and High King Seebo meet and recruit a cast of crazy characters to aid them on their quest.
The Leviathan Files
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
In the year 2186, Commander Sela Shepard activated the Crucible over planet Earth, destroying the Reaper threat to galactic life. Five years of reconstruction later, and a new threat looms on the horizon. Documents detailing the origin of the reapers and citing the technological gains discovered by Cerberus fanatics have gone missing just as a rise in political pressure from a joint alliance of Batarian, Vorcha, and Yahg threatens to dis…
The Lore Brewery
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A TTRPG Actual Play Podcast made by a group of game masters, game makers, and friends playing a variety of games for your enjoyment.
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Listen to a SampleLaunch Trailer
The Lorekeeper's Library
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome listener, to the Lorekeeper's Library. Grab a mug of your favorite beverage and sit down in this ancient archive of fantastical tomes and tales telling stories from across many fascinating and vast worlds.
The Lost Adventurers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Four guys playing D&D together to tell a cool story.
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Listen to a SampleThe Lost Adventurers Ep 1: A New Start
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
The Lost Girls
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
The Lost Girls is an 80s supernatural horror actual play podcast about vampires and the people they love.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleLost Girls On The Run
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
The Lost Mountain And Other Sagas
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Anthology
There's something rotten in the state of Falun, Sweden. Crops are dying, dark creatures attack at night and eery, unsettling whimpers seem to spawn from the town's church. Three friends, all who are blessed with The Sight, an ability to see and sense the Vaesen - mysterious and ancient creatures of the North - decide to investigate the matter, but little do they know that there are far darker secrets waiting to be u…
The Love and Death Dice Club
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Join us on our [campaigns], telling stories of love, death, and dice.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleHot Springs Island: I
anthology comedy mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
The Lovecraft Tapes
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
The Lovecraft Tapes is an actual-play Call of Cthulhu TTRPG podcast for horror, game and comedy geeks!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleCase 1 Tape 1: Prologue
comedy h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
The Lovelycraftians
Role-Playing Horror Series
The Lovelycraftians is a Call of Cthulhu actual-play podcast brought to you every other week by Wampus House Productions and the Penwitch Studio Network. Our stalwart investigators uncover clues to a world they never would have imagined in their wildest dreams – or nightmares.
The Lucky Die
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Lucky Die is a 5e D&D Actual Play Podcast, that utilises the drama inherent in the ruleset of a roleplaying game to tell a dark and dramatic improvised tale. Edited for audio quality and beautifully scored, TLD focuses on four heavily flawed characters as they try to stop the apocalypse, and make right the wrongs in their own lives.
The Madness Table
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Roll for sanity, and take your seat at The Madness Table; a DND 5e actual play podcast. Join four friends in this story first, rules second campaign of chaos, as they explore the darkest and deadliest elements the Forgotten Realms have to offer.
The Mage's Tales
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Group of dorky, nerdy friends sit and spin a tale for everyone's enjoyment.
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Listen to a SampleThe Mage's Tales Ep 1.1 - The Burnt Man and the Gentle Giant
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
The Magpies
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Magpies Podcast is a Blades in the Dark Actual Play podcast set in the haunted, industrial-fantasy city of Duskwall. Join the crew of The Magpies as they lie, steal, and fight their way to the top of the city's criminals and elite
The Mark of Red Moon
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
TMORM is a streamed D&D campaign series that follows the story of four adventurers who've been marked for death on a grand quest to save the world.
Featuring an all queer cast of wonderful artists and creators. We improvise nearly everything, and even while telling a tragic story, silliness and hilarity ensue!
The Meatgrinder
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Thriller Series
Five days ago the town of Halcyon went dark. A small town in Williams, in the Western United States of Aremesia, the radiating magic levels are off the chart. With the only roads into this isolated mountain town closed, accessible only by small helicopters, an elite government team of operatives has been dispatched to control and contain the situation. And then, after those guys all got killed, they sent in these people.
The Mind and the Martyr
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to The Mind and the Martyr Podcast! A retelling of a live streamed Dungeons and Dragons 5E game set in the home brewed world of Veika!
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The Misadventurers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join us as we travel through the fantasy world of D&D; fighting creatures from folk tales, forging bonds and making terrible jokes along the way!
Our rag tag team consists of Ghâshbúrz, the orc-raised tiefling barbarian who's ready for anything; Delilah, the high elf warlock ex-royalty embracing her new life of adventuring; Samuel, the human cleric who comes from humble beginnings and Isteth, the wood elf ranger returning back to civilisation …
The Monsters Playbook
Role-Playing Horror Series
The Monster's Playbook is an actual play Monster of the Week RPG podcast where the real world crashes into the paranormal over and over and over again. And where no monster can hurt you as much you hurt yourself.
The Mortal Path
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Mostly set in the homebrew world Alfallen where magic is uncommon among the masses and the cogs and gears of technology are starting to clank into life, The Mortal Path follows three very unlikely “heroes
The Mythos Mysteries
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
The Mythos Mysteries is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers delve into the madness that is the Pulp Cthulhu Roleplaying Game. Join Red, Adrian, and Old Man Richter, as childhood friends and their erstwhile mentor return home to try and save a friend!
The Natural Ones (The Natural Ones)
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to the lowest rolling 5E Actual Play podcast on the internet! Come for the DnD and stay for the laughs!
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 0: Setting up and setting out
The Natural Ones (Timothy McKenzie)
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are a group of friends and a clean D&D who have fun telling jokes, stories, with no swearing or overly graphic content.
We would like to invite you to join us in a world of D&D.
The Natural Ones - Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A character-focused, roleplay-heavy actual play campaign in Dungeon and Dragons with hints of sci-fi and eastern fantasy. Phillip, Setlali, Clickwhistle, Liam and Nameless journey through Lorethia, striving to better understand not only the world, but themselves.
The Neon Streets
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The Neon Streets is an actual play podcast set in a cyberpunk dystopia using the FATE RPG system. [...] Join us three friends as we navigate our characters through the dangerous streets of The Big Gulp, battling corrupt mega-corporations and rival gangs in this high-stakes world.
The New Normal RPG
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The New Normal RPG is the D&D lets play podcast
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Curse Of Northrun: The Pissing Bucket
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
The Night Shift (Guaranty Podcast Network)
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Night Shift is a real play D&D Podcast featuring the best cast and the worst characters. An acclaimed young adult author, a radio DJ, a food network star, and an LSU football player get together to play Dungeons and Dragons.
The No-Fame Podcast
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
The No-Fame Podcast is made up of a bunch of friends with a love for playing TTRPGs and having a great laugh in the process. They are producing Tabletop RPG content including a modern D&D 5e setting called 'Null Shore', a Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition space opera called 'The Lost Frontier', and much more in the future. Each episode has been produced with backing tracks, sound design, along with video which can be seen on the No-Fame Twi…
The Old Ways
Role-Playing Horror Series
It's a twice-monthly recorded show in an actual play format where a group of great role-players serve up their character's experiences in new and published Call of Cthulhu scenarios.
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The Order of Podcasters
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play tabletop role-playing game using the Esoterrorists rules and featuring podcast hosts as the investigators, including Jennifer Taylor of In Defense of Liberty and Vanished, Rob Kristoffersen of The Coda, Brian Hastie of Double Density and The Coda, and TechnoFunkBoy of Tales from the Rusty Speeder and Dice & Dreary as the game master.
The Ordinary Epic
* Website: <https://www.theordinaryepic.com/>
The Ordinary Epic is an audio drama series about a group of friends who play a tabletop role-playing game, with the story shifting between their real-world experiences and the adventures that their characters go on.
The Orpheus Protocol
Role-Playing Horror Series
Join the Operatives of the enigmatic ORPHEUS organization as they investigate, contain, and attempt to harness occult phenomena around the world in this Actual Play podcast.
In 1969, three ORPHEUS operatives infiltrate a cult known as the Prophecy Children, with orders to assess their occult capabilities and perform the necessary containment measures.
The Petticoat Tales
Role-Playing Drama Comedy Series
Five friends use the role-playing game, Good Society, to tell improvised, regency era comedy dramas inspired by the books of Jane Austen.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Mourning After | Chapter One
The Pod Called Quest
* Website: <https://www.podcalledquest.com/>
The Pod Called Quest is a podcast in which a group of people play a customized version of the fantasy role-playing game Pathfinder, with accompanying music and occasional sound effects.
The Quest Coast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Experiments in fantasy role playing with Brian Fukushima
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleLIFETRAP! 001 - Becca Tobin
fantasy podcast role-playing series
The Quest Company
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
The Quest Company is a group of storytellers playing through our own homebrewed adventures on this live-play RPG podcast! We started out with the “Main Quest,” our ongoing Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition campaign. We now have a flourishing menagerie of
The Rapid Riders
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Rapid Riders is a Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast that follows 6 adventurers as they start a punk-rock rebellion in the oppressive Colovian Empire.
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The Ravenfolly Institute
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
The Ravenfolly Institute is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e anthology series mixing fantasy and horror elements in an improvised story set in a homebrew world, DMed by author Matthew Phillion. Our first arc, the Sanguine Moors of Bathomir, is a gothic horror story that follows a group of unlikely companions, each pursuing a secret of their own, as they encounter a pastoral nightmare.
The Realm of Bism: The Green Cloak Adventures
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
BP Fun presents another rambunctious group of adventurers as they struggle to do the simplest of tasks and mange to get themselves into nothing but trouble.
The Red Death
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
The year is 1890. The place, Boston. An evil force, The Red Death, has seeped into our world, corrupting and conquering all those who touch it. Now, four adventurers have banded together. Can they keep The Red Death from holding total dominion over all?
The Red Writ
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
The Red Writ: A horror, investigative campaign run in the DreadLore system (TTRPG), set in 1982 Detroit.
Join a group of enigmatic sleuths as they embark on an unforgettable journey of horror and phantasmagoria. Simon, Leah, Tony, and Nord, find themselves entangled in a series of grisly murders that repeat every 12 years. Haunted by grotesque visions, they realize that everything is interconnected in a web of mystery and terror. Now, on the …
The Redacted Files
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Stories of adventure and suspense. One bad die roll at a time. TRF is an Actual Play podcast focused on having fun playing all the systems we can get our hands on.
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The Redacted Files: Deniable Operations
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
A community feed of one shots and short campaigns.
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Redacted Files Podcast Network
amber_claveThe Amber Claveredacted_filesThe Redacted Filesredacted_files_deniable_operationsThe Redacted Files: Deniable Operations
anthology mature multigenre podcast role-playing series
The reimagining of Runeterra
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Runeterra is on the edge of greatness, and of war. A power not seen since the Rune wars is bubbling beneath the surface and all that stands in between it and total annihilation, are 4 young adventurers. In this campaign 4 travellers must make their way through political power grabs, mage seeking manhunters and half a dozen bomb enthusiast, all in order to reach Mount Targon and become The Ascended.
The Rock DnD
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons 5e podcast by members of Full Fathom Productions at Emerson College.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 0 - The Adventure Needs Context!
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
The Role Less Taken
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
An actual play RPG podcast where five friends try out some of the less-rolled RPG systems. This season features Apocalypse World, and begins in a dusty bar following the end of the days, when southern socialite Lemon Dufresne hires three completely sane personalities to help her steal back a family recipe. Meet Bear Samuels, the local gang leader, Ross Roberts, the local cult leader, and Finch, a mysterious orphan of the Maelstrom, …
The Rolled Standard
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
There's an overwhelming amount of tabletop RPGs out there. With a wide spectrum of characters and worlds of stories to explore, Nate, Christopher, Aaron, Jake, and Levi are here to help you decide which games are right for you and your friends. We'll be delving into some of these games with our own
The Rollers Guild
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are the Rollers Guild, a new Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition actual play show! Our first campaign, the Gilded City, dives into the city of Waterdeep in a reimagined version of the Sword Coast that is deep into its industrial revolution. Join us as our heroes come together and figure out what being a hero even means in this new age.
The Rolls We Made
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Rolls We Made is a comedic, actual play podcast featuring the JoeJoeHasFun comedy team. We are playing Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition in Fantasy High School!
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The Room Where It Happened
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual play podcast focused on communal world building and having fun. Join us as we explore interesting worlds, LGBTQ themes, romance, and lots of swearing.
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The Search for Arcane Scrolls
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to “The Search for Arcane Scrolls,” a thrilling Dungeons & Dragons podcast that follows an epic quest through enchanted forests, mysterious towns, and perilous adventures.
Join our party of heroes:
The Secret of the Kleva Magica
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join our motly DND crew as we embark to find glory, achieve greatness, and uncover the secrets of the mysterious box known as the Kleva Magica.
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The Secrets of Sylum
Role-Playing Horror Series
Welcome to Rookmire, a city of industry and science. Join our delightfully austere cast as they, willingly or not, attempt to uncover the mysterious and supernatural secrets of Rookmire. But beware...
The Shadow Over California
Role-Playing Horror Series
The Shadow Over California presents a story of action, adventure, mystery, and a little comedy set against the backdrop of Arkham California, 1925. To make it more interactive, five friends tell this story around a table together using Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu 7th edition rules with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement.
The Shattered Sea
* Website: <http://www.podfeed.net/podcast/The+Shattered+Sea/21301>
The Shattered Sea is a podcast featuring recordings of people playing various role-playing games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulu, and others.
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* Audio files hosted on Archive.org
* Playlist of Tomb of Horrors episodes listed on SFFaudio
fantasy free h.p._lovecraft horror mature_content role-playing
The Shepherd's Sling
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Live play Star Wars Roleplay based in Edge Studio's Age of Rebellion system. [...] Join To-Vod-Ri Kloo, Roquan, Buck Blitzar, Ted Yedman, Mookie Mozu, and a cast of umpteen NPCs in their daring adventures to help save the Galaxy!
The Slaywrights
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
By day, five ordinary 30-somethings eke out a living in today's drab, ordinary world. By night, they become The Slaywrights!
A D&D podcast brought to you by a group of story-loving, lore-crafting, longtime friends that enjoys defying tropes and sowing a little laughter and chaos along the way. Join us every other week as we explore new, original worlds and spin our own takes on the realms you've known for so long. Follow along and laugh with us a…
The Small & Mighty
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
A Rodent RPG Podcast
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleCampaign One Teaser Trailer
comedy mature podcast role-playing series urban_fantasy
The Societies
Role-Playing Comedy Thriller Series
The Societies is a part role-playing game, part audio drama narrative drawing inspiration from the lore of theme parks created and narrated by Defunctland creator Kevin Perjurer. Follow the adventures of Dr. Chip Whitelsly PHD (Disney Dan), Clara Barnsworth (Alicia Stella), and Herbert Lister (RobPlays) and friends as they navigate a world inspired by character and settings found in Disney, Universal, Cedar Fair, and other theme parks around t…
The SpellCast D&D
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A 5th Edition Actual-Play Podcast! Take up arms with five heroes as they defend Baldur's Gate and the rest of the Prime Material Plane from a scaly threat!
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The Split Party Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Welcome to the continent of Etharis, a dark fantasy setting detailed in Grim Hollow: The Campaign Guide, by Ghostfire Gaming. A party of very different and special individuals who've had the weight of the world thrust onto their shoulders has split into two separate parties after coming to grips with their new role in the world. Between monsters, undead, and the legendary creature known as
The Sprouting
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play Call of Cthulhu podcast, The Sprouting explores the eldritch horror of a plant apocalypse.
In The Cradle, our humans attempt to survive in a world where mystical plants have taken over, eldritch bargains twist the fabric of reality and each has a goal they must see through to the end.
The Stars Aren't Alright
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
The Stars Aren't Alright is a comedy/horror podcast, blending the Lovecraftian mythos with a far future, sci fi setting. The Keeper, Brian, uses the Call of Cthulhu TTRPG system to lead Alex, Catherine, Tom, and Leah through a series of mysterious events, unfolding into eldritch horror that stretches the character's sanity - and, in the end, learning that the true reality bending beings from outside time and space were the fr…
The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast
Role-Playing Steampunk Series
An ongoing comedy adventure played out as a unique role-playing game set in a Steampunk universe.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEp. 00: Introducing the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast!
The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast
* Website: <http://riggstories.com/the-podcast>
The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast is a podcast that presents a group of people playing a custom steampunk-themed role-playing game based on books by Michael J. Rigg.
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The Stoker Society
Role-Playing Horror Series
The Stoker Society is an improvised, horror, action podcasted using a TTRPG system of our own creation. It tells the story of a band of modern day monster hunters as they are thrown into a complex political dispute between the two major monster hunting companies over a massecer, 10 years in the past. This is the least of our monster hunters concerns as they need to deal with being entirely broke first and formost.
The Storyteller Squad
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Welcome adventurers~! The Storyteller Squad is a tabletop roleplaying game actual play podcast. The cast uses the Monster of the Week game system for our first campaign. Join our group of heroic monster hunters, as they discover the magic, mystery, and fantastic characters who populate the supernatural world of our story.
The Storyteller's Tavern
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to The Storyteller's Tavern where stories are served like ale, and a seat is open for you at every table!
“The Sunless Citadel” is a fully immersive, role-play driven Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) podcast with a diverse cast of player characters, who delve into the fallen, once-proud fortress to rescue lost heroes. Yet, as they dive deeper, they uncover dark mysteries about themselves and the evils that grow in the dungeon's dep…
The Stranger Lands
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Do you like Dungeons and Dragons? Do you like Steampunk? Do you like alcohol? If you answered yes to any of those three questions, then just hit download already and join Kra'ag the Bugbear Druid, Bagger the Firbolg Barbarian, Tash the Aasimar Cleric, and Silver Paw the Tibaxi Rogue on their adventures through Pilas.
The Stubborn Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The World of Varian has a rich and bountiful history of heroic triumphs, and great calamity. A world besieged by the endless wars between Light and Dark.
3500 years have passed since the Dragon Empire fell, during which time the Realm has seen great prosperity and Growth across all three continents. The Elves - refugees from a shattered world, had retreated to their tranquil forests in Ettinvale to rebuild their lost dynasty. The Dwarves in V…
The Table in the Attic
Role-Playing Horror Series
An RPG liveplay podcast featuring four friends who share a love of monsters, storytelling, and cheesy horror movies.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTrailer
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
The Tabletop Tales
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A fantasy-comedy storytelling podcast inspired by tabletop roleplaying games. This mostly-improvised adventure employs immersive sound design and original score to tell humorous, compelling and entertaining fictional stories.
The Tales of Worlds End
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Welcome everyone to The Tales of Worlds End! The is the HUB for all shows/stories in the worlds of Universum. Travel through lands, other planes, and even time itself as groups of heroes try to stop the inevitable. The end of the multiverse. What will happen in these grand adventures, who will rise to the occasion? In this HUB you will find The Tales of Seven Gods (formerly Dorin). This show is the season one (1) of this podcast. We al…
The Tally Ho Hoes
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A DnD podcast about a bunch of idiots.
We love playing Dnd, making our own entertaining content, and getting creative with the use of Homebrew. We're always learning and improving the way we do things. Come along, pull up a chair, and have some fun with the Tally Ho Hoes!
The Tantalus Tales
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The Tantalus Tales is a real-play Dungeons and Dragons podcast following the adventures of three unlikely heroes as they solve mysteries, make goofs, and save the universe!
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The Third Gallon
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
The Third Gallon is an actual play podcast, where we play different tabletop roleplaying games in a seasonal form. Kind of like a sampler, since everything goes with mayo.
We are a group of friends who have been playing tabletop games for years and want to share the fun we have at our table with other people. We all hope you get a laugh and some excitement out of our antics.
The Third Wheel
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/3rdWheelie>
The Third Wheel is a comedic improvised series in which a group of people play various fantasy tabletop role-playing games. Episodes are available as streaming YouTube videos.
fantasy full_cast role-playing sound_effects streaming
The Tide
Role-Playing Horror Mystery Series
In the summer of 1998, one man finds himself in a strange seaside town on England's east coast, in search of an old flame. But when tragedy strikes, Russell Coldron begins to uncover a sinister mystery at the heart of Kingstide.
The Titans of All'Terra
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Jump into a classic fantasy story, set in the original world of All'Terra, and told through the collaborative story structure of 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons!
Join Josh, our Dungeon Master, as he leads four unlikely heroes on an adventure that will change their lives and might even save the world!
The True RPG Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
The True RPG Podcast is a highly improvised TTRPG audio/actual play podcast with short anthology adventures set in original worlds. Each adventure will be a new setting with a different TTRPG system than the last.
The Unexpectables
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Follow the travels and tribulations of Task the Kobold Ranger, Greckles the Kenku Rogue, Panic the Tiefling Bard, and Borky the Orc Barbarian, as they traverse the dangerous and mysterious lands of Alivast, and the Capital City that hosts a bungle of characters, magic and villains.
The Unexplored Places
Role-Playing Multigenre Series
THE UNEXPLORED PLACES is an actual play podcast about exploring weird worlds and making bold choices.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleDeliverance, OH 00: Everybody Loves Lance
The Unspeakable Oath Actual Play
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Digest of Arcane Lore for Cthulhu Mythos Roleplaying GamesNot all episodes are not included in the RSS feed, but all episodes are available on the The Unspeakable Oath website.
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The Valentyne Heresy
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium there is only war.
Inquisitor Lucius Valentyne, promoted by his dying mentor, receives a vision of the death of the immortal Emperor. Despite his lack of means and the countless obstacles in his path, he teams up with hive-bred siblings Lyric and Alto to save the Emperor
The Vast
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to The Vast, a Starfinder Actual Play series about pirates, found family, and chasing dreams.
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Listen to a SamplePrelude I - {null_pointer_exception} - The Vast - A Starfinder Series
The Voyage Forevermore
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
The Voyage Forevermore is an actual play RPG podcast playing focused on collaborative storytelling, meaningful character development, fun times with fun friends, and the inherently exploratory nature of RPGs.
The Wandering Isles
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join us on a new D&D 5e adventure! Explore the enchanting world of Maleficum's Arcanum of Magic & Might, where magic intertwines with the mysteries of a vast and varied universe. Set in the year 1542 across four mystical islands known collectively as The Wandering Isles, this campaign follows the adventures of a diverse group of characters at an arcane academy. They navigate intricate political landscapes, unearth ancient secrets, and battle dar…
The War For Garaxia
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
In a world that has known peace amongst it's lands for millennia, the continents are suddenly thrust into war when a son usurps his father's throne seeking to annihilate anything that stands in his way on the path to world domination. Follow our brave? Adventures through this aetherpunk inspired world as they take on the empire, hold off the other worldly forces at play, and bring peace back to an afflicted land. Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual P…
The Weird (Loudspeaker Networks)
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Hal Bishop is pushing papers at the CIA when he finds himself unexpectedly and unexplainedly transferred to The Department of Transportation. More specifically, to the Department of the Weird, a tiny, unacknowledged office that lives in the bowels of the DOT, tasked with responding to any reports of the paranormal, supernatural, or just plain weird.
The Whirlwind Chronicles
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Equipped with an ancient wizard's life's work, a renegade party of adventurers explore unknown realms to discover the universe's secrets and complete his encyclopedic tome.
Welcome in! This actual play podcast tells the story of Juniper, Calgo, Edna, and Wallace. With no preparation, our players determine where these explorers will go next by spontaneously rolling for the genre, hook, and most importantly, the game master of the we…
The World According To Bards
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D actual play podcast following three bards. The main rule here is “yes, and...” Join us on our thrilling adventure full of lighthearted comedy and general wackiness!
The World With Jaws
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join us as we explore The World With Jaws! This podcast is a Rapscallion Actual Play set in a purpose built pirate fantasy setting. Join the crew of The Wild Blue Yonder as they make their mark on the open seas, battling powerful Fangs and their crews, uncovering world-shaking secrets, bending Magics to their ambitions, all the while keeping Her Majesty's Admiralty at bay. Listen close, and hear history in the making!
The Worst Days
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
The Worst Days is a horror TTRPG by J.W.G. Wise about being young and facing supernatural horrors.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Cursed Crib Part 1
The All Ports Open Network
adventures_of_lord_dinby_whitherspoon_duke_of_spaceThe Adventures of Lord Dinby Whitherspoon: Duke of Spacerefugees_of_esmereldaRefugees of Esmereldaweeping_cedarsWeeping Cedarsworst_daysThe Worst Dayswrought_of_amberWroug…
The Wretched
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
Condolences dear listener, you are about to enter the realm of The Wretched. Steel yourself for this Cosmic Horror actual play. The dice are sometimes our friends but more often foretell of the horrors that befall our adventurers. Join us as we strive to fend off the terrors our past and the vices constantly threatening to overtake our mortal virtue.
The Written and The Lost
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A rag-tag band of misfits takes a routine job as hired muscle for a research mission and soon finds that they've unearthed something ancient and of dire importance. Soon, the party finds themselves in a race against time to stop a cult and solve a mystery older than memory itself. A quest to learn what is remembered and what is forgotten. A saga of the Written and the Lost.
Theater of the Mind Presents: Retribution
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Retribution is a dark comedy/horror themed DND Podcast, set in our world. Join Melanie Kelly, Elliot Brandybain, Ulnok Vargr Johnson, James O'Brien, and Emory Lee, as they traverse the countryside and fight off evil.
Theatre of the Mind Flayer
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A 5E DnD podcast cast set in the homebrewed world of Jacale. Listen as a group of improv actors navigate a campaign of utter shenanigans thrown at them by their dual-Dungeon Masters!
Theatre of The Twisted Mind
Role-Playing Horror Series
A theatrical Call of Cthulhu podcast following four thespians who must stop a great evil plaguing their theatre.
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Listen to a SampleTheatre of the Twisted Mind - TRAILER
comedy h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
* Website: <http://www.theothertracy.com/theothercast/>
TheOtherCast is a podcast that presents a group of friends playing a variety of tabletop role-playing games: Star Wars - Rogue Trader (Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight Games), Fate of the Planes
These Flimsy Rituals
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
These Flimsy Rituals is a narrative-first roleplaying podcast, telling small stories in big worlds.
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Listen to a SampleTiding 00: The Breaking of Ninut
anthology fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
These Silent Secrets
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
What do you get when you cross monsters and teenage hormones? This show.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Down By The Bay: Trailer
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
They See Me Rollin
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast Like Grandma Used to Make.
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Listen to a SampleCampaign 1 - Prologue - Ep 1 - Cookies and Milk
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
This Golarion Life
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Pathfinder actual play podcast centered around the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Its All Fun and Games Until...
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
This Is Gonna Hurt
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Four adventurers explore the country of Etrun while trying to stop a shady organization from using the souls of their fellow citizens to resurrect an evil tyrant from the past.
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This Line Isn't Secure
Role-Playing Horror Series
This Line Isn't Secure is an actual play Delta Green podcast blending high production value, immersive sound design, and slow-burning dread. Inspired by Archive 81 and Malevolent, it drags listeners into a world of conspiracies, cosmic horror, and paranoia. Nothing stays hidden forever.
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Thornvale is a narratively-driven, actual-play, Monster of the Week RPG podcast following the lives of three monster hunters as they struggle to protect a small island town in Florida.
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Three Black Halflings
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Roll for Melanin... It's a Nat 20!
Three Black Halflings is a podcast by Jasper William Cartwright, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo (but everybody calls her Unati), and Jeremy Cobb: three nerdy friends with strong opinions and even stronger Charisma scores. Join them in their quest to explore diversity in the incredible worlds of D&D and pop culture while doling out DM tips, thought-provoking conversations, a band of guests and good times!
Three of Hearts
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Three of Hearts is a Space Kings Actual Play Podcast made by queer people FOR queer people (and other people, too)! Follow the lives of special agents Vellum and Felspar as they solve an increasingly complicated mystery in the reclusive town of Clovenheart. Along the way there are laughs, adventures, old flames, new flames and more playing card puns than strictly necessary!
Thursday Knights
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
A weekly game of Dungeons & Dragons (and other roleplaying games). Our group focuses on telling truly collaborative stories with a heavy focus on character development and roleplaying. This is the podcast version of the live video show broadcast on Thursdays on our Twitch channel.
Tidal Blades
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Step into the sun-drenched world of Naviri, where the Tidal Blades stand as the realm's fiercest defenders. [This podcast brings] you a wholesome story of found family, time travel, and a peek into the truth of what lies beyond the Fold.
Time For Chaos
Role-Playing Horror Series
A mysterious lost expedition sets in motion an epic globe spanning adventure as investigators come face to face with ancient evils beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Often considered the greatest role-playing game campaign ever written, Masks of Nyarlathotep stretches the boundaries of horror driving both characters and players insane since its publication in 1984.
To Be or RPG
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
To Be or RPG is a weekly Dungeons & Dragons web series played by a wily troupe of actors affiliated with the national award-winning Classical Theatre Company. Come join us as our band of heroes adventures across the world of Magadrinn - a land of knights and wizards, but with a classical twist! Whose path will our merry band cross? Prince Hamlet? Lady Macbeth? Titania, the Fairy Queen? Listen and find out!
To Dnd or Not To Dnd
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
To DnD or not to DnD, that is the DnD question. To DnD or Not to DnD is an Indianapolis based Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play podcast featuring the voice talents of Jake Carrico, Adam Davis, Brandi Davis, Sabrina Duprey, and RC Thorne.
To Morrows End
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The team is awakened before their demise more than 150 years later than expected and team up with a previous surviving project member and a local big game hunter to survive in the world and possibly make it a better place. Equipped with the latest in scientific and military technology when they were frozen in 2018, they have a technological advantage over the few survivors of World War III and the fall of modern society, but is it enough to s…
Today in Adventuring
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A DnD homebrew actual play game, set in the early industrial age of the world of Tatarone. With the rise of steam and elemental technology, magic isn't the only thing that can make someone powerful in this world. A small group of Adventurers are presented with a choice, discover the mysteries of the world they live in, or keep living as they have.
Tokyo Rift
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
In this original role-playing game, some unlikely detectives find themselves at the gates of Tokyo DisneySea in Japan, to investigate a massive rift hanging over the park. Many supernatural and technological obstacles will stand in their way including a lava monster, a ruthless hotel owner, a hidden mermaid city, a talking cat in a beret, and much more!
Tomes & Tentacles
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Podcast on the EncounterRoleplay Network.
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Listen to a SampleEpisode 1 - Welcome to Arkham - Tomes & Tentacles
comedy full_cast h.p._lovecraft horror mature podcast role-playing series
Tomes of the Chaos Bard
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A family-friendly, fantasy-focused, Homebrew Dungeons and Dragons actual-play podcast. In the world of Kel-eth, your Host Chaos Bard, Saulum, and his side kick Quill, the phoenix feather, follow a group of heroes so they can tell their tale!
Too Cool For Tabletop
* Website: <http://www.toocoolfortabletop.com/>
Too Cool For Tabletop is a humorous podcast in which host Jason Ashley plays the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons with people who normally have no interest in that type of game.
Top of the Round
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Top of the Round! An original actual play Dungeons and Dragons adventure set in the dark, mysterious world of Ishnar.
What happens when a naive druid, a mysterious drow elf, and an orphaned monk are roped into becoming mailmen for a goddess?
Total Party Kill
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
Total Party Kill is a podcast in which a bunch of friends play Dungeons and Dragons (and sometimes other games) on the Internet for your amusement.
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Listen to a Sample1: Meet the Party
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Join us each week as we enter a world of fantastical idiocy, attempt to play some DnD, and, above all else, share some laughs and have some fun.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTPKPA - Episode 1 - You've got an hour, can you kill us?
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
An actual-play ttrpg podcast in the style of an audio drama. It's first recorded as normal roleplaying game play sessions, then put through post-production to create a unique blend of actual-play and audio drama.
Transplanar RPG
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Transplanar RPG is an all-transgender, people of color-led D&D stream set in an original noncolonial, antiorientalist world where the gods have vanished, the stars are gone, and vicious monsters stalk the night.
Traveller's Log
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Traveller's Log is an actual play podcast of the 2nd edition of Mongoose Publishing's sci-fi tabletop role-playing game Traveller, taking place in a homebrew setting in Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition. Join Jakob, Clark, Connor, Jeremy, and John every other Wednesday when new episodes drop. Until then, fellow Travellers, stay safe and godspeed!
Treasures Untold
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
A 5e Actual Play podcast featuring settings, themes, and characters from literature.
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Listen to a SampleTrailer
(M4A File)
comedy mature podcast role-playing series urban_fantasy
Trials & Trebuchets
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Wildcliff, School of the Arcane is an elite magical academy. Join four students turned friends; the rascally Rogue, the bubbly Bard, the sophisticated Sorcerer, and the whimsical Wizard as they undergo the trials and tribulations of school life and perhaps uncover some of the mysteries of their ancient institute.
Trials of the Apocalypse
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Join us as we play through the whole Powered by the Apocalypse RPG catalog or die trying! Behind the screen, David Easley leads a rotating cast of players through one-shot games in each PBtA system, from character creation and world building to epic finale in every setting and apocalypse imaginable. Havoc and hijinks abound in this actual-play podcast!
Trolls of the Two Tonne Bridges
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Trolls of the Two Tonne Bridges is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play podcast. 5 friends rolling dice and maiming accents. [...] Expect adventure, laughs and the occasional dinosaur. And zombies. And zombie dinosaurs.
True Dice
Role-Playing Horror Series
Hello creatures of the night, we are True Dice, an actual play podcast where we explore the dark embrace of gothic horror.
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Listen to a SampleEp.1 New Year, New Me
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Twenty Sides to Every Story
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Twenty Sides to Every Story [is] dedicated to entertaining you by showcasing live play tabletop RPG content.
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Listen to a SampleDolmenwood Actual Play Session Zero: Campaign Intro | Old School Essentials
Twilight Imperium: Renegades
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
An epic journey through the Twilight Imperium Universe.
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Listen to a Sample1: The Heist
comedy fan_fiction mature podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Twin Cities by Night
Role-Playing Horror Series
Hello folks! This channel is one that was originally created to share game play sessions of White Wolf RPG's game Vampire: The Masquerade in a campaign called Twin Cities by Night. The game is a darker game that tries to deal with the more
Role-Playing Science Fiction Mystery Series
Un potocast immersif où les invités doivent résoudre les mystères des mondes parallèles.This is a French-language podcast.
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Listen to a SampleIntroduction
comedy mature mystery non-english podcast role-playing science_fiction series
Undefined Depths
Role-Playing Horror Thriller Series
A group of good friends join together to play Delta Green and laugh in the face of cosmic horror. Or scream into the void. It's anyone's guess which will happen.
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Under the Library
Role-Playing Horror Series
Under the Library,an actual-play Call of Cthulhu podcast, where cosmic horror is steeped in mystery and slathered with self-deprecating humor. Our main storyline, a sandbox created by our Keeper (Michael), is set in (a fictions) 1942 Los Alamos NM and follows the misadventures of Boone (Chris), Jo (Emily), Culligan (Scott), Bello (Rick), Rutherford (Wayne), and Franny (Artur). We focus on narrative, improv, and character building. We may stick our …
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Jack, Chuck, and Frankie are just three students who were just assigned their most difficult homework yet: ridding Windy City University of the supernatural evil bubbling up from beneath the surface.
Unlabelled AP
Role-Playing Superhero Series
High school's tough enough without having to grapple with identity issues, a criminal past, or living in a whole new country. Add superpowers to the mix, and things are going to get weird this year at Phoenix Academy.
Unnatural One
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons and Dragons 5E actual play podcast. Every campaign will rotate DMs. Join a group of friends as we try to make our hobby our career and have fun telling our stories for everyone to hear.
Unprepared Casters
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Follow hosts [Haley and Gus] as they pass the DM seat back and forth and spin off each other's adventures! Friends of the hosts and fellow DnD content creators feature as guests as we build out a world together and explore the many different ways DnD can be enjoyed.
Urban Decay
Role-Playing Horror Series
Urban Decay is a role playing adventure set in a zombie infested reality using a game called Dead Reign. Follow Jon, Ryan and Shane as they are thrown into a world created by Brandon the Game Master.
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Vajra Enterprises Fiction Podcast
* Website: <http://www.vajraenterprises.com/new/?tag=podcast>
Vajra Enterprises Fiction Podcast presents a podcast of narrated stories based on several of their published role-playing games, as well as some public domain stories.
Valley of the Sunset
Role-Playing Horror Series
A Vampire the Masquerade - 5th Edition actual play podcast set in the outskirts of Phoenix, AZ. Every night our cast of undead misfits navigates the treacherous politics of the local Camarilla, while trying to stay one step ahead of Final Death. Join the embrace!
Vampire the Masquerade: Spectre
Role-Playing Horror Series
With the conclusion of the nightmarish Marvolio Killings a hollow success for the coterie, Joseph Rose-Price and Kamila Mansouri are the new up-and-comers in the vampire world – but they don't have long to celebrate. The duo's young apprentice Vittoria Giovanni has vanished leaving only bloodied bedsheets and a shattered pearl necklace in her wake as the forces of chaos gather on the horizon in the form of the Sabbat, a violent sect o…
Vampires and Vitae
Role-Playing Horror Series
Bringing Vampire: The Masquerade to life with an actual play podcast.
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Listen to a SampleVampires and Vitae - Episode 0 - Nice To Meet You
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Long ago, the Ascendant visited our world and unlocked a hidden power. For many long years the Chthonic Subcommittee greedily hoarded that power away while the people learned magic in secret and at risk of death. Then came the rising of the bards, stirring the people into revolution. The Subcommittee was overthrown and an age of free magic began. It is in this happy time that our heroes meet and discover that all is not well. Will they rise to defend thei…
Venture Maidens
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Venture Maidens is a veteran all-female and Nonbinary 5e D&D actual play podcast set in the homebrew world of The Planes. Our four heroes have been tapped by the fates themselves, and swept into the machinations of a mysterious organization known as the 'Sisters of Sorrow.'
Very Random Encounters
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Welcome to Very Random Encounters, a show where we play pen and paper RPGs in which we've randomly determined as many things as is possible, including characters, villains, names, places, and other weirder stuff! It all comes together to be a very random encounter. We're an actual play roleplaying game podcast by four friends who love the challenge of telling a story whose details are all prompted by random rolls. You can start w…
Veturium: Awakening
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition actual play podcast set in the homebrew world of Veturium.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode One: Ten's First Heist
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Violent Life
Role-Playing Science Fiction Urban Fantasy Series
The Violent Life Podcast follows the life of Vendetta Violent, a Seattle born rockstar & shaman in the cyberpunk world of Shadowrun. The podcast also seeks to provide quality content in the form of informational out of character podcasts about Shadowrun and it's community. Welcome aboard, chummer.
Visions: Veiled and Violent
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Visions: Veiled and Violent is a Dungeons and Dragons 5e actual play podcast that uses the Gooey Cube system following the Red Star Rising campaign. It is hosted by Copper Dragon Productions, a group of Table Top Role-players and storytellers who aim to create immersive and engaging stories. This podcast follows the adventures of five young members of the Blue Veil Troupe, a traveling carnival of the Hanataz people, who encounter various…
Void (unMadeGaming)
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Coriolis is a beacon of something fresh for politics, trade, and “quality of life”. Others see it as cultural imperialism. Nonetheless, the Icons stir. They are jealous. The Zenithian's new way beckons the Darkness Between the Stars. Even ghosts from planet Xene currently observe the Council of Factions. The new governor, Kamal Dargosian, is only a year into office and the people are already secretly questioning their capabilities. But a…
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
A SCIFI TTRPG Narrative Play set within the Stillfleet universe. An early modern empire is connected to various worlds and other locations throughout reality via complex and ancient portals known as Stiffworks. Our three protagonists work for the Worshipful Company of Stillfleeters. Step into the Stiffwork with us, voidmijner, and see what lay in store for you.
Voyager: Done Right
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Ever wished Voyager had been a good series? Ever wished it was a Tabletop RPG? Your wishes are granted!
Voyager done right! Why aren't you already listening?
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Voyagers of the Jump
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
On the frontier of charted space, a ragtag crew of spacefarers gets the chance to start over and fix their lives, but only if they accept a dangerous mission that could avert a war—or start one.
Voyages of the Chonky Whomper
Role-Playing Science Fiction Comedy Series
Welcome to the Voyages of the Chonky Whomper, our very first Sci-Fi TTRPG Campaign using the game: Stars Without Numbers.
Follow some familiar faces, and new ones, as the crew of the Chonky Whomper travel the galaxy to pay off their tremendous debt!
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
In a distant age, magical beings known as the fey stepped from their dying world into this one, benevolently conquering the lands and its people.
Now, some 4000 years later, the great City of Ammingrad is a thriving metropolis, melding magic, machines, and magnificence in every aspect. Fey society flourishes in luxury, while humans toil and strive to survive. The vast city spans nearly an entire continent, surrounded by an impenetrable Barr…
Role-Playing Superhero Series
We're four nerdy queer people making an actual play podcast using the “Masks” ruleset. Join us on a wild ride through the superhero city of Waypoint, where everything might be possible, but not all is how it seems.
Wayward Arcadium
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
College is a magical time, also dangerous. Join us every week as this group of gays try to make their way through magical college.
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Listen to a SampleWayward Arcadium Episode 1 - Orientation
Wayward Wregate
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Wayward Wregate is where we put all starting, learing and random episodes from Wregates discord.
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Listen to a SampleSession 0: “ColdSnap”
wayward_wregateWayward Wregatewhispers_in_wregateWhispers in Wregate
comedy fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
We Cantrip
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We Cantrip is a Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast! Welcome to a world full of mystery, adventure and shenanigans among a hilarious group of adventurers. Join us [...] as our “heroes” take on many quests to save (or accidentally destroy) the world!
We Hunt the Keepers!
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
This is an actual play podcast of the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeon World.
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Listen to a SampleSong of the Milk-White Putrescence 00
The Gauntlet
comic_strip_apComic Strip APpocket_sized_playPocket-Sized Playwe_hunt_the_keepersWe Hunt the Keepers!
fantasy podcast role-playing series
We Slay Things
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Welcome to We Slay Things, a real-play tabletop role-playing game podcast where we play Dungeons and Dragons, and SLAY THINGS.
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Listen to a SampleChapter One: We Slay Things
Weal or Woe
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Weal or Woe is a weekly podcast brought to you as the world's first unfiltered, real-play, Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest homebrew campaign podcast played around a real table of friends and lovers. Whew, it took a lot of qualifiers to make that true. Join our favorite game master, Jehovah the Rat, and his crew of misfits played by James, Laura, and Woody for a joint story-telling adventure alternating between s
Welcome to Reddington
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Welcome to Reddington, NH! A small, unique college town with some wonderfully quirky townsfolk.
The citizens all believe they've been in town for a while, if not their entire lives! Various folks have recently been tasked with (mandatory) community service by the shadowy, secretive Town Council.
Welcome to Sunderland
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Welcome to Sunderland, a town of 10,000 where everything is weird, but no one seems to notice. Follow our adventurers in this Dungeons and Dragons-like adventure set in modern setting involving UFOs, aliens, cryptids, and all manner of paranormal strangeness.
What are we even doing
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
The W.A.W.E.D DND Podcast. Homebrewed and recorded straight from the table to your ears.
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(M4A File)
comedy dungeons_and_dragons fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
What Comes After
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
The world as we know it ended in the mid 1980s, when billions of people died at once. 5 years later, 4 survivors discover that everything is about to change again.
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What Happened in the Malachite Wastes
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
“What Happened in the Malachite Wastes” is a slice-of-life, modern fantasy podcast that spends each episode following a different denizen of the Malachite Archipelago. Each story is a chance for you to explore the life of an ordinary person in an extraordinary world, and share the unique trials, tribulations, and joys of the human (or not-so-human) experience.
What the Dice!?
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
These friends get together to play tabletop, Dan the GM, Nyltin, Ethan, and Keith. Come together to play and share the story of their characters in a weird, wacky, and sometimes dangerous campaigns.
What The Flumph
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
What the Flumph tells the story of two small town friends, Alec and Adelaide, and their quest for knowledge and adventure. Beginning their journey as fragile level zero characters, Alec and Adelaide crack up laughing, make mischief, and grow up big and strong.
What We Do in the Basement
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
What We Do In the Basement is a comedy Dungeons and Dragons podcast where improvisers explore fantasy worlds, battle foes & navigate political conflicts with the help of their wits, weapons, and obscure pop culture references.
What's In The Rift?
Role-Playing Science Fiction Horror Series
Fate is such an ugly word. Let's see if you can escape yours. Six individuals receive mysterious invitations to a website called The Rift, which promises answers to life's most profound questions. Follow along as they dive deeper into the website's cryptic posts and find themselves on a journey to Orlando, Florida, to uncover the true nature of The Rift and its connection to their own mysterious pasts.
When Crit Happens
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Two Interracial Couples on a Quest: A D&D Podcast Where Fantasy and the Real World Collide.
Every episode begins with an actual play dnd session. We play 5th Edition in our home brew world of Rokhatima. Then, we talk about all the crit that went down! Microaggressions from an NPC
Whispers in Wregate
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Journey back in time with the Time Breakers as they infiltrate the Black Sun Festival, attempting to alter the fate of the city by thwarting a cataclysmic plot. But beware, for a greater threat looms that could overshadow even the consequences of their plane-shifting actions. Can this epic adventure be completed without too many rippling butterfly effects, or will they change the world for the better? Come along and find out!
Who's Taking Watch
Role-Playing Fantasy Anthology
A D&D 5e actual play show where we improvise stories in our favourite worlds of fiction! Join us in our first arc, The Dragon's Might, set in the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time.
Wicked Empire
Role-Playing Fantasy Thriller Series
Using the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition game system, Dungeon Master Jared Logan crafts a stunning original adventure where no one meets in a tavern and everyone has a license to kill. Set on a remote tropical island full of exploding buildings, shattering glass, and gravity defying martial arts, Wicked Empire is a summer blockbuster of a D&D 5E campaign that makes a Michael Bay film look like a church service.
Wilbranch High
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
An episodic audio drama taken from the actual sessions of a Monster of the Week campaign.
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Listen to a SampleWilbranch High: A Monsterhearts Story 01
comedy horror mature podcast role-playing series
Will of the Dice
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Will of the Dice is an unofficial Dungeons and Dragons 5e actual play podcast. The campaign takes place in the created realm of Rune Ath Kesha. Will of the dice is a diverse collective of passionate storytellers come together to share our love of the tale. We come from all walks of life and embrace our diversity in our unity for this game we play and these stories we share. We believe that love and inclusion are the torches that will light the way …
Will Save
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
Welcome to Will Save, a weekly science fiction actual play podcast set in the universe of Starfinder! Join us in a universe rich with aliens, starships, and fantastic planets as we fight, discover, and laugh our way through betrayal, intrigue, revenge, and redemption.
Wing Women
Role-Playing Historical Fiction Series
An actual play podcast about Soviet airwomen. We follow them fighting to survive during a campaign of bombing against the Nazis. This show is based on the exploits of the real life Night Witches.
Winged Badger Tavern
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Wondrous Podcast (requires attunement by a listener)
To attune this +2 podcast of listening, you must first be interested in the tabletop rpg Dungeons & Dragons.
After one episode, the listener may experience laughter and enjoyment at a high enough level to move their disposition one step towards the positive (for example, an indifferent listener may find their attitude has changed to friendly).
Role-Playing Horror Comedy Series
Is there a supernatural force at work or are you just happy to see me?
Prepare your hearts and minds for Wintercrest, a real play podcast for the indie RPG, Monsterhearts. Join us as Kym, Bijaya, Nika, Josh and Tara play a game about the messy lives of teenage monsters.
Wish You Were Heroes
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Wish You Were Heroes, the hilarious and action-packed podcast where seven lovable dorks embark on epic tabletop gaming adventures! Led by the charismatic Game Master, Britney Blackheart, this group of friends will take you on a wild ride through fantasy realms, battling monsters, solving puzzles, and facing off against diabolical villains.
Witchcraft and Wizardry
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
You have been accepted! Join us in the halls of Hogwarts as we follow the adventures of students trying to make their way into the Wizarding World and find out what adventures and mysteries lay before them.
With Their Forces Combined
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
A D&D Play Podcast that doesn't take itself too seriously. Follow along with the wacky adventures of 3 elephant people as they explore the world of TsiTsiPhas. With an inspirational talking door at their side and a cult to expunge, the brand new city of Agapi is more than these three elephant boys have ever seen. Throw in a dash of foolishness and some philosophical conundrums, and these guys have their work cut out for them.
Within the Woods
Role-Playing Horror Series
An actual play Monster of the Week Podcast. Follow the Adventures of Dali (The Spooky), Myles (The Searcher), Richard Tracy (The Professional), and Micheal (The Mundane) as they combat the supernatural forced that threaten the small Colorado county of Black Lake. This story contains elements of horror, violence, depictions and references to suicide. This story draws inspiration from the stories of popular creepypastas such as Slenderman, Eyeless Jac…
Without A Net
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Without a Net is a weekly tabletop rpg focused podcast. We play to find out what happens, it is because of that we hope you will listen.
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Wizard on the Wynd
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A world-building project using stories, fictional histories, cartography and live-play radio drama.
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Listen to a SampleNew Actual Play Podcast
fantasy mature podcast role-playing series
Wonder World Comics
Role-Playing Superhero Series
Welcome to Wonder World Comics, an actual play podcast of Masks: A New Generation! Witness the Midnighters do battle with time traveling villains, wrangle rampaging hormones, and discover what it means to be a hero.
World of Verum
Role-Playing Science Fiction Fantasy Series
In the land of Conflux, five souls inhabit vessels, bodies that are abandoned shells and awaken within a strange place, with an uncertain destiny.
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Listen to a SampleArdent Awakening
World Weavers
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
World Weavers is a D&D actual play about world-building, storytelling, and imagination. The players not only have their character and play through a 5th edition actual play adventure but also shape the world and its people. They will craft landscapes, build towns, control factions, and breathe life into the stories springing into existence around them - and these will be the settings for our actual play adventures.
Worlds Away
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Worlds Away is an actual-play storytelling podcast where five close friends use games to create adventures together as a collective.
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Listen to a SampleWorlds Away: Convergence Trailer
Worlds Beyond Number
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.
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Listen to a SampleWelcome to Worlds Beyond Number
Worst Movies Ever Played
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
Worst Movies Ever Played is a new actual play podcast where three comedians improvise hilariously bad VHS movies. The kind you'd find scavenging through the dumpster behind a Blockbuster Video.
Wreckage: an RPG Podcast
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
A podcast where a group of friends enter the original world of 'Uri' to explore its secrets, fight through deadly encounters but most importantly have some fun. Uses the Fantasy Age Ruleset by Green Ronin. Come listen to the show!
Writing Alchemy
Full Cast/Narrated Multigenre Anthology
Writing Alchemy is storytelling that centers intersectional characters, including a fairy tale series that combines humor and magic with serious topics, and a tabletop role-playing series about the adventures of disabled and mentally diverse heroes.
XII: Occult Eye (Queen's Court Games)
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Horror Series
“XII: Occult Eye” is an Actual Play Miniseries by Queen's Court Games in collaboration with Witch & Craft Games. “XII: Occult Eye” is an investigative ttrpg, set in a world much like our own, but where a layer of supernatural terror and mystical power lies just beneath the surface.
Role-Playing Urban Fantasy Series
Yeldplay! is the official actual play podcast for The Magical Land of Yeld TTRPG! Join us as we go through the door into a world of strange monsters, mysterious magic, heroes, villains, and who knows what else! Will this group of friends find their way back home? Or will they remain trapped and be subjected to a monstrous fate? Only one way to find out!
Yes And Dragons!
Role-Playing Multigenre Comedy Anthology
Yes And... Dragons! Two worlds collide as established Improv Asylum casts play Dungeons and Dragons! Sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh as groups of Boston's best improvisers are lead through magical and hilarious adventures!
You Are Not Alone
Role-Playing Horror Anthology
You Are Not Alone is a horror actual play podcast. Each episode Blaine sits down with a single guest. Together, using a variety of horror RPGs, they create a deeply personal and intense horror story.
You Don't Meet In An Inn
Role-Playing Multigenre Anthology
You Don't Meet In An Inn is a podcast about exploring obscure tabletop role playing games with a diverse cast of rotating players.
Hosted by Christine Blight and Austin Ramsay.
You Will be Mist
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
A Dungeons & Dragons 5e podcast chronicling the adventures of our group persuing after Strahd through the Curse of Strahd campaign setting.
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Listen to a SampleYou Will be Mist Teaser
Young Misadventurers
Role-Playing Fantasy Comedy Series
Young Misadventurers is a bi-weekly Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in a home-brewed world and played and created by teenagers and young adults. If you're looking for a fun, new D&D podcast to check out, give us a listen! Merry misadventures to you all!
Zero Initiative: Curse of Strahd
Role-Playing Fantasy Horror Series
Four adventurers take on what they think is a routine search-and-rescue mission in a small town, believing everything is perfectly normal. They soon realize that it's anything but. Trapped in an inscrutable and dangerous land, Lorded over by the mysterious Lord of Barovia, will our four protagonists make their way out of the mists? Or will each of them succumb to Barovia's curse? Join us as we venture into the Curse of Strahd…
Role-Playing Science Fiction Series
Zero.Blue.Orion is a comedic anime-style mecha show using the lancer system and follows several test subjects as they try to stop an impending disaster that could undo thousands of years of work.
Role-Playing Horror Series
Join our intrepid agents on their mad dash for safety and sanity, through a bastardization of multiple rule sets that we know a lot less of then most of you listening. Delta Green meets Call of Cthulhu meets The Thing meets Scooby-Doo meets True Detective, among other things.