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Swiss and Lali Hijack HOLLYWOOD!

Full Cast Comedy Series

Swiss and Lali Hijack Hollywood follows two young L.A. slackers who take over Hollywood by becoming accidental con artists, all so they can give up “the hustle” and retire at their dream beach house in Malibu.

Utilizing multi-media platforms that span across audio, animation, and live-action video, Swiss and Lali creates a colorful world of dysfunction, shenanigans, bamboozling, and most importantly, friendship.

Swiss and Lali Hijack Hollywood stars Aparna Brielle (A.P. Bio, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot) and Kristin Couture (Killer Whales, Girly Tales). Created by Raul Vega (Phantom Ape Productions). Animated by CoyoteTheFool. Guest-starring Aaron Cavette, Harley Quinn Smith, Austin Zajur, Eddie Leavy, Jacob Houston, Brooke Markham, Paige Herschel, Drew Cash, Johnny Baca, Steve Pagano, Mario Borgatta, and Aliy Small.



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