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Black Moor Productions

Black Moor Productions is a podcasting hub, producing a variety of audio drama series.

Black Moor Productions is a podcasting hub that creates a variety of shows for your ears to enjoy! From fiction audio stories to anime discussions, Black Moor produces diversity amongst people and topics. Our goal is not only to produce quality content, but also to provide the public with means of representation and community for abstract minds.

You have just found the audio diary of Paige Hopkinson, a tinkering engineer living in the city of Grand Ivorglen on the planet Flora. Paige tells you her hopes of working as a respected engineer in Trov Towers and her grand invention of detachable wings, Angelix. But things don't always go as planned…

Paige Hopkinson reports to you from the planet Flora! From the city of Grand Ivorglen, Paige reveals her hopes and dreams of adventures as a tinkering engineer hoping to leave the Worker's District.

Additional episodes to Black Moor's original podcast series, Bosh & Brave, Captains & Airships provides you exploration to the world around Paige Hopkinson. Listen to stories from countless characters such as captain Alex Stranwood, Hattie Wells, Edgar and Earnest Cadwell and more as we continue listening on to Paige's audio diary!

Have you ever really wanted to say something to someone, but knew you shouldn't? You don't wanna be rude right? Well Luna Nightshade is here to say what's on everyone's mind, unfiltered and full of shade.

Winston Price is a scientist who has boarded a travel pod, expecting to arrive to his new space colony in three months. However, the Familiar (A.I.) running the ship, Nova, is a little peculiar. Bored with nothing else to do, Winston decides to take an interest into why Nova is the way she is and even give her a human experience.