ANGER is a story which follows the adventures of a mutant Queen Elizabeth II into a post-apocalyptic Covid-riddled world. This medieval / sci-fi nightmare is a tongue-in-cheek reflection of the post-truth age we are living through.
I wrote and produced this during the global lockdown of 2020, in collaboration with creatives in the UK and Germany, also stuck at home on their laptops. Covid-19, Brexit, the British class system, monarchy, mental health, free will and suicide are dramatised in this work.
As the “Leavers” rush to escape their human bodies by transforming into mech-organic creatures, the “Remainers” scramble to find some way to survive without them. Armies of Key Workers toil on through the toxic haze and disease, as the elites reveal their new immune bodies to the applause of the global media. Elizabeth, lost and unrecognisable in this new world, would catalyse a transformation quite unlike the others - a being which would change everything.