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EarFilms is a theatrical company that produces live story-telling performances that utilizes 3D sound and a cinematic musical score, while the audience listens while blindfolded.

EarFilms breathes new life into the tradition of storytelling, turning it into a hyper-real experience. Utilising ambisonics with live story-telling, an audience is invited to be blind-folded to truly immerse themselves within their own imaginations. They are surrounded by 19 speakers, where sound travels in synch with character movements, traffic, birds flying past, etc, ultimately bringing the audience into the world that you can physically hear, leaving your imagination to paint the pictures. EarFilms has been noted by the Royal Institute of Blind People as one of the most inclusive entertainment productions that can cater for both sighted and partially sighted audiences.

They have produced on show titled To Sleep, To Dream, described as “a modern day fairy tale set 175 years in the future in a place where humans are prevented from dreaming.”

In 2056 a great flood devastated the World, leaving just one city standing – Lhaytar – a society built under the supreme control of one corporation. Here, workers of the corporation are denied the freedom to breed, and even to dream. We follow deflated worker Jack Richards, an overworked giant of a man lost in the system – until one day he encounters a message left in the space between the waking and sleeping worlds and a strange new reality opens up for him.