The Christmas Chronicles is an eight-part audio drama that explores the origins of Santa Claus. It is written by Tim Slover and narrated by Richard Johnstone. It was originally produced by and aired on Classical 89 / KBYU-FM, a radio station serving the Salt Lake Valley area of Utah, and is available to listen to on The Public Radio Exchange (PRX), although it does require a free registered PRX account to access.
A snowy December evening in the Rockies. A car stuck off the side of the road. A sleigh flashing past chased by something terrible and bleak.
These are the curious events that lead to an astounding discovery—the true and complete story of the man the world has come to know as Santa Claus. Now, his story can be told. Airing this December, The Christmas Chronicles is a new radio drama about Klaus, the carpenter; Anna, the racer; a greathearted reindeer, Dasher; and the malevolent Rolf Eckhof.
The series originated in accounts of the astonishing life and activities of Santa, recalled and told by the author, Tim Slover, to his children over the years. It all started with a strictly scientific answer to a child's classic question: “How does Santa deliver all those toys all over the world in just one night?” That's the query that unlocked the grand adventure to keep the magic in and the cynicism of the world at bay.