Table of Contents




ficster28 writes mature-themed fan fiction stories about YouTube vloggers Dan Howell1) and Phil Lester2), some of which are available as narrated audio stories.


Here where I feel safe

Dan has never been very good at physical contact. It takes four years for him to feel safe on camera.

A List of Available Smiles

This is the truth of depression: it doesn't stop you laughing. It just stops you feeling happy. And it tugs at you, nags you: this laughter doesn't last, it tells you. Laughter never lasts.

The Mental Lexicon

Words are everything. It's only through words that we can define ourselves, because everything and everyone is defined with reference and in contradistinction to everything and everyone else. Phil first learns the word 'bisexual' at the age of sixteen and won't learn 'biphobia' until much later. That doesn't stop both being very true and very real.