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Creative Audioscape Productions

Creative Audioscape Productions is a non-profit organization that produces Star Wars fan fiction audio dramas.

Born and raised in a military family, Emma Wermis will slowly discover that the Empire is not what she always been taught it was. Her allegiance to the Empire will be tested and she will, during her adventures, uncover something about her family and a secret weapon kept hidden even within the Empire.

Created after Jango Fett’s request, Clone Commandos were produced by the Cloners of Kamino and trained by Mandalorian mercenaries to carry out a variety of self contained high profiles missions. After the Battle of Geonosis, some of those Elite quartet were shattered and surviving members were reformed into new squads. Republic Commandos, Niner, Fi, Darman and Atin were regrouped as Omega Squad.

The Clone War still rages and a month after their first operation as a unit to sabotage a Qiiluran research facility designing a clone-killing nano-virus, Omega Squad are stationed at Arca company barracks on Coruscant, where they are called upon to defuse a terrorist seige at a local spaceport.