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Wrong Station

Full Cast Horror Anthology

“You may wish to adjust the dial. You're currently listening to… the Wrong Station.”

Wrong Station takes its inspiration from classic 1940s radio horror broadcasts like Quiet, Please and Lights Out.

From the moment the haunting piano theme fades out, each story is told to you, personally, by a narrator with something to hide, or something to confess.

It could be a story about an abandoned house on the street where they grew up, about Something they saw in the water during their time on a fishing boat, or about an impossible encounter they had along a bad stretch of road. Whatever the event, you, the listener, are a part of the story. You're involved– even, complicit.

Averaging 25 minutes a show (the ideal length), Wrong Station employs minimalist production to put story and the human voice first. Wrong Station is performed in the too-soothing baritone of Anthony Botelho, along with a rotating cast of Toronto's best young voice-acting and theatrical talent.



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