'Tis The Grinch Holiday Podcast
Full Cast Comedy Series
Cuddly as a cactus and charming as an eel, he's your new favorite snarky talk show host. Join The Grinch (and his faithful dog Max) each week as he rants against Christmas cheer and roasts celebrity guests like chestnuts on an open fire. Starring Saturday Night Live's James Austin Johnson as the notorious curmudgeon and broadcasting straight from Who-Ville, will The Grinch send these famous folks back down Mt. Crumpit, or will they softe…
401 Stories
* Website: <http://www.401stories.com/>
401 Stories is a podcast by Joe Theroux, who tells stories for all ages.
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children free
8 Tiny Reindeer
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
An advent calendar style adventure story! Santa has automated his entire operation only to have it seized by an evil tech baron, and now asks his two remaining elves to track down the mischievous and magical 8 Tiny Reindeer from the wild to try and save Christmas!
A Boggle at BeWILDerwood
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Embark on a WILD adventure with Swampy and his friends. From the marshy Boggle Village and the beautiful Twiggle Village, all the way to the Scary Lake, explore the magical world of BeWILDerwood! Written and read by author and creator Tom Blofeld.
A Decade of Curious Creatures
Narrated Children's Anthology
A Decade of Curious Creatures. Some of Them Not Describ'd Before. Heard in Their Natural Voice, and as They Sound Enlarg'd Before the Condenser Microphone. With Their History, Characters, Manner and Places of Abode.
A Sinister Reading of A Poky Little Puppy
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/beschizza/a-sinister-reading-of-a-poky-little-puppy>
A Sinister Reading of A Poky Little Puppy is a short audio recordings of the classic children's book The Poky Little Puppy written by Janette Sebring Lowrey. In the story, a group of puppies dig a hole under a fence and explore the world outside their yard. One puppy is particularly mischievous, but learns the consequences of his actions.
A Very Grimm Christmas
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/roundhouseldn/sets/a-very-grimm-christmas>
A Very Grimm Christmas is a collection of six original adaptations of Brother's Grimm fairytales recorded in 2011 as a collaboration between Roundhouse Radio and The Wireless Theatre Company.
* The Robber Bridegroom
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Aileen is a sparky and curious little Artificial Intelligence who needs your help. Her inventor Zzzucks struggles to relate to people and is always getting into sticky situations—like the time he tried to make cheeseplosions even cheesier. The A2Z podcast takes you along on their wild adventures with annoying robots, jello mountains, semi-intelligent lawnmowers and more. Will you help Aileen to help Zzzucks be less anxious and happier in his own…
Aaron's World
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Aaron's World is a fun and imaginative science-themed audio drama for kids. If you like adventures with dinosaurs, time travel, robots, and plenty of SCIENCE... then this podcast is definitely for YOU!!
Act!vated Story Theatre
* Website: <http://activatedstorytheatre.com/>
Act!vated Story Theatre is a troupe of traveling performers. They drive across the continental United States year-round performing children's stories based on multicultural folk tales and classical literature. Their performances are available to listen to as a podcast.
Adventures of Cairo
Full Cast Children's Series
Welcome to the exciting world of Cairo Carter! Cairo is seven years old and lives in the big city, and he loves to explore the world around him. Cairo has lots to learn about kindness, safety, and even the value of a dollar, so it's lucky he can always depend on his family, his friends, and his community to help him learn and have tons of fun along the way. Come join him in the ADVENTURES OF CAIRO!
Adventures Of The StarKeepers
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Adventures Of The StarKeepers is a family-focused podcast that tells exciting tales while helping kids learn about Biblical topics, which are the same topics taught each weekend in the kids ministry at Elevation Church. Each story follows a group of young heroes called the StarKeepers in their fun, action-packed missions to protect the universe from bumbling villains. After every episode, there are questions to help par…
African Folktales (ABF Creative)
Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology
African Folktales is a collective of diverse story traditions originating in Africa, originally passed down through generations by word of mouth. These traditional tales told with a new twist, are not only entertaining but serve to teach a lesson as well. Sometimes of moral value and other times of survival.
Akili and Me
Full Cast Children's Series
Akili is a curious 4-year-old who lives with her family at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. She has a secret: every night when she falls asleep, she enters the magical world of Lala Land, where she and her animal friends learn all about language, letters, numbers and art, while developing kindness and coming to grips with their emotions and rapidly changing toddler lives!
Albert Lea Public Library's Podcast
* Website: <http://alpl.libsyn.com/>
Albert Lea Public Library's Podcast is a podcast that features reading of public domain children's stories.
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children free
Alice in Wonderland (SPRQ Media)
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
A curious young girl tumbles into a whimsical and fantastical world where she encounters peculiar characters and navigates surreal challenges, ultimately discovering herself in the process.
All Tales
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Come with us on a journey of inspiration with our collection of original stories, that shine a light on courage, friendship, and the power of believing in yourself. These stories are about the power of dreaming big.
Allen Johnson Jr.
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/my-brothers-story/>
Allen Johnson Jr. is a writer who has mas his young adult story My Brother's Story available as a free digital audiobook. It is the first book in the Blackwater Novels series.
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Amanda Nuchols
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/amandanuchols>
Amanda Nuchols has a YouTube channel that, among other things, features streaming video versions of classic audiobooks and audio drama from LP and cassette tapes. Most recordings are meant for younger audiences, but include recordings from classic series such as
Amazing Audiobooks
* Website: <http://www.ala.org/yalsa/amazing-audiobooks>
Amazing Audiobooks is an annual list of recommended audiobooks for young adults, compiled by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) devision of the American Library Association.
American Leprechaun
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Pack your four leaf clover for an epic adventure to a magical land full of excitement and danger.
Young leprechaun Rowan was only planning on chasing rainbows and playing pranks his whole life. Then, at the Grand Fairy Hall, he accidentally volunteered to save all of Ireland by finding St. Patrick's stolen magical spectacles, which were rumored to be hidden across the Atlantic in New York City! Teaming up with a kind banshee, a …
Anansi Storytime
Full Cast Children's Folklore Anthology
Anansi Kweku is the spider trickster god of Western Africa. By his own telling, the only reason we have stories at all are thanks to his actions.
Humans are weavers of these tales. They are the strands of the Ananse Ntontan, Anansi's great web connecting all people in all worlds. We can touch those worlds with each telling and retelling of the tales Anansi gives us.
Animal Underground
Full Cast Children's Series
Not far from here at the end of a dusty road is an old farm. Beyond that farm is a pasture and on the far side of the pasture is a fence and that fence is the boundary between the world of humans and the world of the forest. And this forest my friends is where the adventures of Ravi Raccoon and the Animal Underground.
Anna Henley
* Website: <https://www.mixcloud.com/annahenley/>
Anna Henley has a number of full cast audio dramas in a variety of genres available to listen to online.
Biff the Pirate King
Percy Archibald Living Monument
Anne of Green Gables (Librivox)
* Website: <https://librivox.org/group/525>
Anne of Green Gables is a series of classic children's novels written by Lucy Maud Montgomery, with the first book, Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908. LibriVox offers narrated versions of most books in the series, with full cast readings of books 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Anne of Green Gables (Mary Kate Wiles)
Narrated Children's Drama Series
Mary Kate Wiles and friends read L.M. Montgomery's classic, Anne of Green Gables.
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Listen to a SampleChapter One - Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised
children drama narrated podcast series
Anthony Barton
* Website: <http://www.anthonybarton.com/>
Anthony Barton is a write who has made his children's book Bat Rider and the Cave of Oomba available as a free audiobook.
Additional Links
* Bat Rider and the Cave of Oomba Podiobooks.com page
April Eight Songs & Stories
Narrated Children's Fantasy Anthology
Hooray! Your family is heading for delight! April Eight Songs & Stories is a charming original fairytale podcast series for the whole family. Listen together as a lovely green world of wonder full of humble gnomes, sparkling fairies and grouchy trolls, mischievous woodland creatures and magical butterflies who are more than they appear, take you on adventures where everyday kids, tricky witches, lost crowns and fearless queens …
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
Welcome to Respite.
Respite is a magical world inspired heavily by Indian and Ecuadorian culture. [...] Filled with diverse species, terrifying monsters, and devious dungeons, Respite is dangerous enough under normal circumstances. Our young heroes are not in normal circumstances.
Azka's Mystery Podcast
Narrated Children's Anthology
My name is Azka. I am 5 years old. I am in Kindergarten. And in Azka's Mystery Podcast, I tell mystery stories that I write myself.
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Listen to a SamplePROMO: Azkas Mystery Podcast
anthology children narrated podcast
Full Cast Science Fiction Musical Series
Bandtastic is a sci-fi musical adventure about the most popular band in the universe. Assembled by a super intelligent spaceship, D.E.B.R.A. and not so intelligent robot sidekick R.A.N.D.Y., the intergalactic musicians travel to new worlds with one goal - to solve all of their problems through their incredible songs (byah byah byah!).
Be Calm on Ahway Island
Narrated Children's Anthology
On Ahway Island, your child experiences an inclusive world. Our mission is to help all kids accept, appreciate, and love all their beautiful differences, in both themselves and others. Tune in to our stories for the everyday adventures of all your favorite friends. There's something for everyone! Our Island is the home to caring cars, friendly forest animals, curious kids, silly sea creatures, our delightful Dragon, and so much more!
Bednight Stories
Narrated Children's Comedy Anthology
Stories at bednight. The name says it all. Almost all. Maybe not so much really... These are wildly silly night time stories for curious kids and childish adults.
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Bedtime Adventures
Narrated Children's Anthology
Walk with princes. Fly with dragons. Journey to fantastical worlds far, far away.Join us for a series of bedtime stories designed to help your little one relax and explore their creativity. Narrated in a soothing voice, our tall tales are perfect for tiny ears seeking wonder and inspiration. The day might be over, but the magic starts here.
Bedtime Explorers
Narrated Children's Anthology
Bedtime Explorers is Kinderling's celebrated children's meditation series, loved by children and families right around the world. Successfully settling children to sleep over 24 million times....and counting.
Bedtime History
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/user-873481270>
Bedtime History is a podcast that presents short historical stories for children, presented in a relaxing manner.
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children free history sound_effects
Bedtime Stories for the Discerning Child
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
I tell bedtime stories to my 6 year old daughter: an eagle-eyed, emotionally invested audience of one. Unfiltered and hilarious, and the stories are okay too.
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Bedtime Stories My Kids Love
Narrated Children's Anthology
An ongoing collection of short stories that I tell my kids to keep them from going to bed.Only a selection of the most recent episodes of this podcast are available to listen to.
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Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt
Narrated Children's Comedy Anthology
This is a weekly podcast of funny stories for kids. There are side-splitting versions of my own fractured fairy tales. Also short stories from some of my best-selling books, featuring characters from 'The Adventures of Nanny Piggins' and 'Friday Barnes, Girl Detective'. The stories are perfect for bedtime, long car rides or even if you're just stuck waiting a really long time at the doctor's office. They're written for 7-11…
Bedtime Story: Adventure 2016
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
There's trouble in town. The starlings have left the old pier, pigeons almost killed a squirrel in James' garden, and the king under the fort is not happy. He's actually quite grumpy. And hungry. It turns out that these events are related, and now the Green Hands Gang find themselves in the middle of a mad pigeon's plan for supremacy.
Bedtime Story: Adventure 2017
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
When an ancient elm tree is damaged, a roving fox clan start causing trouble around town, and a powerful artefact is threatened, it's time for the Green Hands Gang to investigate. If only the new supply teacher didn't keep messing things up.
Bedtime Story: Adventure 2018
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
There's rubbish on the streets and the rats are almost certainly up to no good. What's more, James and Jenny find themselves back at their old junior school and back in trouble with some interesting animals. The Green Hands Gang find themselves in over their heads when a powerful visitor comes looking for an old friend.
Bedtime Story: Adventure 2019
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
It's the end of term and preparation for a royal performance has taken over Patcham High School. But a plot to steal back ancient treasures, hidden for centuries beneath the Royal Pavlion, is revealed and the Green Hands Gang find themselves in the middle of another adventure. Includes mild peril, a bit of tension, dangerous badgers, magical artefacts, cantankerous crows, and a mean game of football.
Ben & Sophie - Woby's Secret
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
“Ben & Sophie - Woby's Secret” is the story of two third-graders skilled at investigating all the secrets their world holds. In the pilot, they stumble upon Woby, a very philosophical robot, while walking Max, their dog, in the forest. Finding Woby turns the lamest, most boring summer vacation ever into an exciting adventure: Where does Woby come from? And why was he abandoned in the forest? These are the big questions t…
Bible Stories for Heathen Children
Narrated Children's Religious Anthology
I'm Robbie, and I'll be telling family-friendly, fun, and somewhat irreverent retellings of Bible stories for kids who aren't already familiar with them. I couldn't find the stories told as myth without attempts at indoctrination, so I'm trying to do that. The audience I always have in mind for my stories are my two brilliant and sarcastic children, ages 8 and 9.
Bible Stories My Kids Love
Narrated Children's Anthology
Bible stories are brought to life in Bible Stories My Kids Love!
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Listen to a SampleJesus Spits
MB Linder
bedtime_stories_my_kids_loveBedtime Stories My Kids Lovebible_stories_my_kids_loveBible Stories My Kids Love
anthology children narrated podcast spiritual
Biddy Stories
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
If You Go to Sleep Laughing You'll Wake Up Smiling. Let's get families and caretakers together with young ones at bedtime for... a laugh or two, a lesson or two, and a hug or two. so kids get more sleep!
Bizzo's Holiday Secret
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
Bizzo's Holiday Secret is the magical story of a dog matriarch, Bizzo, and her two young companions, Bindi and Crikey. In winter, during the time of the white fluff, legend tells of a supernatural two-legger who leaves toys and treats for animals everywhere on one special night. After encountering this magical being, Bizzo begins a fantastical journey of discovery, leading to an incredible holiday secret she can share.
Blue Towel Productions
* Website: <http://bluetowel.wordpress.com/audio-drama/>
Blue Towel Productions is the independent production company for Ben McClure, who has produced several audio dramas and audiobooks.
The Adventures of Captain Strong – Scourge of the High Seas
Blue's Clues & You: Story Time with Josh & Blue
Full Cast Children's Anthology
You're just in time; Josh is about to read Blue a story! Listeners will skidoo with Blue and Josh into storybooks where silly sleepy-time adventures await. Josh narrates each of the ten episodes, bringing various characters to life and getting closer and closer to the main event: a snuggly, restful snooze for Blue in this official Blue's Clues & You! podcast.
Bobby Wonder
Full Cast Children's Superhero Series
Bobby just found out he's from another planet, he has superpowers, and Mighty Mila is out to get him! At least protecting his hometown of Pflugerville will be a little easier with Grabstack, his constant companion, at his side.
Bodtched Stories
* Website: <http://botchedstories.podomatic.com/>
Bodtched Stories is a podcast in which a young boy named David Bodtcher tells his own modern adaptations of classic fairy tale stories, with his father providing some of the other voices.
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Boss Monster Adventures
Full Cast Fantasy Comedy Series
It's tough to be the boss. And even tougher to be a Boss Monster.
Based on BOSS MONSTER, the hit tabletop game by Brotherwise Games with over 1 million copies sold, Boss Monster Adventures follows Kid Croak, son of the most fearsome boss in the Overworld, on a quest to replace the magical crystal that powers his fathers' trap filled Final Castle. Joined by cool vampire, Draculad, and ever-loyal brain in a jar, Cerebella, the three ven…
Brian Blessed's Bedtime Stories
Narrated Children's Comedy Anthology
Gordon's Alive! Shy and retiring actor Brian Blessed has got his first ever podcast.
Every Wednesday, he'll be soooooothing you to sleep with classic children's stories and fairy tales.
Brian Sibley
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/brian-sibley>
Brian Sibley is “the author of over 100 hours of radio drama and has written and presented hundreds of radio documentaries, features and weekly programmes.”
A SoundCloud page is host to streaming audio selections of his works.
Brighton Adventure Story
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Brighton Adventure Story is a podcast about the adventures of two children during the Coronavirus Lockdown.
James and Jenny are no strangers to the magical underworld of their seaside town, but a new evil has arrived in the form of a mysterious drifter. Caught between a wild animal turf war and a gang of thieves known as the Drop Lifters, James and Jenny are a long way out of their depth.
Brighton Theatre Of The Air
* Website: <http://takethetour.wix.com/btota/>
Brighton Theatre Of The Air is an independent theatrical group that takes well-known books or plays and adapts them as audio dramas. It currently features several chapters of the classic children's story
Brush Brigade
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Brush Brigade is a high fantasy series about a team of tooth fairies embarking on various missions to defend children's teeth from evil forces who seek to rot them! Bebe, daughter of the Queen Tooth Fairy, is making her way up the ranks in becoming the greatest defender to ever live. However, with new enemies emerging, stronger than Bebe and friends have ever faced before, will they have what it takes to keep their mystical dimension safe…
Buttons & Figs
Full Cast/Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Buttons & Figs is a podcast for kids about playing with words.This podcast is a mixture of storytelling and discussion segments.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample#1 - The Jumblies
Camp Fear
Full Cast Children's Horror Anthology
Welcome to Camp Fear, where [...] you can join me by the fire for a chilling true tale written for and performed by kids. Every story is guaranteed to send a shiver up your spine.
See you at the campfire, if you're brave enough
Camp Peculiar
Narrated Science Fiction Comedy Series
Fun for imaginations of all ages. Camp Peculiar features strange stories and odd occurrences from the weirdest summer camp in any woods. Join in on the wonder at the curios camp where the fantastically fun meets the unusually unlikely. Camp Peculiar is a family friendly middle grade fiction short story series written by award winning kids lit author and podcasting personality Aaron Robbins. Pack your bags for a summer filled mystery and mis…
Campfire Stories (ABF Creative)
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Campfire Stories is an auditory retelling of our favorite tales about those creepy creatures that go bump in the night. Geared not only to scare but also to delight listeners. This horror fiction podcast mixes both riveting and classic spooky stories, around a campfire at a mysterious camp. Each episode is crafted uniquely for each tale giving listeners an over-the-shoulder experience at Camp Redrum.
Candlelight Stories
* Website: <http://www.candlelightstories.com/>
Candlelight Stories provides a variety of children's entertainment, from online books and games, to free audio dramas for kids.
Stories are available to listen to on the website. The website also offers audio stories for sale.
Captain Maxx and the Starfighters
Narrated Children's Science Fiction Series
Ten year old Captain Maxx and her misfit crew roam the galaxy in search of their next payday.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleS1 E1: Drop Those Puppies
Phil Bechtel
Cavalier Audio Plays
* Website: <http://cavalieraudioplays.weebly.com/>
Cavalier Audio Plays is a collection of audio dramas produced by Gemma Dwarwood, including scenes from unfinished productions.
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
Hen Night From Hell
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
A teen podcast host uncovers a web of secrets behind the scenes on a children's TV talent show. But who is to blame? And why is this new cereal bar so tasty?
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Listen to a SampleIntroducing: Cereal
Chapel & Squeak
Full Cast Children's Series
Chapel and Squeak are two rodent buddies (a mouse and a rat, respectively) who live in a community within the walls of an old—but still operating—country church. Set against the backdrop of the quiet little church, the animals carry out their adventures.
Charlie and the Grand Reunion
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM96gYswC-I>
Charlie and the Grand Reunion is a fan fiction audiobook sequel to Roald Dahl's classic childrens story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which takes places 18 years after the original book. It is available as a streaming YouTube video, and also as a print eBook.
Chelten Academy Chronicles
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
Chelten Academy Chronicles is a witty, character-driven serial mystery podcast geared for kids ages 8 to 15 but is clever enough to thoroughly engage people of all ages. If you enjoyed A Series of Unfortunate Events, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, and The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel, listen to this recently declassified audio, which was discovered during the investigation into the whereabouts of Chelten Academy stude…
Children's Stories for Bedtime. 3/8yrs.
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Originally published in book form for adults to read to the heads on the pillow. With podcasts and the worry of young eyes watching many screens, the stories may now be listened to by the children. There are no ogres, nasties or things that go bump in the night in the stories.
Christmas is Coming!
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
You're listening to WXMAS North Pole Radio. Jolly Snowspice here. THIS JUST IN: Christmas is coming! Time for the Pole's annual mission to the World Below. And for the first time in 862 years, the journey to visit kids from the four corners of the Earth is changing guard! But when the entire mission is put in jeopardy, can it be completed in time to save Christmas? Tune into WXMAS right here every day from December 1st through the 24t…
Circle Round
* Website: <https://www.wbur.org/circleround>
Circle Round is a children's podcast that present audio drama adaptations of folktales from different countries.
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Clean Green Music Machine: Turn It Up!
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
In the 8 episode first season of Clean Green Music Machine, four fun and engaging pop-star characters explore how energy is made and how our energy choices affect the environment and all living things.
Cobbler's Gulch
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Welcome to Cobbler's Gulch! Fair warning: As a visitor to Cobbler's Gulch, there's a better than even chance that you will encounter the following: pirates, circus folk, roughnecks, dwarves of various sizes and temperaments, dragon slayers, and a menagerie of monsters including goblins, tuxedo-wearing frogs, screaming scarecrows, witches, and many others that have yet to be properly named. If the above list makes you feel uncomfortable, plea…
Contes de Noël
Narrated Children's Series
Contes de NoëlApprentis d'Auteuil vous offre 24 contes audio éducatifs pour faire patienter vos enfants jusqu'à Noël ! Recevez chaque jour, à partir du 1er décembre, un nouvel épisode par e-mail pour suivre les aventures de Paco et de ses amis.
Critter Protectors
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Immerse your family in the thrilling adventures of the kids podcast, “Critter Protectors,” where courageous heroes unite to protect the natural world. In a universe already filled with stinky villains and ninjas, the Critter Protectors face a new formidable adversary: Victor Von Smog. Teaming up with the renowned Mr. Jim and the Spyology Squad, our heroes find themselves in a desperate race against time.
Crossover Adventure Productions
Full Cast Multigenre Anthology
A series of unofficial audio dramas. Featuring “The Chronicles of Oz” (based on the works of L Frank Baum) and the “Doctor Who Crossover Adventures”This podcast only contains episodes of The Chronicles of Oz. Episodes of Doctor Who audio dramas are available on the
CTD Productions
* Website: <http://ctdproductions.blogspot.com/>
CTD Productions is a non-profit audio drama group. They have been operating since 2006 and to date have released twenty audio dramas, all of which are available to listen to for free on their blog.
Cuentos Increíbles
Narrated Children's Anthology
¿Alguna vez has soñado con viajar a la Antártida trepado en un dragón, jugar con duendes de extraños nombres, o recibir el regalo de un hada? Cuentos Increíbles es un podcast para niñas y niños de todas las edades, en cada episodio descubrirás una historia nueva donde todo es posible.
Role-Playing Fantasy Series
We are a Dad & Daughter Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast! Join us on a journey through fantastical worlds, meet silly characters, and embark on epic quests.
Who knows where the story will take us today?
David Walliams' Marvellous Musical Podcast
Full Cast Children's Historical Fiction Series
Join David Walliams as he goes on a marvellous musical journey of discovery and meets some of the most famous names from the history of music – from Ludwig 'Grumpy' van Beethoven to 19th-century rock star Franz Liszt. (Please note no composers were harmed in the making of this podcast).
Defender Radio
* Website: <https://thefurbearers.com/blog/tags/839>
Defender Radio is a podcast by The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, an organization dedicated to protecting wildlife. In addition to its nonfiction content, the podcast offers two Christmas-themed audio dramas aimed at young listeners.
Defenders of Monstrovia
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Step into the enchanting realm of Monstrovia, a place where the lines between monsters, magic, and mysteries blur. Young Kara, a newcomer from Brooklyn, is thrust into the role of a defender in the Monstrovia courthouse, navigating a world of peculiar laws and even stranger inhabitants. With the guidance of Button, her flying hedgehog sidekick, Kara tackles cases that are anything but ordinary.
Dennis Morrison
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFPZKY9g-6LtnolLImn7H2Q/videos>
Dennis Morrison is a YouTube channel that presents old time radio episodes from a variety of shows, readings from public domain books, and some original children's stories written by Dennis Morrison.
Did This Happen?
* Website: <http://www.didthishappen.com/>
Did This Happen? is a “semi-educational” podcast by Grant Baciocco, the co-creator and head writer of The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd, that teaches children about history.
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* iTunes link
children free history nonfiction
Discovering Dad
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Jess and Corey's dad was not exactly the adventurous type. At least that's what they thought until his past caught up with him. Turns out, Dan, the anxious and overprotective middle school science teacher used to be a daring archaeologist and adventurer. Now this fractured, but loving family will have to work together to escape the bad guys, find a hidden treasure and overcome a family curse.
Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Queen Anna has a lot on her plate – there are visitors in her Kingdom, a friend in need, and even the Duke of Weselton's nephew skulking around – so when the Spirits of Nature start acting up, she knows she has to solve the problem – and fast – before things get more out of control. But when Anna and Elsa travel to the Enchanted Forest, they find mysterious copper machines that are disrupting the natural order of things. Who …
Disney Stories For Kids
Narrated Children's Fantasy Anthology
Tell Awesome Disney stories to your little-aged kids. Make a Beautiful night full of fun and morals.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SamplePrincess Cindrella Bedtime Story
anthology children fantasy narrated podcast
Dolen and the Stardust Gypsies
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
A wise and eccentric old scientist embarks on one last epic adventure, taking an inquisitive young runaway and a rag-tag crew along for the ride.
Written in the 1970s by Lance Daniels, this 25 part story has been re-created by Lance's children and grandchildren.
Don't Get Scared
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
'Don't Get Scared' is a new horror anthology podcast made for kids who love creepy stories and giving themselves goosebumps. Join host Coleman McClung as he dives into terrifying tales of the supernatural that kids and parents alike can enjoy together.
Dork Diaries
Narrated Children's Comedy Series
Meet Nikki Maxwell! She's starting eight grade in a new school—and her very first diary. In 15 fully dramatized episodes, an animated cast of characters hilariously present Nikki's Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life. Adapted from Rachel Renée Russell's bestselling series, the Dork Diaries podcast offers family entertainment for longtime fans and those meeting Nikki for the first time.
Dorktales Storytime
Narrated Children's Comedy Anthology
Think Fractured Fairy Tales meets Big Bang Theory and the History Detectives!
Dorktales Storytime, hosted by Jonathan Cormur, is a podcast featuring slightly wacky and very geeky retellings of classic fairy tales with important life lessons and untold stories about the hidden heroes of history—yesterday's geeks, nerds and dorks who are today's must-know visionaries, great minds, dream makers, achievers, and inventors who made history…
Down Gilead Lane
* Website: <http://www.gileadlane.org/>
Down Gilead Lane is a half-hour weekly radio program of biblical lessons for children.
Episodes are available for purchase on the website. Some episodes are available to listen to online.
children for_sale full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
Dream Breachers
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
When a tween boy discovers that he has the ability to move freely between the world of dreams and reality, he quickly finds himself living a nightmare. Evan Rickert has always had vivid dreams but the one he has on the eve of his 12th birthday—in which his parents give him a dog named Luna—feels especially real. So when he wakes up and realizes it was just a dream, disappointment sets in. But not for long. Because, wait
Narrated Multigenre Anthology
Can't fall asleep? Listen to the best bedtime stories for free! Each Dreamful podcast episode is a sleep story accompanied by music to ease you into slumber.
The ingredients used in Dreamful's episodes include imagination, a sprinkling of childlike wonder, and the occasional dash of nostalgia. This podcast is developed to be child-friendly, but let's be honest – it's for anyone that loves a good story, wonderful dreams, and listens to music to wind do…
Dungeon Crashers
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Strange things are afoot on Ponberry Island. Ghouls infest crypts, goblins take over dungeons, and the most odd things lurk in the shadows. The Dungeon Crashers are a small team looking to make a name for themselves in the dungeon cleaning business. If they can make it out of the shadows
Earth Rangers
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Hi kids, if you think that animals are amazing, this is the show for you! Join host Earth Ranger Emma as she travels the world to discover the wildest animal facts out there and solve nature's biggest mysteries. With top ten countdowns, an animal guessing game, conservation conversations, and epic animal showdowns, this is a journey you won't want to miss!
Earth Rangers Underground
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Did you know there's a secret world of animal agents right under our feet?
It's true. For generations, a shadowy agency of four-legged investigators has been working to protect planet earth from environmental disaster.
Elderberry Tales
Narrated Children's Anthology
Inspiring and engaging stories for kids, featuring ancient wisdom, timeless tales, and contemporary heroes.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleBlue Booties
anthology children narrated podcast
Eleanor Amplified
* Website: <https://whyy.org/programs/eleanor-amplified/>
Eleanor Amplified is a children's audio drama series about a young reporter who goes on various adventures while investigating news stories.
Eleanor Amplifiedthe big story...Eleanor Amplified
Emily's Cosmic Journey
Narrated Children's Science Fiction Series
Emily's Cosmic Journey is a delightful children's podcast hosted by Oliver, inspired by the imagination of his little daughter, Emily.
Join brave Emily as she ventures through space, exploring new worlds, meeting friendly aliens, and uncovering the mysteries of the universe. Perfect for long trips or cozy bedtime listening, each episode is an enchanting story designed to spark wonder and encourage sweet dreams. Settle in and…
Erik Reads Alice In Wonderland
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
The unabridged audiobook of Lewis Carroll's “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,” as read by filmmaker Erik Anderson.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleChapter 1: Down the Rabbit Hole
Erratically Epic
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
Jackson Payne is taking centre stage as he auditions for the school play. The problem is, Jackson may LITERALLY break a leg and bring down the house! Cue chaos as Jackson steps, trips, slides and falls into the limelight! Will he get a standing ovation, or will the curtain come down on his acting career
eXtreme eXplanations
Full Cast Children's Comedy Anthology
Radio Situation Comedy.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleNine Harmonicas I
anthology children comedy full_cast podcast
Fables & Fairy Tales
Narrated Children's Anthology
Join storyteller and author Chip Colquhoun in a fully-immersive podcast, retelling stories from throughout history and around the world to inspire the children of today. Each week, Chip and his team tell a fun, full-length tale involving magic, adventure, clever characters, and the occasional exploding troll
Fairy Tales with Granny MacDuff
Narrated Children's Anthology
Join Granny MacDuff as she reads classic children's fairy tales in this award winning podcast.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleSleeping Beauty
anthology children narrated podcast
Fairyland Adventures
Narrated Children's Anthology
The imagination is a wonderful thing. In the haste of the modern world, it is often forgotten how important it is to dream, and to believe in things such as magic, rainbows, unicorns, and fairies. Go on adventures with the character sharing their secrets and fears. Together, journey through unexplored territories while learning about beliefs that help build self-confidence.This podcast, combined with the 'Letters from
Family Folk Tales
Narrated Children's Anthology
What is Family Folktales? Think of it as a storytime on demand; whether you're running errands, trying to make dinner, or getting little someones ready for bed, you can listen to a story or two. The stories may be new to you or old favorites, or even different (possibly gorier) versions of those stories you now share with your children.
Fantastic Tales: A Bedtime Podcast for Kids
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Adventure. Drama. Fantasy... Original stories and more. This is your ticket to world's beyond. Join host and writer Adam Orton for a twenty minute bedtime story that's sure to put your kid to sleep
* Website: <http://www.fffbi.com/lost/radio/>
FFFBI (The Fin, Fur and Feather Bureau of Investigation) is an educational project that uses storytelling to help teach children ages 8-13 about cultures from around the world. As part of their project, they have produced a full cast audio drama titled
Flip & Mozi's Guide to How To Be An Earthling
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Created by Tinkercast in collaboration with The Pop Ups, Flip & Mozi's Guide to How to be an Earthling is an intergalactic musical journey that brings conservation into the conversation for kids and their grown-ups.
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
Floozeville is home to the Fizzies, hilarious creatures who live far below a sleepy suburban town in an underground cavern, where they secretly run a snack factory and attempt to stay hidden from the ever-curious people of Earth!
Focus on the Family
* Website: <http://www.focusonthefamily.com/>
Focus on the Family is an evangelical organization that produces several religious audiodramas and radio shows. They produce a long running children's radio drama entitled Adventures in Odyssey
Foggy Oak Fairy Tales
Narrated Children's Anthology
Never enough children's story content in your podcast feed? Foggy Oak Fairy Tales is a cozy, weekly short stories podcast for kids! We tell farm stories from real-life happenings on Foggy Oak Farm as well as fantasy tales to spark both learning and imagination. Put a story on at bedtime, during car rides, or any time, to transport your child somewhere new!
Folklore and Fairy Tales (Redbud Tales)
Narrated Children's Anthology
Explore enchanting stories with 'Folklore and Fairy Tales,' a children's podcast presented by Redbud Tales. Crafted by Trevor Shelby, each episode offers a unique fairy tale that blends classic folklore with imaginative twists. Designed to captivate young listeners, this podcast sparks imagination and instills a love for storytelling. Join us for magical adventures and timeless tales at RedbudTales.com, where every story is…
Following Bliss
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Following Bliss is a magical audio series that promotes mindfulness, meditation and learning through Bliss, a 5-year-old fairy who explores new and exciting locations around the planet where she discovers and collects an endless array of calming sounds that help soothe, relax and bring joy to her and others! Along with her magic wand Wandie, Geo a talking Magic Map who shares helpful and educational information about the locations she'…
Forbidden Forest
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Deidra Ann is a twelve-year-old girl living in southern United States during the mid-1960s. Living with her grandmother and aunt, Deidra Ann has never met her mother.
Behind their house is a forest where mysterious things happen; a forest that is off limits to Deidra Ann. Some claim that her grandmother is a witch.
Frozen In Time
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YruQGNFngsg>
Frozen In Time is a short superhero audio drama performed by children. It is available as a streaming YouTube video.
children full_cast sound_effects streaming superhero
Full Cast Audio
* Website: <http://www.fullcastaudio.com/>
Full Cast Audio produces unabridged recordings of children's novels using a full cast rather than a single reader. Whenever possible, they invite the author to serve as narrator. The recordings are always unabridged — the only things deleted from the text are those attributives (
Gem Sisters: Sister Detectives
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
[The] GEM Sisters put on their sleuthing caps and use teamwork to solve community crimes! GEM Sisters: Sister Detectives is the beat bopping, dance grooving, mystery solving good time you don't want to miss!
Ghost Forest
* Website: <http://www.ghostforest.com/>
Ghost Forest is a children's story from Bulgarian author Zlatko Enev that tells the adventures of a small girl who enters an enchanted world. As she proceeds through the Ghost Forest she must solve a variety of challenges, all the while learning a few things about herself in the process.
* Website: <http://www.giddio.com/>
Giddio produces a series of children's audiodramas called Billy Brown, who is a big, friendly, talking bear. The stories feature a full cast and sound effects.
Titles are available for purchase on the website. There are audio sample available to listen to and one free story to download.
Girl Tales
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Anthology
Girl Tales is a podcast featuring reimagined fairytales. Damsels in distress? Princesses in need of protection? You won't find those here. The girls in our stories take control of their own destinies, turning your favorite fairytales into exciting new adventures. With energetic voice actors and professional sound design, these audio plays burst to life at the touch of a button.
Glamp Haven Presents Campfire Stories
Narrated Children's Anthology
These glampfire stories are family-friendly short stories you can listen to sitting around a campfire or pretending you like you are! [...] It's one of our favorite things to do as a family.
Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
* Website: <https://librivox.org/good-cheer-stories-every-child-should-know-by-asa-don-dickinson/>
Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know is a Librivox recording of a collection of short children's stories compiled by Asa Don Dickinson. Originally published in 1915, it centers around the theme of the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Good Fig Kids
Narrated Children's Anthology
Welcome to Good Fig Kids, a magical world of short audio stories for kids! Dive into enchanting tales filled with adventure and imagination. Each story is crafted to spark creativity and inspire young minds, making bedtime or quiet time a delightful experience. Perfect for little listeners, our channel features a variety of fun characters and captivating plots that will transport children to wondrous places. Join us for a journey of storytelling whe…
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Narrated Children's Anthology
A fairy tale podcast for kids about extraordinary women from all over the world. Based on the bestselling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, each episode explores the lives of women from the books, encouraging young listeners to ask questions and explore their interests. Each episode is narrated by real-life women who are pioneers, creators, champions, and leaders.
Goop Tales
Narrated Children's Anthology
Goop Tales is a children's story podcast that will ignite your imagination and take you to foreign lands and on spectacular adventures. Each tale is carefully designed to make the world around us come alive in unexpected ways. Every Goop has a naughty little character trait that gets them into trouble and sends them straight out of Goop World and into an adventure that takes place in a captivating faraway country where the starring Goop must learn to o…
GoZen! Stories
Narrated Children's Drama Series
Welcome to GoZen! Stories, a podcast for humans of any age, because, let's face it, life is full of challenges for all of us. Stress. Pressure at home or school. Insecurity. Anxiety. GoZen! Stories is about kids and teens who face these same challenges, and overcome them. They're exciting stories of resilience that teach real tools to help you overcome those same challenges. Every season of GoZen! Stories introduces new characters and tells a ne…
Greeking Out
Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology
Oh, Muses! Hear our podcast and allow us to recall some of the greatest stories ever told. Stories of gods and goddesses, monsters, and heroes! Enjoy this kid-friendly retelling of classic ancient Greek myths for the whole family.
Full Cast Children's Series
GREENFIELD : A Kids Story Podcast is a scripted kids show about a group of unextraordinary kids growing up in the Midwest in a small town called Greenfield.
These stories will consist of fun adventures, life lessons, and original music to help push the storytelling narrative; great stories can come from small places.
Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest is a wildly enchanting fairy tale podcast made in partnership with Adam Gidwitz, bestselling author of A Tale Dark and Grimm. Each episode features a classic fairy tale, bringing to life a world full of curious creatures and mischievous foes. These tales are retold with a surprising flourish to a group of inquisitive kids, who anticipate plot twists, crack jokes, and share their own perspectives on these ve…
H-Squad 4 Life
Narrated Children's Superhero Series
The H-Squad 4 Life Podcast is an episodic immersive audio experience about the Harris family and their five children - one daughter and two sets of twin boys - who are training to become the next great team of superheroes.
Hank the Cowdog
Full Cast Children's Series
Hank the Cowdog, the self-declared “Head of Ranch Security,” finds himself smack dab in the middle of a host of tangled mysteries and capers that span the universe of the Texas Panhandle cattle ranch Hank calls home. Hank is joined on these tail-wagging, tongue-slobbering adventures by a motley assemblage of characters, not least of which is his less-than trusty sidekick, Drover, a small but uncourageous mutt. Listen in as Hank the Cowdog always cla…
Harding's Luck
* Website: <https://librivox.org/hardings-luck-by-edith-nesbit/>
Harding's Luck is a Librivox full cast dramatic reading of E. Nesbit's children's story – the sequel to The House of Arden – that tells the story of Dickie Harding, a disabled boy who accidentally discovers a magical way to travel into the past.
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
A new musical about female empowerment. Created to make musical theatre and stories of female equality accessible to all.
Fallon is a bird who longs to fly free, but on the mythical island of Rakka, the female birds aren't allowed to fly. Having just laid their eggs, Fallon and her friends set out to make the island a fairer place for their new chicks. But it's a race against time - can Fallon bring down the infamous Lord Zandajay and change the…
Help! I Think My Baby Brother is Henry the Eighth!
Narrated Children's Comedy Series
How would you feel if, all of a sudden, your baby brother started to act just like King Henry the Eighth? This is what happens to a very ordinary boy called Arthur. Arthur enjoys his completely normal life. But then his life is dramatically turned upside down when his baby brother begins appears to be the loud, demanding monarch, asking for lamb shanks, riding the family dog like a horse and making Arthur's l…
Hit the Bricks
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
100 years after L. Frank Baum's saga that began with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the Gale Family Farm sits abandoned in what's left of the great Kansas prairies. After her parents' messy divorce, Jessi Hugson and her mother move to Dorothy's old neighborhood for a new beginning. Things were already off to a shaky start, but when Jessi and her cousin Wallace find a jewel-studded bracelet in Dorothy's front yard
Holiday Stories
Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology
Holiday Stories is a collection of traditional tales, folklore, and made-up legends about all our holidays!
RSS Feed
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Meaning of Thanksgiving by Fannie Wilder Brown
Hollow Head Pete and the Wicked Wish - Origins
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
On Halloween, three siblings are lured by a whimsical witch's tempting choice: a full size candy bar or a wish-granting candle. But first, they must hear the haunting tale of Hollow Head Pete, a story of magic and retribution that comes with a timely caveat to be careful what you wish for
Honeybee Kids
Narrated Children's Anthology
My name is Mrs. Honeybee and my mission is to make bedtime easier! I write bedtime stories inspired by movies that I love. Lion King, Frozen, Minecraft, The Avengers, and Toy Story are some of my most popular! I'm a school teacher, mother of two, and a storyteller. - Love, Mrs. Honeybee
Ice Cream Musical
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
Ice Cream Musical is an audio drama for kids. Join Daniela Umbrella Vanilla: The Ice Cream Maker, and her friends on fun adventures inside a magical Ice Cream Shop. Sing along to our original songs, learn about science, learn phrases in different languages, and above all, learn how to be a good friend, and grow your faith and imagination.
Ichthus Family Productions
* Website: <http://ichthusfamilyproductions.weebly.com/>
Ichthus Family Productions produce a series of family-friendly audio dramas with religious themes.
Lies and Otherwise
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Treasure Seekers
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If It Scares You
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
Things are getting a little too spooky for comfort in Reaper, Idaho. Join us for a Halloween adventure for kids of all ages.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleS1E1 | “I've Only Got Eyes For You
Iliad House
* Website: <http://www.iliadhouse.com/>
Iliad House is an audio drama series – currently in pre-production – by Phil Lollar, co-creator of Adventures in Odyssey. It is aimed at an audience 8–14-year-olds and is in the process of producing its first full season of 12 30-minute episodes. There are some preview clips available to listen to.
Iliana, A Winter Solstice Tale
* Website: <http://www.ilianastory.com/>
Iliana, A Winter Solstice Tale is a children's story of a young girl's quest for the sun in the dark days of December.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free original_music
Imagination Amplified
Full Cast Multigenre Anthology
Imagination Amplified is the home of GZM [Shows.] Each new series takes you and your family on an immersive adventure filled with mysteries, cliffhangers, humor and heart. Get your Imagination Amplified!
In The Beginning
Full Cast Children's Folklore Anthology
Creation stories from around the world, dramatised for radio. An immersive audio adventure back to the beginning time...
Why are we here, how did we get here and who are we anyway? These profound questions have given rise to creation stories, shared across cultures and societies to help us humans make sense of the world and there are many commonalities between these stories. In the Beginning brings ten of these ancestral tales to lif…
In The Library
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxzJYcTEUho8HLEDOONiHXg>
In The Library is a YouTube channel featuring streaming video versions of public domain audio, including audiobooks, poetry, and old time radio programs.
children comedy drama science_fiction streaming
Into the Portal
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Into the Portal is a family-focused podcast that tells an exciting adventure. After finding a mysterious bracelet, Dex is transported to a strange world alongside a young girl named River. Together, they must escape danger and solve the mysteries that reveal themselves once they travel Into the Portal.
Island On the Lake Kids' Stories
Narrated Children's Series
A home for the short fun stories series I write for my children.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleFox in the Henhouse
children narrated podcast series
Jewish Story Time
* Website: <http://www.chabad.org/kids/article_cdo/aid/1070681/jewish/Audio-Stories.htm>
Jewish Story Time is a collection of children's stories that offers a mixture of original productions and traditional Jewish tales.
children full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
Joe Bevilacqua
* Website: <http://www.joebev.com/>
Joe Bevilacqua is an award-winning voice actor, radio producer, dramatist, humorist, and documentary film producer. His site contains an audio library of some of his works.
children comedy drama free full_cast mystery science_fiction
Jonathan Park
* Website: <http://www.jonathanpark.com/>
Jonathan Park is a series of full cast audio dramas that mix adventure stories for children, scientific facts, and religious beliefs. The titles are available for purchase on compact disc and digital download.
Journey with Story
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Journey with Story is a storytelling podcast for kids ages 3-10. These audio stories are told with a Celtic flavor and calming voice of Scottish author, Kathleen Pelley. She shares fairy tale stories, bedtime stories, classic stories, and her own original children's audio stories.
Julie's Library
Narrated Children's Anthology
Join beloved icon Julie Andrews for story time! Julie and her daughter, children's author and educator Emma Walton Hamilton, invite you into their library to read their favorite children's books. Every story comes to life with sound, music and activities. Authors, kids and other special guests chime in, too! It's a show that will inspire lively conversations and a lifelong love of reading. Produced by American Public Media.
Just Us Weirdos
Narrated Children's Superhero Series
Graphetic manipulation -- command over the pencil markings from your homework. The ability to reboot broken computers. Mastery over bananas.
Just Us Weirdos is a podcast for kids that tells the story of the group of pre-teens from Quadropolis who have these superpowers. They're going to have to figure out how to use them to save the city. It starts as a simple effort to become the sidekick…
Full Cast Children's Multigenre Anthology
Introducing Kaboom, a new audio drama podcast designed for the whole family to listen to together from the producers of The Apple Seed! Each episode of this anthology series takes you on a new adventure where you'll meet new characters, like a family searching for UFOs in the middle of the ocean, or a high school mascot who must protect the football team from an ancient Viking curse, or a kid who is hiding a baby dragon in his attic. Kaboom is …
* Website: <http://kayray.org/category/audiobooks/>
kayray.org is a blog for Kara Shallenberg, a woman who records audiobooks, with a focus on children's stories. She has links to her works.
Additional Links
* Kara's Free Audiobooks RSS feed
* Kayray Reads to You RSS feed
children free
Kesandu and Tari Book Series
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Audiobooks for the Kesandu and Tari African Fantasy Children's Book Series.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
children fantasy narrated podcast series
Kiddie Records Weekly
* Website: <http://www.kiddierecords.com/>
Kiddie Records Weekly is a website devoted to classic children's story albums, originally on vinyl LPs. Recording of each album are available for download.
children free
KidPod Theater
Full Cast Children's Multigenre Anthology
A brand new podcast from Jason T. Reed Productions. We make serialized Audio Fiction for the whole family. We've got creatures, rockets, aliens, Holiday saving insects, magic, and if you're lucky maybe you'll even spot Sasquatch.
Kids Animal Stories (Mr. Jim)
Narrated Children's Anthology
Welcome to “Kids Animal Stories,” the captivating kids podcast where education meets entertainment through the exploration of the animal kingdom. Hosted by the engaging Mr. Jim, this show takes young listeners on thrilling adventures into the wild, diving deep into the lives of animals from every corner of the globe. Each episode of this kids podcast is a journey, rich with learning opportunities and fun facts that spark curiosity an…
Kids Corner
* Website: <https://kidscorner.net/>
Kids Corner is a religious-themed children's audio drama series about a group of anthropomorphic reptiles who experience various situations and learn lessons each episode.
Kids Corner is produced by ReFrame Media, the English language ministry of Back to God Ministries International.
Kids Meditation Stories and Relaxing Bedtime Meditations
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDmAYm1rH8TZpwHyiav8npnsSmkHcwSCw>
Kids Meditation Stories and Relaxing Bedtime Meditations is a playlist of streaming YouTube videos by Sleep Ezy Tonight of relaxing stories for children.
Kids Short Stories (Mr. Jim)
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Kids Short Stories, the unique podcast where your child's imagination becomes the star of the show! Dive into a world of adventure, mystery, and fun as Mr. Jim brings to life exhilarating tales inspired by story ideas submitted by kids from around the globe. Whether your child dreams up a story about space-traveling aliens, underwater adventures, or magical forests, Kids Short Stories transforms their creative sp…
Kids Stories: Dinosaur, Roar!
Narrated Children's Fantasy Anthology
Hello, my dear. Our bedtime show captures fun and entertaining dinosaurs and dragon stories for kids and kids at heart, and it is appropriate for people of all ages. We'll take you on a fantasy adventure every week with original children's stories about majestic-looking dinosaurs and mysterious dragons.
Kids Story Room
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Wonderful, wacky and original story podcasts for kids aged 1-100.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleKids Story Room Ep 1 Terry's Tumbling Trousers
anthology children multigenre narrated podcast
Kidz Konnection Presents
Full Cast Children's Multigenre Anthology
Episodes include podcasts, radio plays, and other Kidz Konnection infomercials and events.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleClue HS Edition voiced by the actors of Kidz Konnection
Kitty And Kat Paw'd Cast
Narrated Children's Comedy Series
Children's stories about the journeys of Kitty and Kat and all their friends
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample1 - Quest For Squint
children comedy narrated podcast series
Krudt & Kanel
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
Det er jul i fæstningsbyen Fredericia, men i år er der noget galt med julestemningen. Det er næsten som om, at den er væk… Den unge fæstningsnisse Frede skriver til Julemanden og beder om hjælp. Julemanden sætter sin vakse nissedetektiv Viks på sagen.
Kwanzaa Time! With Aunti Oni
Narrated Children's Anthology
Kwanzaa Time! is a collective of diverse story traditions that speak of Kwanzaa and originally passed down through generations from family celebrations and community gatherings. These traditional and original tales told with a new twist, are not only entertaining but serve to honor African heritage in African-American culture. Hosted by Oni Lasana aka Aunti Oni.
Lamplighter Kids Stories
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Join Rebecca and Momo McSquirrel as they bring traditional virtues to modern kids through fun and engaging stories! Young hearts and minds are formed by the stories they are told which is why each original episode will highlight a traditional virtue such as courage, grace, and beauty along with fun, original songs! Simple discussion questions are asked at the end of each episode to help kids think through the virtues presented …
Let the Old Wives Tell It
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Anthology
An exploration into and updates on well-known and lesser known fairy tales from around the world.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleLet the Old Wives Tell It: Promo
Onology Audio
Let's Get Sleepy
Narrated Children's Anthology
In this podcast, I will be reading bed time stories in attempt to help out those that need to distract their mind from the stresses of day to day life. Let me play in the background as you drift off to sleep. Let’s get sleepy!
Literal Systems
* Website: <http://www.literalsystems.org/>
Literal Systems records free MP3 downloadable audio books of classic literary works that are in the public domain.
children drama free horror science_fiction
* Website: See below
The LitListen.com website does not seem to be active (it get redirected to another site), but the domain does still have some accessible audio files in the following locations:
* <http://litlisten.com/Pod2/> has an audio reading of treatment for a horror movie titled
Little Stories Everywhere
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
A good story can take you anywhere. Every week Little Stories Everywhere will bring you magical, adventurous, fantastical tales to excite your imagination and carry you and your family members to new places around the world. Hosted by Oscar-nominated actor Virginia Madsen and celebrated voice actor Robbie Daymond, stories will include timeless classics as well as brand-new tales.
Little Stories for Tiny People
* Website: <http://www.littlestoriestinypeople.com/>
Little Stories for Tiny People is a podcast featuring narrated children's stories and poems.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free
Live from Mount Olympus
Full Cast Children's Folklore Anthology
When a young goddess strikes out on her own for the first time, she is pulled into a terrifying journey, and must find her power in the darkness. Her mother fights to get her back – and the fate of all humanity lies in the balance.
Love, Diana: Musical Mysteries
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
[The] podcast Love, Diana: Musical Mysteries will take you on a clapping, stomping, bubble beat finding adventure to The Land of Play! From musical sound safaris to dinosaur mayhem in Blocktropolis City, you'll never want to miss a mystery!
Lucy Wow
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Lucy Wow is a brilliant 11-year old tinkerer and maker driven by the question “what if?” as she designs and makes cool mechanical inventions. Some are epic...others are epic fails!
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Mackaroy Uncovered
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
In the quiet Australian country town of Mackaroy, something really strange is happening. The School's principal has disappeared, the whole town's internet keeps crashing every night, and people are being watched. Someone, or something, is keeping tabs on everyone who lives there, and best friends Tang and Mitch are on the case.
Maked Up
Narrated Children's Anthology
Free “maked up” bedtime stories for kids, as told by a real dad to his young children. Dad makes these stories up as he goes.
This podcast contains no ads: just wholesome children's stories. Remember to subscribe for your kids!
Mama Lisa's World of Children and International Culture
* Website: <http://www.mamalisa.com/>
Mama Lisa's World of Children and International Culture offers a free audio reading of the L. Frank Baum story, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Additional Links
Maressa and Merlone: A Musical Fairy Tale
* Website: <http://www.musicalfairytale.com/>
Haunted by strange dreams, Princess Maressa sneaks into the forest to visit a hidden pool. As she stares into the water, a face appears. Frightened and unsure what it means, Maressa visits Weelo the wise woman who sends the princess on a journey packed with adventure. Five songs are integrated into the story. This audio drama is available to purchase on cassette. There are audio sam…
Marvelous Mysteries with Holly & Tinsel
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
Christmas wishlists are getting bigger and bigger, and the elves can't keep up! Join Holly and Tinsel as they travel far and meet interesting characters, all while they investigate the mystery of 'MORE'.
Marvels and Wonders
Narrated Children's Anthology
Marvels and Wonders is a podcast of original stories for kids. These stories can be enjoyed at bedtime, in the car, or wherever and wherever! The stories are all written, performed, and produced by Anna Beazer. The stories range from silly to sleepy.
Mary Farfisa's Outer Space Radio Theater
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Wacky outer space adventures and musical fun for kids, starring Mary Farfisa and her space-horse, Briscoe! Join Mary and Briscoe, as they travel the stars, searching for strange and beautiful music to share with the Universe! Written and produced by Jim Cheff.
Melon's House Party
Full Cast Children's Series
Welcome to Melon's House Party! Did you know that the objects in your house sing and speak all day long? They just do so in a key only dogs can hear. Enter, Melon, an eight pound dog with a thousand pound heart who is the key to a world that lives right under our noses! She lives in a world full of friends; an always singing record player, a soulless computer, her bookshelf therapist and many more. But her best friend in the world is Couch. No m…
Miles the Brave
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Thriller Series
Welcome to “Miles the Brave,” a captivating kids stories podcast where the ordinary meets the extraordinary! Dive into the adventures of Miles, an average kid who embarks on an anything-but-average journey into the heart of the jungle with his scientist parents. When they're unexpectedly separated, Miles stumbles upon an ancient, hidden world beneath the lush canopy—a realm filled with remarkable creatures and formidable foe…
Milky Way Underground
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Join siblings Lydia and Elijah on a fantastical, surreal journey through a mysterious dreamworld as they search for their missing father. A unique audio adventure about the difficulties and the joys of growing up and becoming yourself, fit for the whole family. Brought to you by TRAX from PRX.
Millennial Santa
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
KELF, the North Pole's radio station has been hacked by a human child! Join Sunny the Elf and Santa Claus as they give kids an exclusive look at what the North Pole is really like and continue their mission to spread Christmas cheer throughout the year!
Molly of Denali
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Meet Molly Mabray, an Alaska Native girl growing up with her parents, family and friends. Over eight episodes, Molly and her friend Tooey discover the identity of a mystery creature that has stolen Molly’s birthday cake. Join Molly and the gang and discover what life is like for a typical kid on big adventures in Alaska!
Molly Whiskers and the Blue Tentacle
Narrated Children's Mystery Series
Private detective Molly has an eye for detail and a strong moral compass. She's also a rabbit.
Her newest case involves a number of disappearing hamsters, but hot on their trail are Roscoe and Bailey, two of Fogsworth's finest police detectives
Moonie & Sparty Adventures
Full Cast Children's Series
Moonie is the new puppy in the Spencer family. While she figures out what life is like for a new dog on the block, her brother, Sparty, helps. Sometimes.
Moonie and Sparty Adventures is a show written and recorded by kids, for kids. When Moonie, an Aussiedoodle puppy, gets adopted into the Spencer family, she inherits a new toilet to drink out of, along with three rambunctious kids. Her emotionally unstable older brother, Sparty, needs…
Mr. E's Mystery Team
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
Mr. E's Mystery Team is an audio based show created by interactive theatre company 1UPSTARTS. Aimed at children between 6-8, the show helps to keep their minds engaged and creativity flowing whilst schools are closed and lock down is in place.
Mr. Eerie's Mystery Series
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
A family friendly podcast full of original and unsettling stories. Aimed at ages 9+, Mr. Eerie's Mystery Series connects you with Mr. Eerie's Disturbing Detective Agency, specialists in odd occurrences and otherworldly encounters. Listen in on Mr. Eerie's answering machine which contains mysterious messages from those seeking answers to unbelievable situations. Written by Kid's Lit author and podcaster Aaron Robbins, Mr. Eerie's …
Mrs. P
* Website: <http://mrsp.com/>
Mrs. P is a website devoted to encouraging children to read. In addition to its interactive games, activity guides, and resources for teachers and parents, it has a series of streaming video stories in which Mrs. P – played by actress Kathy Kinney – narrates classic childrens stories.
My Little Pony: The Podcast
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Join popstar Princess Pipp Petals and her trusty pony producer Jazz Hooves in the all-new podcast series, My Little Pony: The Podcast. With eight episodes filled with fun life lessons, music and guest appearances from all your mane friends in Equestria, everypony can learn how to make their mark and celebrate what makes them unique! It's going to be ICONIC!
Mysteries About True Histories
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Mysteries About True Histories (aka M.A.T.H.) is a podcast for kids where every episode promises an exhilarating mix of adventure, comedy, and educational exploration! Follow along as Max and Molly are recruited into a secret order of Problem Solvers who time travel while solving logic and math problems created by their arch nemeses, The Troublesome Trolls.
Nanhi Duniya
Narrated Children's Anthology
Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!
Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories that are never told before!
Nero's Class
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
A surreal audio odyssey, a modern-day folk tale, and a head-spinning school tour into the uncharted territories of... Mrunglody.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTrailer - Nero's Class
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/newpoliticalvoices>
newpoliticalvoices is a YouTube channel that features streaming video versions of readings from public domain works of literature.
adventure children drama horror mystery streaming
Nice to Meet You
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
On his private space station high above Earth, Professor Burkhead has begun conducting a ground-breaking social experiment. Each week, his “Unifier” pairs together two unlikely creatures and puts them in a room together where the two subjects (an accountant and a giant squid, one week; a porcupine and a ballerina the next, etc) talk, debate, get to know each other, and maybe learn something new about themselves in the process.
Night Light Stories
Narrated Children's Anthology
Night Light Stories is a podcast featuring original children's stories. These stories were all originally told by the friendly glow of a child's night light. We invite you now to share these stories with your own children, at night, in the morning, or anytime
Night Light Zone
Full Cast Horror Comedy Anthology
Turn your night light on for these thrilling and chilling (but not too scary) tales of intrigue and hilarity designed to entertain kids at bedtime or anytime. Where goosebumps meets funnybone! Perfect nightlight listening!
Noggle Stones
* Website: <http://www.nogglestones.com/>
Noggle Stones is a children's fantasy story, available as a free podcast audiobook.
Additional Links
* Podiobooks.com page
children fantasy free
NuBeat Music
* Website: <http://nubeat.org/ABListRS.html>
NuBeat Music is a Christian entertainment network that, in addition to other content, features full cast children's audio dramas, inlcuding several Christmas-themed titles.
children free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
Of Fae and Fiends
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Lizzie (10) returns to her ancestral home in Maine to make an amazing discovery: the woods behind the farmhouse contain a doorway to the mystical realm of Faerie.
But a dark storm looms over the horizon of Fae: Lizzie's Great-Uncle Carlow has enlisted a goblin army to conquer the World Tree, and has set his sights set on our world after
* Website: <http://www.ohrenbaer.de/>
Ohrenbär is a German radio program that features stories for children. Samples of the stories are available to listen to on the website.
children non-english
Old Radio Programs
* Website: <http://oldradioprograms.us/>
Old Radio Programs is an archive of classic radio shows, which are available to download individually or streamed as a playlist (for titles that have more than one episode). Titles are organized by category.
Once Upon A Crescent
Narrated Children's Anthology
Once Upon a Crescent is a collection of Islamic bedtime stories for children. Written and produced by a Muslim elementary school teacher, these stories aim to impart Islamic morals to kids through light-hearted storytelling. Not only are stories a great way to settle into a bedtime routine, but they also provide rich opportunities for meaningful dialogue between parent and child. Snuggle up with your little one and feel free to use this podca…
Once Upon a Meadow
Narrated Children's Series
ONCE UPON A MEADOW brings you gentle, uplifting tales about a community of plants and animals who live in a meadow and work together to flourish, despite their differences.
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Apple Podcasts
Once Upon A Time In Zombieville
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
'Once Upon A Time In Zombieville' is a podcast for the whole family. Originally created with visually impaired children at its heart, Zombieville provides a unique listening experience on a shared level for visually and non visually impaired kids and their parents.
Online Audio Stories
* Website: <http://www.onlineaudiostories.com/>
Online Audio Stories is a website that offers free classic children's stories and poems, presented in both written and audio form. Stories are read by Abigail Rice, and some titles are performed with sound effects and music.
Otherworld Media
* Website: <http://otherworldmedia.com/>
Founded in 1981, Otherworld Media produces audio theatre for children, as well as a series of audio theatre broadcasts for NPR, including The War Of The Worlds 50th anniversary production and the 100th Anniversary audio theatre adaptation of
Otter Space
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Two mismatched sea otters in search of new “paw buddies” must save Earth from an alien civilization which has outlawed all forms of playing.
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Pantochino Podcasts
Full Cast Children's Musical Anthology
Pantochino is excited to share its unique plays with a global audience by “Broadcasting 'Ridiculous' Worldwide.” Meet Pantochino Podcasts! Favorite stories adapted and written by Bert Bernardi with original music by Justin Rugg will be released in Fall 2019. Voiced by Pantochino's talented core company members, each podcast is a feast for listeners of all ages! Who does original musical theatre for a new generation of listeners? That'…
Patch the Pirate
* Website: <http://www.patchthepirate.org/>
The Adventures of Patch the Pirate is a religious-themed musical children's radio program that is broadcast on radio stations. Titles are available for purchase and the most resent broadcast is available to listen to online.
Paws & Tales
Full Cast Children's Series
Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and the lessons learned are entertaining and life-changing. On the radio each week or in your podcast player app, Paws and Tales helps children grasp essential life lessons in a fun and memorable way.
Peter Pan (Ballarat National Theatre)
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Ballarat National Theatre presents a dramatised audiobook of James M. Barrie's novel, Peter Pan. This adaptation — directed by Elizabeth Bradford, Olivia French and Marli van der Bijl and featuring a cast of Australian actors — explores the darker themes in Barrie's classic tale and brings them to life with music and sound effects.
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
On a warm summer day in Oxford, a young girl fell down a rabbit hole; contrarywise, another girl sprouted from the ground like a daisy.
Suddenly, life for Millicent & Mary Ann is abnormally normal — & there's only one thing either knows for certain:
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Enjoy humor, adventure, and drama in this fun mini-series starring two swashbuckling pirates as they venture to find hidden treasure. What they'll find will be worth more than either of them imagined...
Pixel Quest
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
The story of a young man who is looking to find his own path in a world of swords, special abilities, and adventure, even though he can't level up like his friends. Things change though, after meeting a gruff, rude fairy named Pork. Aiden and Pork embark on a quest to save the Four Heroes scattered throughout the world, and to stop a danger bigger than any of them could have ever imagined.
* Website: <http://podikins.fm/>
Podikins (also referred to as Podikins Presents... and Podikins Presents... Children's Stories and Family Activities for Kids, age 0-99!) is a children's podcast that aims to be entertaining for children and adults alike, featuring a mixture of storytelling and creative activities.
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/pollyanna/>
Pollyanna is an audio adaptation of the 1913 children's novel by Eleanor H. Porter about an orphaned girl who is sent to live with her aunt. This version is narrated by Phil Chenevert.
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Power Records Plaza
* Website: <http://powerrecordsplaza.blogspot.com/>
Power Records Plaza is a blog for fans of the classic Power Records children's recordings — many of which were spoken word stories — to freely trade and exchange audio files of the classic recordings. No buying or selling is permitted.
Professor Birthday Isn’t Famous
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
A Podcast Musical! You know Santa Claus, Cupid and the Easter Bunny, but you don't know Professor Birthday. And that is devastating! She's been making birthday parties all around the world – and now she has to make a podcast just to get some credit???
Professor Nasty: The Little Rikers Tapes
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
A hilarious spin off podcast from the hit show The Dastardly Deeds of Professor Nasty. Co-hosted by show creator Karl Harpur and Professor Nasty himself, they discuss movies, interesting facts, hilarious stories from around the world and read out listeners questions.
Professor Theo's Mystery Lab
Narrated Children's Superhero Series
The town of Splendid, West Virginia has a higher than average number of kid superheroes, giant bugs, time travelling teens, and much more bizarre activity. Professor Theo's Mystery Lab on the campus of Splendid University is somehow at the heart of it all. Though he doesn't like to divulge all his secrets, the Professor does enjoy sharing his hometown bedtime stories, sure to delight the young, imaginative one in your life.
Project ARI
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Follow the story of 10-year-old Ari, who's the world's first artificial intelligence prototype, as he tries to wrap his 'data brain' around the human experience. This series is funny and silly, with plenty of heart, and has been designed as a tool to help start meaningful conversations with kids about respectful behaviour.
Public Domain Universe
* Website: <http://publicdomainuniverse.com/>
Public Domain Universe is a podcast that presents audio adaptations of classic works of literature, with multiple narrators and occasional sound effects.
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PV Lundqvist
* Website: <http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/>
PV Lundqvist is a writer who has made his young adult book Not Just For Breakfast Anymore available as a free audiobook.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* Not Just For Breakfast Anymore Podiobooks.com page
children free
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Zoe Cross thinks she's found THE CURE. But someone — or some entity — big and powerful doesn't want it found. When she goes missing, it's up to All American Ry Astor, son of the richest man on earth, and his rag tag crew of friends, to find her. Their adventure uncovers a conspiracy that they must unravel in order to save the world!
R.L. Stine's Story Club
Full Cast/Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
From the mind of R.L. Stine, the creator of Goosebumps, comes a new series that will give you chills, make you laugh, and entertain like only R.L. Stine can. Join Ivy, the club president, as she takes listeners into the strange, the bizarre, and the frightening world of R.L. Stine. R.L. Stine's Story Club - let the thrills and chills begin! Starring Ariel Winter (Modern Family) as Ivy, R.L. Stine's Story Club is part of th…
Rachel & Sam Read a Story
* Website: <http://rachelandsamreadastory.libsyn.com/>
Rachel & Sam Read a Story is a podcast in which hosts Sam Gasch and Rachel Bieber read children's stories, while discussing the story throughout the reading, from an adult perspective.
Radio New Zealand Drama
* Website: <http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/drama>
Radio New Zealand Drama offers free full cast audio dramas and stories in a variety of genres.
children comedy drama free full_cast sound_effects
radio theater project
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/radio-theater-project>
radio theater project is a collection of full cast audio dramas in a variety of genres. The stories are performed by the Skagit Radio Repertory Company and produced at KSVR-FM in Mount Vernon, Washington.
Rainbow Surfers
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Join Clancy and his pals, Peter and Sophia, on a dazzling adventure in the Rainbow Surfers Podcast! When Clancy stumbles upon a magical portal, they ride a radiant rainbow straight into Lumino City—a land bursting with light, color, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Perfect for kids with big imaginations and parents looking for wholesome, fun-filled tales. Hop on the rainbow and let's light up the world of Lumino City together!
Reading Bug Adventures
Full Cast Children's Series
Let's Fly! Reading Bug Adventures is a story podcast for kids from The Reading Bug. Each episode is a new adventure with original songs – just hop into the Reading Bug's magic book bag, and we'll be transported to whatever time or place is in the books inside!
Reading Ranch
Narrated Children's Western Anthology
Cowboy Jackson reads stories from the Reading Ranch! Fun for all ages and family-friendly!
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Rogue Media Network
average_folksAverage Folkshellhound_countryHellhound Countryholiday_storiesHoliday Storiesned_hillsdale_private_detectiveNed Hillsdale, Private Detectivereading_ranchReading Ranchsleepytime_sheepytimeSleepytime Sheepytimeterrifying_talesTerr…
Readings from under the Grapevine
* Website: <http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/grapevine>
Readings from under the Grapevine is a podcast by Ancient Faith Radio, which offers several different podcasts that seek to promote Orthodox Christianity. It is a series of religious stories aimed at a young audience.
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFMTN2BCi7Svw9BwjueYGgAc1bfM_O6k2>
RetroRobotRadio is a YouTube channel that, among other content, presents streaming video versions of classic audiobooks from animated televisions series, such as Transformers and GoBots.
children full_cast science_fiction sound_effects streaming
Revenge of the Creeps... and Other Scary Stories
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Revenge of the Creeps... and Other Scary Stories is a collection of scary stories by a 6 year old author, Natalie, who is obsessed with creating and sharing her scary stories with other children. These stories are for other children (ages 3 and up) who love the feeling of getting scared from spooky stories. In addition to sharing her stories, she also shares her experiences as she travels to haunted places a…
Rock Pool
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
A 6-part audio play for children aged 4-8 (and grown ups!) narrated by Gillian Burke, presenter for BBC Springwatch.
A big storm leaves two very different creatures stranded together in a lonely, little rock pool. Prawn and Crab must learn to get on swimmingly if they're to survive hunger, boredom, deadly seagull attacks, and each other. All this whilst unexpectedly forming the world's most banging underwater rock band!
Room Time
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
Pip & Chuck go on whimsical (and sometimes musical) adventures in this children's podcast for ages 3-6.
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children full_cast musical podcast series
Saints Alive
Full Cast Children's Religious Anthology
A radio theater podcast for kids that tells the stories of the saints like never before! Geared towards children ages 6-12, this podcast is full of adventure, heroism, virtue and humor. The stories of the saints for your little saints in the making. Come listen with your family and friends!
Sandy Pops
Narrated Children's Anthology
Delightful animal adventure stories for children A Pocketful of Animals
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(M4A File)
anthology children narrated podcast
Santa Claus Conquers The Martians
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRt0p9e1Ky8>
Santa Claus Conquers The Martians is an audio adaptation of a comic book based on the 1964 American science fiction film of the same name, which is noted for being considered one of the worst films of all time but has gained a cult status. The audio versions was originally released as an LP record in 1966. It is available as a streaming YouTube video and also features a link to a…
Santa's Podcast
Narrated Children's Christmas Series
Santa Claus delivers a special message in his podcast beginning on December 1st and each and every day until Christmas. Children will enjoy stories and answers to their questions, such as how does Santa get into homes without chimneys and what is Mrs. Claus' name?
Santa's Summer Sleigh
Narrated Children's Christmas Series
It was Christmas Eve, and Santa was stuck! Arriving in New Zealand, his reindeer had quit. Rudolph couldn't handle the heat and returned to the North Pole, sleigh in tow. So, Santa called on the children of Australia and New Zealand to help him rebuild his new sleigh. What follows is a magical story of Santa's journey Down Under, made possible by the creative imaginations of kids.
Saturday Morning Media
* Website: <http://www.saturdaymorningmedia.com/>
Saturday Morning Media is a network of family-friendly podcasts and videos by the creator of The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd.
Among its offerings is an audio drama show titled Saturday Morning Theatre which features several different series.
Saturday Morning Theatre
* Website: <http://www.saturdaymorningmedia.com/shows/saturdaymorningtheatre/>
Saturday Morning Theatre is a childrens audio drama podcast by Grant Baciocco, the creator of The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd. Each serialized episode features a family-friendly, full cast production. Episodes so far include superhero and western stories. A new episode is released each Saturday.
Scary Stories for Kids by Kids
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
We will tell you true scary stories and not true scary stories. Don’t be scared! All of the stories are told by kids!
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Science Adventure Stories For Kids
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Amazing adventures hosted by Simon, the one and only Fact Finding Frog! Totally full of true facts, excellent sound effects, cool music, and Simon's jokes!
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Secrets of the Wooden Door
* Website: <http://micechat.com/44370-secrets-of-the-wooden-door/>
Secrets of the Wooden Door is a lighthearted horror audio drama that was broadcast on the Window to the Magic podcast, which discusses Disney theme parks and resorts. This audio drama is based on the Haunted Mansion attraction at Disneyland. It was originally broadcast in 2006; this recording is from a rebroadcast in 2013.
Ship of Myths
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Welcome aboard! Its time to raise anchor as we sail across the seven seas with the Master of Myth-chief himself - the Captivating Captain Teruk, debonair and pirate extraordinaire! Collecting ancient legends filled with wonder and adventure
Short Stories and Tall Tales with Tracy Farquhar
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
An exciting assortment of fictional stories specially created for children.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleClaire Halliday, Treasure Hunter
Short Stories for Kids: The Magic Factory of Story Telling
Narrated Children's Anthology
Hey Guys! Welcome to Short stories for Kids! I'm Lucy and me and my team of writers, Simon and Alex will turn your ideas in to a short story every week!
Silly Old Bear
Full Cast Children's Series
Silly Old Bear is an audio drama adaptation of A. A. Milne's beloved Winnie-the-Pooh. It's made as much for young children as their older siblings, and parents, and grandparents. If you grew up with these stories - or if you just want something cute, light hearted, and fun to keep you company - this audio drama is for you!
Silverbell Smith and the Music Makers
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
You really ought to know about Silverbell Smith, for when she closes her eyes she hears music. Now this is odd you see because Silverbell Smith lives in a world where music does not exist. Or at least that is what the Governing Governor says. Music is a Myth. Myths are like lies. Lying is bad. Everyone seems to believe what the Governing Governor says, except of course for Silverbell Smith. She knows better, for n…
Sleep Tight Stories
Narrated Children's Anthology
Sleep Tight Stories produces for you two calming bedtime stories every week. Stories that promote wonder and creativity and fire young listeners' imaginations while helping them drift off to sleep with ease. They are just the perfect length, are safe for kids of all ages, and feature originals and classics that never grow old. Our stories add a little happily-ever-after to your bedtime routine. Sleep Tight!
Snoop and Sniffy
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
What happens when Snoop, an experienced dog detective from London, gets sent to small-town Pflugerville to train clueless puppy Sniffy as an undercover agent? Mystery! Adventure! And CHAOS! Seriously – the town of Pflugerville isn't dullsville like Snoop expected and he quickly realizes that he can't handle all the action without Sniffy by his side. Even when they're able to turn a blind eye to the alien superheroes and villains battling i…
Narrated Children's Anthology
Welcome to Snoriezzz, a children's mindful bedtime stories podcast hosted by “Snory godmothers” Marcia Gay Harden and Natalie Peyton. Each episode combines beloved tales with meditations and affirmations to help families wind down and bond at bedtime. Explore magical stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling, and Jack and the Beanstalk, all blended with thoughtful tips to help nurture brain development and guide you in creating a cherish…
Sodor Island Audio Productions
* Website: <http://www.sodor-island.net/sifproductions/audio.html>
Sodor Island Audio Productions is a website devoted to fan fiction stories based on the children's television series Thomas The Tank Engine, about the adventures of anthropomorphized locomotives on a railway system located on the fictional Island of Sodor. The website features a section dedicated to full cast audio productions. The website also features audio stories based…
Sophie and Sebastian
Narrated Children's Series
Welcome to the wonderful world of Sophie and Sebastian. These whimsical and delightful stories are sure to delight the whole family. Written in the nonsensical style of A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh, every adventure provides clean, family-friendly enjoyment without being preachy or overly moralistic. In each story, Sophie and Sebastian learn something new about our wonderful world. They also make some wonderful and unusual friends, including the…
Sound Detectives
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
LeVar Burton presents SOUND DETECTIVES – a funny, engaging, and thought provoking podcast that invites elementary school-aged kids to explore the magic and mystery of sound.
Breaking News – Across the globe, sounds are mysteriously going missing! Waves aren't crashing, crickets aren't chirping, and the familiar jingle of the ice cream truck is a distant memory. Follow Detective Hunch (Vinny Thomas) and his new sidekick Audie the Ear (Jes…
Sparkle Stories
Narrated Children's Anthology
Sparkle Stories produces original audio stories for families around the world.
Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we'll be sharing a Free Story from one of our Original Story Series!
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Spooky FM
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
A new radio station has mysteriously appeared in Ireland in time for Halloween - Spooky FM! It's most terrifying show, Scare Me If You Can, is hosted by Uncle Vlad, a vampire from the heart of Transylvania, and Zombetty, surprisingly chipper considering she's been dead for 100 years. It's time for the children of Ireland to turn the tables and scare the devilish duo with their own tales of terror! Filled with werewolves, witches, evil fairies and s…
Spooky Tales For Edna
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Spooky Tales narrated by Sir Sinister. The strange and unusual stories that will leave you wide eyed and covered in goosebumps. Why not take a listen ... if you dare! Perfect for little ears that like a little spooky spiel.
Spooky Troop: A Very Scary Christmas
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
With 'Scary Christmas' quickly approaching, all of the United Netherworld is ushering in the “season of greed”. That is, until the “misfit monster kids” discover the true meaning of Christmas. In this thrilling holiday special called Spooky Troop: A Very Scary Christmas, the Spooky Troop kids work together to bring the message of joy, love and giving, not taking, to the citizens of Asterlin. Filled with mystery, action…
Spooky Troop: The Last Halloween
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
In a world ravaged by an ancient monster race-war, a group of young tween supernatural friends from different backgrounds, codenamed “Spooky Troop”, come together to try and restore peace and harmony between monster kind. In this thrilling holiday special called Spooky Troop: The Last Halloween, the Spooky Troop kids discover the Demon King's plan to wipe out the pitifuls (humans!) on Halloween
Spyology Squad
Narrated Children's Thriller Series
Welcome to “Spyology Squad,” the thrilling kids podcast where science meets espionage in a world of “spyience-fiction”! Join the intrepid trio—Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim—as they embark on gripping missions to thwart Dr. Stinkybreath and his devious Purple Ninjas. Each episode of this dynamic kids podcast is a blend of exhilarating adventure and intriguing science, perfect for young minds eager to learn and explore.
Stoopkid Stories
Narrated Children's Anthology
Stoopkid Stories is a compilation of fun and exciting stories written by Melissa Victor. Each episode, a new character will face a new adventure and will have to overcome different obstacles dealing with their friends, family, school, and community. These stories are perfect for children in grades 3rd and up. I hope that you will enjoy these stories and that they will be a great way for you to start conversations with the children in your life.
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
STOR14S is a podcast featuring short stories for children, all submitted by the general public as part of a Yahoo writing competition held during the 2020 Coronavirus Lockdown.
We are proud to partner with Yahoo! to present STOR14S, a children's fiction podcast series supporting our coronavirus initiatives. Listen to stories read by acclaimed actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel Brosnahan, David Oyelowo, Zoe Saldana, Jeff Daniels, T…
Stories for Kids
* Website: <http://kids.smarttutor.com/>
Stories for Kids is a podcast that presents short narrated stories and educational segments for children, followed by questions designed to inspire further thought about each topic and story.
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Stories From Across The Universe
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
While playing a game of hide and seek, young Jack stumbles upon a spaceship in his father's old workshop. By accident he gets trapped inside and launched into space. Now the boy is stuck in isolation with only the ship's computer to talk to. The only way to pass the time is to listen to the ship's immense library of stories from across the universe.
Stories from the Borders of Sleep
Narrated Children's Anthology
A semi-regular podcast since March 2011, featuring original stories, fantastic fables and curious tales written and read by your host, Seymour Jacklin. Each episode is from 8-18 minutes long and takes the listener on an imaginative and thought provoking journey. Aimed at adults but very suitable for children, too.
Stories Mother Told
Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology
Stories are a big part of the African culture and growing up in the city of Port-Harcourt, these stories shaped my childhood. Times are different now and these bedtime stories which were passed down through generations are not as popular with children as they once were. This podcast aims to bring these stories to the new generation of African children and introduce everyone else to these wonderful stories from the motherland. The less…
Stories Podcast
Narrated Children's Anthology
On the Stories Podcast, we perform a new story for your children every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit and even completely original works. Everything is G rated and safe for all ages. The perfect kids podcast for imaginative families. Whether you're driving with your children or just want to limit your kids' screen time, Stories Podcast delivers entertainment that kids and…
Stories with Michael
Narrated Children's Anthology
Listen to stories made up and told on the spot by Michael Gordon. As an English teacher, Michael finds himself often having to make up stories on the spot, to keep his classroom kids entertained. His stories have become so popular, that he has now decided to share them with you! Please rate and leave comments on the site to encourage more stories to be released.
* Website: <http://www.storiesnow.com/>
Storiesnow is an archive of free stories, in both written and audio form. It offers a selection of old time radio shows, featuring episodes of children's fairy tales, Lux Radio Theater, X Minus 1, and several Sherlock Holmes mysteries.
Story Fort
Narrated Children's Anthology
Audio stories for kids! Imagination igniting stories that will inspire your children and make them smile.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleImagination Imogene and a Day in the Clouds
anthology children narrated podcast
Story Globe
Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology
Take a trip around the globe one tale at a time. Listen to traditional children's stories from around the world, in English and the languages where the stories were first told. Come to Vietnam to meet the coconut kid, sail to Ethiopia to hear about the wedding of the cats and the rats. Head then to the Punjab and meet the little rascal who grows up to be a hero. Or travel to China and hear the tale of the magical paintbrush, before flying awa…
Story Hour Audio Adventures
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Story Hour Audio Adventures is a series of podcast audio adventures featuring original stories by author Michael Taylor. These professionally produced 30-90 minute stories are perfect for long trips, bed time or just some nice quiet family time.
Story Pirates
* Website: <http://www.storypirates.com/podcast>
Story Pirates is a podcast that takes children's ideas for stories and performs them as comedic audio dramas.
Additional Links
* iTunes link
* Megaphone website
children comedy free full_cast original_music sound_effects
Story Quest
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Original stories for kids and families, suitable for all ages. New episodes every week! Story Quest episodes are perfect stories for the car, bedtime stories, or as a way to unwind.
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Story Space
Full Cast Children's Multigenre Anthology
Get ready to launch into Story Space! Original kids stories written and performed by three friends from three different corners of the world.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Pirate Who Couldn't Say Arrrr
Story Spectacular
Narrated Children's Anthology
Join children's book author/illustrator Angela Ferrari for a Spectacular weekly children's podcast with original stories and classic retellings. Stories come alive through colorful music, lively sound, and fun characters. Listeners will recognize familiar faces like Humpty Dumpty and discover new friends like Digger the Dog. These spectacular stories are sure to delight listeners of all ages and ignite the imagination within.
Story Story Podcast
Narrated Children's Anthology
Fairytales, stories and folktales from the mouths of storytellers around the world. For parents, children, families, librarians, teachers and people who are obsessed with “once upon a time” and
Story Submarine
Full Cast Children's Multigenre Anthology
Hello, explorers! Join us on the Story Submarine, a new podcast where children's books are transformed into audio adventures. From the savannas of Africa to the coasts of Puerto Rico, experience an immersive auditory journey that the whole family can enjoy! Produced by The Drag, an audio production house based in the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin.
Story Time - by Kids for Kids
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to 'Story Time by Kids for Kids,' a children's podcast where young voices bring to life a colorful world of adventures and life lessons.
Each episode features a delightful story, read by kids for kids, designed to inspire, educate, and entertain. Our narratives are not just fun and engaging, but also woven with important life lessons that foster empathy, resilience, and imagination.
Story Time for Kids!
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Kid friendly stories to entertain and educate from a budding 10 year old podcaster!
From daring adventures to unexpected twists. Get ready for a range of emotions that will keep you engaged the whole time.
Story Trails
Full Cast/Narrated Children's Comedy Anthology
Story Trails: the podcast for children and grown-ups to enjoy together!
Come and visit the mystical menagerie, hear the latest from the boggle kingdom, discover the Withersnap, get the low-down on good pixie boat design, and see if you can find out why the tooth fairy wants our pearly-whites.
Story Train
Narrated Children's Anthology
Story Train tells a new story every week for ages four and up. Every episode is completely original, perfect for bedtime or quiet time, G rated, and safe for all ages. It's the perfect podcast for families that love imagination. Listeners board the Story Train, then head through the magical train tunnel leading to places all around the globe for stories from every corner of the world.
Storyberries Radio
Narrated Children's Anthology
Storyberries Radio features stories that you can read at Storyberries.com. All of our stories are free to read online! We offer quality bedtime stories, fairy tales, short stories, picture books, poems for kids, chapter books and comic books.
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Storyland is a podcast with kids' stories for children of all ages. Discover new worlds, adventures, and magic that brings the imagination to life! Everything from original bedtime stories written by the podcast creator to the retelling of classic children's books and fairy tales, Storyland is a great way to stay entertained and enchanted in a clean environment where anything is possible. Storyland is safe for kids and fun for the whole famil…
* Website: <http://storynory.com/>
Storynory is a collection of free audio stories for children.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free
Storytelling by Mr. Howerton
* Website: <http://mr_h.podomatic.com/>
Storytelling by Mr. Howerton features readings of Rudyard Kipling's Just So children's stories.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
children free
Storytime Treasure Chest
* Website: <http://www.radionz.co.nz/collections/storytime-treasure-chest>
Storytime Treasure Chest is a collection of children's stories broadcast on Radio New Zealand and available to download and listen to on its website.
children free
Storytime with the Springs
Narrated Children's Fantasy Anthology
I've been writing stories for my children for years and now I want to share them with you. Each episode tells a part of a much larger story that all together makes up the epic tale called The Iris Chronicles. It's where a young girl from a remote fishing town discovers her magical heritage and her destiny to save the world.
Stray Ami
* Website: <http://universeinthebox.com/strayami>
Stray Ami is an audio drama series about an imaginary dog and his real life friend, a little girl who created him. It is produced by Universe In A Box.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* SoundCloud page
* Tumblr website
children free full_cast original_music sound_effects
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals
Full Cast Horror Comedy Anthology
Famous horror authors, living and dead, tell stories around the campfire. A comedy-horror anthology based on Bitter Karella's Hugo-nominated microfiction.
Super Kids Audio Stories
Narrated Children's Superhero Series
The podcast starring real kids with customized stories about their adventures as a superhero. Written and narrated by A.L. Knox.
RSS Feed
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Adventures of J.J. Right #1 -
Supergreat Kids' Stories
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Supergreat Kids' Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105...
RSS Feed
Suzie Pugh
* Website: <http://suziepugh.com/>
Suzie Pugh (also refereed to as Suzie Pugh and a Monster Too) is a full cast audio drama about a young girl who befriends Smert, an alien who lives in her garden shed. It is available as a podcast and also for purchase on compact disc.
Swamp Mysteries
Narrated Children's Horror Series
Charley, Oscar, Robbie and Jules are ordinary 12-year-old kids. That is, until they uncover the long-lost treasure map of the notorious pirate, Jean Lafitte. Soon, a couple of greedy alligator hunters are on their tails, as are the ghouls from the nearby swamps who will do anything to protect the treasure. If Charley, Oscar, Robbie and Jules are going to make it out alive, they're going to need more than luck. They're going to need the help of…
Søren Banjomus' Jul
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
Søren Banjomus har sat sig for, at musene skal ha den bedste jul nogensinde - men det er ikke så let, når der ikke er mad at spise. Derfor må Søren Banjomus, Lille Tim, Musanna og Smut ud på eventyr for at redde julen. Det kan godt blive farligt, men som Søren selv siger:
Take 10
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrflajMPaUwLi8JOvnh6bKA>
Take 10 is a YouTube channel that presents streaming videos of different types of short stories with accompanying images: horror stories, children's stories, and spoken word relaxation exercises.
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Tales & Trails
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Welcome to Tales & Trails - the podcast where imaginative tales come to life! Join host Cat and her family as they take you on a magical journey through a world of modern kids stories. Unleash your creativity and let your imagination soar as you listen to these fun and interactive stories that are sure to captivate young minds. Get ready for adventure, laughter, and inspiration as Cat and her kids share their own unique creations and emb…
Tales and Tails
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Meet Bobo and Beatrix, best friends who LOVE to share tales and stories, especially about their lives. Join them throughout their adventures and undertaking!
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Apple Podcasts
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Tales from Mugglesby Town
Narrated Children's Anthology
A collection of children's stories set in Mugglesby Town, written and performed by the Reeve family.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTales from Mugglesby Town - Cyril's Story
anthology children narrated podcast
Tales from the Lilypad
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Lily, a frog, tells fairytales, folk tales and bedtime stories to kids.
RSS Feed
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleMom and Pop's Bunny Burrow and Egg Shop
anthology children multigenre narrated podcast
Tales from the Moosiverse
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Deep in the woods of Maine, Montgomery the Moose was stuck. And so begins... Tales from the Moosiverse! This weekly series will explore tales of moose, mice, dragons, frogs and an Unpredictable Horse as they attempt to fix magic and save the world from being turned to chocolate. Ideal for family listening; kids from 4-11 will all enjoy and create their own tales.
Tales from Willow Grove
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Stories have the power to bring us together. A profound story can transform, transport, and change lives. At Tales from Willow Grove, our goal is to bring the magic of storytelling to life — to make storytelling magic with words, narration, music, and soundscapes.
Tales of Davey Jones
* Website: <http://www.talesofdavyjones.com/>
Tales of Davey Jones is a full cast audiobook about the Jones family, who have a long legacy of fantastic naval adventures.
children for_sale full_cast original_music sound_effects
Dead Link
This link was reported dead on April 28, 2018.
Tales of Time
* Website: <http://www.talesoftime.co.uk/>
Tales of Time is a website offering audio stories for children. Each story is narrated by Abigail Rice and includes sound effects and music. Stories are available for purchase as digital downloads and audio samples are available to listen to on the website.
Tales of Zendaria
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Tales of Zendaria is a Young Adult fantasy-fiction audiobook, which chronicles the adventures of reluctant Princess April and her canine companion Willow through the ancient Kingdom of Zendaria. Magic, mystery and mirth await! Written and narrated by Alexander Worth.
Tall Grass
Narrated Multigenre Anthology
Join me as I adventure into the world of TTRPG content creation!
Tall Grass is an umbrella show of all my passions, which includes but not limited too:
Abby and Friends! -A wholesome adventure following Abby the Abra and her Pokemon friends as they go on wild adventures!
Tall Tales With Alex
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Tall Tales With Alex is an audio story service for children between ages of 3 - 10.
Tall Tales With Alex will take your family on adventures through the weird and wacky, across the whole universe.
Tara Tremendous
Full Cast Children's Superhero Series
After accidentally receiving the powers of every superhero, Tara Callahan must learn how to control her newfound abilities and embrace her destiny to become the most powerful being in the universe. While her powers will make her extraordinary, it's her heart that will make her a superhero to the world - and beyond.
Tell a Tale
* Website: <http://www.tellatale.eu/>
Tell a Tale is the website for storyteller Richard Martin, who specializes in telling traditional folk tales from different cultures. He has recordings of his stories available for purchase, as well as a collection of streaming videos of his spoken word performances.
Tell Me a Story Mom
Narrated Children's Anthology
A little girl asks her momma to make up stories that mention her favourite things and characters.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleGhosts, Bears, & Candies
(M4A File)
anthology children narrated podcast
Tell Us A Tale
* Website: <http://www.tellusatale.com/>
Tell Us A Tale is a syndicated radio show of children's stories. Each week's episode is available to listen to on the website and there is an archive of some previous stories.
children free
Terrifying Tales
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Each short story is family-friendly and ready to listen to by anyone! The stories are spooky, but not TOO spooky for little ones and grown-ups alike!
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Apple Podcasts
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The 6th Grade Story Teller
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
6th grade ELA teacher, Mrs. Erickson, reads novels for students so they can follow along and understand the plot better.
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleThe 6th Grade Story Teller (Trailer)
The Adventures of a Young Pirate Queen
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
When her brother Donal is taken by magic, no one believes young Grainne. Determined to save him, she sets out on what becomes the adventure of a lifetime with her best friend Flaherty and her loyal dog Madra.
The Adventures of Candy and Bar
Narrated Children's Series
Kids come up with the story idea, and their mom tells a creative tale incorporating their ideas. Follow the fictional adventures of girl and boy twins, Candy and Bar (short for Candace and Barry, of course). Each stand-alone episode dips into Candy and Bar's lives at different ages, different locations, and follows whatever prompts these young minds dream up. This impromptu collaborative storytelling is fun for ages 2 and up. Parents …
The Adventures of Emi and Keiko
Narrated Children's Comedy Series
This is a kid and teenager adventure series based in Tokyo, Japan. Two girls get into exciting and inventive situations of their own making. Both currently the pampered and adored only child, they find out they soon will have siblings. Terrified - Kowai!
The Adventures of Power Dog in Dogland!
Narrated Children's Series
The Adventures of Power Dog in Dogland Podcast is a serialized fiction story for kids, told in 15-35 minute audio episodes for families with kids aged 4 and up. The story centers on Power Dog, his family, and friends in a world called Dogland. Power Dog and his pack work out problems together, help each other gain compassion for new creatures they meet, and discover powers they didn't know they had. They use mindfulness techni…
The Adventures of Red Knight
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Join Red Knight on his adventures across the magical kingdom of Kingdom! These fun stories are for children of all ages and their families.
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Apple Podcasts
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The Adventures of Willy Wonka: Wonka In Loompaland
Full Cast Children's Series
A fan fiction podcast celebrating the wondrous world of Willy Wonka. Join Willy as he explores strange new lands and meets the Oompa Loompas for the very first time. Inspired by the books, celebrating over 50 years of the movie, and in anticipation of the new prequel - these first 3 episodes explore the tale of what might have happened in the years before he reopened the chocolate factory. ADVENTURE • SUSPENSE • a …
The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian
Narrated Science Fiction Series
The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian is a serialized science-fiction story for kids (start with Episode 1), told in 15-20 minute episodes for parents to put on when driving around town, or to marathon on road trips, or to bond over before bed. The story centers on Finn Caspian, an 8-year-old boy aboard The Famous Marlowe 280 Interplanetary Exploratory Space Station. He and his friends Abigail, Elias and Vale are Explorers Tr…
The Baby Animals Podcast
Narrated Children's Series
Fun and sweet short stories to enjoy on your drive, before bed, or anytime! For the young and the young at heart. Come have adventures with me and my baby animal friends! Let's go!
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The Boy's Adventures
* Website: <http://theboystory.podomatic.com/>
The Boy's Adventures is a serialized podcast children's fantasy story.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
children fantasy free
The Brinkman Adventures
* Website: <http://www.brinkmanadventures.com/>
The Brinkman Adventures is a 12-episode series of adventure stories for children that offer religious viewpoints. In the series, the fictitious Brinkman family go on a series of adventures. While the stories themselves are made up, each is based on a real adventure that a religious missionary experienced.
The Cabinet of Curiosities (Greenwillow)
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Scary short stories for ages 8 and up. Each week, one of the four authors reads from their collection The Cabinet of Curiosities: 36 Tales Brief and Sinister, by Stefan Bachmann, Katherine Catmull, Claire Legrand, and Emma Trevayne.
The Casagrandes Familia Sounds
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
You know her from The Casagrandes, now Ronnie Anne has her very own podcast! In each episode, Ronnie Anne will give you a taste of what it's like to live in the big city with her big, loving, multi-generational Mexican-American family. Whether it's Ronnie Anne's tour of the city's hotspots, Hector's musical history of the Casagrande family, or Carl's guide to starting your own dog washing business
The Cat In The Hat Cast
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
Hold on tight and prepare to be whisked away on a weekly adventure with Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat! In a world full of delightful mix-ups and exhilarating mayhem, the mischievous Cat takes the reins and enlightens the ever-cautious Fish on the art of hosting a perfectly poised podcast. Featuring alphabet song sing-a-longs, tremendous tongue-twisters, and wondrous wordplay, you'll be left guessing what surprises The Cat will pull o…
The Ceiling Fan
* Website: <http://www.ceilingfanpodcast.com/>
The Ceiling Fan is a satirical Adventures in Odyssey fan podcast.
Adventures in OdysseyThe Ceiling Fan
The Ceiling Fan
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
The Children's Book of Christmas Stories
* Website: <https://librivox.org/the-childrens-book-of-christmas-stories-by-various/>
The Children's Book of Christmas Stories is a collection of Christmas short stories. Each story is in the public domain and includes selections from authors such as Charles Dickens and Hans Christian Andersen.
The Christmas Stories (Chimes Radio)
Narrated Children's Christmas Anthology
Christmas is around the corner and the cold wind is already blowing! To keep you warm, Chimes Radio brings a special collection of short, feel-good stories by our amazing team. These Christmas stories are for everyone who is looking for some holiday cheer, especially at this time of the year. So wrap yourself up, snuggle up with your loved ones, pour in some hot chocolate, and enjoy these heartwarming stories of Sant…
The Classified Casefiles Of Theodore D. Baer
Narrated Comedy Thriller Series
The Classified Casefiles Of Theodore D. Baer is a comedy podcast for children.
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Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleEpisode 01 - A Young Dame Calls
children comedy narrated podcast series thriller
The Cramazingly Incredifun Sugarcrash Kids Podcast
Full Cast Children's Series
Join Mr. Josh and Robyn the Bird as they travel to the wonderful Isle of Hooglafair and interact with a cast of strange and surprising characters over a plethora of topics relevant to kids and families! Each episode includes imaginative stories, educational topics, real kid interviews, original songs, and more! The Cramazingly Incredifun Sugarcrash Kids Podcast is geared for children, but grownups will love it too!…
The Creeping Hour
Full Cast Children's Horror Anthology
Beware, these scary stories will transform you! The Creeping Hour is a horror anthology series hosted by the Creeps, three friends who listened to so many scary stories that they turned into monsters themselves.
The Cryptid Catalog
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
Welcome to the Cryptid Catalog! Your place where creepy parents and strange kids can learn all about the things that go bump in the night together! Every other week Korina and Killian open the Cryptid Catalog to explore all that the world of the paranormal has to offer!
The Dark Is Rising
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Fighting against evil in a time-travelling midwinter family drama. A gripping journey through a frozen landscape... and an unending epic battle against the forces of “the Dark”. On midwinter's eve, 11-year-old Will Stanton discovers he is an ancient being and guardian of
The Dastardly Deeds of Professor Nasty
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
The Dastardly Deeds Of Professor Nasty is a hilarious scripted comedy podcast about an 8 year old evil genius who wants to take over the world.
Season one centres around Professor Nasty's escape from Little Rikers High Security Daycare where he teams up with his little brother Phillip to fulfill his life's ambition: turning all the good kids of the city
The Dr. Epicopolis & 1102 Show of Shows
Full Cast Children's Superhero Series
A meta comedy audio series following supervillain Dr. Epicopolis, the self-proclaimed 'genius of all evil' who plots to destroy Earth's superheroes with his loyal but terribly mistreated slog, 1102.
The Endangered Files
* Website: <https://www.endangeredfiles.com/>
The Endangered Files is a children's audio drama about a panda investigator who works on the behalf of endangered animals. The audio drama is available for purchase on compact disc or as digital audio files. Samples are available to listen to on the website.
The Epic of Fic
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
What would you do if you had the power to make anything with your mind? Imagination takes flight in this epic story of a young hero who battles an evil dragon to save his people and a special power they wield.
The Fairy Tale Lady
* Website: <http://thefairytalelady.blogspot.com/>
The Fairy Tale Lady is a podcast that offers readings of children's fair tales.
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* RSS feed
children free
The Fina Mendoza Mysteries
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
It's “The West Wing” meets “Nancy Drew” - a podcast for girls and political junkies.
Legend says whoever sees the Demon Cat of Capitol Hill is cursed. Fina Mendoza, the 10-year old daughter of a congressman, just saw it. Can she save her family from
The Flown Sky
* Website: <http://www.theflownsky.com/>
The Flown Sky by Matthew Olshan is a children's story that has been made available as a free digital audiobook.
Additional Links
* Podiobooks.com page
* Podiobooks.com RSS feed
* Podiobooks.com iTunes link
children free
The Folktale Project
* Website: <http://www.folktaleproject.com/>
The Folktale Project is a podcast by Dan Scholz, who reads short folk and fairy tales from various cultures and authors.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* SoundCloud page
children fantasy free
The Goblin Chronicles
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Young Adult Fantasy Audiobook touching on themes of displacement, family and childhood.
When the elves come to Ruraux, a goblin and her child are forced on a journey that will change their lives and the world they live in for ever.
The Great Floating Paper Balloon Radio Show
Full Cast Children's Multigenre Anthology
A team of balloonists have failed on a trip to the moon and are now hopelessly trapped circling the earth, with nothing to eat but sardine-flavoured Hula Hoops and nothing to do except tell each other stories
The HappyGoLukky Podcast
* Website: <https://happygolukky.com/>
The HappyGoLukky Podcast is a podcast in which a group of friends act out a stories, suitable for all ages, using the rules of tabletop role-playing games. Episodes are accompanied by occasional sound effects and music.
The Haunted Underpants
Narrated Children's Comedy Series
How would you react if a pair of underpants suddenly started speaking to you? And not only speaking but also scheming, plotting and generally being quite underhand and sneaky. This is the preposterous situation that young, dull, moss-loving idiot Gunston finds himself in throughout The Haunted Underpants, a rip-roaring comedy adventure featuring wizards, Granddads, enemies, ferocious mothers, shetland ponies and, of course, underpants. …
The Hilarious Youth Podcast
Full Cast Children's Comedy Anthology
Welcome to The Hilarious Youth Podcast! We feature original works of fiction performed by kids, for kids. The stories on this show are the products of our voice acting and performing arts media classes at Hilarious Youth. Each was written to reflect the ideas and comedic sensibilities of the students (ages 9-12) and adults who participated in their creation. The target audience for this show includes kids between ages 8 and 13 …
The Hole Book
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GFh3dvq520>
The Hole Book is a reading by Yvonne Korana of a classic children's written in 1908 about a speeding bullet that passes through a city, affecting a number of people. It is presented as a streaming YouTube video with accompanying illustrations from the book.
The Hollow (Gen-Z Media)
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
Commemorating the 200th anniversary of Washington Irving's “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” The Hollow is a modern take on the timeless story of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman. When three 6th graders at Sleepy Hollow Middle School stumble upon a real-life ghost story, they find themselves on the trail of the Headless Horseman himself. Is he truly a terrifying ghoul, or has he been misunderstood for all these years?
The Imaginary Accomplishments Podcast
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/imaginary-accomplishments>
The Imaginary Accomplishments Podcast is a comedic children's audio drama series by Todd McHatton that presents a mixture of episodic storytelling and original songs.
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The Incredibly Spaced-Out Adventures of Jupiter Jackson
* Website: <http://www.jupiterjackson.com>
The Incredibly Spaced-Out Adventures of Jupiter Jackson is a comedic audio drama album by children's music artist, Eric Herman. The album features several extended tracks in the comedic radio drama style, as well as shorter interludes, satirical advertisements, and public service announcements. The website includes sound samples of several tracks as well as the full-lengt…
The Infinite Imagination of Lucas Lazuli
Narrated Children's Series
Stories for ages 9 to 11, but fun for the entire family.
Join Laz and his tight-knit group of friends as they forge their friendship in the trials of everyday life with one invisible, yet highly disruptive problem: The Infinite Imagination of Lucas Lazuli!
The Interlopers
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
In a world all but destroyed by its extravagantly consumptive human inhabitants, the future is looking horribly grim for all earth kind. In another world, unknown alien allies have been vigilantly monitoring planet earth’s rapid decay. The time has come to intervene. The Humans will be freaked out.
The Kedou Kids Pod
* Website: <http://www.jtwgroup.com/>
The Kedou Kids Pod is a series of children's stories about a little bear named Kedou.
children free
The Lake Shore Four
Narrated Children's Series
Join four siblings on their lakeshore adventures at their grandparent's lake house as they solve silly mysteries together. These stories are designed to build friendship, respect, and kindness between siblings. Each adventure features two boys and two girls who are brothers and sisters. Meet Zoe the oldest, who is creative and shows great leadership. Meet Gus who is adventurous and brave. Meet Pax who makes friends easily and is an encourager. Me…
The Land of Atheria
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
The Land of Atheria is a girl's adventure storybook podcast that follows two young princesses who witness the cataclysmic shattering of a rainbow comet one night which sends them on an adventure throughout Atheria to find ten unsuspecting heroes that can save their land.
The Laundronauts
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
A fantasy adventure podcast series that answers the question: Where do the missing socks go? [...] this modern day fairytale [...] boasts 10 episodes, 12 original songs, and 5 hours of ear-to-ear entertainment. Written, directed, and executive produced by Colin MacKenzie Mitchell, the show stars the late great Ed Asner, in one of his final performances, and John Cameron Mitchell, creator and star of Hedwig and the Angry Inch. [
The Library Fairy
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Join the community of kids, parents, teachers and librarians who love to listen to dynamic children's stories from around the world in this weekly fantastical funcast! Immerse in the ancient art of storytelling accompanied by an array of instruments, sound effects, music and song.
The Life of a Hair Scrunchie
Narrated Children's Series
The Life of a Hair Scrunchie Children's book, now narrated and released in podcast form. Perfect as a Bedtime Story or Bath time story.
It seemed as if Madison and Abigail would never get to leave the Wal-Mart hair supply aisle until one day a miracle occurred. After being purchased by the young Annabelle Dakota, Madison and Abigail experience new adventures such as attending middle school, going for a scary swim, being lost, and many…
The Magic Miner's Lantern
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
When Bolsover orphan Samuel discovers the magic lantern his Father left him can transport him to a magical world called Lumina, he has the best winter ever. As the Ice Queen, becomes upset by the warmth and joy that the lantern gives out, she decides to freeze the whole town over. Making it one of the worse winters anyone has experienced. Can Samuel with the help of his friend Nancy defeat the Ice Queen? Will the town thaw in …
The Magic Sash
Full Cast Children's Historical Fiction Series
The Magic Sash is a journey back in time hosted by gold-medal gymnast and advocate Aly Raisman. Join Lotty and Isaiah, two very modern fifth graders as they meet iconic heroes of the movement for women's right to vote and experience big moments in women's suffrage first-hand. They'll learn that what women (and men) fought for — women's full political equality — isn't dusty history at all.
The Music Box
Full Cast Children's Anthology
On a stormy night a Loremaster finds a magical Music Box that transports its listeners to a land full of adventure and wonder.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Little Girl and the Dragon, Part 1
The Mysteries of Corkuparipple Creek
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Jo, forced to come up with a brilliant idea for an upcoming essay exam, detours into the bush on her way to school to find inspiration. She stumbles into two unusual creatures by the banks of the Corkuparipple Creek. Jo's dream to discover anything not yet discovered may be realised. This could be the discovery she has been yearning for and great subject matter for her important exam. The mystery of Corkuparipple C…
The NoNap Podcast
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
A short series of spooky and wholesome tales for children.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleTeaser - The NoNap Podcast
(M4A File)
anthology children horror narrated podcast
The Owlsteins Rhyme Time
Narrated Children's Series
The Owlsteins Rhyme Time is a whimsical podcast series chronicling the lives of a sweet owl family told in rhyme and narrated by author Stewart St John. Each short-form episode features an original score and sound effects that take listeners deep inside the Owlstein family's magnificent treehouse located on Mount Hickle Huck Peak where Ollie the dad, Olympia the mom, Olivia the daughter and Owen the son live, love and laugh together. Filled …
The Peepkins
Full Cast Children's Series
Anna Faris, Maulik Pancholy, and Diedrich Bader star in this fully scripted kids story podcast. With original songs this show is perfect for screen-free listening for the whole family — just in time for the holidays.
The Pinkwater Podcast and Audio Archive
* Website: <http://www.pinkwater.com/>
The Pinkwater Podcast and Audio Archive is the website of Daniel Pinkwater, who offers (among other content) free readings of short stories, including children's stories.
The Plop
Full Cast Children's Comedy Anthology
A sketch comedy podcast for kids 8 - 13 years old. Every week host Larry Dobbs combs the farthest reaches of the internet and plays auditory oddities, curios of sound, and blasts of the bizarre.
The Purging Of Ruen
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/the-purging-of-ruen/>
The Purging Of Ruen is a young adult story by Thomas Corfield, who has made it available as a fee digital audiobook. The story involves “animals acting like people (albeit bizarrely) in a recognizably conventional world
The Purple Rocket
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
An award-winning kids podcast full of fun and adventure! Travel the world with twins Sawyer and Suzie using their Grandpa's magical globe, explore the universe aboard the Space Train, fly with fairies, spend the summer with dinosaurs at Camp Dino, and so much more! The Purple Rocket produces exciting audio adventures the whole family can enjoy! Each season is a unique, originally written series, so find a season that sounds fun and di…
The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd
* Website: <http://www.doctorfloyd.com/>
The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd is an comedic, family-friendly audio and video series done in the style of old time radio.
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* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children comedy free full_cast sound_effects
The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified
* Website: <http://eleanoramplified.com/>
The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified is a children's audio drama series about a radio reporter who goes on adventures in pursuit of “The Big Story”
The Rat King (Sleep Tight Media)
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
In “The Rat King,” the story picks up where “Cat City” left off. Susan has been having bad dreams, and without Tucker there to comfort her, she fears something terrible has happened. Tucker has been ordered to stay in Cat City and fulfill his duty as a gatekeeper, but it feels like the council is trying to keep him from his friend. Susan's nightmares turn out to be real, and when Tucker discovers that Susan has been kid…
The Reading Well
* Website: <http://www.readingwell.com/recordings.html>
The Reading Well is an online store that specializes in childrens books. It also offers several series of streaming audio recordings featuring stories about historical figures and events.
children history streaming
The Santa Daily
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
Santa Claus is telling us what he's doing in the lead-up to December 25th and is chatting about all the things he likes most about his favourite time of year. (Hint: Mince pies.) We're also hearing what's happening in the world of Fun Kids, the UK's children's radio station, including bits from their brand new pantomime, Adventures in Pantoland!
The Scribblers Story Project
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Hello Scribblers, we're glad you're here! The Scribblers Story is a children's fantasy-adventure audio drama that invites kids to engage with deep questions and explore biblical storytelling through the power of imagination. With high-quality production and charming characters, we know that you and your little ones will love adventuring with The Scribblers.
The Search for the Silver Lining
Full Cast Children's Fantasy Series
Embark on a magical journey with Isla, a young girl with big dreams and an even bigger heart! In a town not unlike your own, Isla's quest for adventure leads her to a mystical world where wizards, knights, and legendary figures come to life. With each episode, Isla faces challenges that test her courage, wit, and spirit. But with her magic lucky penny and the wisdom of the enigmatic Merlin, she learns to find the positive in…
The Secret Garden (The Greasy Utterson)
Full Cast Children's Series
A long form, audio drama, adaptation of the classic children's tale by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Trailer
The Greasy Utterson
secret_garden_the_greasy_uttersonThe Secret Garden (The Greasy Utterson)christmas_carol_the_greasy_uttersonA Christmas Carol (The Greasy Utterson)
children full_cast podcast series
The Secret Wood
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Peter Burroughs is unexpectedly transported through the magic of an old picture book into The Wood.
It is a place where a child can dance on the clouds, brave a tremendous flood, or climb a mountain tall enough to touch the sky.
The Semi-adventures of Sheila
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
Meet Sheila, a 9 year old restless rockhound, who gets in trouble...a lot. While grounded she discovers her rock collection has the power to transport her through space, time and reason! Join her as she embarks on a quest through the Islands of the Longago Sea, searching for the leftovers she needs to get back home.
The Shadow of the Hook
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Wolfgang Wimmers reads The Shadow of the Hook - a fantasy novel for children 8+ and for those few adults that haven't forgotten that magic (and mayhem) truly exist... in the hidden. A most daring adventure; join Oskar and his sister, Rosa as they help two new friends - Ash (a broken-winged fairy) and Quilby (a young gnomeling wizard) escape from their pursuer, the Grobble - a crazed and vicious troll with only one thing on his mind
The Space Programme
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
A small Scottish island is shocked to find itself home to a brand new space program. When two tech entrepreneurs announce their plan to make one of the local kids the world's first child astronaut, nothing is ever the same again.
The Special Twin Sisters
Full Cast Children's Superhero Series
There are sisters in this world who are not like all sisters. These are powerful and special. But does 11-year-old Holiday know that? No. She doesn't even know she's one of them ! Join Holiday and her dog, Nugget on an exciting journey of mystery and adventure today !!!!
The Spy School
Narrated Children's Thriller Series
Do you like mystery and suspense? Then come join The Spy School!
RSS Feed
Listen to a SampleEpisode 1: Time for class
(M4A File)
children narrated podcast series thriller
The Story of Captain Charlotte
Narrated Children's Fantasy Series
Welcome aboard! Join Captain Charlotte and her crew on a fantastic voyage of mystery, magic, and intrigue in this serialized, nautical, fantasy podcast for big kids and adults.
The Story of Egmo
* Website: <http://www.egmo.co.uk/>
The Story of Egmo is a free children's audiobook about a young misfit who unearths the secret plans of a would-be criminal mastermind.
Additional Links
* iTunes link
children free
The Story Slot
Full Cast Children's Anthology
The Story Slot features adaptations of traditional stories and fairytales, performed by a small group of performers. Narrated by Jane Grandle. This podcast is brought to you by J Dyer Productions.
The Terrible Misadventures of Trixie and Gorgon
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
Welcome friend, to a dark tale for a dark time. The story of a young witch, a strange goblin, a demon-hunter with a thirst for vengeance, and the fateful Halloween night when one baby will unite them all. Welcome, to the Terrible Misadventures of Trixie and Gorgon.
The Three Explorers
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
The Three Explorers tells about Adit, Laras and Uncle Juna who are going to explore the national parks in Indonesia. There, they will meet Indonesian typical animals that are critically endangered. During the expedition, they have to deal with some cases of environmental issues caused by both natural factors and ignorant humans. Adit, Laras, and Uncle Juna won't give up easily. They are determined to protect the environment and the crit…
The Trolls of Lake Maebiewahnapoopie
* Website: <http://www.podiobooks.com/title/the-trolls-of-lake-maebiewahnapoopie>
The Trolls of Lake Maebiewahnapoopie by jeff white (lower case name is intentional) is a children's fantasy story that has been made available as a free audiobook.
The Upside Down Story
Narrated Children's Mystery Anthology
Welcome to The Upside Down Story! With most stories, the storyteller introduces themself at the beginning of the tale. But here at The Upside Down Story we turn everything flipsy flopsy upside downsy! You aren't going to know who is telling you this story until the very end – unless you guess sooner, that is!
The Villes
Narrated Children's Series
The Villes - A series of whimsical illustrated children's stories aimed at 6 to 10 year olds, written by BBC TV Property expert Martin Roberts from Homes under the Hammer. From Tiredsville and Windyville, to Coldsville and Boredsville, the Magical bus takes Herman and the reader on a journey of fun and intrigue. [
The Weirdness
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Welcome to The Weirdness... Middle-schoolers Arlo and Sierra host a podcast dedicated to exploring unexplained phenomena like the Loch Ness Monster, the yeti and the chupacabra. But they've never actually witnessed any of it—until they track down an unusual caller who turns out to be none other than Bigfoot himself. Turns out, the Weirdness is real, and it's everywhere! Arlo, Sierra, and Bigfoot (aka Beef) set off on a mind-blowing adven…
The Willow Creek Bunch
Narrated Children's Drama Series
Matthew (9), Caleb (7), and Finley (5) live in Byjove, North Carolina, with their parents (Anne and David Bryson) and dog (Sneaker). Matthew and Finley enjoy team sports and playing with their friends and Caleb prefers to play with Sneaker and work on science projects. In their backyard is Willow Creek, which passes through Willow Creek Park (the Bryson's favourite hangout). Across the creek are Max and Jake Campbell, their best friends.
The Wind In The Willows (Cork City Community Radio)
Narrated Children's Series
Sit back, relax, and enjoy this Cork City Community Radio Production of The Wind In The Willows.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleThe Wind In The Willows - a Cork City Community Radio Production (Trailer)
The Witch in the Woods (Zombie Burrito Productions)
Full Cast Children's Horror Series
The Witch in the Woods is a family friendly horror podcast. The story follows four children as they seek out the witch in the woods on a dare. They befriend her and her familiars: a fastidious dog named Barnaby and a snarky cat named Grimalkin. To prove to their friends that they've visited the witch, Barnaby and Grimalkin tell them supernatural stories and spine-chilling tales. As Season One unfolds, the c…
The Wonderful Lizard
Narrated Children's Comedy Series
L. Frank Baum's classic book but I've replaced the word “Wizard” with the word “LIZARD”.
Educational. Relevant. A Masterpiece.
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleIntroduction to the LIZARD
The World Of Buddy Pegs
Full Cast Children's Series
The World of Buddy Pegs is a series of free original children's audio stories for families who want to share the inspiration and empowerment of bicycling with the next generation.
Each episode starts at the local bike shop Buddy Pegs which is run by two dogs who are on a mission to bring the power of the bicycle to all the animal characters who reside in the fictional town Spokesville.
There's No Such Thing!
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/theres-no-such-thing/>
There's No Such Thing! is a childrens story by Jeanette Cottrell, who has made it available as a free digital audiobook.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free
This Podcast Has Fleas
Full Cast Children's Comedy Series
What happens when rival pets have dueling podcasts? Find out as Jones (Jay Pharoah), a slick cat with a taste for auto tune, faces off with Waffles (Emily Lynne), a dog who can't help chewing her microphone.
Thomas & Friends Storytime
Full Cast Children's Series
Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends Storytime, a new kids' podcast series featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! With new episodes, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favorite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more.
Tilda and Quatsch Monster
Narrated Children's Urban Fantasy Series
TILDA AND QUATSCH MONSTER is a children's fantasy novel for the ears, about a bored kid and the weird magical monster she meets outside her family's new apartment. The shapeshifting creature has the power to turn Tilda's imagination into reality, transforming everyday challenges into wild adventures.
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
The Ventura twins are yanked into another dimension where they meet a distant cousin who gives them an extraordinary mission: travel through time to preserve their culture's true history. Along the way, they meet people from Africa, Europe, and the Americas who have left their mark on Puerto Rican heritage. In the twenty-first century, Alexa and Beni navigate school, friendship, and family while keeping their time-traveling quests a secret…
Todd: Big Boy Detective
Full Cast Comedy Mystery Series
Todd may only be eight and a half years old, but he's convinced he's a hardboiled, straight-shooting, Big Boy Detective! With the help of his friends and his witty sidekick, Leo the Stuffed Lion, Todd solves everything from simple backyard enigmas to huge and fantastical mysteries.
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
Annie Warbucks and Agatha Hannigan, two names forever connected by events that made one of them the richest girl in the world...and sent the other to prison.
Tomorrow is an original, scripted series set in a post-pandemic New York City, five years after
Treasure Galaxy
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Welcome to “Treasure Galaxy,” an exhilarating kids podcast where the vastness of space meets the thrill of adventure! Join MC, the daring junior pilot for the Space Alliance, and her loyal friends, Zeke and Malachi, on a quest across the cosmos in search of the elusive Solar Diamonds. This kids podcast is a universe of excitement, mystery, and exploration, perfect for young listeners who dream of distant galaxies and interstellar adv…
Treasure Island 2020
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
James Hawkins helps his mom run a motel in modern day Montauk, Long Island. But when a mysterious man washes up on the beach with a treasure map tattooed on his chest, James discovers that Billy Bones is, in fact, a time traveling pirate from the 18th century. James and his new friends, Morgan and Max, follow the map right into a magical portal that leads them back nearly three hundred years and back into a swashbuckling adventure.
Full Cast Children's Mystery Series
School friends Morgana and Alfie are looking into a notorious cold case: the mysterious disappearance of local eccentric Odd Colin from their Lancashire town in 1972.
As Morgana and Alfie doggedly pursue their investigation they'll encounter pirates, vampires, aliens and secret agents, and interrogate them all in order to get to the truth!
Tune Tales
Full Cast Children's Musical Series
Tune Tales with Kit'n'Tenders is musical story-based podcast for kids exploring the world of classic kids songs. Each episode, our heroes, the girlband, Kit'n'Tenders aka Gabby La La and The Ukulady, meet famous characters from the classic kids songs, like, the Muffin Man, Twinkle the Little Star, Miss Mary Mack, etc
Two Part Tales
* Website: <http://www.twoparttales.com/>
Two Part Tales is a podcast that presents narrated stories in a variety of genres aimed at young listeners.
Additional Links
* SoundCloud page
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* YouTube channel
children free
Unabridged Classic Audio
* Website: <http://www.youtube.com/user/AudiobooksMP3>
Unabridged Classic Audio is a YouTube channel that offers streaming video version of (mostly) classic literature and poetry in a variety of genres.
adventure children drama horror streaming
Uncle Cadaver's House of Horrors
Narrated Children's Horror Anthology
A dark fairytale podcast, for young children, that follows different boys and girls as they learn of the strange, confusing, and disturbing aspects of life. The show is hosted and narrated by everyone's favorite creepy relative: Uncle Cadaver.
UnTrue: An (un)true crime podcast for kids
Full Cast Comedy Mystery Series
UnTrue: The Underdogs is a [hilarious] (un)true crime fiction podcast series that's both a fun mystery for kids AND a 'true crime' comedy for grown-ups!
Over 8 weekly episodes, kids and parents alike will be drawn into the gripping and hilarious mystery of 'The Cat Burglar' as investigated by true crime dogcaster Trudie Poodle and the second-best detective agency in Dogtown – The Underdogs! Each week Trudie and The …
VeggieTeens - The Valentines Day Dance
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/user448122/veggieteens-the-valentines-day>
VeggieTeens - The Valentines Day Dance is a fan fiction audio drama based on the children's animated series VeggieTales, featuring anthropomorphic fruits and vegetables.
Voices in the Dark
* Website: <http://voicesinthedark.com/>
Voices in the Dark presents free audio recordings of public domain stories.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
children free horror mystery science_fiction
Voices In The Wind
* Website: <http://www.voicesinthewind.ca/>
Voices In The Wind produces full cast audio dramas in a variety of genres that are heard on the radio and podcasts. The website has information about their production with brief audio samples.
We Read Nonsense
Narrated Children's Anthology
We love literary nonsense.
RSS Feed
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample#1 - Edward Lear - The Pobble Who Has No Toes
Buttons & Figs
buttons_and_figsButtons & Figssemi_adventures_of_sheilaThe Semi-adventures of Sheilawe_read_nonsenseWe Read Nonsense
anthology children narrated podcast
Weird and Whacky Stories by Shawn P. B. Robinson
Narrated Children's Multigenre Anthology
Here's your chance to hear some of Shawn P. B. Robinson's stories read aloud by the author! Dive into the hilarious world of Arestana, the wild stories of Jerry the Squirrel and the whacky adventures of Annalynn the Canadian Spy!
Welcome to Tinsel Town
Full Cast Children's Christmas Series
After making a wish on the Christmas Star, Holly finds herself popping in and out of Tinsel Town, a magical place where it's Christmas every day. But after getting stuck there, her friends – a giant candy cane, a mysterious ornament, and a polar bear Queen – need to band together to help her get home. As things start to fall apart in Tinsel Town, the curmudgeonly Conductor accuses Holly of ruining Christmas and does everything in hi…
Wellspring Academy
Full Cast Children's Series
Before a person is born, all their emotions head off to Wellspring Academy, School for Emotional Understanding. There they learn all about themselves so that they can be the best emotions ever, for when their person is born! Created by an experienced Family Counsellor this podcast is designed to take you and your child, or maybe just you and your inner child
Whale Strike
Narrated Children's Series
A magical eco-fable for children. Every year the whales journey across the oceans and face many dangers, but who would have thought that the biggest threat of all is plastic bottle top. Listen to the story of what the whales sang
What If World
* Website: <http://www.whatifworldpodcast.com/>
What If World is an improvisational storytelling podcast for children, that answers imaginative questions from listeners.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free sound_effects
What's Poppin' Penny?
Full Cast Children's Urban Fantasy Series
Penny is a preschooler who discovers that an ancestral poem holds the key to unlocking the magical secrets of a teddy bear passed down from her grandpa, which is filled with her family's history. With the love and support of her family and two special friends, Penny learns that she is never alone in navigating the big feelings that come with being a little kid. When things get tough, she can always turn to those who care for her,…
Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?
Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
From Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids comes Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?: A for kids-by-kids four-part fictional audio adventure. When Chet and Cap Chickadee go missing after a trip to Brazil to study Amazonian wildlife for the podcast Devon is left worried. Then he gets a text from an email number with a recording of the first part of Chet and Cap's (mis)adventures. What happened to them? Who is the mys…
Whit's End
* Website: <http://www.whitsend.org/>
Whit's End is home to the Adventures in Odyssey series of religious-themed audio dramas for children, created by Focus on the Family.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
Wired for Books
* Website: <http://www.wiredforbooks.org/>
Wired for Books is a production of Ohio University that includes interviews with authors and readings of stories and poetry.
children drama free
Wireless Theatre Kids
* Website: <http://www.wirelesstheatrekids.co.uk/>
Wireless Theatre Kids is a partner website from The Wireless Theatre Company that focuses on stories for children.
children free full_cast
Wizard of Darjeeling
Narrated Children's Thriller Series
This is the story of three friends-Firoz, Arjun and Ben - collectively called the FAB Team. They are students of Bishop High Boarding School in Darjeeling and are simply inseparable. This time, they discover an ancient secret while playing a school tournament and are then required to show extreme courage and teamwork to tide over the challenges that they face.
Wonder Tales: Adventures of Imagination with Mom and Me
Narrated Children's Anthology
Welcome to the enchanting world of “Wonder Tales: Adventures of Imagination with Mom and Me!” Join us as we embark on a magical storytelling adventure where a mother and her imaginative 5-year-old daughter bring fantastical tales to life.
Wondrous Wyatt
Narrated Children's Anthology
Wondrous [adjective] Remarkable and extraordinary
Welcome to Wondrous Wyatt!! A cozy and happy podcast where we share our favorite children's stories! Thanks for listening and we hope you have a WONDROUS day!
* Website: <http://www.wordplayeducation.co.uk/>
WordPlay is a UK-based organization that encourages and instructs children to produce and perform short works of audio drama. Their productions are available to listen to online.
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Full Cast Children's Thriller Series
Logline: Due to an evil plot that has wiped out written language and is causing spoken language to fade from memory, special agent spy kids must race against time to collect and archive known vocabulary before it is lost forever! Description: Wordtastic is a comedy vocabulary development podcast primarily intended for children aged 8-14. The show provides multiple exposures to content-rich vocabulary terms in the context of a fun story of spies …
Xpression Presents
* Website: <https://www.mixcloud.com/XpressionPresents/>
Xpression Presents is a series of full cast audio dramas in variety of genres, with special themed shows for Halloween and Christmas, produced by Xpression FM.
children comedy drama full_cast horror sound_effects streaming
Your Story Hour
* Website: <http://www.yourstoryhour.org/>
Your Story Hour presents children's stories with religious themes.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free spiritual
YourClassical Kids Storytime
Narrated Children's Anthology
Welcome to YourClassical Kids Storytime from American Public Media, offering classic stories with a classical twist. Each episode features our storytellers recounting childhood favorites along with related classical music.
Zap to the Future
Narrated Children's Science Fiction Series
Welcome to the adventurous world of Zap to the Future! Join Zap, a 10 year old Boy Scout and expert rock climber, as he journeys across time to help future civilizations overcome some amazingly silly challenges. Zap applies lessons learned from school, family and scouts, to help a variety of fun future characters. A robot president in 2076? A digital Octillionaire, owning half the Milky Way? Gombie Invasions? Find out how history ha…
ZBS Foundation
* Website: <http://www.zbs.org/>
ZBS Foundation is a non-profit arts organization that was founded in 1970. They produce audio drama stories that are comic and cosmic adventures, science fiction, mystical mysteries - some with spiritual wisdoms woven within.
Zhero - The secret of water
Full Cast Children's Science Fiction Series
Follow us into the magical and enchanted atmosphere of Venice, to meet Giada, Serafina, and Michele - three inseparable friends that have been catapulted into a mysterious race against time in search for a machine capable of producing clean energy from water
ŠKODA Legends of the Land
Narrated Children's Folklore Anthology
Once upon a time, Ireland was home to many legends of the land. Celebrating the history of this ancient isle, ŠKODA's children's audiobook series will tell the stories of some important female legends, so their legacies will continue to live on. ŠKODA Ireland is proud to serve the next generation of little legends on their own journeys through life.