The first series in the world of Bailehart is the story of four individuals making their way through the Great White Emptiness of the north. Drang of the Short Days, a fae of the proud, stern, and warlike Winter Court, is called back to her homeland to greet the Winter Emperor. Maisel Fiske, a human, an heiress, a nuisance, is fleeing north after a betrayal. Noir Steele, wrapped in a hulking suit of armor, an enforcer for the feared and respected Rust Ring Syndicate, is tasked with retrieving a betrayer of the syndicate. And Osseus, a mysterious figure cloaked head-to-toe, a boxer of some renown - he too is under the thumb of the Rust Ring, and finds himself further north than he's ever been.
Our story begins not in a region fraught with fears of war, not in a castle menaced by a dragon, not in a town overrun by goblins, but here in the frozen north. It begins at the Edge of the World.