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Red Dirt DnD

Role-Playing Fantasy Western Series

Red Dirt DnD mashes together fantasy with the Wild West. The actual play Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast takes place in the fictional country of Rutoya as four adventurers map the Ka'alban Frontier for the Dwarven train barons. Elves and Orcs collide with saloons and sheriffs in this show featuring local Oklahoma actors and D&D veterans.
Taking place on the continent of Ovathir in the western half of Rutoya, our heroes have been tasked by the Dwarven-owned Blackhands Rail Company to explore and create a working map of the Ka'alban Frontier - an imposing, untamed wilderness teeming with adventure. Numerous obstacles stand in our heroes' way, including harsh desert conditions, the wildlife, outlaws, and a legendary dragon called Thundercrack, but with skill and luck they'll be able to overcome these challenges and uncover the secrets of the Ka'alban.


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