Beyond the Mountains of Madness (Kyle Crozier)

Role-Playing Horror Series

A direct sequel to H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness; join the Starkweather-Moore Expedition as they journey to the Antarctic to uncover secrets lost but not forgotten.

Using the horror Table-Top-Roleplay-Game system Call of Cthulhu and the campaign sourcebook Beyond the Mountains of Madness both produced by Chaosium, 7 players and 1 Game Master tell and uncover a twisted narrative through dice-rolls and character roleplay.

Are you a Lovecraft fan who always wanted a follow-up story to At the Mountains of Madness? Are you a Call of Cthulhu fan who seeks the spoiled forbidden knowledge of this campaign as played by a group of creative and hilarious Investigators? Do you like mountains and sabotage? Give us a listen!



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