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The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast

The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast is a podcast that presents a group of people playing a custom steampunk-themed role-playing game based on books by Michael J. Rigg.

The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast is a custom roleplaying game set in the Steampunk genre. We're an actual-play, adult comedy podcast featuring a cast of bizarre characters making their way through adventures set in the Heart of Bronze universe, the fictional alternate-reality created by author Michael J. Rigg.

You don't need to read any of the books to enjoy the podcast. The books merely provide the setting. The tales and adventures in the show are as diverse as the players within it, simply taking queues from the Story Crafter (or GM, or DM, if you will), who happens to also be the author of the series. Our show comes out every Tuesday, and generally runs about an hour. Every episode surrounds the adventures of our player characters as they solve mysteries or thwart enemies (If the dice are kind) in an alternate reality that is both familiar and strange. Sometimes we present special episodes that cover lore, mechanics, out-of-character chat, or guest spots.1)