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The Adventures of the Royal Occultist

The Adventures of the Royal Occultist is a series of stories about an agent of the British government who, along with his assistant, battles supernatural horrors in the 1920s. The series is written by Josh Reynolds, and performed by Richard Gough-Thomas and Ruth Narramore.

Formed during the reign of Elizabeth I, the post of the Royal Occultist, or 'the Queen's Conjurer' as it was known, was created for and first held by the diligent amateur, Dr. John Dee, in recognition for an unrecorded service to the Crown. The title has passed through a succession of hands since, some good, some bad; the list is a long one, weaving in and out of the margins of British history.

It is 1920 and the title and offices have now fallen to Charles St. Cyprian who, accompanied by his apprentice/assistant Ebe Gallowglass, defends the battered and dwindling British Empire against threats occult, otherworldly, infernal and divine even as the wider world lurches once more on the path to war…

The Case Files collects a quartet of short adventures from the files the Royal Occultist, featuring maniacal cults, monstrous mummies, and more!

Iron Bells sees St. Cyprian and Gallowglass investigate ghoulish horrors in the Underground, and worse things waiting in London in 1922. It was first published in 2011 in the Pill Hill Press anthology, The Trigger Reflex.