A Christmas Carol (1960)
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5B2E42CD2CA98644>
A Christmas Carol (1960) is an full cast recording of Charles Dickens's famous holiday story, starring Sir Ralph Richardson as Ebenezer Scrooge, and Paul Scofield as the narrator. The original recording was released in 1960. It is presented as a series of streaming YouTube videos.
A Christmas Carol 2011
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/lennylyons/a-christmas-carol-2011>
A Christmas Carol 2011 is a full cast audio drama adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic Christmas story, produced by Florida radio station WWBA AM 820 News.
drama free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
A Christmas Carol: A Radio Drama
* Website: <https://www.wnyc.org/story/christmas-carol-radio-drama/>
A Christmas Carol: A Radio Drama is a full cast audio drama adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic Christmas story, produced by New York Public Radio station WNYC.
Mark Linn-Baker
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
AfterLife is an audio drama that follows the story of three souls after their untimely deaths. Before they know it, they're swept up in a world of dark politics while simultaneously dealing with their own personal journeys of self-discovery. This adventure is sure to leave hearts broken, barriers shattered, and afters
* Website: See below
Afterlives is a comedic audio drama series that follows a group of souls as they travel through the many realms of the afterlife, encountering danger, adventure, and a host of supernatural characters.
Angel and Demon
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/user-128784253/angel-and-demon-ssog-thephantompunk046-t2f>
Angel and Demon is a short (just over four minutes long) amateur audio drama about an angel and demon trying to influence an inept man as he takes an exam.
comedy full_cast spiritual streaming
Animal Underground
Full Cast Children's Series
Not far from here at the end of a dusty road is an old farm. Beyond that farm is a pasture and on the far side of the pasture is a fence and that fence is the boundary between the world of humans and the world of the forest. And this forest my friends is where the adventures of Ravi Raccoon and the Animal Underground.
Another Christmas Carol
* Website: <https://soundcloud.com/lyssahester/radio-drama-another-christmas>
Another Christmas Carol is an audio drama based on the Charles Dickens's classic story A Christmas Carol. In this version, miserly restaurateur Nebuchadnezzar Huge is visited by three “
Aram Schefrin
* Website: <http://aschefrin.libsyn.com/>
Aram Schefrin is a writer who has made his stories available as free audiobooks. Several of his stories are based on historical events.
Consider The Elephant
A historical fiction novel about John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, as told by his brother Edwin. The story is soaked in the ambiance of life in the American theater in the mid-nineteenth century, and lays out in detail the path Wil…
Audio Bible
* Website: <http://www.audio-bible.com/>
Audio Bible offer a full reading of the Bible in Real Audio format.
free spiritual
* Website: <http://audiorising.com/>
AudioRising.com is a website and podcast with the goal of writing and producing “recovery related” audio drama, with a focus on spirituality. It currently offers an audio story titled The Wrong Armor
* Website: <http://www.audiotreasure.com/>
AudioTreasure offers a audio versions of the King James Bible and other religious texts in several different languages as free MP3 files.
Additional Links
* Free Christian Audio Books
free non-english spiritual
Be Not Afraid
Narrated Comedy Series
An incompetent angel is running a podcast, and you are an unsuspecting prophet. Hosted by Enoch – the Metatron, archangel and voice of God. One of a kind, he is the only mortal to have been employed by God and turned into an angel. Now his main job is to report on important and historical events, broadcasting these to mortal prophets across time and space. Come along on his journey as he quickly forgets primitive concepts like the linear progression of tim…
Bible Broadcasting Network
* Website: <http://www.bbnradio.org/wcm4/english/RadiobrBroadcast/Programs/ProgramsOnDemand/tabid/3256/Default.aspx>
The Bible Broadcasting Network airs several series of religious stories and dramas. They are available to listen to online when they air on broadcast radio.
spiritual streaming
Bible Dramas
* Website: <https://www.jw.org/en/publications/audio-bible-dramas/>
Bible Dramas is a series of full cast audio dramas by the Jehovah's Witnesses, which present both biblical and modern religious stories. The audio dramas are available in a number of different languages.
Bible Stories My Kids Love
Narrated Children's Anthology
Bible stories are brought to life in Bible Stories My Kids Love!
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a SampleJesus Spits
MB Linder
bedtime_stories_my_kids_loveBedtime Stories My Kids Lovebible_stories_my_kids_loveBible Stories My Kids Love
anthology children narrated podcast spiritual
Biblical Audio
* Website: <http://www.biblicalaudio.com/>
Biblical Audio is a website that offers free audio recordings of religious texts from various sources.
free spiritual
Cavalier Audio Plays
* Website: <http://cavalieraudioplays.weebly.com/>
Cavalier Audio Plays is a collection of audio dramas produced by Gemma Dwarwood, including scenes from unfinished productions.
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
Hen Night From Hell
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
* Website: <https://www.ccel.org/index/format/mp3>
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) seeks to make classic Christian literature widely available and promote its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers, and scholars. The CCEL accomplishes this by selecting, collecting, distributing, and promoting valuable literature online and through other media.
Clandestine: The Fallen Angel Saga
Narrated Urban Fantasy Series
The year of our Lord is 1984, and the angel Mathias has been killed by a demon named Nergal. Times are changing, the world is different Michael and Beelzebub are working through their differences and their similarities. To keep the peace they must be able to get through a trial, and keep their biases to themselves, and keep their people from killing each other.
Confessions of a Catholic Single
Full Cast Comedy Series
After 20 years of marriage, Cecilia is single again. Follow along as she is encouraged to data again by her priest best friend, his younger sister, and her next door neighbor.
RSS Feed
Additional Links
CTD Productions
* Website: <http://ctdproductions.blogspot.com/>
CTD Productions is a non-profit audio drama group. They have been operating since 2006 and to date have released twenty audio dramas, all of which are available to listen to for free on their blog.
Deep Dark
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
Dante, a poet, is going to a job interview. He gets the job but then goes to Hell. (A Dante's Inferno Retelling)
RSS Feed
Additional Links
Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample2.01: In The Beginning
fan_fiction full_cast mature podcast series spiritual urban_fantasy
Dennis Morrison
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFPZKY9g-6LtnolLImn7H2Q/videos>
Dennis Morrison is a YouTube channel that presents old time radio episodes from a variety of shows, readings from public domain books, and some original children's stories written by Dennis Morrison.
Down Gilead Lane
* Website: <http://www.gileadlane.org/>
Down Gilead Lane is a half-hour weekly radio program of biblical lessons for children.
Episodes are available for purchase on the website. Some episodes are available to listen to online.
children for_sale full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
Dreams Landing
* Website: <http://www.dreamslanding.org/>
Dreams Landing is an ensemble of artists and performers based in Portland, Oregon. They produce a collection of original full cast audio dramas that explore the “transcendent realm of myth and dream
Easter Story
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otR2RFEU-As>
Easter Story is a full cast audio drama about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, adapted from four canonical gospels of the Christian Bible. It is produced by KCOZ, College of the Ozarks Christian Radio, and performed by College of the Ozarks students and faculty and KCOZ staff. The production is available as a streaming YouTube video.
Enoch The Traveler
* Website: <http://www.enochthetraveler.com/audio.php>
Enoch The Traveler is a story about an immortal multiverse-traveling being who tries to regain his humanity. The story is written by Lady Soliloque and is available as a free full cast audio drama, downloadable from the website.
Full Cast Spiritual Series
In the midst of a ferocious thunderstorm, Joe and Nick, two no-nonsense Irishmen, are carrying a body into a cave for burial. It's a messy business, their wrapped-up friend having met a grim end. But their relief at getting out of the rain is short lived, when an earthquake traps them inside.
Evie Prince Series
Narrated Drama Series
Hello and welcome. Join me Victoria Wright, inspirational writer and series author as I narrate the Evie Prince Series. A fictional trilogy that tells the story of Evie Prince, a 40-something single woman who experiences a spiritual awakening. Her journey is one of beauty, discovery, and remembering her true self. Ego and fear have limited her world but leaps of faith and self love guide her to a life she never thought she could live.
Faith Comes By Hearing
* Website: <http://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com/>
Faith Comes By Hearing is an organization dedicated to producing and distributing free audio recordings of the Bible, in as many versions and as many translations as possible. They offer both narrated and full cast audio drama presentations of the Bible.
Faith through Horse Fiction
Narrated Drama Anthology
God gave Hilary a passion for horses, and she draws on it in her Christian writing. This podcast includes chats about her novels, author-narrated short stories and books. She hopes you find them entertaining and glean something useful from them.
Focus on the Family
* Website: <http://www.focusonthefamily.com/>
Focus on the Family is an evangelical organization that produces several religious audiodramas and radio shows. They produce a long running children's radio drama entitled Adventures in Odyssey
Get To Know Your Local Demon
Full Cast Horror Thriller Series
Evil cats? Possessed moms? Doorways to other worlds? Man, it's hard enough just surviving high school let alone saving the world! The Nightcrawlers, a group of social outcasts from high school that were thrown together by circumstances beyond their control, have the unenviable task of saving the world from demonic attacks with some cool gifts they acquire from a
God Talks to An Agnostic
Full Cast Drama Series
GOD TALKS TO AN AGNOSTIC is a 12-part audio play written and directed by Don Mays, and pitted against the backdrop of the racial and cultural issues of today. Featuring Rose Weaver and Don Mays in the titular roles, this innovative new work is a compelling exploration of the impact of religion on race, Black culture and a collective need for faith in something larger than ourselves. Presented by The Wilbury Theatre Group, in collaboration with …
Gospels of the Flood
Narrated Spiritual Series
The world is sinking. Slowly, day by day, the continents are vanishing under the waves. This is the age of the Flood.
In a city by the sea, a priest admits to himself that he has lost his faith. He would like to believe in God, but he simply can't. Lost and alone, he sets out to find his brothers. Did they keep the faith?
Great Plains Radio - A Christmas Carol
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RbvpFZ55NY>
Great Plains Radio - A Christmas Carol is a live full cast performance of Charles Dickens's famous holiday story. It is available as a streaming YouTube video.
drama full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
Heaven's Conflict - The Rise and Fall of Angels
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/heavens-conflict-the-rise-and-fall-of-angels-a-novel/>
Heaven's Conflict - The Rise and Fall of Angels is a religious fantasy story by Bill Rockwell, who has made it available as a free digital audiobook.
Additional Links
Heavenly Host High
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
Angels, Demons, and Fallen Angels have been living in plain sight since the dawn of time. They walk like us and talk like us, yet they are powerful beyond our imagination. Follow Ari and Eriya as they are violently thrusted into this fantastic world, filled with new friends and adventures. Ride along with Rubi, 16 year old Angel and a friend of the boys, and the Spades as they do their best to catch them up to speed. It probably won't be fast …
Hell Is For Other People
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
In the Pride Ring of Hell, a bizarre phenomenon is causing panic among the denizens: sinners are mysteriously disappearing, and the population of Hell is dwindling. The once-bustling inferno is starting to feel eerily empty. The seven deadly sins—Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride—are inexplicably concerned. After all, without sinners, what's the point of Hell?
Holding Esther
* Website: <http://www.rivercrossorg.org/>
Holding Esther is a full cast audio drama series that deals with the topic of abused children and the caregivers that attempt to help them.
Additional Links
* SoundCloud page
drama full_cast mature_content sound_effects spiritual streaming
I Need A Miracle
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
In this original audio drama podcast, every episode is a prayer, some prayers are granted, and a prayer granted can upend the world.
Each episode, each prayer, is a single desperate moment of a life in another world. A world shaped by the divine. The voices we hear know an omnipotent being is listening. They know not all pleas are granted – but some are. And they believe in the benevolence of their god.
Ichthus Family Productions
* Website: <http://ichthusfamilyproductions.weebly.com/>
Ichthus Family Productions produce a series of family-friendly audio dramas with religious themes.
Lies and Otherwise
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Treasure Seekers
Additional Links
In Freedom's Cause
* Website: <http://www.infreedomscause.com/>
In Freedom's Cause is a full cast audio drama based on G. A. Henty's 1885 novel about William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, heroes of Scottish independence. It is available for purchase on compact disc or MP3 digital download.
In Our Image
* Website: <http://bsullivan79.com/intro.htm>
In Our Image is an audio novel that attempts to explain why the universe exists.
free sound_effects spiritual
In The Beginning
Full Cast Children's Folklore Anthology
Creation stories from around the world, dramatised for radio. An immersive audio adventure back to the beginning time...
Why are we here, how did we get here and who are we anyway? These profound questions have given rise to creation stories, shared across cultures and societies to help us humans make sense of the world and there are many commonalities between these stories. In the Beginning brings ten of these ancestral tales to lif…
Into the Light
* Website: <http://www.into-the-light.info/>
Into the Light is a dramatized musical about a woman who is tempted by the devil to enter the world of the occult and her struggles to escape it.
Additional Links
* YouTube video version
full_cast original_music sound_effects spiritual streaming
Jabez L. Van Cleef
* Website: <http://www.sustainyourspirit.com/>
Jabez L. Van Cleef is a writer who has made his works available as free audiobooks. His recordings mix spiritual stories with poetry and music.
All Is Beautiful: The Navajo Creation Story
jaguar j enterprise
* Website: <http://jaguarjenterprise.com/?s=audio+drama>
jaguar j enterprise is an independent producer of full cast audio dramas. The website offers the productions as streaming YouTube videos, as well as outtakes and commentary. There are sections devoted to the scripts used in the audio dramas and notes about writing.
James M. Becher
* Website: <http://jamesmbechersuniquenovels.blogspot.com/>
James M. Becher is a writer who has made his biblical fiction story Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times available as a free
Additional Links
* Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times iTunes link
* Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times Podiobooks.com page
* Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times Podiobooks.com RSS feed
* Of Such Is Th…
James Twerell
* Website: <http://www.jttwerell.com/>
James Twerell is a writer who has made his story I Am Adam available as a free audiobook.
Additional Links
* I Am Adam iTunes link
* I Am Adam Podiobooks.com page
free spiritual
Jewish Story Time
* Website: <http://www.chabad.org/kids/article_cdo/aid/1070681/jewish/Audio-Stories.htm>
Jewish Story Time is a collection of children's stories that offers a mixture of original productions and traditional Jewish tales.
children full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
JJ Dewey
* Website: <http://www.freeread.com/>
JJ Dewey is a write who has made his spiritual fiction story The Immortal available as a free audiobook.
Additional Links
* The Immortal Podiobooks.com page
* The Immortal Podiobooks.com RSS feed
* The Immortal Podiobooks.com iTunes link
free spiritual
Jonathan Park
* Website: <http://www.jonathanpark.com/>
Jonathan Park is a series of full cast audio dramas that mix adventure stories for children, scientific facts, and religious beliefs. The titles are available for purchase on compact disc and digital download.
Kids Corner
* Website: <https://kidscorner.net/>
Kids Corner is a religious-themed children's audio drama series about a group of anthropomorphic reptiles who experience various situations and learn lessons each episode.
Kids Corner is produced by ReFrame Media, the English language ministry of Back to God Ministries International.
Koach Studios
* Website: <http://thefallaudiodrama.wixsite.com/koachstudios>
Koach Studios produces and audio drama series titled The Fall which is an “audio adventure about the rise and fall of Lucifer, and his eventual transformation to Satan.” There is also a reboot of the series in production titled
Left Behind
* Website: <http://www.leftbehind.com/>
Left Behind is a series of novels dealing with Christian End Times. The primary conflict of the series is the members of the Tribulation Force against the Global Community and its leader, the Antichrist. The audiobook versions are available for purchase as either a narrated audiobook, or as full-cast audio dramas.
Lesser Light
Narrated Urban Fantasy Series
When a Christmas Wedding brings together all the witnesses of a supernatural event, Harry has to struggle with his own mental health issues as he attempts to decipher a mystery from past experiences at an extremist Christian Church. A story all about cults, history and ex-church existence.
Mahabharata Podcast
* Website: <http://mahabharatapodcast.com/>
Mahabharata Podcast is a podcast that reads from the Sanskrit epic of ancient India, the Mahabharata. The epic is part of Hindu history.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
free mature_content spiritual
Maria Lectrix
* Website: <http://marialectrix.wordpress.com/>
Maria Lectrix is a podcast of free public domain audiobooks, made from public domain books. Ideally, it goes out four days a week with roughly this schedule: mysteries on Monday, science fiction on Tuesdays, poetry on Thursdays, and fantasy on Fridays. It also focuses on works of Christian literature. It tries to focus on Christian themes, but not every story is a religious-themed one.
Masters of Deceit
Narrated Urban Fantasy Series
The Masters of Deceit Trilogy is a story following the lives of several unique individuals plunged into a spiritual warfare, spanning two generations, with dire global consequences.This podcast is narrated by a text-to-speech program.
Mindraker: Background Anger
Full Cast Science Fiction Series
MINDRAKER: BACKGROUND ANGER is an eight-episode sci-fi mystery podcast – a surreal tale of love and betrayal, wrapped in an existential meditation on man's relationship with the forces at war within himself.
* Website: <http://www.gold-family.us/audio/misfile.html>
Misfile is a fan fiction audio drama series written by Russell Gold. It is based on the webcomic Misfile by Chris Hazelton.
comedy fan_fiction free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
Missionary To Mars
Full Cast Science Fiction Series
An audio adventure based on Missionary To Mars, by Lucas Kitchen.
Eustis Grimes, an idealistic cyber-nerd, has to go on the run when his best friends are murdered by the evil Admiral Strafe. Eustis is thrust into a Solar System where just the mention of outlawed ideas can get you killed in a dozen creative ways. Since he has no ship, no money, and no connections, he is forced to sneak aboard a rattle-beaten freighter of smugglers as they …
Must Not Sleep
* Website: <http://www.podiobooks.com/title/must-not-sleep>
Must Not Sleep by Michael Brownstein is a story that uses elements of shamanic spiritualism to attempt to answer some questions about human nature.
Must Not Sleep----“”“”
Additional Links
Neil Gaiman Reads "A Christmas Carol"
* Website: <http://www.nypl.org/blog/2014/12/19/podcast-neil-gaiman-christmas>
Neil Gaiman Reads “A Christmas Carol” is an episode of The New York Public Library Podcast which features author Neil Gaiman reading from the last surviving copy of Charles Dickens' own annotated
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdY99j9MULwotIRNPbw9tEFW-zXPfPM4Q>
NikLotus84 is a YouTube channel that presents, among other content, an abridged audio drama production of Charles Dickens's holiday story A Christmas Carol.
drama full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
Novo Testamento
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD2DDCB09B852F5CB>
Novo Testamento is a (Brazilian) Portuguese-language audio drama series of the Bible's New Testament. Episodes are divided up by each of the books of the New Testament. The series is narrated, with accompanying music and sound effects.
Now That You've Died
* Website: <http://readforrnib.org.uk/news/listen-exclusive-podcast/>
Now That You've Died is an audio drama written by Patrick Ness and narrated by actor Christopher Eccleston. The story takes the listener on a guided journey through the afterlife. The story was originally performed as a live play performed in total darkness.
NuBeat Music
* Website: <http://nubeat.org/ABListRS.html>
NuBeat Music is a Christian entertainment network that, in addition to other content, features full cast children's audio dramas, inlcuding several Christmas-themed titles.
children free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
Once Upon A Crescent
Narrated Children's Anthology
Once Upon a Crescent is a collection of Islamic bedtime stories for children. Written and produced by a Muslim elementary school teacher, these stories aim to impart Islamic morals to kids through light-hearted storytelling. Not only are stories a great way to settle into a bedtime routine, but they also provide rich opportunities for meaningful dialogue between parent and child. Snuggle up with your little one and feel free to use this podca…
Patch the Pirate
* Website: <http://www.patchthepirate.org/>
The Adventures of Patch the Pirate is a religious-themed musical children's radio program that is broadcast on radio stations. Titles are available for purchase and the most resent broadcast is available to listen to online.
Pathways of the Pioneers
* Website: <http://www.whiteestate.org/pathways/pioneers.asp>
Pathways of the Pioneers is a collection of full cast audio dramas about the men and women who established the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The stories are available as a 22 CD set (or 2 MP3 CD set) available for purchase, but their are some lengthy sample clips from each story that can be streamed from the website.
Pathways Radio
* Website: <http://www.pathwaysradio.com/>
Pathways Radio is a streaming internet radio station that plays a mixture of Orthodox Judaic religious content, mixed with music, audio dramas, and old time radio shows.
full_cast old_time_radio spiritual streaming
Paws & Tales
Full Cast Children's Series
Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and the lessons learned are entertaining and life-changing. On the radio each week or in your podcast player app, Paws and Tales helps children grasp essential life lessons in a fun and memorable way.
Porchlight Family Media
* Website: <http://www.porchlightfamilymedia.com/>
Porchlight Family Media is an audio production studio that produces a number of family-friendly podcasts. Amon
Among their offering is a full cast audio drama titled Babe of the Worlds
Radio Sri Chinmoy
* Website: <http://www.radiosrichinmoy.org/>
Radio Sri Chinmoy offers spiritual stories from spiritual teacher and philosopher Sri Chinmoy.
free spiritual
Readings from under the Grapevine
* Website: <http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/grapevine>
Readings from under the Grapevine is a podcast by Ancient Faith Radio, which offers several different podcasts that seek to promote Orthodox Christianity. It is a series of religious stories aimed at a young audience.
Revolution Afterlife: The Musical
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Musical Series
Milly Raker is dead. But her adventure is just beginning....
Introducing “Revolution Afterlife: The Musical”, an audiodrama musical created by Alex Walker and Liz McKibben! Join Milly Raker (Alexis Smith) as she battles the mysterious Silvers and uncovers the truth behind humanity's afterlife
See You Sunday
* Website: <http://sacfirstnaz.org/>
See You Sunday by Pastor Les Shelton is a collection of humorous anecdotes.
Additional Links
* iTunes link
comedy free spiritual
* Website: <http://www.sermonaudio.com/>
SermonAudio is a library of audio religious sermons. Many of them are free to download, while others require a subscription to access. Most of these are not audio dramas, but several of them incorporate stories. They also offer a full cast audio drama of
Sonitus Sanctus
* Website: <http://catholicaudio.blogspot.com/>
Sonitus Sanctus is a blog dedicated to orthodox Catholic audio and provides links to them. While not every audio file linked in the blog is an audio drama, it does contain links to audio dramas and audiobooks.
Spirit Catholic Radio
* Website: <http://www.spiritcatholicradio.com/Audio/Radio%20Drama/>
Spirit Catholic Radio is a Catholic-based Nebraska radio station that also offers a streaming online feed of its programming. They have produced two full cast audio dramas, created by high school students, titled
Stooge: The Anti-Scrooge
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yudbDO1sw>
Stooge: The Anti-Scrooge is a full cast audio drama parodying Charles Dickens's classic holiday story “A Christmas Carol”. It is written by Mark Clark and available as a streaming YouTube video.
Take Him With You
* Website: <http://www.takehimwithyou.com/>
Take Him With You is primarily a podcast discussing religion, but it does broadcast the occasional audio drama.
A Christmas Caroled
A full cast version of A Christmas Carol. This version, entitled
TAKEN–A Metaphysical Fantasy Audio Drama
Narrated Spiritual Fantasy Series
Enoch, an alpha-tracker and possessor of the One Mind, lives in a time of turmoil at the dawn of mankind. A mysterious stranger leads Enoch through a portal to a metaphysical realm where past, present and future collide and now he finds himself in the middle of an ancient war. Supernatural forces are plotting too—one with a mind to destroy Adam's kind and the other with a heart to save it. Enoch must choose—angel or de…
Testimonies from Asia Harvest
* Website: <http://www.asiaharvest.org/>
Testimonies from Asia Harvest is a free audiobook that contains a collection of testimonial annectdotes from AsiaHarvest, a Christian ministry focus on Asian countries.
Additional Links
Thank God For Plan B, Because Plan A Didn't Work
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/thank-god-for-plan-b-because-plan-a-didnt-work-vol-1/>
Thank God For Plan B, Because Plan A Didn't Work is the first book in a series by Michael Mahue Moore, who has made it available as a free digital audiobook.
Thanksgiving Radio Drama
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO50K4uXSO8>
Thanksgiving Radio Drama is a short Christian-themed audio drama about a young man who learns to be thankful for his family. It was produced in 2011 by WDFB Christian Radio and available as a streaming YouTube video.
The 7th Amendment
Narrated Urban Fantasy Series
A group of people are left on earth after doomsday, and that raises some questions in Heaven and Hell. The story takes place between three different worlds and every place's challenges. Who is the villain and who is the reason for the chaos? Is God guilty of being the leader?
The Bible Revised by God
Full Cast Comedy Series
For its new Fiqtion, Qualiter offers the microphone to God, who will give a new reading of the Bible, and reveal to us the backstage of the divine story.
RSS Feed
Listen to a Sample1 - In The Beginning Was The Podcast
The Brinkman Adventures
* Website: <http://www.brinkmanadventures.com/>
The Brinkman Adventures is a 12-episode series of adventure stories for children that offer religious viewpoints. In the series, the fictitious Brinkman family go on a series of adventures. While the stories themselves are made up, each is based on a real adventure that a religious missionary experienced.
The Ceiling Fan
* Website: <http://www.ceilingfanpodcast.com/>
The Ceiling Fan is a satirical Adventures in Odyssey fan podcast.
Adventures in OdysseyThe Ceiling Fan
The Ceiling Fan
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
The Chag Yeshua Story
* Website: <http://chagyeshuadrama.podomatic.com/>
The Chag Yeshua Story is an audio drama productions telling the orthodox biblical story from the 3rd Book of the Maccabees.
free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
The Clergymen
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
In a World where the Power of God gives you actual Powers. Five Individuals solve Supernatural cases in the name of the Church.
The Clergymen is a Radio Drama that takes place in a 20th century fictional Europe. It follows a group of five individuals who make up the titular Clergymen. Ezra is the prophetic leader of the group and serves as spiritual guide. Silas who is the oldest member -other than Ezra – and is a father figure for the group sup…
The Coming Wrath
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/the-coming-wrath/>
The Coming Wrath is a story set in the Biblical book of Genesis, just before Noah and the great flood. It is written by John K. Reed, who has made it available as a free digital audiobook.
The Cosmic Game
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
A modern twist on the classic radio drama, The Cosmic Game tells the story of God and the Devil as they try to outwit one another in an effort to gain influence over all earth-dwelling mortals.
Based on our immersive nightlife series, this sweeping, supernatural melodrama will take audiences on an audacious adventure through time, as they encounter New Orleans vampires, Ancient Roman tyrants, death cults, and demons.
The Drama of Salvation
* Website: <http://koalagirl21.wix.com/thedramaofsalvation>
The Drama of Salvation is an audio drama that chronicles stories from the Bible. It is written, directed, and produced by Emily Courtemanche as a school project at Unity Christian High School.
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6ZJRCDcWsU>
THE FINAL VERDICT is a audio drama performed by members of Karunya University, an Evangelical Christian university in Coimbatore, India. Presented as a Christmas play, it tells the story of the murder of a prominent businessman, the investigation of the crime, and the spiritual consequences that happen to the characters after they die. It is performed primarily in English, with some dialog spoke…
The Gideon Chronicles
* Website: <http://dunx_xnud.podomatic.com/>
The Gideon Chronicles is a story about 12 year-old boy who meets Satan.
free horror spiritual
The Golden Key
* Website: <http://www.goldenkeyaudio.com/>
The Golden Key is an audio drama anthology series that presents stories with religious themes.
The Golden Keyimaginativerestorative
The Golden Key
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* Libsyn website
* YouTube channel
drama free full_cast sound_effects spiritual streaming
The Greatest Story Ever Told
* Website: <https://archive.org/details/TheGreatestStoryEverTold>
The Greatest Story Ever Told is an old time radio show that dramatized the events in the life of Jesus Christ. It was broadcast ofrom January 26, 1947, until December 30, 1956. A sizable, but incomplete, archive of the radio series is hosted on the
The Hidden Kingdom
Narrated Fantasy Series
In “The Hidden Kingdom” world, seven kingdoms band together to assassinate the High King and overthrow the Iron Throne to rule over the entire world. While the battles rage on, a monk named Thomas goes through several trials in which he learns about a kingdom only the Ancients have found, where everything is plentiful and there is only peace.
The JESUS Film Project
* Website: <http://www.jesusfilm.org/film-and-media/listen-to-the-film-audio>
The JESUS Film Project distributes the film JESUS, a two-hour docudrama about the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. The audio from the film is avilable with narration in more than 400 languages.
The King Has Come
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jwz9b2bX0I>
The King Has Come is a full cast audio drama set in biblical times, about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, told from the viewpoint of a man and woman who disagree about him being the Messiah. It is written, produced, and directed by Adele Celeste, and is available as a streaming YouTube video.
The LeftEarlies
Full Cast Urban Fantasy Series
Mandy decides to leave this lifetime early. Her sister, Talya, goes looking for her.
This is a fantastical and other-wordly story about death...and hope.
RSS Feed
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Apple Podcasts
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The Messengers
* Website: <https://www.themessengersradio.com/radio/?cat=4>
The Messengers is a religious podcast that, among other content, has a series of audio dramas featuring short stories with Christian themes.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* Apple Podcasts link
* SoundCloud page
drama free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
The Murverse
* Website: <http://www.murverse.com/>
The Murverse is the personal website for writer Mur Lafferty, who contributes to several audio drama projects and has made several of her own novels available as free audiobooks.
She was, until July 2007, the host and co-editor of the horror anthology podcast
The Pilgrim's Progress Reloaded
Narrated Science Fiction Comedy Series
Pilgrim's Progress is a classic allegory. It's also a story with no robots, space marines, or talking platypuses. So we fixed that. You're welcome.
RSS Feed
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Apple Podcasts
Listen to a Sample
The Realm Chronicles
Narrated Urban Fantasy Series
Follow the story of disgraced demon Castello Mardura as he goes on a quest to bring justice to the mortal and immortal realms. Joining him on his quest are assumed mortals Penny Anderson and Theo Anagnos, half angel-half demon Miranda, and a cast of other characters. At the center of it all is the mysterious Timekeeper, creator of the realms and designer of fates.
The Shaman's Notebook Mysteries
Narrated Mystery Series
Healing is an art, a science, but also an adventure and a mystery. Join me, shamanic sleuth, as I journey to the underworld in search of a cure for my clients as well as the collective. In these twisted tales of transformation, only one thing is certain: the solution is never what you expect.
The Son of Man
* Website: See below
The Son of Man is a series of science fiction stories by CW Johnson that have been made available as free audiobooks.
The Son of Man
The Son of Man 2, Elders of Zion
The Stories of Mahabharata
* Website: <http://nynjbengali.com/mahabharata-2/>
The Stories of Mahabharata is an English-language narration of Mahabharata, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). The stories are told by Sudipta Bhawmik, and the audio engineering and sound design done by Avi Ziv.
The Story Casters
* Website: <http://www.storycasters.com/>
The Story Casters is an audio production group that makes audio dramas with Christian themes. They are currently in pre-production on a story titled Glory.
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The Story of Jesus
* Website: <http://www.inspirationalfilms.com/audio/>
The Story of Jesus is an audio dramatization of the Gospel of Luke, from the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It has been translated into, and is available to listen to, more than 400 languages.
The Storyteller
* Website: <http://www.withoutreservation.com/storyteller.htm>
The Storyteller is a radio broadcast and podcast that tells the stories of Native American/First Nations people who practice Christianity.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
free spiritual
The Testimony of Calvin Lewis
Full Cast Science Fiction Thriller Series
August Williams, a young World War III veteran, is recruited by the Department of Health and Human Services to be a trial patient for the new Uberman Device, which allows users to access their past memories in a vivid, dreamlike world.
The Twelve Voices of Christmas
* Website: <https://www.backtothebible.org/the-twelve-voices-of-christmas>
The Twelve Voices of Christmas is a series of dramatized monologues, produced by Back to the Bible, presenting twelve different characters' viewpoints of the birth of Christ.
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The Twelve Voices of Easter
* Website: <http://www.backtothebible.org/the-twelve-voices-of-easter>
The Twelve Voices of Easter is a multi-cast audio drama about the events of Christ's crusifixion on the cross. Each part of the audio drama is from the viewpoint of a different character.
The Zoo Crew
* Website: <http://www.zoocrewaudio.webs.com/>
The Zoo Crew is an amateur audio drama about a zookeeper and two teenage volunteers at a Christian-based zoo.
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Tim Dodge
* Website: <http://www.timdodgestories.com/>
Tim Dodge is a writer who has made several of his stories available as free audiobooks.
Acts of Desperation
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
* Acts of Desperation Podiobooks.com page
* Acts of Desperation Podiobooks.com RSS feed
* Acts of Desperation Podiobooks.com iTunes link
* Purgatory Podiobooks.com page
* Purgatory Podiobooks.com RSS feed
* Purgatory Podiobo…
* Website: <http://podiobooks.com/title/unconventional/>
Unconventional is an inspirational fiction story by J. J. Hebert, who has made it available as a free digital audiobook.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
drama free spiritual
Under Drake's Flag
* Website: <http://www.underdrakesflag.com/>
Under Drake's Flag is a full cast audio drama based on G. A. Henty's 1883 novel about 16th century explorer Sir Francis Drake. It is available for purchase on compact disc or MP3 digital download.
* Website: <http://homebrewedchristianity.com/category/unfolded/>
Unfolded is a podcast hosted on the Homebrewed Christianity Podcast Network. Created by Matthew Barlow and Jesse Turri, Unfolded is a collection of original short stories that feature accompanying sound design.
Unholy Behaviour
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/user/arrandutton1>
Unholy Behaviour is a mature-themed comedy audio drama in which God sends Jesus and Moses back to modern-day Earth as a punishment for their constant fighting. One episode is available as a series of streaming YouTube videos.
Full Cast Nonfiction Drama Anthology
Real people...real life stories...stirring, dramatic accounts of hopelessness, and the hope that changes everything. UNSHACKLED! the award-winning radio drama from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, grips the heart with compelling and relevant stories of transformed lives.
Narrated Urban Fantasy Comedy Series
Aaron Smith-Teller works in a kabbalistic sweatshop near San Francisco, where he and hundreds of other minimum-wage workers try to brute-force the Holy Names of God.
All around him, the forces of Good and Evil move their pieces into play for the final confrontation. An autistic archangel and his eight-year-old apprentice try to debug the laws of physics. A dark lord in Las Vegas claims to be the reincarnation of a heretical Talmudic rabbi. A magi…
Untold Podcast
* Website: <http://www.untoldpodcast.com/>
The Untold Podcast is a monthly podcast that presents speculative fiction stories with Christian themes. Stories span several genres, including fantasy, horror, and science fiction, with some stories including mature subject matter.
Vic and Eva Zarley
* Website: <http://www.thefinalharvest.org/>
Vic and Eva Zarley have written several books about Christianity, both nonfiction and inspiration fiction. Their stories are available as free audiobooks.
All That Can Be Shaken
Forkless in Kowloon
When Tower Angels Fall
Full Cast Science Fiction Series
The end of the world came and went almost twenty years ago. Call it what you will - a feat of global warming or of God. Once it was clear no 'higher power' was coming to save us, those who did have power did everything they could to keep it that way.
Whit's End
* Website: <http://www.whitsend.org/>
Whit's End is home to the Adventures in Odyssey series of religious-themed audio dramas for children, created by Focus on the Family.
Additional Links
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* iTunes link
children free full_cast sound_effects spiritual
Who Said Anything About Free Will?
* Website: <http://whosaidfreewill.com/>
Who Said Anything About Free Will? is an audio drama about a man who travels through time and space, investigating famous philosophers and the concept of free will.
Who's Your Daddy?
* Website: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbCXrXCkqhc>
Who's Your Daddy? is a short Christmas audio drama in which the events of the birth of Christ are portrayed as if they being told on a modern talk show.
It is presented as a streaming YouTube video.
* Website: <http://www.jonsong.net/bible/bible.htm>
The WORLD ENGLISH BIBLE is a collection of readings from the Bible, including The Psalms from the Old Testament, and The Good News According to John from the New Testament. The passages are read by Dolores Thompson and Karsten Klemme.
World English Bible Audio
* Website: <http://ebible.org/webaudio/>
The World English Bible Audio is a free audio narration of the World English Bible, which is a translation of the Holy Bible into modern English that is free of copyright and available in the public domain.
Your Story Hour
* Website: <http://www.yourstoryhour.org/>
Your Story Hour presents children's stories with religious themes.
Additional Links
* RSS feed
* iTunes link
children free spiritual
ZBS Foundation
* Website: <http://www.zbs.org/>
ZBS Foundation is a non-profit arts organization that was founded in 1970. They produce audio drama stories that are comic and cosmic adventures, science fiction, mystical mysteries - some with spiritual wisdoms woven within.
Zenetizen - the Intuitive Tantric Reiki Healer
Narrated Erotica Series
An elegant Erotica Romance Fantasy Fiction written by Z. E. Lian[...]. Audio narration of a fictional journey through the eyes of Zenetizen, the Intuitive Tantric Reiki Healer. A written series of first person stories with audio narration following her cases of sexual healing, including her own. Mature Content. Listener discretion is advised.