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Full Cast Science Fiction Mystery Series

'Astro Boy' meets 'Scooby Doo' in this cozy action mystery series from the future! Discover a brave new world alongside the daring android detective Elin as he is brought to life on a planet constantly evolving and teeming with secrets. From her humble school days at Albion Science Academy to her battles with the forces of nature and those who seek to control it, there's a new adventure around every corner. The 23rd century has never looked so bright!

…Or so it seems. In truth, the world was forever changed by the effects of climate change; new nations, new technologies, and new dangers. As a human machine, Elin must learn to navigate the complexities of life, all while her own creation remains an enigma. As this prosperous future is built upon the backs of robots like her, he comes to learn what it means to live on this Earth we all call home.

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