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My Little Pony: Inner Demons

My Little Pony: Inner Demons is a fan fiction story based on the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Despite being based on a cartoon series, this story takes a dark turn and isn't meant for younger audiences. It is available as a series of streaming YouTube videos and downloadable MP3 audio files.

Twilight Sparkle has always been looking forward to her 21st birthday. It's the day that she's finally recognized as an adult mare, but also the day she's finally able to learn magic on the highest level. What should have been a great day though, turns out to be the most horrific day in her life. She finds a prophesy talking about the next great evil in Equestria, and it's HER! Now she's falling, slowly becoming the very evil she swore to fight against, and not even her closest friends can pick her up in time. In the end, she may even…