Missionary To Mars

Full Cast Science Fiction Series

An audio adventure based on Missionary To Mars, by Lucas Kitchen.

Eustis Grimes, an idealistic cyber-nerd, has to go on the run when his best friends are murdered by the evil Admiral Strafe. Eustis is thrust into a Solar System where just the mention of outlawed ideas can get you killed in a dozen creative ways. Since he has no ship, no money, and no connections, he is forced to sneak aboard a rattle-beaten freighter of smugglers as they set out into the wild black yonder. He embarks armed with stubbornness and an unstoppable drive to share an important message with the Solar System before Admiral Strafe finds him.

This unabashedly Christian sci-fi novel mixes humorous characters with poignant themes to create a message of hope, faith, and love that blends seamlessly into a grand space adventure. Missionary To Mars is a family-friendly novel even die-hard science fiction fans will love.


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