TAG: directory

Audio Drama Debut Audio Drama Debut Resource Come into the library, and let the Acquisitions Librarian play you a selection of trailers from new and upcoming audio drama, fiction and RPG podcasts. Mature Website RSS Feed Additional Links Apple Podcasts Listen to a SampleS01E01 - Beginning , , ,
  Audio Drama Universe Audio Drama Universe Homepage * Website: <http://audiodramauniverse.blogspot.com/> Description Audio Drama Universe is a directory of modern works of audio drama. directory
  Audio Drama Wiki Audio Drama Wiki Homepage * Website: <http://audiodrama.wikia.com/> Description The Audio Drama Wiki is a collaborative wiki with the aim of cataloging the different elements of audio drama productions, such as the actors, writers, and producers. It also lists individual shows and even some of the fictional characters that appear in them.
  Audio-Drama.com Audio-Drama.com Homepage * Website: <http://www.audio-drama.com/> Description Audio-Drama.com is an online directory with the goal of offering the most comprehensive listing of websites for audio drama enthusiasts. The articles contain links to websites that feature audio drama that is free to listen to, audio drama that is available for purchase, resources for creating audio drama, and information on the history or cultural significance of audio drama.
  AudioEloquence AudioEloquence Homepage * Website: <http://audioeloquence.com/> Description AudioEloquence is a directory of websites that provide audio pronunciation guides. It serves as a resource for narrators and other people involved in audiobook or audio drama production. The directory is organized by topic and by languages. ,
  audiofic audiofic Homepage * Website: <http://www.audiofic.jinjurly.com/> Description audiofic is an archive of audio fan fiction stories, covering a variety of genres and source materials. All titles are downloadable in .zip archives of MP3 audio files, with some titles also available in other file formats. Some stories may contain adult themes and/or mature content. , , ,
  Billboard Magazine OTR Review Index Billboard Magazine OTR Review Index Homepage * Website: <http://bbotr.blogspot.com/> Description Billboard Magazine OTR Review Index is a website that offers links to scanned copies of old time radio show reviews that appeared in the newspaper The Billboard from 1942 to 1949. ,
  BooksShouldBeFree.com BooksShouldBeFree.com Homepage * Website: <http://www.booksshouldbefree.com/> Description BooksShouldBeFree.com is a directory of freely available downloadable audiobooks. directory free ,
  David Tennant Radio Archive David Tennant Radio Archive Homepage * Website: <http://davidtennantradioplays.webs.com/> Description The David Tennant Radio Archive is a directory of audio performances by David Tennant, the Scottish actor best know for his portrayal of the tenth incarnation of the Doctor in Doctor Who , ,
  David Williams Websites David Williams Websites Homepage * Website: <http://www.dswilliams.co.uk/> Description David Williams Websites is a website devoted to several different topics, but also contains directories of listings and other information about UK audio drama writers and producer(s) James Follett and Dirk Maggs. The sections contain information on them, their productions, and links to other sites related to them.
Diversity Website Diversity Website Resource The Diversity Website is devoted to the plays and drama broadcast on BBC Radio. You will find information about the plays, authors and directors, as well as some information about plots and actors. We have been online since 2002. , ,
  Drama CD Translations Drama CD Translations Homepage * Website: <http://dramacdtranslations.tumblr.com/> Description Drama CD Translations is a website that links to translated texts for Japanese audio dramas. Titles are organized by alphabetical order and by genre. directory non-english ,
  epguides.com epguides.com Homepage * Website: <http://www.epguides.com/menu/radio.shtml> Description epguides.com is a website that gives details about episodes of television and radio shows. It has an extensive directory of British radio shows, and offers such details as the performers in them and the dates that they originally aired.
  FictionPodcasts.com FictionPodcasts.com Homepage * Website: <http://fictionpodcasts.com/> Description FictionPodcasts.com is an online directory of fiction audio drama podcasts. Podcasts are categorized by genre and aggregated by their RSS feed. directory
  Fourble Fourble Homepage * Website: <http://fourble.co.uk/> Description Fourble is a website that allows users to create podcasts from online hosted MP3 files. Its website lists the podcasts that it broadcasts, which include various audio dramas and old time radio shows. Additional Links , , ,
  Free download of Audio Adventure Stories Free download of Audio Adventure Stories Homepage * Website: <https://sites.google.com/site/pdgene/> Description Free download of Audio Adventure Stories is a website that presents links to downloadable audiobooks of public domain stories. Stories are categorized by author and genre, and offer both classic stories – such as those hosted on , , , , ,
  I Love Audio Drama I Love Audio Drama Homepage * Website: <http://ilad.nfshost.com/> Description I Love Audio Drama (also written as I đź’š A-D) is an online directory listing modern works of audio drama. directory
  Listen Notes Listen Notes Homepage * Website: <https://www.listennotes.com/> Description Listen Notes is an online search engine made exclusively for podcasts, allowing users to search by podcast title, episodes, or subjects. It also features curated lists of podcasts. Additional Links
  ManyBooks ManyBooks Homepage * Website: <http://manybooks.net/> Description ManyBooks is an archive of free digital books, with links to free audiobooks. Additional Links * Direct link to ManyBook's list of audiobooks directory free ,
  Nerva Beacon Nerva Beacon Homepage * Website: <http://nervabeacon.wikidot.com/> Description Nerva Beacon is a wiki database of Doctor Who audio dramas. It is the creation of the same person who runs the (still maintained) Botcherby's directory of Doctor Who audio dramas, and who eventually plans on transferring all of the listings from that website to this wiki. ,
  OTR Books OTR Books Homepage * Website: <http://otrbooks.blogspot.com/> Description OTR Books is a listing of books about radio that be digitally preserved on Google Books. Not every book is about old time radio shows, but several of them are and there is a section devoted to old time radio books. , ,
  OTR People OTR People Homepage * Website: <http://otrpeople.blogspot.com/> Description OTR People is a directory of people who were involved in old time radio. Each name listed has links to other websites containing relevant information on that person. directory old_time_radio ,
  Radio Plays & Drama Radio Plays & Drama Homepage * Website: <http://www.suttonelms.org.uk/RADIO1.HTML> Description Radio Plays & Drama is a directory of BBC audio dramas, with information on each production. directory
  radiohaha radiohaha Homepage * Website: <http://www.angelfire.com/pq/radiohaha/> Description radiohaha contains descriptions of contemporary British radio comedy shows from the 1980s and 1990s. directory
  RadioHorrorHosts.com RadioHorrorHosts.com Homepage * Website: <http://www.radiohorrorhosts.com/> Description RadioHorrorHosts.com is a website dedicated to old time horror radio shows. directory horror old_time_radio , ,
  RadioListings RadioListings Homepage * Website: <http://www.radiolistings.co.uk/> Description RadioListings contains descriptions of BBC radio drama shows. directory
  Saturday Night Theatre Saturday Night Theatre Homepage * Website: <http://www.saturday-night-theatre.co.uk/> Description This website is dedicated to the BBC Radio 4 show Saturday Night Theatre, an audio drama series that ran for 53 years, making it the world's longest running radio title. The site contains articles on the history of the show, a listing of broadcasts, a discussion board, and a campaign to get the show brought back.
  Say Hello To... Say Hello To... Homepage * Website: <http://tinybio.blogspot.com/> Description Say Hello To... is a blog that offers digital reproductions of biographical newspaper clippings of old time radio personalities. Additional Links * RSS feed directory old_time_radio ,
  SpokenWord.org SpokenWord.org Homepage * Website: <http://www.spokenword.org/> Description SpokenWord.org is a directory and a search engine for finding audio and video spoken-word recordings. It is a member site of conversations_network. directory
  The A-Infos Radio Project The A-Infos Radio Project Homepage * Website: <http://www.radio4all.net/> Description The A-Infos Radio Project is an archive of online broadcasts. While covering a broad range of topics, it does host a number of spoken word shows. directory
The End The End Resource The End. Enjoy completed audio fiction in podcast, audio drama, and audiobook form on your schedule. The End sends you weekly updates of complete audio fiction—either at the series or season level—ready for you to listen to and enjoy at your pace. If you love fiction podcasts, audiodramas, radio plays, or even audiobooks, this is what you've been waiting for! ,
  The Thrilling Detective Web Site The Thrilling Detective Web Site Homepage * Website: <http://www.thrillingdetective.com/radio.html> Description The Thrilling Detective Web Site is a directory of radio shows and podcasts featuring private eye detectives. Each entry has a description of the show. adventure directory mystery , ,
  Timelash.com Timelash.com Homepage * Website: <http://www.timelash.com/> Description Timelash.com is a website devoted to the science fiction television program Doctor Who. It contains listings of Doctor Who releases in various mediums, including audio. directory doctor_who ,