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Aromathus is the website of Jeff Offringa, who offers a free audiobook version of his fantasy novel A Dance With Demons.

Tarn Nohmal doesn't want much out of life. Food on the table, a roof over his head, and privacy. But when his old commander shows up and needs someone to track a band of orcs, what should be a simple mission turns out to become an endeavor to stop disaster from spreading across the entire realm of Averim.

Not only is the kingdom threatened from within by a civil war, but the lack of troops on the eastern border seems to be making the orcs bolder. And to top it off, a demon is slaughtering orcs and humans alike. And it's up to Tarn and his companions; Nyla, a half-elven wizard, and Logan, a human priest raised by dwarves, to stop it before it comes to their home town and slaughters everyone there.

But will there be a home town to return to? The Earl keeps calling troops west to support him in the civil war. The orcs can't be that big a threat… right?