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Wayne Coyne's Human Head-Shaped Tumor

Full Cast Science Fiction Comedy Series

A long time ago, McSweeney's commissioned Richard Parks to make a one-hour radio show starring Wayne Coyne and the Flaming Lips. Richard disappeared for months and came back with something from another time—a continuous-play radio drama in the style of Mercury Theatre's War of the Worlds, but mixed with contemporary music from bands like Bill Callahan and Okkervil River, with the musicians appearing in it as themselves. We listened to it, and didn't know what to make of it, but the music was great, and there was all kinds of crazy sound design—car crashes and helicopters and murmuring tumors (yes, murmuring tumors). We've been playing it since then from time to time, and people seem to like it—so we thought we'd finally make it available to listeners.


The players: Wayne Coyne, Michelle Martin Coyne, Steven Drozd, and Scott Booker (Flaming Lips), Will Sheff (Okkervil River), Eleanor Friedberger (Fiery Furnaces), Jack Hitt (This American Life, Harper's), Paul F. Tompkins (The Pod F. Tompkast, Thrilling Adventure Hour, Mr. Show), Bill Callahan (aka Smog), Nico Muhly (Björk, Philip Glass, Antony and the Johnsons), Fat Bobby and Kid Millions (Oneida), and Edward Droste (Grizzly Bear).


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