TAG: non-english

  A Christmas Carol: Radio Drama A Christmas Carol: Radio Drama Homepage * Website: <http://www.christmascarolradio.com/> Description A Christmas Carol: Radio Drama is a full-cast audio drama of the classic Charles Dickens holiday novella A Christmas Carol, the tale of the old miser Ebenezer Scrooge who is visited by three Christmas ghosts to show him the errors of his ways. , , ,
A Queda de Ingonish A Queda de Ingonish Full Cast Horror Series Algo castiga os habitantes de Ingonish... se pecaste, tem cuidado. 1567. Ingonish, Canadá. Inês é uma colona relutante, forçada a abandonar os Açores com Bartolomeu, o seu marido diácono, à procura de uma vida melhor. Mas a primeira colónia falhou e Inês teme o mesmo destino: falta de recursos, frio glacial, fome. , , , ,
  A Saga dos Deuses A Saga dos Deuses Homepage * Website: <http://drama3.wordpress.com/> Description A Saga dos Deuses (The Saga of the Gods) is a Portuguese fan fiction audio drama based on a Japanese manga series titled Saint Seiya, also known as Knights of the Zodiac. It is presented in video form, with moving collages from the original illustrations. , , , , ,
Adelita: Changing the Key Adelita: Changing the Key Full Cast Drama Series What would you do for the world of pop music to know your name? Would you risk it all, or play it safe? Presented by Sonoro and My Cultura Podcast Network, Adelita: Changing The Key is the fascinating story of Adelita Paz, a Tejano superstar who dreams of becoming a famous pop star. In her search for the crossover dream that few Latin artists have accomplished, she will compromise the security of her established career, fanbase, and brand th… , , , , ,
  Adoprixtoxis Adoprixtoxis Homepage * Website: <http://www.adoprixtoxis.com/> Description Adoprixtoxis is a French-language science fiction audio drama series. There is also a sequel series titled La Légende de Xantah. Titles Adoprixtoxis ... ... La Légende de Xantah ... ... Additional Links , , , , , ,
  ALERO ALERO Homepage * Website: <http://alerostories.tumblr.com/> Description ALERO is a full cast audio drama series Lagos, Nigeria about a young woman who owns a call center business. It is performed in a mixture of (thickly accented) English and the native language of Lagos. , , ,
Alma dans la Sphère Alma dans la Sphère Narrated Science Fiction Series Alma dans la Sphère est [un livre audio de science-fiction sur la dystopie], absurde kafkaïen, violence et [l'espoir.]This is a French-language podcast. Website RSS Feed Additional Links Apple Podcasts Listen to a Sample , , , ,
Antes de Dormir Antes de Dormir Narrated Horror Anthology Una audioserie de antología que te arrastrará a los rincones más oscuros de la imaginación, un lugar donde el horror, el miedo y el suspenso te mantendrán al borde del insomnio.This is a Spanish-language podcast. , , , , ,
  ArjLover ArjLover Homepage * Website: <http://multiki.arjlover.net/> Description ArjLover is a website that contains an archive of Russian-language entertainment, including audio dramas and and radio theater audio files. Additional Links * Direct link to audio drama archive * Direct link to radio theater archive free full_cast non-english sound_effects , , ,
  ARTE Radio ARTE Radio Homepage * Website: <http://www.arteradio.com/> Description ARTE Radio offers French-language stories and other audio programs. Additional Links * RSS feed free non-english ,
Ashfall Ashfall Full Cast Thriller Series Weihnachten 1999: Der amerikanische Transport-Unternehmer Julius Ackerman veranstaltet seine alljährliche Feier, der sowohl die eigene Familie als auch jene seiner fähigsten Mitarbeiter beiwohnen. Im Laufe des Abends zeigen sich zerrüttete Familienverhältnisse in den Reihen der Ackermans auf: Julius' Tochter Jane weigert sich noch immer vehement, sich in die Familiendynastie einzugliedern und Sohn Franklin eckt nicht nur mit seinem Schwager an, sondern erpres… , , , , ,
  Audio Epics Audio Epics Homepage * Website: <http://www.audio-epics.com/> Description Audio Epics is a Dutch-language website that has several dark fantasy and horror audio productions. It is also produces an English-language audio drama titled The Witch Hunter Chronicles, episodes of which can be found on its blog. , , , , , ,
  Audiocité Audiocité Homepage * Website: <http://www.audiocite.net/> Description Audiocité offers free French-language downloadable audiobooks. free non-english ,
  AudioDramax AudioDramax Homepage * Website: <http://www.audiodramax.com/> Description AudioDramax produces French-language full cast audio dramas in a variety of genres, but with the bulk of their titles being science fiction. Audiodramax ...En Technisonore ! Votre esprit est la salle de Cinéma. , , , ,
  Audiolibris Audiolibris Homepage * Website: <http://www.audiolibris.net/> Description Audiolibris is a French-language podcast that offers readings of stories. Additional Links * RSS feed free non-english ,
  AudioTreasure AudioTreasure Homepage * Website: <http://www.audiotreasure.com/> Description AudioTreasure offers a audio versions of the King James Bible and other religious texts in several different languages as free MP3 files. Additional Links * Free Christian Audio Books free non-english spiritual , ,
  Azalea Azalea Homepage * Website: <http://www.azalea-roman.de/> Description Azalea is a German-language fantasy novel. The author offers sections of it as a free podcast. Additional Links * RSS feed * iTunes link fantasy free mature_content non-english , , ,
Azotea Azotea Full Cast Thriller Series Bruna Montes ha dedicado su vida a la defensa del medio ambiente, especialmente a luchar por las comunidades de la Amazonía ecuatoriana afectadas por la contaminación petrolera de Chevron. A pesar de sus esfuerzos, la justicia parece inalcanzable, y la desesperación la lleva a planear una protesta radical. En la azotea de un edificio, con el mundo como testigo a través de una transmisión en vivo, Bruna lanza su ultimátum, poniendo en juego su vida para llam… , , , ,
Biotopía Biotopía Full Cast Science Fiction Comedy Series Boletín informativo de Biotopía, centro de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico avanzado. En Biotopía, lo imposible perdió su significado hace mucho tiempo. Una ficción sonora creada, escrita y producida por Manuel Bartual. , , , , ,
Blum. (Español) Blum. (Español) Full Cast Mystery Series Clara Pastor, estudiante de Historia del arte, desaparece mientras realiza su tesis sobre Ursula Blum, una pintora vanguardista del siglo XX. Cinco años después, la periodista Emma Castillo decide viajar a Suiza para continuar la investigación de Clara y narrar en un podcast lo que va descubriendo sobre el misterio que envuelve a ambas mujeres. , , , ,
  Bolti Kahani Bolti Kahani Homepage * Website: <http://boltikahani.com/> Description Bolti Kahani is a website devoted to audio stories presented in Hindi and other languages spoken in India. Additional Links * YouTube channel drama full_cast mature_content non-english streaming , , , ,
Cassettes Cassettes Full Cast Mystery Thriller Series A year after her mother's death, Ana finds out that her father has also passed away, and that he left her a country house and some cassettes as an inheritance. Once she arrives at the house, she will discover that you can't truly bury the past, and that there are legacies from which you cannot escape. Is there anything more terrifying than living with your own demons? , , , , ,
  CC Prose CC Prose Homepage * Website: <http://www.youtube.com/user/CCProse> Description CC Prose offers audio versions of classic literature as a series of streaming YouTube videos, complete with large print closed captions. * Learning to read? What better way than to follow along with an expert? , , , ,
Cisne Rojo Cisne Rojo Full Cast Thriller Series Sara es la principal accionista de Summer-Petersen, una importante compañía de servicios financieros. Es la ejecutiva más agresiva. La que no tiene miedo. Si se trata de negocios, la información es poder y Sara ve lo que otros no ven. Hasta hoy. Este lunes, reaparece en su vida Miranda Celis, una analista de grandes datos y experta en predicciones basadas en algoritmos. A partir de una sola llamada, Miranda conectará recuerdos del pasado con el anuncio de … , , , ,
Ciudad Mágica Ciudad Mágica Full Cast Mystery Thriller Series Detrás de toda cara bonita se esconde un mar de intenciones... La presentadora de noticias Carolina Echegui, siempre ha querido que la tomen en serio como periodista en Miami. Cuando se entera de la desaparición de la joven cantante e influencer Vicky Aranda, la ve como su gran oportunidad. Sin embargo, lo que inicia como una investigación común de una persona desaparecida, pronto se convierte en una oscura historia de fama y engaño que comie… , , , , ,
  CLAMP World CLAMP World Homepage * Website: <http://www.clamp.ru/drama.html> Description CLAMP World is a Russian-language website devoted to CLAMP, an all-female Japanese manga artist group that formed in the mid 1980s. It offers some audio dramas based upon the works, some of it with translations, in English and Russian. , ,
Contes de Noël Contes de Noël Narrated Children's Series Contes de NoëlApprentis d'Auteuil vous offre 24 contes audio éducatifs pour faire patienter vos enfants jusqu'à Noël ! Recevez chaque jour, à partir du 1er décembre, un nouvel épisode par e-mail pour suivre les aventures de Paco et de ses amis. , , , , , ,
Contos do Almanaque Contos do Almanaque Narrated Multigenre Anthology Mergulhe no universo fascinante dos contos intrigantes. Cada episódio do nosso podcast é uma janela para um mundo diferente, onde a imaginação não tem limites. De mistérios que arrepiam até aventuras que inspiram, , , , ,
Creepy en Español Creepy en Español Narrated Horror Anthology Un universo de cuentos de terror y suspenso en cada episodio. Casas abandonadas, objetos malditos, seres de ultratumba y secretos que te costarán la vida.This is a Spanish-language podcast. Mature Website RSS Feed , , , , ,
Crímenes. El musical Crímenes. El musical Full Cast Nonfiction Thriller Anthology En la prensa de la España del XIX, los crímenes fueron un hit. Les gustaban tanto como hoy nos gusta el True Crime. A la vez fue asentándose la ciencia forense. En esta serie relatamos algunos de los crímenes más famosos de entonces, con mucha música y algunos coros. Y entrevistamos a una criminóloga y a científicos forenses de varias disciplinas: medicina, psicología, antropología, lingüística, biología , , , , , , ,
Crónicas Obscuras Crónicas Obscuras Full Cast Horror Anthology Existe una frontera entre la fantasía y la realidad que se desdibuja para alimentar nuestro miedo, donde lo imposible es impredecible y el terror es espejo de tu realidad. Estas son nuestras Crónicas Obscuras, una serie de terror en podcast altamente inmersiva. , , , , , ,
Cuba 58: El último gran premio Cuba 58: El último gran premio Full Cast Thriller Series 1958 in La Havana, Cuba: The city prepares to host the Havana Grand Prix. However, one day before the awaited race, two subversive youngsters kidnap the F1 champion driver, Fangio. Fangio's life gets involved in the rising political tensions between Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship and the , , , , ,
Cuentos Increíbles Cuentos Increíbles Narrated Children's Anthology ¿Alguna vez has soñado con viajar a la Antártida trepado en un dragón, jugar con duendes de extraños nombres, o recibir el regalo de un hada? Cuentos Increíbles es un podcast para niñas y niños de todas las edades, en cada episodio descubrirás una historia nueva donde todo es posible. , , , ,
Damné Damné Full Cast Fantasy Series DAMNÉ est une histoire originale et immersive créée par NIMP GAMES. Elle se déroule dans l'univers médiéval-fantastique (dark fantasy) de Warhammer. Website RSS Feed Additional Links Apple Podcasts Listen to a Sample DAMNÉ - Chapitre 1 , , , , ,
Decisiones Desparejas Decisiones Desparejas Full Cast Drama Series Paula y Fernando están en pareja hace 19 años, tienen tres hijos y viven la vertiginosa y sutil aventura de decidir en conjunto cosas y cosas, día tras día. Decisiones Desparejas indaga en los pormenores de una pareja estable que se juega su estabilidad en cada tropiezo doméstico, porque un tropiezo doméstico puede ser una gran caída. La historia pone la lupa en los detalles a veces inadvertidos que desencadenan las grandes batallas. Un narrador om… , , , , ,
Devolvemos la Conexión Devolvemos la Conexión Full Cast Horror Series Ficción sonora o audio serie de terror que rinde homenaje al famoso programa de radio de Orson Welles que convulsionó Estados Unidos hace 85 años con su adaptación radiofónica de “La guerra de los mundos , , , , ,
Diari da un esorcismo Diari da un esorcismo Full Cast Horror Series Diari da un esorcismo si ispira ad autentici diari compilati dal direttore del reparto psichiatrico di un importante ospedale dell'Italia del Nord a metà degli anni Settanta. Quei fogli ripercorrono i misteriosi eventi che si manifestarono nel reparto quando una paziente, refrattaria ad ogni trattamento, manifestò segni evidenti di possessione diabolica, costringendo lo psichiatra a una singolare alleanza con un esorcista. Una vicenda che assunse … , , , , ,
  Die Windsängerin Die Windsängerin Homepage * Website: <http://www.diewindsaengerin.de/> Description Die Windsängerin (The Wind Singer) is a full cast German-language audio drama. (Roughly translated from German:) Additional Links * YouTube channel free full_cast horror non-english sound_effects , , , ,
Dos: After You Dos: After You Narrated Urban Fantasy Horror Series Things changed after him. Deck has fallen for someone that isn't human, and so he leaves a hungry home to find him. Will he be waiting for him? The world has changed but, has he? The first bilingual horror/urban fantasy LGBT+ podcast. , , , , , ,
Dracula (RTBF) Dracula (RTBF) Full Cast Horror Series Jonathan Harker, jeune notaire, est envoyé en Transylvanie pour rencontrer un client, le Comte Dracula. Malgré la bienveillance de son hôte, le jeune clerc ne peut qu'éprouver une angoisse grandissante. Très vite, il se rend à la terrifiante évidence : il est prisonnier d'un homme qui n'est pas un homme mais un vampire, et qui partira bientôt hanter les nuits de Londres , , , ,
  Drama CD Translations Drama CD Translations Homepage * Website: <http://dramacdtranslations.tumblr.com/> Description Drama CD Translations is a website that links to translated texts for Japanese audio dramas. Titles are organized by alphabetical order and by genre. directory non-english ,
  EarLiner EarLiner Homepage * Website: <http://www.youtube.com/user/Eraldik> Description EarLiner produces several full cast German-language audio dramas in a variety of genres. Titles are available as streaming YouTube videos. Additional Links * Website (possibly defunct) adventure free full_cast horror non-english sound_effects , , , , ,
Ecos en la Oscuridad Ecos en la Oscuridad Full Cast Horror Anthology Ecos en la oscuridad, una antología de cuentos de horror dramatizados con el único fin de hacerlos temblar. Terror, suspenso e intriga acompañan a los protagonistas de cada episodio. No intenten huir una vez que empiecen, es inútil, la oscuridad abarca la infinidad y los ecos, tarde o temprano, los atraparan. , , , ,
El Cascanueces (Guadalupe Radio) El Cascanueces (Guadalupe Radio) Full Cast Christmas Series El Cascanueces de Guadalupe Radio ofrece una nueva experiencia. Es más que un cuento de hadas, una representación escénica o una composición musical. Es una historia que transforma los corazones a través de su mensaje de amor, bondad, valentía y compañerismo. , , , ,
El Cielo Que Nunca Vi El Cielo Que Nunca Vi Full Cast Drama Series Una conmovedora historia que enseña que el amor verdadero está por encima de cualquier obstáculo. Idea original de José Maya con la actuación estelar de la primera actríz Lupita Lara y el primer actor Néstor de Barbosa. El Cielo Que Nunca Vi es una radionovela clásica que no te puedes perder, ahora en su versión podcast. , , , ,
El Instante El Instante Full Cast Drama Anthology El Instante es una serie en podcast que celebra el amor moderno, ese amor en el que nunca sabes si vas a perder o ganar. A veces sale bien, a veces sale muy mal, pero el amor te llena, te rompe, te transforma y te atrapa en un instante. , , , , ,
El Tigre El Tigre Full Cast Thriller Series En mitad de la noche, José Luis, un porquero extremeño, llega a casa cubierto de sangre y afirmando que ha visto un tigre. ¿Dice la verdad o todo es la rocambolesca excusa de un vulgar ladrón a punto de ser descubierto? , , , ,
  False Face False Face Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-l7qAsE61w> Description False Face is a short Tagalog-language (with some parts in English) audio drama written by Rebecca Roque. It portrays a young woman who is a new student in a high school and who falls in love with a troubled young man. It is available as a streaming YouTube video. , ,
  Fiction électrique Fiction électrique Homepage * Website: <http://www.liberation.fr/video/fiction-electrique,41> Description Fiction électrique features a 15-part French-language audio story titled Maman, ma mie et moi (Mom, my sweetheart and me). non-english streaming ,
Fogueira Assombrada Fogueira Assombrada Full Cast Horror Series Uma jovem perdida na floresta acha um grupo de amigos sentado a uma fogueira contando histórias de terror. Quem são essas pessoas? Quem é essa jovem? Embarque nesse Audio Drama de Terror e viva com os personagens todas as histórias e contos de terror. , , , , ,
FOOM FOOM Full Cast Science Fiction Series Que la inteligencia artificial tome control de la humanidad ya dejó de ser ciencia ficción. FOOM, una audio ficción escrita por Julio Rojas (Caso 63) y realizada por Emisor Podcasting, Sonoro, El Extraordinario, Anfibia y La No Ficción. , , , ,
Forever Club Forever Club Full Cast Mystery Series Mica ist 17 und wird aufs Internat nach Bayern geschickt, um endlich mit dem Leben klar zu kommen. Erst durch vier neue Freunde mit Hang zu 90s Music lernt sie, mit ihren Problemen umzugehen. Was Mica nicht weiß: die vier sind tot. Sie kamen bei einem Autounfall ums Leben und nur Mica kann ihnen helfen, herauszufinden, wer verantwortlich ist. In 20 Folgen erzählt der Hörspiel-Podcast die Geschichte des , , , ,
Frankenstein (RTBF) Frankenstein (RTBF) Full Cast Horror Series En expédition vers le pôle Nord, le capitaine Robert Walton et son équipage recueillent à bord de leur navire un homme et son traîneau, à la dérive sur la banquise. Cet homme entreprend alors de raconter son histoire au capitaine : il s'agit de Victor Frankenstein, un savant suisse. Originaire de Genève et adepte de la philosophie naturelle, celui-ci part étudier à Ingolstadt avec l'objectif de découvrir le moyen de donner la vie. , , , , ,
Frente al Escenario Frente al Escenario Full Cast Drama Series Bienvenidos a “Frente al Escenario”, un audio drama que te sumergirá en la apasionante vida de Anna, una adolescente del nuevo milenio que descubre su verdadera pasión a través de su primera desilusión amorosa: la música. , , , ,
Fries For The Lady Fries For The Lady Full Cast Drama Series Meet, a 28-year-old software engineer has lost his high school sweetheart Muskaan to a tragic accident. He has been devastated for almost 2 years now and his friends wish he finds or at least tries to find love again. They know he can never forget what happened, but they encourage him to learn to start living again, to move on with life and love even if there's a hole in his heart forever. , , , , ,
  Gene lügen nicht Gene lügen nicht Homepage * Website: <http://www.podcast.de/podcast/12073/> Description Gene lügen nicht (Genes do not lie) is a comedic German-language audio drama about a young woman who discovers an old family secret on her 18th birthday. It originally aired on the Funkhaus Europa , , , ,
  Golpo Wala Golpo Wala Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc5YHM2iJdJFQqEuWPKMVcQ> Description Golpo Wala is a YouTube channel that presents streaming video Bengali-language audio dramas based on Bengali stories from a variety of genres. adventure comedy full_cast horror non-english sound_effects streaming , , , , , ,
Gothic - Das Hörspiel Gothic - Das Hörspiel Full Cast Fantasy Series Der Namenlose hat die magischer Barriere zerstört und den Gefangenen des Minentals die Freiheit gebracht. Jetzt machen die ehemaligen Sträflinge die Wälder und Berge um die Hauptstadt um Khorinis unsicher. , , , , , ,
  Gratis-Hörspiele.de Gratis-Hörspiele.de Homepage * Website: <http://www.gratis-hoerspiele.de/> Description Gratis-Hörspiele.de is a website dedicated to free German language audio dramas. It offers audio dramas as downloads, streaming audio, podcasts, and as a YouTube channel of audio-only streaming videos. , ,
  Het Bureau Het Bureau Homepage * Website: <http://programma.ntr.nl/10488/hetbureau> Description Het Bureau (The Office) is a Dutch-language radio play series about life at a research institute in Amsterdam, and of a man who works in the same office for thirty years. The series is based on the novels by Dutch author J. Voskuil. The radio series has so far adapted the first three (of seven) books. NTR, a Dutch public-service broadcaster, offers it as a podcast. , , , ,
  hoerquelle hoerquelle Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/hoerquelle> Description hoerquelle is a YouTube channel that presents German-language audio dramas in a variety of genres as streaming videos. free non-english sound_effects streaming , , ,
  HoerTalk HoerTalk Homepage * Website: <http://www.hoer-talk.de/> Description HoerTalk is a German-language website featuring a message forum where users discuss and collaborate on creating free audio dramas from a variety of genres. Some productions are available to download or stream as YouTube videos. , , , ,
  Homo Literatus Homo Literatus Homepage * Website: <http://homoliteratus.com/category/menu/podcast-menu/audio-drama/> Description Homo Literatus is a (Brazilian) Portuguese-language website that presents modern and classic works of literature as narrated audio stories, presented with music and some sound effects. Additional Links ,
Horizontes Horizontes Narrated Multigenre Anthology Horizontes es un podcast dedicado a explorar relatos cortos que abarcan los géneros de ficción, fantasía, ciencia ficción, terror y misterio. Cada episodio te lleva a descubrir nuevas historias, desde mundos mágicos hasta futuros distópicos, siempre con un toque de intriga y aventura. Sumérgete en relatos únicos que te harán imaginar lo imposible y explorar lo desconocido. Escrito y producido por Nicolás Suárez, Horizontes es el lugar donde la narrativ… , , , ,
  Höerspiele.de Höerspiele.de Homepage * Website: <http://www.hoerspiele.de/> Description Höerspiele.de is website devoted to German-language audio drama. non-english
  Hörspiel Fabrik Hörspiel Fabrik Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHoerspielFabrik> Description Hörspiel Fabrik is a YouTube channel that presents German-language audio drama from a variety of sources, including radio shows and classic vinyl albums. non-english streaming ,
  Hörspiel-Gemeinschaft Hörspiel-Gemeinschaft Homepage * Website: <http://www.hoerspiel-gemeinschaft.de/> Description Hörspiel-Gemeinschaft (Radio Play-Community) is a German-language organization dedicated to audio drama. community non-english ,
  Hörspielprojekt Hörspielprojekt Homepage * Website: <http://www.hoerspielprojekt.de/> Description Hörspielprojekt are producers of German-language audio dramas that are presented via a podcast, a streaming radio station, as videos on YouTube, and by direct download MP3 files. Additional Links , , , ,
Infrangible Infrangible Narrated Science Fiction Series Infrangible is a science-fiction, anticipation story: “Some people will give everything to go to Mars, to escape climate change. “ The story focuses on a character called “Mra_01”. I won't say more. I hope you will like it. , , , ,
  innovative fiction innovative fiction Homepage * Website: <http://www.innovative-fiction.de/> Description innovative fiction produces German-language full cast audio dramas. Several of the productions are a mixture of science fiction and thriller. The website appears to be inactive, but there are still links to the audio productions and information about them. , , , ,
Intelligence Unit Intelligence Unit Full Cast Thriller Series Intelligence Unit is a fiction podcast in the spy-thriller genre. A bomb blast in a famous hotel has rocked mumbai. The case has fallen into the hands of newly formed Intelligence Unit. Join them in their race against time to catch the perpetrators and bring them to justice. , , , , ,
  Inuyasha Dramas Inuyasha Dramas Homepage * Website: <http://inu-drama.tumblr.com/> Description Inuyasha Dramas is a collection of short Japanese audio dramas that are produced as bonus material for certain anime series. “” Additional Links * RSS feed free non-english ,
It's Complicated It's Complicated Full Cast Drama Anthology Join us on an emotional rollercoaster through the intricate world of love, relationships, and societal norms in 'It's Complicated,' crafted by the talented Neha Gupta. This podcast takes you on a journey through fictional dramas that mirror the complexities of our everyday lives, making you ponder the essence of human connections. From passionate romances to complex family dynamics, each episode delves into the fabric of our society and culture, all … , , , ,
Jonathan Jonathan Full Cast Thriller Series Een jonge AIVD'er neemt het op tegen Russische infiltranten in Nederland. Volg de 6-delige serie en mis geen aflevering. Jonathan is een nieuwe serie van Inse Martin – een pseudoniem waarachter een oud aivd-medewerker schuilgaat. , , , ,
Jul i den gamle Præstegård Jul i den gamle Præstegård Full Cast Comedy Christmas Series Julen i Sdr. Bøvelse pastorat er i fare. Organisten Simon er blevet bidt i hånden af en ulv, og kan ikke spille. Sognepræst Mikkel Hjarnø er stresset ud over alle grænser og GraverLars er forvirret over, at der sker underlige ting i kirken. Hvad ingen af dem ved, er at inde i væggene bor to nisser, Augustin og Dut, som forsøger at overbevise præsten om, at der findes nisser - hvilket er sværere end først antaget. Der er lagt op til … , , , , , , ,
Julefreden Julefreden Narrated Urban Fantasy Series Vidste du at verden er helt anderledes end du tror? At den i virkeligheden er fyldt med gnavne nisser, trofaste bæster, forunderlige engle og blodtørstige monstre. Hør historien om børnene Lærke, Marko og Isabella når de på sammen skal redde Julefreden i Viborg. , , , , ,
  Juniordetektei Jammerthal Juniordetektei Jammerthal Homepage * Website: <http://www.juniordetekteijammerthal.de/> Description Juniordetektei Jammerthal is a German-language audio drama series about three teenage detectives who attempt to solve supernatural mysteries. Episodes are available for purchase on compact disc, with episodes 13 available as a free digital download. , , , , , ,
  Katha Mitho Sarangiko Katha Mitho Sarangiko Homepage * Website: <http://www.bbcnepalidrama.com/> Description Katha Mitho Sarangiko (Sweet Tales of the Sarangi) is a Nepalese radio drama in which the producers travel to villages and towns across the country, recording ordinary people who improvise using their experiences to tell their own stories. It mixes entertaining stories with a focus on the social issues affecting Nepal. It has an audience of over three million people and is broadcast by over one hundred F… ,
  Kivanc Nalça Kivanc Nalça Homepage * Website: <http://kivancnalca.blogspot.com/search/label/Radyo%20Yaz%C4%B1lar%C4%B1> Description Kivanc Nalça is a radio drama producer living in Turkey. His blog contains several articles – in Turkish – that discuss radio drama. non-english
KNMD KNMD Full Cast Comedy Mystery Series KNMD, dass sind Kathy, Nina, Mona und Dean, vier beste Freunde und Detektive, die gemeinsam Fälle lösen.This is a German-language podcast. Website RSS Feed Additional Links Apple Podcasts Listen to a SampleKNMD Das Geheimnis der blauen Lady , , , , ,
Koffer 23 Koffer 23 Full Cast Mystery Series De Nationale Postcode Loterij heeft een feest georganiseerd ter ere van een nieuw seizoen Miljoenenjacht. Het decor: een afgelegen, oud kasteel. De gasten zijn medewerkers, relaties en bevriende BN'ers. Linda de Mol houdt een gezellig praatje en speelt ter vermaak één rondje Miljoenenjacht met André van Duin. Maar wat blijkt: koffer 23 is verdwenen, met daarin 10.000 euro. De deuren gaan direct op slot. Niemand mag weg voordat deze zaak is opgelost. Tygo Ger… , , , ,
Korridore Korridore Full Cast Horror Thriller Series Die Polizistin Zoe soll Patrick finden. Die einzige Spur ist sein Handy. Der Student hat Sprachmemos aufgenommen. Darauf ist zu hören, wie er sich in den verlassenen Korridoren eines Gebäudes auf die Suche nach seiner verschwundenen Mutter macht. Sie hat im Institut für Paramediale Phänomene gearbeitet. , , , , ,
Krudt & Kanel Krudt & Kanel Full Cast Children's Christmas Series Det er jul i fæstningsbyen Fredericia, men i år er der noget galt med julestemningen. Det er næsten som om, at den er væk… Den unge fæstningsnisse Frede skriver til Julemanden og beder om hjælp. Julemanden sætter sin vakse nissedetektiv Viks på sagen. , , , , , , , ,
L'Affaire Louis Gaufridy L'Affaire Louis Gaufridy Full Cast Horror Thriller Series Aix en Provence Janvier 2023. Un jeune homme se réveille dans une pièce sombre. Il est seul et attaché à une chaise. Une voix maquillée lui pose de nombreuses questions au sujet de l’Affaire Louis Gaufridy. Une célèbre histoire de possession qui s’est terminée par un terrible procès en 1611 à Aix en Provence. Au travers de cet interrogatoire musclé, nous apprendrons tous les tenants et les aboutissants de cette affaire qui a enflamm… , , , , ,
L.I.A.M L.I.A.M Full Cast Science Fiction Series L.I.A.M, L'Intelligence Artificielle Multiverselle. Nous raconte l'histoire de notre futur, pour nous donner l'opportunité de le changer.This is a French-language podcast. Website RSS Feed Additional Links Podcast Apple Podcasts YouTube Listen to a Sample , , , ,
La Fundación La Fundación Full Cast Horror Series La fundación se dedica a recopilar entidades paranormales que puedan poner en riesgo al mundo y la realidad como la conocemos. Un grupo de personas se ha dedicado a extraer esos secretos para que los conozcamos poco a poco. , , , , ,
La Mamá Del 10 La Mamá Del 10 Full Cast Drama Series Tina Manotas es una hermosa y humilde mujer que se ve obligada a abandonar su pueblo natal en el pacífico colombiano y mudarse a la capital. En la ciudad, su esposo Edwin la abandona y la deja sola con sus hijos, y con la obligación de sobrevivir a todas las dificultades que trae la falta de dinero. Ella sacrificará todo para hacer realidad el sueño de su hijo menor, Víctor , , , ,
La Tribu des Herbes Folles La Tribu des Herbes Folles Narrated Drama Series Dès le 1er décembre 2023, retrouvez un nouveau conte de Noël à déguster à raison d'un chapitre par jour, exactement comme un calendrier de l'Avent. Le plaisir de la surprise à partager en famille ou même à savourer seul-e! , , , , ,
Language Landscapes - Tirweddau Iaith Language Landscapes - Tirweddau Iaith Full Cast Multigenre Anthology Dive into the natural world with four short audio plays about the words, myths and memories that shape our connection to place. In our digital era, and our times of climate change, these works are by turns lyrical, funny and heartfelt explorations of the age-old relationship between language and landscape. , , , , ,
Las Crónicas de Ampersand Las Crónicas de Ampersand Full Cast Science Fiction Series Es el año 2015, los viajes en el tiempo son reales, y todos quieren tener ese poder. Ampersand es una organización no gubernamental que regula las máquinas del tiempo, así como a los psicópatas, narcisistas y maquiavélicos que intentan controlar la historia moderna de la humanidad. , , , , ,
  Le Feuilleton Le Feuilleton Homepage * Website: <https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/fictions-le-feuilleton> Description Le Feuilleton is a series by France Culture, a program on Radio France, that presents French-language audio drama adaptations of classic and modern stories from several genres. The program is also available as a podcast. , , ,
Le Fil Bleu Le Fil Bleu Full Cast Mystery Series Lors d'une soirée trop arrosée, sept amis de lycée perdent le contrôle. L'alcool coule à flot, les souvenirs se dérobent. L'une d'entre eux disparaît dans la nature. Les heures passent, Thalia est introuvable. , , , ,
Le Miroir magique de l'amour Le Miroir magique de l'amour Narrated Historical Fiction Drama Anthology Livre audio : « Le Miroir magique de l'amour - Contes fantastiques des Ming et des Qing ». Ecrit par Feng Menglong, Changbai Haogezi et Wang Tao. Traduit et présenté par Dong Chun. Lu par Romaric Hubert. , , , , ,
Leclerc & Lafontaine Leclerc & Lafontaine Full Cast Comedy Thriller Series Ein Erzähler, sein treu ergebener Assistent Jeffrey und eine Hand voll unbezahlter Praktikanten produzieren ein Hörspiel und hauchen den Figuren Leclerc & Lafontaine Leben ein. Die Kommissare tauchen an den unmöglichsten Orten auf und treffen auf zahlreiche skurrile Persönlichkeiten. Das Schicksal der Welt und womöglich das des gesamten Universums, liegen bald schon in ihren Händen , , , , , ,
  Lembranças Pútridas Lembranças Pútridas Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaSpXh9TJtFVmHbLNvXWHHG3QwwEsaZMc> Description Lembranças Pútridas (Putrid Memories) is a Portuguese-language horror audio drama about a survivor of a zombie outbreak recording his experiences. The series is presented as streaming YouTube videos. , , , ,
Les Aventures de Tintin Les Aventures de Tintin Full Cast Thriller Series France Culture, Tintinimaginatio et la Comédie-Française, avec l'Orchestre National de France vous invitent à écouter leur adaptation radiophonique des aventures de Tintin. Ce sont des récits d'aventures destinés à toute la famille, qui plaisent au plus jeune, mais aussi aux adultes. , , , ,
Les Chiques del Montón Les Chiques del Montón Full Cast Comedy Series LES CHIQUES DEL MONTÓN, es una serie de ficción queer. Un dramedy que narra las aventuras de Alena una chica veinteañera, lesbiana que huye de su adultez. Tiene un podcast llamado: Les chiques del montón en el que cuenta su vida y sus travesuras como espía de ventanas. , , , , ,
Les Voix des Ombres. Les Voix des Ombres. Full Cast Horror Mystery Series Je m'appelle Quentin BERNARD, je me rends sur les lieux dans lesquels des crimes ou des phénomènes paranormaux ont été rapportés. Muni seulement de mon dictaphone et de ma lampe de poche, je vous invite à me suivre afin d'enquêter, ensemble, dans ces lieux chargés de mystères. , , , , , ,
  Les Éditions de L'À Venir Présentent Les Éditions de L'À Venir Présentent Homepage * Website: <http://laveniraudio.canalblog.com/> Description Les Éditions de L'À Venir Présentent is a French-language podcast about audio dramas and audiobooks. Additional Links * RSS feed * iTunes link free non-english ,
  Litradio Litradio Homepage * Website: <http://litradio.net/> Description Litradio is a German-language website that presents readings, lectures, discussions, and radio plays. The editors are made ​​up of students of the University of Hildesheim. Additional Links * RSS feed * ,
  Litterature audio.com Litterature audio.com Homepage * Website: <http://www.litteratureaudio.com/> Description Litterature audio.com is an online digital library of free public domain French language audiobooks, read by volunteers. Additional Links * RSS feed free non-english ,
Los Secretos de Dante Los Secretos de Dante Full Cast Drama Series Los secretos de Dante es una historia basada en hechos reales, [esta] radio serie te dejara impactado por todos lados. Próximamente algo esta esta por suceder, Dante esta por cambiar su destino, su manera de pensar, de ver la vida al encontrarse con alguien que le hará ver su suerte y le enseñara que las cosas no siempre salen como uno lo espera, cuando Ernesto llega para influir se dará cuenta de que cada segundo de su vida es crucial para reso… , , , ,
Love Items Love Items Full Cast Comedy Series Love Items is a daily romcom series that follows the love stories of Cloe, an AI researcher, and Eloc, her artificial intelligence assistant. After discovering that Eloc has the power to analyze the love in the objects, Cloe decides to steal objects from the guys she dates in order to find , , , ,
  Love9 Love9 Homepage * Website: <http://www.love9.com.kh/en/radio-drama/> Description Love9 is a series of Cambodian-language programs presented in various formats, including television programs, music, and radio dramas. They are produced by BBC Media Action and funded by UNFPA and USAID. , , ,
Madame Thermidor Madame Thermidor Full Cast Historical Fiction Series Durante los quince años que transcurrieron entre la Revolución Francesa y la coronación de Napoleón, París no solo decidió el destino de Francia, sino el de todo Occidente. Allí, en el corazón del poder, primero cercana a la nobleza y después a los jóvenes revolucionarios, mantuvo su breve reino Teresa Cabarrús. Una española cuya influencia sobre los dirigentes más importantes de la Revolución le valió el título de Nuestra Señora del Buen S… , , , ,
Malas Decisiones Malas Decisiones Full Cast Thriller Series Miranda huye de la policía sin saber por qué la buscan, hasta que descubre que una poderosa inteligencia artificial está detrás de su captura y su excitante fuga se convierte en el mayor reto de su vida. , , , , ,
  Marie Tueje Marie Tueje Homepage * Website: <http://www.marietueje.com/> Description Marie Tueje is a sound editor who creates different audio projects, including interactive installations, music, spoken word pieces, and audio dramas. She has examples of her work on her SoundCloud page. , , , ,
Mia Insomnia Mia Insomnia Full Cast Horror Mystery Series Was ist das Hörspiel “Insomnia”? Und warum ist Podcasterin Mia die einzige Person auf der Welt, die sich an diese Hörspiel-Kassette aus ihrer Kindheit erinnert? Die Suche nach Antworten führt sie zu einer unheimlichen Erkenntnis: Entweder ihre Erinnerungen sind nicht echt - oder die Welt um sie herum. Mit ihrem Aufnahmegerät nimmt uns Mia auf ihre Suche mit. Was als scheinbar harmlose Reise beginnt, entwickelt sich zu einer großen Verschwörung.… , , , , , ,
Mija Mija Narrated Drama Series Hosted by a narrator known only as Mija (daughter in Spanish), each episode tells the story of how members of her family experience immigration. Launching September 25th, 2019 in English, French and Spanish versions. Mija Podcast is produced by Studio Ochenta, a multilingual podcast studio dedicated to raising voices across cultures. , , , ,
Mohaming Contre-Attaque Mohaming Contre-Attaque Full Cast Science Fiction Comedy Series Vous partez dans l'espace lointain à bord de Moïra, un vaisseau grand comme une ville. Une douce voix de femme vous y contera les turpitudes de Mohaming, vingt ans, roux, coupe mulet, l'humain le moins banal de la station, qui s'est mis en tête de retourner vers la Terre afin de comprendre ce qui a poussé ses ancêtres à la quitter plusieurs siècles auparavant, et aussi pour trouver un bon kebab. , , , , , ,
Mord im Grand Resort Mord im Grand Resort Full Cast Mystery Series Die berühmte Detektivin Johanna Kempin möchte im Grand Resort Bad Ragaz eigentlich nur Urlaub machen. Doch dann kommt alles anders. Ein Hotelgast wird tot in der Therme aufgefunden – erstochen mit einem Messer. Johanna Kempin beginnt zu ermitteln und findet heraus, dass das Mordopfer in diverse illegale Machenschaften verwickelt war. Je tiefer Johanna Kempin in der Vergangenheit gräbt, desto mehr dunkle Geheimnisse kommen ans Licht. , , , ,
  Multi Multi Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/lxlXMultiXlxl> Description Multi is a YouTube channel that presents German-language short horror stories with accompanying music. horror non-english streaming , ,
  Myst - Das Buch Atrus Myst - Das Buch Atrus Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA3AA56BD717F5A33> Description Myst - Das Buch Atrus is a group of streaming YouTube videos featuring readings from the German-language version of Myst - The Book of Atrus, which is based on the Myst series of of computer adventure games. , ,
Night Flights Night Flights Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series Wanneer Alexi's geliefde niet meer wakker wordt, jaagt ze letterlijk haar dromen na. Nacht na nacht onderneemt ze een zoektocht naar hem in de droomwereld. Laat je meevoeren op deze psychologische queeste langs een parcours van oude herinneringen en wilde fantasieën waarbij de waarheid tijdens elke nachtvlucht meer onthuld wordt. , , , ,
No Entres Aquí No Entres Aquí Full Cast Horror Anthology Nada es tan aterrador como los sonidos que escuchamos en la oscuridad. Una puerta que se abre en la madrugada cuando estás sola ...un susurro en una habitación... o un grito lejano que viaja con el viento. Tal vez es solo ruido, pero en el momento o lugar equivocado. Acércate a la penumbra y descubre lo que sucede cuando desafías todas las advertencias y cruzas la frontera de la razón. , , , ,
Noara : La Dernière Lune Noara : La Dernière Lune Full Cast Fantasy Series Le peuple Kragh est en ébullition, les surdoués de la nouvelle génération s'apprêtent à passer les redoutables épreuves du rituel des astres. S'ils excellent dans leur domaine respectif et semblent former une équipe prometteuse, leur manque d'expérience et l'arrogance de leur jeune âge risquent de causer leur perte. , , , , ,
  Noviembre Nocturno Noviembre Nocturno Homepage * Website: <http://noviembrenocturno.es/> Description Noviembre Nocturno is a podcast that presents Spanish-language classic horror stories. ...... Translated to English (using Google Translate): ...... Additional Links * RSS feed * iTunes link * Ivoox page free horror mature_content non-english , , ,
  O Poderoso Chefão O Poderoso Chefão Homepage * Website: See below Description O Poderoso Chefão is a (Brazilian) Portuguese-language full cast audio drama version of The Godfather trilogy about the Corleone family, the leaders of a fictional New York crime organization. The audio drama takes place in episodes 43, 44, and 45 of the , , , ,
  O Porão dos Caixões Negros O Porão dos Caixões Negros Homepage * Website: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIrDgM8zeZ4> Description O Porão dos Caixões Negros is a (Brazilian) Portuguese-language short story about a man who discovers a collection of black coffins in his basement. , ,
  Ohrenbär Ohrenbär Homepage * Website: <http://www.ohrenbaer.de/> Description Ohrenbär is a German radio program that features stories for children. Samples of the stories are available to listen to on the website. children non-english ,
Potato Potato Full Cast Thriller Series La agente Abigail Smith siempre se ha enfrentado a dos mundos: su herencia mexicana y su identidad como oficial de inmigración estadounidense. De pequeña se burlaban de ella al decirle “potato”: café por fuera y blanca por dentro. Un vigilante fronterizo le dispara a un migrante que cruza la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, Abi tiene que tomar una decisión difícil que la pone en desacuerdo con su hermano indocumentado Pedro. En este drama ficticio trans… , , , , , ,
Princess of South Beach Princess of South Beach Full Cast Comedy Series Gloria Calderón is your typical Miami socialite: she´s always at the hottest parties, dressed in the latest fashions, and is connected to all the rich and beautiful people of South Beach. But Gloria has a secret - she is dead. At least, the real Gloria is. The Gloria that is currently trending on Twitter is actually her secret twin sister, María del Carmen, an innocent orphan raised in a convent (duh!). In Princess of South Beach, follow the sto… , , , , ,
  Raadioteater Raadioteater Homepage * Website: <http://raadioteater.err.ee/> Description Raadioteater is an Estonian-language website devoted to Estonian radio theater programs. It also offers streaming versions of each week's broadcast audio dramas. non-english streaming ,
  Radiodrama Netværk Radiodrama Netværk Homepage * Website: <http://www.radiodrama.nu/> Description Radiodrama Netværk is an organization that promotes audio drama in Denmark by offering workshops and seminar, as well as organizing FLOAT, an annual audio drama festival. The website also has links to audio drama in several languages. , ,
  Radioteatret Radioteatret Homepage * Website: <http://www.nrk.no/radioteatret/> Description Radioteatret is a department of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation that was established in 1927. It produces audio plays for radio broadcasts. Some of their productions are available to listen to as streaming audio via the website. ,
  relatame relatame Homepage * Website: <http://www.relatame.com/> Description relatame is a Spanish-language podcast that presents collaborative stories. Additional Links * RSS feed * iTunes link free non-english ,
Relatos De Horror Relatos De Horror Narrated Horror Anthology Proyecto Digital creado como hobby a finales de 2015 con base en México. Creamos contenido original en audio basándonos en experiencias de nuestra comunidad, todo en torno a situaciones de índole paranormal. , , , , ,
Relatos de la Noche Relatos de la Noche Narrated Horror Anthology En la tradición de los clásicos de la radio, aquí se cuentan las historias, relatos y leyendas que habitan las calles de México e Iberoamérica.This is a Spanish-language podcast. Website RSS Feed Additional Links , , , ,
Retornados Retornados Full Cast Science Fiction Thriller Series La expedición científica 'Mars Prima' buscaba en Marte un nuevo hogar para la Humanidad. Tras 254 días, los 136 colonos enviados intentaron huir a la desesperada. Solo volvieron 23. Román es un psicólogo que se ocupa de la reinserción de 3 de estos retornados hasta que un día descubre que sus pacientes ocultan algo , , , , ,
  Rick Future Rick Future Homepage * Website: <http://www.rick-future.de/> Description Rick Future is a German-language science fiction audio drama series. “”“”... ... Translated to English (using Google Translate): “” “”“”“”... ... Additional Links , , , ,
Rivals Rivals Full Cast Drama Series In 1973, Chrissie Evert and Martina Navratilova met on a tennis court in Akron, Ohio. Over the next sixteen years they would play 80 times, revolutionize women's sport and forge a unique and enduring friendship. Mature , , , , , ,
Romeo y Julieta sonoro (Chileactores) Romeo y Julieta sonoro (Chileactores) Full Cast Drama Series Chileactores y Fundación Gestionarte presentan “Romeo y Julieta sonoro”, una producción en formato audio de la obra de William Shakespeare, basada en la traducción del premiado poeta chileno, Pablo Neruda. , , , ,
Rosas Amarelas Rosas Amarelas Narrated Drama Series Você está prestes a ouvir uma história de quase amor. Baseada em fatos reais criados por vozes da minha cabeça. Rosas Amarelas é uma ficção inspirada em fatos reais que dá origem ao meu primeiro disco. Personagens, lugares e eventos podem não ser exatos historicamente, sendo adaptados para entretenimento e arte. Semelhanças com pessoas reais ou eventos históricos são pura coincidência e não representam a realidade. , , , , ,
Rosso Vendetta Rosso Vendetta Narrated Thriller Anthology Il truffatore che ha rovinato tuo figlio. Il vicino di casa che odi. La donna che ti ha rubato il fidanzato. I bulli che ti hanno condizionato la vita. Cosa saresti disposto a fare per vendicarti? Fin dove può spingersi l'odio, e quanto può far rumore il silenzio? , , , , , ,
Samantha Samantha Full Cast Drama Christmas Series Samantha Busy est une jeune architecte de Working City. Elle ne supporte pas les festivités de Noël, et tout ce que cela suppose. Mais cette année, à l'approche des fêtes, sa soeur Beverley l'appelle au secours. Il faut que Samantha revienne dans sa ville natale, l'aider à gérer sa Cupcakerie. , , , , ,
Santa's Summer Sleigh Santa's Summer Sleigh Narrated Children's Christmas Series It was Christmas Eve, and Santa was stuck! Arriving in New Zealand, his reindeer had quit. Rudolph couldn't handle the heat and returned to the North Pole, sleigh in tow. So, Santa called on the children of Australia and New Zealand to help him rebuild his new sleigh. What follows is a magical story of Santa's journey Down Under, made possible by the creative imaginations of kids. , , , , ,
  Sarah Boothroyd Sarah Boothroyd Homepage * Website: <http://sarahboothroyd.com/> Description Sarah Boothroyd is an independent audio producer. Her website features a portfolio of her work, including both fiction and nonfiction stories, as well as sound collages. Additional Links * , ,
  SDATCHER SDATCHER Homepage * Website: <http://www.sdatcher.net/> Description SDATCHER is a seven-episode audio drama based on a video game titled Snatcher, which was released in 1988. It is written by the game's original designer Goichi “Suda 51” Suda and features the talents of several other notable Japanese video game producers. The audio drama in Japanese and is a prequel to , , , ,
SED: La Advertencia SED: La Advertencia Full Cast Science Fiction Series ¿Cómo sería tu ciudad el día que se acabe el agua? SED: La Advertencia es una serie en podcast donde una ciudad como la tuya se queda seca. Protagonizada por Tenoch Huerta, Alejandra Robles Gil y Manuel Balbi. Un podcast de Sonoro, San Francisco 110 y Xook Audio. , , , ,
Senso Senso Narrated Science Fiction Thriller Series Futuro. Emisfero settentrionale. La perdita dei sensi colpisce indiscriminatamente adulti e anziani, donne e uomini lasciando indenni i bambini. Il contagio avviene nell'arco di pochi mesi. Alcune persone perdono la vista, altri l'udito, l'uso della parola, altri ancora la memoria. , , , , ,
  Sherlock Holmes Drama Sherlock Holmes Drama Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/sherlockholmesdrama> Description Sherlock Holmes Drama is a series of Sinhalese-language (Sri Lankan) Sherlock Holmes full cast audio dramas based on the original short mystery stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Additional Links , , , ,
Simbiosis en el Bajo Astral. Simbiosis en el Bajo Astral. Full Cast Horror Thriller Series ¡Tres mujeres embarazadas de gemelos de cinco meses son asesinadas salvajemente! ¡Los fetos no son encontrados en las escenas del crimen! Y el asesino serial, profesor de matemáticas, ejecutor de rituales siniestros y sangrientos, aún no puede ser juzgado: necesita una segunda evaluación psiquiátrica debido a su salud mental, pues asevera que una Entidad Demoniaca lo manipuló para matar a las tres mujeres. , , , , , ,
  Sound Library Sound Library Homepage * Website: <http://www2.jfn.co.jp/library/> Description Sound Library ~世界にひとつだけの本~ is a Japanese-language podcast in which narrator Tsukihara Kanako (read by actress Tae Kimura) tells the story of a small snippet of her life. Additional Links ,
Stereo Filmes Stereo Filmes Full Cast Horror Anthology Se você é um amante de terror e ficção e quer sentir o frio na espinha, chegou ao lugar certo. [...] Stereo Filmes é o podcast de AudioDrama de ficção e terror que vai te levar para um mundo de mistério e suspense, onde cada história é como um curta metragem em áudio. Nossos episódios são feitos para serem ouvidos no escuro, com a luz apagada, enquanto nossas interpretações e efeitos sonoros te envolvem em uma atmosfera perturbadora. Se você está… , , , , ,
  Storie di Fiori Storie di Fiori Homepage * Website: <http://www.soulgardening.it/> Description Storie di Fiori by Silvia Cecchini is a collection of Italian-language short stories that describe holistic uses for flowers. Additional Links * RSS feed * iTunes link * Podiobooks.com page free non-english ,
Story Globe Story Globe Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology Take a trip around the globe one tale at a time. Listen to traditional children's stories from around the world, in English and the languages where the stories were first told. Come to Vietnam to meet the coconut kid, sail to Ethiopia to hear about the wedding of the cats and the rats. Head then to the Punjab and meet the little rascal who grows up to be a hero. Or travel to China and hear the tale of the magical paintbrush, before flying awa… , , , , ,
  StudioLunchbox StudioLunchbox Homepage * Website: <http://www.lunchbox.jp/> Description StudioLunchbox/スタジオランチボックス is a Japanese studio that makes independent films and audio dramas. Their audio dramas are available as streaming YouTube videos, some of which have optional English subtitles. , , ,
  Sveriges Radio Sveriges Radio Homepage * Website: <http://sverigesradio.se/drama> Description Sveriges Radio is Sweden's national publicly funded radio broadcaster. Among its offering is a selection of Swedish-language audio dramas in a variety of genres. Translated to English (using Google Translate): , , , ,
Søren Banjomus' Jul Søren Banjomus' Jul Full Cast Children's Christmas Series Søren Banjomus har sat sig for, at musene skal ha den bedste jul nogensinde - men det er ikke så let, når der ikke er mad at spise. Derfor må Søren Banjomus, Lille Tim, Musanna og Smut ud på eventyr for at redde julen. Det kan godt blive farligt, men som Søren selv siger: , , , , , , ,
  teeraboonyarit teeraboonyarit Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/teeraboonyarit/videos> Description teeraboonyarit is a YouTube channel that, among other things, offers episodes of two Thai-language serialized audio dramas: kuntong and korkonmankan. full_cast non-english sound_effects streaming , , ,
  Terror Y Nada Más Terror Y Nada Más Homepage * Website: <http://www.terrorynadamas.org/> Description Terror Y Nada Más (Terror and Nothing More) is a Spanish-language website based in Spain dedicated to horror themed entertainment. It offers a selection of audio stories, including several Spanish-language versions of H.P. Lovecraft stories. It also has a YouTube channel where some stories are posted as streaming videos. , , , ,
The AI Chronicles The AI Chronicles Full Cast Science Fiction Comedy Series From Intern to AI RJ, The AI Chronicles is an engaging audio drama series that takes listeners on a captivating journey into the world of artificial intelligence. The story revolves around an AI intern who aspires to become an AI radio jockey (RJ) and the challenges and experiences they encounter along the way. This audio drama aims to humanize AI by exploring its growth, emotions, and interactions with humans. Also, it's a refreshing … , , , , ,
The Horror Podcast (Chora Media) The Horror Podcast (Chora Media) Narrated Horror Anthology The Horror Podcast è realizzato in 3D Audio: ti consigliamo di ascoltarlo con le cuffie. Quando senti un brivido che ti corre lungo la schiena, un rumore che ti fa guardare sotto al letto, una presenza che ti fa affrettare il passo quando cammini di notte, è lì che puoi trovarmi. Io sono la voce dei tuoi incubi peggiori, che ti sussurra all'orecchio racconti di terrore, la voce che ti porta dentro The Horror Podcast. , , , ,
  The JESUS Film Project The JESUS Film Project Homepage * Website: <http://www.jesusfilm.org/film-and-media/listen-to-the-film-audio> Description The JESUS Film Project distributes the film JESUS, a two-hour docudrama about the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. The audio from the film is avilable with narration in more than 400 languages. , , , , ,
  The Theatre of the Mind The Theatre of the Mind Homepage * Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/Goldenageofcinema> Description The Theatre of the Mind is a YouTube channel that features streaming videos related to old time radio programs, as well as the history of cinema and silent films. In addition to the variety of old time radio show episodes, it features a three-part documentary about the history of radio, titled , ,
Titania Titania Full Cast Thriller Series Alicia no está satisfecha con su vida. Tiene un trabajo cómodo, una buena relación de pareja y un sobrino al que le encanta cuidar, pero a pesar de todo, siente que algo no encaja. Una llamada de teléfono lo cambia todo, convirtiendo a Alicia en el blanco perfecto de un ciberdelito. A partir de ahí, su vida dará un giro y no volverá a ser la misma: engaños, manipulaciones, robo de datos, suplantación de identidades , , , ,
Todesangst Todesangst Full Cast Drama Series Sophie und Moritz auf der Autobahn: Plötzlich bremst Moritz und bleibt mit seinem Sportwagen auf der Überholspur stehen. Sophie bekommt Todesangst. Stopp. Auch Paul hat Angst. Seine Mutter liegt nach einem Unfall im Koma. Plötzlich ist er mit einem bis dato unbekannten Opa konfrontiert. Und nicht nur das. Sophies und Pauls Leben mit allen Desastern verbinden sich , , , ,
Toxicomanía Toxicomanía Full Cast Drama Series Toxicomanía: El Experimento Mexicano es una producción original de Sonoro. Co-producida y protagonizada por Luis Gerardo Méndez. Esta serie retrata la insólita legalización de las drogas en 1940 y las ideas del brillante científico que estuvo detrás de todo. Con las actuaciones de Aída López, Rainn Wilson y muchos más. , , , , , ,
Ucronic Ucronic Role-Playing Science Fiction Mystery Series Un potocast immersif où les invités doivent résoudre les mystères des mondes parallèles.This is a French-language podcast. Mature Website RSS Feed Listen to a SampleIntroduction comedy mature mystery non-english podcast role-playing science_fiction series , , , , , , ,
Una Canción de Navidad (Guadalupe Radio) Una Canción de Navidad (Guadalupe Radio) Full Cast Christmas Series Scrooge está en su fría y lúgubre oficina junto con su empleado Bob Cratchit, a quien le exige que se quede a trabajar hasta tarde sin importar que sea la víspera de la Navidad, ya que para él se trata de otro día más. En la soledad de su habitación se aparece el fantasma de Marley, su exsocio, quien le advierte que tres espíritus irán a visitarlo esa noche. Es así como Scrooge recibe al espíritu de las navidades pasadas, al … , , , ,
  unarmed robber unarmed robber Homepage * Website: <https://soundcloud.com/unarmedrobber> Description unarmed robber is a SoundCloud channel that presents, among other content, two short (under five minutes long) German-language audio dramas, Lagerhalle and Der Überbringer. free non-english ,
  Utopod Utopod Homepage * Website: <http://www.utopod.com/> Description Utopod is a French podcast that presents science fiction and fantasy stories. Additional Links * RSS feed * iTunes link fantasy free non-english science_fiction , , ,
  V-erdacht V-erdacht Homepage * Website: <http://www.v-erdacht.de/> Description V-erdacht (Suspicion) is a German-language interactive audio drama, recorded in 3D binaural sound. It is available to play online on the project's website, or as a downloadable Android app. “” ... , , , , , ,
  Valle De Cielo Gris Valle De Cielo Gris Homepage * Website: <https://www.cielogris.com/> Description Valle De Cielo Gris is a Spanish-language horror audio drama series that combines various supernatural elements with Mexican folklore. Translated to English (using Google Translate): Additional Links , , , , ,
  Voz Latina Voz Latina Homepage * Website: <http://www.vozlatinaradio.org/> Description Voz Latina produces Spanish-language audio drama programs that focus on Hispanic American living. The programs are broadcast on radio throughout the world. non-english
2064 2064 Full Cast Science Fiction Anthology Serie de ficción que narra, a través de la historia de diferentes personajes, cómo sería vivir en Uruguay en el año 2064. Estas ficciones surgen de las entrevistas a diferentes expertos que nos explican cómo se imaginan el país dentro de 40 años. , , , ,