Good Morning Night Vale Tonight


Good Morning Night Vale Tonight is a fan fiction audio series set in the same world as welcome_to_night_vale, in which a former intern at Night Vale Community Radio gets his own overnight radio show.

Good Morning Night Vale Tonight is based in the margins of the world created by Joseph Fink, creator of Welcome to Night Vale.

What I mean by that is, anything that is in WTNV is cannon here, but nothing we do is cannon there.

This is the story of Robert York, former intern at Night Vale Community Radio and how he became the overnight radio host. As the episodes progress, more and more characters are introduced. Robert York's Life kind of sucks. Unlike Cecil, Rob's broadcast booth is a remodeled dis-used bathroom down in the steam pipes under the station.

Rob broadcasts his show between midnight and 5 am, basically when the entire city is asleep and nobody is listening anyways, Tune in to listen to him gripe about his lot in life, become the pawn of various power groups, encounter various poisonous gases, deal with Arachnid-American protests, match wits with his nemesis Terry Brooks of desert bluffs, and wonder why Intern Phil never gets killed.